Team work with Mr Arrogant

By GigiRaffaeli

399 15 11

Sophia meets Ian for the first time in Heathrow Airport. The hands of fate force them to work together and sl... More

Chap. 1 - Heathrow Airport
Chap. 2 - An interesting encounter
Chap. 3 - Feels like home
Chap. 4 - Best Friends For Ever

Chap. 4 - New York, New York

39 2 3
By GigiRaffaeli

Hi everyone!!!! I'm sorry for not having updated for so long, but I've been really busy with school and tired all the time...

I'll try to write a few chapters over the next couple of days to make up for it!!! Please forgive me!!!!

Anyway, here's the new chapter!

Sophie woke up feeling rather miserable. The two weeks with her family and friends in Italy had just wizzed by and she didn't know if she was able to leave them again now.

She looked at her alarm clock and realized it was only five o'clock in the morning, and that she theoretically still had an hour of sleep to go, but she couldn't be bothered to stay in bed, so she got up.

She had a nice long shower with her favourite peach scented soap and shampoo. After having got out of the shower, she dried herself slowly and decided to make an effort with her unruly curls. She had inherited this mop of dark curls from her mother, and although her hair tended to go completely wild in the presence of humidity, she actually loved it. When she managed to tame it, it looked increadibly thick and glossy, and over the years she had changed hairstyles many times. After having achieved delicate waves she decided to not bother wearing anything particularly elegant, since she rarely had the chance to dress casually every day. She pulled on a pair of dark-wash jeans and a simple top which she had fallen in love with a coulple of days before. It was loose and made of delicate blush-pink lace.

After having done her hair and clothes, she put on some light make up and then sat down to have breakfast. She really loved her muesli and cup of coffee, and usually became quite irritable when not having had some.

By then it was about 7, and so she decided to finish packing her suitcase before going for a last stroll through Bologna. She needed to relax for a couple more hours before heading off to New York for the convention. The thought of having to stop for the night in London to swap suitcases certailny wasn't very appealing, but she really didn't have any choice.


(the following day, in London)

Another flight. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!! The nearly ten hours of flight sounded pretty horrible already! At least she had a pile of books to read and lots of music to listen to, but still...

She couldn't help but think about all the arguing she was going to have to live with for the following weeks. In her short career she had already learnt that even in a situation supposedly as serious and important as that, peolple continued to only listen to themselves, hopefully, and very rarely to other people. Unfortunately all the arguing was part of her job, so she could only suck it up.

She turned round in her seat and pulled out one of her books and her headphones. She then sat back down and started to read, hoping to fall asleep quickly.


(about nine hours later, nearing New York)

Sophie woke up feeling quite relaxed and was really pleased that the flight was nearly over. She loved flying, but such a long and boring flight could irritate even someone like her.

She started putting all her things away when one of the air-hostess' announced they would be landing in less than twenty minutes.

She checked her planner and took note of the name of the person appointed do pick her up and take her to the United Nations premises, where she, and everyone else who was officially taking part in such an important meeting, would be staying.

It suddenly occoured to her that she would soon be seeing that arrogant man again, the infamous Ian Crawford, who thought he was better than everybody else and took pains in reminding everyone of this all the time.

Why on earth did all the good looking ones have to have such a horrible personality most of the time? She still hadn't found the right guy, and although she though he definitely existed somewhere, she couldn't help but think that she would probably never meet him.

It was easy to think something like that seeing the boyfriends she'd had. Moat of them had proved to be lovely people, but really just friends and nothing more. She knew it wasn't just them, but also her. She certainly didn't date much and ,although she had never had crowds of boys after her, she knew it wasn't because she was ugly or particularly plain, but simply because she tended to be a little uptight most of the time. She most definitely wasn't the typical girl her age who passed her time partying and drinking. She liked that too occasionally, but usually she prefered not being noticed by people she wasn't interested in or weren't work related acquaintances. She had always been somewhat shy with people, unless they said something she didn't like. In that case she openly spoke her mind, and had sometimes ended up arguing with random people simply because they frased something in a way that she didn't approve of.

While she thought all these things over, she collected her luggage and headed towards the exit. Outside she saw a chauffeur holding a card with her name, and so, having greeted him, she got in the car.

Fortunately the ride to the UN building complex was pretty short compared the usual New York crossings, and so she arrived in about three-quarters of an hour.

She was met by one of the British Ambassadors who gave her the schedule for the following days.

She then decided to go to bed since she felt so jet-lagged.

After having said goodnight to everyone she'd been introduced to, she headed towards the lifts. She was just about to enter the lift, when here he came. It was him, Ian Crawford, walking out of the same exact lift she wanted to get into. When he lifted his gaze up and saw her, he smirked.

"Missed me, Sophia?"

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