By Lyfeo_M_Jay

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Adrian knew he was weird, well weirder, he had abilities and powers no one had, he could see things no normal... More



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By Lyfeo_M_Jay

Demonic Visions.


"Septula lacovil mertamopho lilia evanco sisvo: I open the gateway to the demonic plane." The cold yet feminine voice spoke, her malice made Adrian's skin crawl and tighten and in response his flame covered him in an orange amber glow. He watched as the six legged creature made of charcoal skin and piercing red eye crawl out of the portal that had been opened.

Adrian watched as the hooded figures laughed in celebration, they had done it, they were bringing demons into this world, which meant their ritual had been successful, a fae child pure and full of magic had been found. "Come, children of the dark, grant us your power and exact your revenge, we give unto you these bodies to inhabit." The woman spoke again as Adrian finally noticed the eight bodies on the ground, he tried to suppress his screams seeing as one of those bodies was one of his coworkers a werejaguar.

Eight spirits moved without form from the portal, they entered the bodies one by one and Adrian saw them gain their demonic powers along with the power the host body had, this was terrifying for Adrian but he was stuck here as if something was ground him there, forcing him to sit through all this. The portal closed abruptly and the celebrating hooded figures froze. "What has gone wrong?!" One of them yelled as he looked at their blood altar.

"We need more sacrifices and blood, we can't open the portal without it." The woman who was leading screeched but her figure was facing the front of the altar so Adrian couldn't see her. "Use the warehouse as a diversion and get those sacrifices here, meanwhile we shall prepare again for the arrival of the others." This information made Adrian gasp but what knocked the wind out of his lungs was what he saw when one of the hooded figures turned and he saw past the shadowed face.

It was Zoey's mother, meaning the people in the room were mystics, along with that it also confirmed there weren't only witches doing this but different mystic coming together. "Go, feed." The woman still hooded directed this ordered to two vampires that were now inhabited by demonic souls, the creature that had crawled out of the portal at first had curled around her and Adrian could see it feeding her demonic magic and increasing her mana intake.

This was terrifying and now Adrian really wanted to move. "Do you really think we would let a lone witch lead the demon revival." A male witch by the looks of it inhabited by a demon spoke up looking at the leading priestess, she sneered at the male but what she didn't notice was the creature beside her had stopped feeding her but was now feeding off her. "We lead now." The man asserted as the dark creature lunged for the hooded priestess and tore her head off, her blood splattered everywhere.


Adrian screamed, screamed like his life depended on it luckily Jax had blocked all sound from leaving the room. "Adrian, it's okay I'm here mate, I'm here." Jax comforted Adrian as he saw he was in his bedroom, not the room filled with blood, dead bodies, and demons, he cried as he held on to Jax, it was so vivid, so clear, he felt everything that had transpired, he knew the hooded figures had succeeded in summoning demons and their leader was killed by some creature.

His body felt heavy, he was burdened with knowledge and the knowledge he had gained, he had to tell Dr. Charlton, she was the one who seemed to be more trustworthy than Chief Leyton or whatever his other name was. "Are you alright?"Jax questioned and Adrian nodded, but truly he was shaken, the scene that had unfolded was horrid, so instead of telling Jax what happened, he showed him and the kitsune crushed him in a hug as they lay on his bed, Adrian could feel Jax's tails also clutching onto him as he sobbed, the vision was horrible.

"I'm so sorry babe." Jax exclaimed as he held the almost asleep Adrian, as for the medium, he was glad he had his mate there, he was glad to be safe and in his arms, there was no place he would've rather been if he had woken up from that vision any other time, he sighed taking in Jax's musk, he felt warm and safe and that heat lulled him back to sleep, only this time his mate was there, along with two little kids.


"Hey dad how are you doing?" Jax asked his father during a video call, his father seemed more lively, vibrant, and happier. "I'm alright Jax, how are you, how is Kent, if he's being troublesome I can come and get him." His dad ranted making Jax laugh when he stopped to pout. "Dad, we talked about this, I can handle Kent, plus I have Adrian to help he's a great parent to his siblings, plus Kent loves the twins, they're practically triplets now." Jax replied as he sent photos to his father of Adrian and then Kent with the twins.

The man burst out laughing as he saw Kent running around naked because of sugar rush along with the twins. "They look so precious, oh thank you for these Jax, don't worry I'm okay and I'm getting better but if you need me just call and I will be on a flight over." Jax nodded but with everything that was going on he wanted his dad to stay away from Greeneway Bay for a long while, so when the business trip was put up for his father he urged him to go, when he accepted Jax called his grandparents and told them to kidnap his dad for a while so he could heal.

He loved his dad for everything that he had done for him, he had been accepted, loved for who he was, and taken care of by the man, now that he was able to take care of himself he wanted his dad to enjoy his life, to take care of himself whilst he helped him take care of his little brother, so each daily call showed his dad that they didn't feel abandoned but they wanted him to be happy and find himself again even after the loss of his papa.

For him, it was no longer a sore subject but for his dad, it still hurt and now that he was recovering, it made Jax smile. "I love you, Jax, you and your brother." The man added as he smiled. "We love you too dad, now go have jalapenos or whatever you're eating there." He asserted and the man sent him kisses before he cut the call. Jax smiled happily as he picked out the suit he wanted to wear and Kent's as well. When he was about to turn his beast stirred, something was wrong, with his enhanced senses Jax picked out the scent of a vampire by the main door, and another three behind the house.

He calmed himself before rushing to conclusions as the doorbell rang, He packed everything up and and turned the security alarm on, with his dad not being around Adrian had offered him to stay at their house until he came back, so after school, he had come home, removed unnecessary appliances, packed bags for himself and his brother, the only thing left was getting down with the suits.

The doorbell rang again and Jax checked everything one more time before walking downstairs, he swung the door open to find Conrad standing there with a smile. "Oh hey." Jax offered and Conrad chuckled. "Hello Jax, I wanted to check up on you, I never saw you at school today thought something might be wrong, oh and I wanted to make sure you were still coming to the wedding this evening." Conrad responded and Jax nodded showing him the suits. "I'm coming, but I need Adrian, he's my date, and also I'm fine." Jax replied with a smile which made the vampire smile too.

The thing about being a mystic himself Jax could see past the glamour of magic, so when Conrad smiled his fangs showed slightly, along with that he could see aura like Adrian described, in honest truth, Jax was a little confused, Conrad had been a good friend, he never hurt him and he had been there when his dad died but now figuring out that the guy he knew was a vampire and he might or might not have planned the whole shtick of being his friend made Jax apprehensive, how would anyone deal with a situation like this, he sighed, decided it was best to talk to his mate, maybe he might have answers.

"I've got to go, Adrian wanted me to pick him up in village centre." Jaxi informed Conrad who had been talking to him whilst he slightly ignored him. "Oh you go then, I will see you at the wedding." Conrad asserted as he waved off Jax and walked to a black Jeep just across the road, it was suspiciously parked there but Jax knew why, Conrad wasn't the only one in that car and it also made him uneasy, why had the vampire come with three others, they didn't seem to be an escort.

Jax shook the thoughts off and decided to worry for later, he got into his car and reversed onto the driveway, he hit the gas and sped off toward village center where Adrian was meeting Dr. Charlton as a somewhat secure location, the night before had been rough on his mate, he had seen his vision and seen the gore, he hated that his mate was seeing all this but there was nothing he could do, he was the mystic alarm system and a medium, all he could do was share the burden with him.

"Jax." Johnny called out through the link. "Yes, Johnny." He replied the boy who was more of a little brother than supposed in law. "The triplets want ice cream, and I want double cheeseburgers with chips, Adrian says we have to eat healthy lunches but with all the prep and school I never got home in time to cook, please please buy lunch." Johnny pleaded and this made Jax laugh, he wanted to refuse but he knew Johnny would nag him to no end. "Fine, we'll be home in forty if late an hour." Jax replied mentally as Johnny sighed thankfully.

He drove further into the city unbeknownst to him that a black Jeep was following him.


The thing about receiving mystic gifts is that they come with a set of rules of their own to impose on your body, for instance, Adrian now had more back length hair which was a bright orange, he tried dying the shit out of it but it seemed the color was gone in the five minutes after application, his eyes were now a mix of dark shades of purple and orange, his body more slender and feminine than ever, he was glowing and though he felt it was excessive, Jax had beamed at him happily.

He could feel the pride radiating off his mate to have such a beauty as his mate and this made Adrian happy as well, if Jax wanted him like this, accepted him in any way that he was then he would gladly embrace it too, though he knew his decisions didn't revolve around Jax they were mates he had to be considerate of him as well like Jax was of him, so with the help of a spell Adrian made his hair slightly less shocking orange to a cute dark orange kind if you could call it.

Today school had been a breeze for both him, his mate, and sibling, they each had tasks to perform and they had gotten it done, well his brother had done his and Jax obviously had too, now it was his turn to get his task down, it was informing Dr. Charlton that there were now demons in Greeneway Bay, they were looking to get more demons into their plane of existence by inhabiting mystics, along with kidnapping more mystics for their ritual and sacrifice, he didn't know how to tell the woman so he was just going to show her.

Adrian walked into a semi day drinkers bar and restaurant, the rustic feel to it made Adrian feel a little comfortable, neon lights glowed above booths and tables were patrons were, he was focused on getting to where he was going rather than noticing the many men and women who turned to steal glances at him, he had a more important mission. He found a booth next to a window and away from any door, it was comfortable for restaurant standards which was good enough for him.

Outside Jax's car parked, it always amazed him how Jax's parents had bought him such an expensive car, but them he remembered both his parent before his papa died were professionals with high paying jobs, thinking about the dead Mr. Milford made Adrian's heartache, he wished he was there to save the man, or he could've done a compound spell to bring him back, though his mate and his father were now okay, the death of the man had affected them significantly, he only hoped that if ever he had free time he could talk to the man.

Jax walked into the restaurant and he immediately spotted him, he smiled up to the were who bent down to kiss him, this was a thing for them now, and he loved it. "How is my lovely mate?" Jax questioned with a wide grin, admiring his handiwork as Adrian's lip was swollen. "I'm fine, just a little nostalgic, I wish we could get this over with." Adrian whined as he leaned on Jax, the muscular male draped an arm over him and drew him closer to his chest. "I know you're worried but this isn't our fight, we protect our own, you just deliver the warning and go because it's not really a war we could win, these are demons, how do we fight that." Jax argued and comforted which made Adrian feel better, he was right, this wasn't their fight.

The door opened and immediately Adrian could feel the presence of the were and Jax could feel the presence of another alpha, he growled lowly as a woman with black flowing hair which cascaded down her back made her way to their table, she also stiffened when she felt a more dominant alpha as she got closer to the medium or witch for a better term. Adrian laid a hand on Jax who immediately drew back his aura and looked at him lovingly, he knew this was going to be a long meeting.

"Adrian, hello, this must be your boyfriend?" Dr. Charlton greeted as she sat down opposite the two males, Dr. Charlton couldn't decipher just how strong the two males were and it made her uneasy. "Yes, this is Jax, my boyfriend, babe this is doctor Charlton, she teachers at the local university." Adrian replied with a polite smile just as the waiter came to take their order. "We'll have sparkling water for two right here, but can you get a to go order for eight double cheeseburgers, with fries, smoked wings, chicken nuggets, and vegetarian fruit salad, she will have a mango Ciroc." Jax replied and Dr. Charlton fought hard not to drop her jaw.

"Are you guys feeding an army?" She chortled but Adrian only chuckled, she had no idea how much Johnny and Jax ate, the so called triplets were more so on the same track, he himself inhaled food, so yeah, maybe they were feeding an army. "I called because I have something you need to know, I don't know if you felt it but there was an energy ripple last night, even humans felt it and I wanted to show you the cause." Adrian explained to the woman but kept silent when the waiter came back with their first order.

"I felt it." Dr. Charlton replied knowing whatever the teen had seen was valuable, so she placed her hands on the table, Adrian grabbed her palms and everything that he had seen, he showed her, every gory detail and the fact that a fae leader was in on everything. When Adrian let go Dr. Charlton was on her feet breathlessly. "Have you shown anyone this?" She questioned with a hardened stare which made Adrian uneasy but he shook his head no. "Good, I'd advise you to stay silent about this, no one can know they are here, chaos will ensue." She warned the teen and his boyfriend who only seemed to care more about leaving.

"Now that you know, we'll leave." Jax announced as he passed his card to the waiter, he immediately paid for everything and got Adrian to his feet, their job was done. When the two boys left the restaurant Dr. Charlton had been left behind frantically texting and calling on her phone, it worried him but the woman was an alpha werewolf, she could handle herself. "Let's get one last thing off our back so we can be done with this awful day." Adrian remarked as Jax opened the door to the passenger side for him.

"True baby, one last thing and we're bloody free, maybe we could even learn how to explore naked bodies together." Jax replied with a smirk that made Adrian flush, what he said made his skin hot. "Maybe." He whispered as Jax got into the car and kissed him again before driving off.


Conrad Leyton Carval.

"Uncle, we might have a problem, Dr. Charlton had a meeting with Adrian and Jax this afternoon, she was shown something that had her panicking, she's gone to the were patriarch to tell him everything." Conrad relayed the information to his uncle whose anger he felt even through the phone. "Intercept her and get here, if whatever Adrian has shown her is that dire then the patriarch will take our assets from us, we've worked too hard and too much to have the patriarch get his filthy claws onto another family of powerful mystics, get her!" He ordered and Conrad relayed everything to the three men he was with after the call.

Indeed they had worked too damn hard to lose it all and that would be unacceptable, the vampire got out of his car and walked into the same restaurant the werewolf female alpha had just left, he looked around sifting through the different aura in the room, he picked one that stood out and he knew from its signature that it was Jax, what surprised him was the fact that he could feel magical residue from it meaning Jax wasn't so human anymore, the witch had done something.

He immediately ran out of the restaurant and toward his car, he had to warm the vampires not to touch the were or the witch along with any they bring, the kitsune was now free of its bonds and they didn't what to mess with him.


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