Gassed up Love || Sunaxreader...

By minminoikawa

25.1K 642 1.3K

"You look so good when that smoke falls out of your mouth" "You think I'm cute?" "That's not what I said..." ... More

Smoke Rings
Waffle Shenanigans
Partys and Promises
Bloody Good Time
This Can't Be Love
Thank you for reading!

Fuzzy Nights

3K 95 188
By minminoikawa

The school bell rang as the six of us, Atsumu's Girlfriend, Yuki, included, met up near the front office to head to my place. Tsumu had his arm thrown around Yuki while Samu and Kita seemed to pin Suna and me next to each other. It's not like I disliked him or anything, he was my friend, after all, things were just a little awkward after last night. Memories came flooding back to me as I positioned my jacket in a way that would hide my neck, hoping no one had seen the small reddish-purple bruises on my neck. I glanced over at Suna, who had his eyes glued to his phone like always. I thought about the way his soft lips felt on my skin, reliving the moment briefly. I snapped out of it the moment I heard Astumu calling my name, "(Y/N)? You mind sitting on someone's lap? I'd have Yuki sit on mine but I have to drive."

"Not at all," I replied with a smile, waiting to get in the car to see who would end up on the end. Osamu on the right, Suna on the left, Kita choosing to sit in the middle. If I sat on Osamu he should tickle me the entire wat there, on top of teasing me threw whispers in my ear, Suna was my best option, no matter how awkward it was going to be, "Move your hands, Rin.

"But an ass like that needs to be held." He joked, pulling me onto his lap without hesitation. I flicked his knee, earning a small "ow" and a "What was that for?"

"Just felt like it," I replied with a grin.

"So how long have you and Tsumu known each other, (Y/N)?" Yuki asked from the front seat, long brown hair tied neatly in a braid.

"I've known the twins since I was little." I answered, trying not to give her a reason to hate me, "Atsumu's like a brother to me."

"What about me?!" Osamu whined

"You're too cool to be a brother." I chuckled, knowing damn well what would come out of Atsumu's mouth.

"But I'm the cooler brother!" He insisted, making a right-hand turn onto our street.

"As if." Osamu teased, "Right Kita?"

"Whatever you say, Samu." Kita simply replied, attempting to not piss off his crush.

"What about me?" Suna asked, whispering directly into the back of my neck.

I froze for a brief moment, trying to acclimate to the sudden proximity, "Definitely not a brother, too cool, just like Samu."

"Awe I'm not special?" He teased trying his hardest to make me uncomfortable as we pulled into the twin's driveway. Atsumu parked his car before we all climbed out and walked across the street to my house. Due to the ruckus, I was able to avoid any more close encounters with Suna.

"Do you still have my sweat pants?" The brunet asked, not bothering to look up from his phone.

"Yeah, should be at the end of my bed." I recalled, "I washed them last night."

"What is he your boyfriend or something?" Kita remarked

"Gross!" I spat out, "Like I would ever date any of you idiots!"

"You made out with him on the couch!" I shot a nasty look in Osamu's direction, causing him to chuckle before sticking his tongue out at me.

"When the fuck did that happen?" Kita exclaimed, turning his head towards Suna.

"Last night." He explained, "She was all over me until the twins showed up. Damn voyeurs."

"I am not into Voyeurism." Osamu corrected, "Tsumu is tho."

"Only if it's Yuki." He announced proudly as we entered the house.

"(Y/N) come with me for a moment," Suna insisted, grabbing my arm as he dragged me to my room, shutting the door behind us, "Do you trust me?"

"I mean I've known you for years yeah..." I answered skeptically, "Why?"

"Can you help me win a bet?" His eyes were pleading, with a small spark of joy behind them.

"What is it?" I narrowed my eyes at him, becoming wary of the situation. 

"Let me put these on you..." he smiled, pulling a fuzzy red pair of handcuffs out from behind his back, "It's just for a few minutes!" 

"Just a few minutes?"

"Yeah!" He insisted. Waving them back and forth in the air a few times.

"Fine." I gave in, "Just for a few minutes."

"Sweet!" He smirked, positioning my hand behind my back before cuffing them. He switched into his grey sweatpants and we walked out of my room together. He acted casual, as usual, "You've made a horrible mistake."

"What?!" I nervously asked

"I'm not unlocking you just yet," He beamed, proud of the little trick he played on me. "You gotta earn it."

"Rin I swear I will crush you like a bug!" I growled, moving to stand directly in front of him.

"Not much you can do with your arms like that is there?" he teased, bringing his lips about an inch away from mine. 

"What do I have to do?" I whined, embarrassment starting to take shape in my chest as the others stared at us.

"For now keep sitting on my lap." he smirked, "We'll see after that."

I didn't hesitate to glare, making it known that I would get him back for this. He sat down in one of the two chairs, Tsumu and Yuki sitting in the other while Samu and Kita at next to each other on the couch. I sat down on the chocolate-haired boy's lap, resting my hands lightly on his stomach while holding my own hand, purposely facing away from him.

"Not that way, Princess." He tapped the side of the thigh, enjoying every second of this torture.

"I wish I could punch you, Suna." I threatened, "I really do. You're a menace."

"Awe I'm not Rin anymore?" he smirked, running his hand up my arm, "How mean."

"How am I the mean one?" I hissed, nose beginning to scrunch up from annoyance.

"What a cruel girl." He reached over the arm of the chair, pulling out rolling paper and a jar to roll a blunt. He ran his tongue across the paper while staring me dead in the eyes. He really had no mercy. That feeling sprouted in my stomach again, that weird buzzing feeling. It felt like hundreds of bees. No not bees...something else. But what? He placed one end in his mouth, fishing around in the bag for a lighter. The tip went up in a thin line of smoke as he brought the flame to it. He used his free hand to grab my face, pulling my jaw down to open my mouth. He brought our faces so close together there was only a millimeter of space between us. He exhaled thick white smoke into my mouth. I took it into my lungs, turning my head to the side to blow it out my nose.

"Wait that was kinda cool." Yuki claimed from across the  coffee table, "I wanna do that with you, sexy."

"I'm down." Atsumu simply replied, taking the blunt from Suna.

"Kita and Samu should do it too!" Yuki insisted, smiling at the boys sitting close together on the couch. 

"Us?" Kita asked nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I mean I don't see why not." Osamu simply replied, delicately pulling Kita onto his lap.

Yuki and the boys all conversed while I stayed silent, my embarrassment mentally kicking my ass. I let myself pout slightly since Suna was the only one who could see my face. I reached up, running his thumb across my bottom lip as he mimicked my expression, "Don't pout, You know you're enjoying this." I moved my head away, refusing to indulge in his temptations. 

I turned my attention to Kita and Oasmu who were about to take their first turn. Kits gently placed his hands on Osamu's chest. One of Samu's hands rested on the white-haired boy's waist while the other held the whole reason all of us were here. The silver-haired fox took a long draw before bringing his closer to Kita's. They got so close they nearly kissed, looking each other in the eyes the entire time. Kita turned his head, blowing the smoke out of his nose. Osamu took that opportunity, Kissing his crush on the corner of the mouth with a wide smile. His crush faced him again but with a look of utter shock this time. They said nothing, just leaned in and connected their lips again.

"Finally!" Atsumu exclaimed, tossing his hand in the air. Suna simply gave them a thumbs up.

"Congrats guys." I said, wiggling slightly to get a better view of them, "I'm pretty sure the rest of us already knew but congrats nonetheless."

After a few more hours of fun, all of the boys went home, Suna included this time. I went up to my room, threw on my favorite pair of pajama pants and an old white tank top, opting out of the bra this time, and flopped backward onto my bed. I scrolled through my phone, letting my buzz wear off. One hour passed, then two hours, then three, four...


I looked at the notification popping up across the top of my phone screen. What does he want at this time?


Wanna climb to the roof? My place?


Why? It's like 3 am


Can't sleep.


So you texted me? Did you not think I was sleeping?


Your lights still on...



read 3:25 am

I made my way down the hall, out my front door, and across the street. Rin was already hitting on the part of the roof that was under his window, blunt in hand with a bottle of bourbon sitting next to him

"Go up the ladder in the hallway and out the window." He called down.

I opened his front door, quickly getting smacked in the face by the smell of good weed. I wandered through his living room, realizing I had never been inside his house before. I found the hallway, climbing up the ladder into an attic that was renovated into a bedroom. His jersey was folded neatly on top of his dresser, the only folded piece of clothing in sight. I glanced around at the tapestry, trippy paintings, and various LED light fixtures before climbing out the window, finding a spot next to Suna, "Nice room. Needs to be cleaned but it still a vibe."

"I'm usually too high to clean" He admitted, taking a swig out of the bottle before handing it to me. 

"Where do you get all your shit from?" I asked, raising an eyebrow before swallowing the burning liquor.

"Long story."

"I've got time. All night actually." I insisted.

He let out a heavy sigh, "This older guy thinks I'm dating him so he gives me shit for free."

"Rin!" I said, playfully punching his arm, "I guess I'm not the only person you're an ass, too."

"I'm not an ass to you!" He argued, "You're just fun to pick on."

There was a small moment of comfortable silence between us. He tilted his head back, taking another drink, "Why do you act all tough in front of the guys but are so different around me?"

He passed the blunt my way without looking at me, his eyes glued to the shingles on the roof's rough surface, "What do you mean?"

"Your quiet, calm, collected, and daring around the boys but with me..." I hesitated, worried about how this would sound out loud, "You seem to care less. You joke more, you're more carefree."

I looked up at the stars, letting smoke seep from the cracks in his lips, "I guess because they're guys? I dunno. Toxic masculinity or whatever."

He laid back, arm tucked under his head. I laid down next to him, looking up at the thousands of beautiful stars, "You don't feel the need to be manly around me?" 

"No, I do," He replied, "I just know you won't judge me if I'm not."

Another moment of silence passed, nothing about it uncomfortable. A silver streak crossed the sky, being visible for no longer than a second, "Did you see it?!"

"I did, Princess." He replied, reaching over to flick me on the head. I huffed before rolling my eyes, not wanting to fight at the moment, "They say shooting stars are good luck."

"And they say you're not supposed to count them unless you're looking for love." I softly smiled, "Even then you can only count seven for seven days."

"one, two, three, four, five, six...."

"seven." I finished, "I've never seen you with anyone, why start looking now?"

"We're almost out of high school," He lost all regard for masculinity and just spoke, "and I'm the only one alone out of the guys. Tsumu has Yuki, Samu and Kita got whatever they got. You've got the one dude from Karasuno. I just got me."

"Tenaka?" I asked, almost in complete disbelief, "Nah I just smoke with him sometimes."

"Isn't that what you said about that Iwaizumi guy?" He tilted his head towards me, flicking away the burnt-out piece of rolling paper, raising an eyebrow.

"That was different.." I argued, trying to protect my reputation from no one in particular.

"You slept with that dude ten times over a period of two months!" He exclaimed

"Yeah well, why  do you care so much?" I snapped. He looked at me confused like he wanted to say something, but he didn't, "Sorry...sometimes I feel alone too."

"What kind of alone?" He asked, looking back up at the lonely stars.

"Lots of different kinds." I felt like I could talk to Suna, like he'd actually listen, "I feel lonely now that the twins are busier with their relationships. I feel lonely being single, I've never liked it much. I feel lonely not being touched by the ways my exes touched me. I feel lonely because my parents aren't around. I feel lonely when I look up at the sky, realizing how much is really out there. I feel lonely in crowds of people, and when I'm by myself."

"I get that." The words left his mouth softly, prettily, "I feel like that too sometimes."

"We could always be lonely together?" I suggested.

"I like that," He smiled, "lonely together."

Authors Note

THIS IS VERY UNEDITED WHOOPS I don't know how long it's gonna be until I publish this but for reference, I wrote this chapter on December 1st 2020 :). I wrote the first chapter the weekend before. I'm super excited for this book to debut I just need to finish one of my Ongoing ones first. I think Gone is going to finish soon (as of writing this). I think it's coming to a good stopping point. But I'm gonna go read. I got some new Manga in and I whipped them off and they should be dry now so I'm gonna probably cry over one of them. Love you byeeee

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