Bad Boy And The Emo Fall In-L...

由 Gayhuman18

103 8 0

You can find the first version, and completed version, on my main account, but I don't suggest it. It's defin... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

6 1 0
由 Gayhuman18

"Jason needs to get over it, that happened two years ago," Samantha says as she dabs away the blood on her friends face.

"No," Shane mumbles out, "I caused this."

"Bullshit," Gill laughs out, "we all saw what happened, it was very equally distributed, of course you don't remember that part because you were drunk."

He does Remember, he remembers the whole party. He remembers showing up, he remembers Jay finding him, and he remembers the smile Jay had upon seeing him.

*shanes POV*

"I thought you wouldn't come."

"Neither did I, but you convinced me."

"Thankfully, come on down, let me get you a drink," he grabs my hand and pulls me along. He lets it linger a second longer than he normally would around others, I'm more than okay with it.

"I don't drink much."

"I don't either, but I'm willing to tonight."

"What if your mom or dad find out?" I whisper after I grab his arm, stopping him.

"It'll be okay, they won't find out. You aren't going home, right?"

"If I do, I'm sneaking down to my room. I can't stand them anymore," I let go of his arm, realizing I've still been holding it.

"Yeah, I feel that. Let's forget about that tonight, and just have some fun?"

I grin and nod, letting him lead me away through the night. It's weird being so comfortable around him at a party with everyone else in the school around, I know he's still not to terms with himself yet, so we keep us between us. So, when we sit on the balcony outside, staring up at the stars like we would in my tree, I forget everyone else is around. It's just us in this moment.

"I can't wait till we're out of here. I'll move out, get away from my parents, and I'll take you with me."

I don't respond but I look back at him, I see his smile, and I see the happiness in his eyes. I may be drunk, but I am not stupid.

"I'll take you with me, and we'll run away. We'll be ourselves. We'll say fuck our parents, and everyone else, and move along."

I grab his hand, and lean forward, I notice he does too.

"Is that a promise?"

"It is a promise."

I smile and we kiss. Our first kiss with each other, it was sweet and slow, lovable, so heart filled, just... perfect. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He reaches for me, but next thing we know, he's torn away from me.

Ein and the football gang are between us, half glare at me and the other half glare at him. Jay stands and goes into defensive mode, and a fight breaks out. They beat him, and when I try to get to him to stop them I'm pulled away and beat separately. I hear all these slurs, but they mean nothing to me right now, I just want Jason.

I was left out in the grass, when I finally had the strength to get up I saw Jason was no where in sight. I tried calling him and texting him but no one answered. I tried so hard to contact him, but nothing.

Gill picked me up, and we back to her place with little words spoken. She lent me a room, and I stayed till I knew my parents were asleep, then went back to mine. I didn't go to my bed room, but instead my hidden room underneath the mansion. I pass out right when I fall on the bed, and when I wake up the next day it's to Jay getting back to me.

I call him, telling him to come pick me up so we can talk. I dash up to my room, change and throw some makeup on my face to cover a scratch and bruise. I then run back down all the stairs and outside, he's already waiting outside the gait. We don't talk for what feels like forever, we just hug.

So I get in his car, and we drive.

"How bad did they hurt you?"

"I don't know, really, I think I'm okay. Nothing makeup can't cover. Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry, they took me away before I could get to you."

"When I was finally up I tried to find you, where did they take you?"

"My brother was called, and he took me back after they knocked me out... Apparently," he stops the car at an empty parking lot. "Someone took a video, and sent it to my brother... my brother showed my parents this morning," he grabs my hand, but doesn't look at me. "My dad didn't take it lightly... I basically had a redo of last night. I am no longer allowed to see you, apparently," he looks over at me. "But that's not gonna happen. Mom didn't take it lightly either, still agreeing on me never seeing you again, but she didn't harm me about it. My brother hasn't spoken to me... but I still have you, so it's okay."

"So, you do remember last night, fully?"

"A little fuzzy, but yeah. I'm guessing you do too?"

I nod, turning to face him.

"You don't... regret what happened, do you?"

He looks at our hands, then back at me. "No, I don't. It's different, and I'm getting used to it, but I don't regret it."

"Good, cause neither do I. But, I just screwed everything up," I look away,
Taking my hand away. "What about the guys at school? What we are now is not okay with anyone over here, and our parents, what do we do?"

"We stay together, and we tell everyone else to fuck off."

"But are you sure? We don't have to be like this at school, we can be strangers if needed, I just don't want you hating this."

"I am sure Shane, it'll be okay," he turns me back to him. "We have each other's backs on this, we got this Shane."

I just nod, still concerned. But, when he kisses me I figure it will all be okay.

I was wrong, I was so wrong. Little did I know at school he was then cut from the team, and bullied, when I had two good friends to defend my case every time. I remember meeting Jason one day after, he father had beat him, he had gotten beat by Ein, he felt like everything was crashing. I hadn't been touched by anyone, and he never struck me like he was, instead he would hug me and tell me he was okay.

I made myself believe that if I hadn't forced him to kiss me then he would be okay and we would be okay. I already noticed how he was more quiet around me, didn't want to talk more than he just wanted support form someone finally.

A week in I had accidentally bumped into a girl, the back lash was "stay away from him, he's like Jason," and what hurt the most was the words "they are both fags". So, I came out, and upon doing that I had also said I forced Jason into it, and that he was in fact straight. He got so much praise and support after, I was happy for him. At first he looked worried for me, but I would just smile at him, and soon enough he went back to the popular him, but this time with much more support. He didn't know what everyone else did to me, and I was okay with that.

When he figured out what they were doing to me, he was upset but he didn't say anything. I told myself to be okay with it. But, it was when he first hit me I knew there was no more us. When he hit me, everyone looked so happy but him and I, and I saw that sadness and regret but the fact he still did it hurt most. When I started ignoring him after, and he stopped hitting me, the students had an uproar. So, Jason beat me to a pulp. And I saw then the anger. I don't know what the anger was about though, I was the one who should've been angry.

It's been a year and a half since then, and now the beatings are real. It hurts so much, because I now believe I loved him back then, but not anymore.


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