Lost (Naruto/Aot crossover an...

By ItzShady_lol

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The fourth shinobi war is lost, Naruto loses everything and is saved by his close friend Sasuke by teleportin... More

Hello and welcome
Chapter 1: A new world
Chapter 2: A Wall?
Chapter 3: Who are you?
Chapter 4: Dark Past, Bright Goals
Author's Note
Chapter 5: Graduation
Chapter 6: After Graduation/Trost
Chapter 7: Trost Battle/Two Monsters Unleashed
Chapter 8: Live or Die/Trost Battle Pt 2
Chapter 9: Deciding Your Fate
Chapter 11: The 57th Expedition/Female Titan
Chapter 12: Annie Leonhart
Chapter 13: New Enemies, A New Ally
Chapter 14: Hatred
Chapter 15: It Almost Seems Too Easy....
Chapter 16: Hanji's Experiments
Chapter 17: The Day Before the Battle for Shiganshina
Chapter 18:.....
Author's note 2

Chapter 10: The Scouts

2.9K 78 75
By ItzShady_lol

Hello I'm back again, here is the 10th chapter, I hope you guys enjoy and sorry for any errors.

Third Person View

Eren and Naruto met Levi's squad which consisted of 4 people named Petra, Oluo, Eld, and Gunther. They weren't too comfortable or fond of the two cadets that possessed powers at first so they usually stayed away from them and looked at them with hate. However they started to get along well but the one person who was a little too comfortable to the point where it was weird was Hange. She could literally stay up all night just asking and talking about both Naruto's and Eren's powers. Naruto and Eren were both given green cloaks that had the scout regiment symbol on it which looked really cool.

Right now they were all heading towards a castle that was abandoned a while back to hide out in for now. Oluo was talking to both Eren and Naruto trying to act all high and mighty but his horse hit a rock which caused him to jerk a bit and that's where he bit his tongue.

"that's what you get for flapping your mouth all day long"Said Petra while Naruto and Eren looked at him worriedly a bit.

'Um does he usually do that"Asked Eren

"Yea, he bites his tongue on average about three times a day."Replied Eld

"Jesus Christ how has his tongue not fallen off yet?"Said Naruto

"To be honest I don't know but I'm just waiting for him to bleed out"Said Petra sarcastically

"Were here"Said Levi firmly

"Well what do we do"Said Naruto

"We clean this filthy place up"Levi replies

The squad got off their horses and put them in a small stable that was next to the castle and after that they entered the castle and boy was it filthy.

"Naruto, I need you to clean the basement"Said Levi

"Alright leave it to me"Naruto says while having a thumbs up

"Yea whatever go"

Naruto POV

I walk down to the basement and it's pitch black, I literally cannot see two feet in front of me.

I'm walking down the stairs, and eventually I miss a step and I start falling down. Right when I miss the step it feels like everything goes in slow motion and I think to myself "Goddamn it already"

"GAH" I yell as I roll down the stairs hitting every step with my arms and legs which created loud thuds.

I got to the final step and I landed on my ass which hurt like hell but then I hear rapid footsteps coming to the basement door.

"What the hell happened brat"I hear the familiar cold and firm voice say

I immediately stand back up trying to look normal and I turn my head while leaning on the railing seeing none other then Captain Levi.

"Nothing, everything is fine haha"I say giving a nervous laugh

"Alright get to cleaning then"He says firmly

"can I at least have something to light the place up?"I ask

"Yea hold on a second"Levi responds

He soon returns with a candle and hands it to me while also handing me a mop, broom, and a bucket of water.

'Alright get to cleaning now for real"

"Alright captain shorty"I say whispering the last part

'What?"He says with a glare

"What?"I say

"What'd you say?"He asks

"I didn't say anything"I say trying to keep a straight face

He sighs and walks back up the steps and I hear his foot steps fade away, I giggle a bit as I place the candle on a desk that was close to the corner of the basement.

I make a cross with my fingers and two shadow clones appear next to me a bit confused at first as they looked around.

"Well, you guys are gonna help me clean"I say

"WHAT?!?! oh come on"The two clones whine

"Put a sock on it and help me clean already"I say as I pick up the broom

I sweep the floor while the other clone mops the floor, the second clone found a dust feather and started dusting the furniture that was left there, he kept on sneezing from the dust too. Eventually I started hearing footsteps coming down the stairs and for a moment I thought it was Levi and I was a little paranoid after what I said earlier but as the footsteps got closer it revealed to be Eren.

"Oh hey Eren"

"Hey Nar....uto...your powers don't stop surprising me you know that"He says while looking at my clones as they waved at him

"Well captain told me to check on you to see how you're doing and also Hanji wants to do some experiments with our powers"He says

"Oh...okay I guess"

"Yea, she wants to see us after were done cleaning"

"Alright then"

Time skip

1 hour later

Eren and me were excused from cleaning and we were accompanied by Levi to go meet Hanji outside for these "experiments" she wants us to do for research or something like that.

"EREN, NARUTO OVER HERE?!?!?!" I hear a familiar yell

I turn around and I see Hanji jumping and waving at us, we also someone next to her with lightish brown hair also with bushy eye brows.

We start walking over to Hanji and immediately she seems to get too excited, jumping into excitement as if she has been waiting for this all day for this moment.

"Alright well, let's get started!!"said Hanji in excitement

"O-ok"Me and Eren say feeling a bit weirded out by how excited she was

Third Person View

"Well start with you Naruto, were still a bit lost on what you can do..so can you demonstrate for us."Says Hanji while holding a notebook

"Well there are somethings I can't really do here because I'll probably destroy a large part of this place"Naruto says

Everyone gives him a look of confusion and they stay silent for a few seconds

"Well can you at least tell me what will "destroy" this place"Hanji says getting her pencil ready to write

"Yea so I can actually have the entity inside me summoned here to this place but he's really big so I can't summon him here, however I can summon in his head. You might wanna back away to get a better view of this."Naruto says while Hanji writes and nods

Naruto activates his nine tails form so now he was yellow, he puts his hands together and closes his eyes. Out of nowhere a huge burst of energy emits from him and pretty soon it turns into a fox's head.

"Woah"Hanji said in disbelief

Naruto then makes the head disappear into thin air ."I can do this aswell" he had two big hands come out behind his back and he lift his arms up in which everyone sees the spiraling energy forming into what looks like a spinning star.

He turns around in the direction of the forest and he throws it at the forest, everyone stares wide eyed at how fast it's spinning.

Here's the sound of the Rasenshuriken(Turn down the volume if needed because it might startle you lol)

It hits the the forest and there is a giant explosion with trees being shattered and falling over, dust goes everywhere but luckily everyone was far from the impact.

"Oh my god"Hanji whispers in disbelief, everyone else stares wide-eyed

"It's called a Rasenshuriken and I can make an even bigger one but I can't do it here because it'll probably destroy everything and I mean everything"Naruto says emphasizing the everything

"Ok, Ok what else can you do?"Asks Hanji while taking down notes

"Well I can go take the energy around us and use it to my advantage but I have to be able to collect this energy and go into a mode. There is a problem though, there isn't much of it in this world so it will take a long time for me to actually go into this mode."

"About how long?"Asks Levi

"20-25 minutes"

"Ok well we have a lot of time right now so, if you don't mind could you show us"

"Yea sure"Naruto says crossing his fingers

One clone shows up and he sits down, crossing his legs and begins to what looks like he's meditating.

Everyone looks at him and his clone with confusion

"he's Collecting nature energy"

"Ohhh ok, well anything else?"

"Yea, this is called a Rasengan and most of the techniques I use involve this move"He says while holding his hand out creating the blue ball of energy.

"Other than that, that's all I can do"He says reversing the Rasengan so it disappears into thin air.

"Alright thank you Naruto, now moving onto you Eren follow me"Said Hanji

We eventually got to a well in which Hanji instructed Eren to get into it, and once he did she everyone of them backed up from the well. Hanji shot a green flare into the sky which signaled Eren to transform into a titan but...nothing happened.

After about 20 seconds Hanji yelled that they were gonna come over to check on him, everyone gets to the well and look down but there eyes-widened in fear and confusion

Eren up looks at everyone in fear and what really disturbed them was how he was covered in his own blood from biting himself.

"I-i can't...transform"he says in a voice of fear

Time skip

20 minutes

"I think my clone is done collecting nature energy"Said Naruto

Naruto reversed his shadow clone and took in all the nature energy the clone had collected, his eyes turned orange with rings surrounding his eyes.

"Naruto I have a question"Said Hanji

"Go on"

"How come you don't use more clones to collect nature energy that way you could speed up the process"

"Well if I summon too many to collect nature energy I could either take in too much or the clones will get distracted."

"Well what can you do with this nature energy that you collected?"Asked Hanji

"Well it allows me to use more techniques and boosts my speed, strength, and durability."

"Alright"Hanji says while writing every detail down

"I really want Eren to transform now so I can see how strong you actually are by trying to lift us his titan form."Hanji adds

"Well I can most likely lift him up but we never know unless we try."

time skip

1 hour later

Eren wasn't able to transform for some unknown reason so Hanji was not able to see Naruto's strength.

Everyone was now sitting outside eating their food however one person was having trouble because he has bandages around his hands from biting himself.

"They aren't healing yet"Said the stern voice

"No, not yet captain"Said Eren

"Then make it happen somehow tch"Said Levi in an irritated voice and then walked away

"So do you know why you aren't healing or what?"Asked Naruto

"I mean, usually I would turn into a titan or heal but in this case neither happened. I don't know what's going on anymore....Gah"Eren winced in pain as he tried grabbing the spoon but dropped it due to the pain in his hands.

"You good?"Asked Naruto


Eren reached for the spoon slowly but right before he grabbed it he could see yellow sparks around his hand and immediately his eyes widened as he knew he was transforming. A huge gust of wind appeared which startled Levi, his squad and Naruto it happened so fast.

Eventually the wind and smoke disappeared which revealed the upper body of Eren's titan form with just a bit of muscle and skeleton.

Eren could be heard struggling because he was stuck in his titan trying to get his arm out of the neck.

"Calm down"Said a firm voice

"I am calm captain"Said Eren with fear in his voice, he turned around but then he realized that the captain was talking to his squad and Naruto was also trying to stop the squad.

"I said calm down"

"Eren, what is the meaning of this?!?!"Yelled Eld


"Captain get away from him!!"Yelled Petra

"No, all of you back away"Levi said

"You don't get to transform unless you have permission!!"Yelled Oluo

"Sir I know bu-"

"Don't move an inch Yeager or I'll kill you on the spot!!"Yelled Gunther

"None of you move another inch towards him because I will not hesitate to take any of your lives"Said Naruto firmly but he was bluffing, he was just trying to intimidate them

"Captain get away from both of them!!"

"No, why do you trust them?!?!"

"My intuition"said Levi

"Bullshit, Eren and Naruto stand down!!!!"

"CAN EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP"Eren yelled being fed up with there bullshit

Everyone went quiet for a few seconds but that's when everyone heard Eren's name being yelled from the distance. They all turned their heads to see a very excited looking Hanji running towards the titan corpse.

"Please Eren can I touch it"

"N-no Hanji"

But she did it anyway which resulted with her hand being burned, she yelped and started jumping around.

"Oh god that's hot as hell!!!!"She yelled while holding her hand

Eren was finally able to get his arm out of his titan and the titan corpse then started to release a lot of steam as it started decaying. Hanji freaked out and started rambling about how she wanted to research or experiment with it, but she spotted something in the titans hand....a spoon.

Eren was on the ground panting heavily as his titan powers puts a lot of stress on his body.

"You ok?"Asked Levi

"Yea...*Pant*..just tired"responded Eren

Time skip(Sorry for so many time skips)

Night fall

Nightfall was now among them, they were all seated at a table, Levi squad, Eren, Naruto and Hanji. Hanji had told everyone that Eren had a spoon in his titan hand which gave her a theory on why he didn't transform.

She explained to Eren and the others that self injury isn't the only thing needed but one would need to have a clear goal in their mind.

"Transforming because I had to pick up a damn spoon...whats even going on anymore?"Said Eren

"So you didn't transform on purpose right?"Asked Eld

"No sir"

He sighed and looked at his three comrades in which they all nodded at each other. Petra, Oluo, Eld, and Gunther brought their hands to their mouths and bit down, they winced in pain as it really hurt for them.

"W-what are you doing?"asked Eren very concerned while Naruto looked at them in confusion

"Ow christ...I can't believe you can bite down through skin without shrieking in pain."Said Eld in disbelief

"Why would you do that?"Asked Eren

"Well because we want to apologize for acting irrationally when you turned"Gunther added

"Listen we're really sorry, we were scared"Said Oluo

"We don't know much about either of you, and we were scared. We know it is no excuse so you have every right to be upset"Petra added sounding a bit sad with the last part

"But listen have faith in us alright, I know we have no right to say this after what we did but we have learned from this. We must trust one another, if we can't then the titans won't be our downfall it'll be because we can't trust each other."

"I must apologize aswell for threatening all of you, I know I was just bluffing but I've seen how my comrades try to turn on people I care about "Naruto said remembering how Sakura one day wanted to kill Sasuke, the person he has worked so hard to bring back from the darkness

"But I do have faith in all of you now, and I hope you guys feel the same about me and Eren"

Levi squad looked at Naruto and Eren then they smiled

"Well now we wait for the new recruits, then we go on our next expedition"Levi said

Sorry for updating so late, I'm not too proud of this chapter and I might end up editing it later. I'll try to make the next chapter as soon as possible, please comment your thoughts :)

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