Repetitions || Original Story...

By EvqMo0ny

355K 7.4K 11.4K

Repetitions and Mistakes can clash together to make up a force bound to break. But how much farther can it go... More

Chapter 00 ( Prolouge)
Chapter 02 (Returns)
Chapter 03 ( Our Fates Are Locked )
Chapter 04 (Being secretive gets you in trouble )
Chapter 05 ( Endless Cycle )
Chapter 06 (Despise)
Chapter 07 ( Survival )
Chapter 08 ( Exposed Lies )
Chapter 09 ( Reveal yourself )
Chapter 10 (Fake ; The End Is Here)
| Addition | Flora's Past
| Addition | Family Photo
| Addition | Jessica and Kenny's Fight
| Addition | Victim x2
| Addition | Allan's workplace & co-workers (short)
| Addition | The Characters
| Addition | Unrecognizable
| Addition | Angelina's very best friend
| Addition | Come to Mama

Chapter 01 (Where it all started from)

35.8K 614 898
By EvqMo0ny

"Angie! How come I can't balance my hand like you do?!" Kenny pouted with a frown forming around his face. The girl across from the whining boy snickered "Angie Nell" or to say much more properly was "Angelina Nell". That was her full name , their mother liked things proper , so inevitably most of the kids' names were long. Angie was older than Kenny by 2 years, making her the oldest sibling at the table currently. Both have constantly been told they are mature for their ages. Both of their vocabularies are widely expanded considering Kenny and Angie are 5 and 7. Their mother was always on about how "You need to learn ahead of time."
She would complain to them about it and absolutely go berserk if a mistake was made, but that's a story for another time. Angelina sneezed , interrupting the moment. She very much wanted to teach Kenny on how to drink out of a teacup the right way. First , by educating him on balancing his hand properly. "Well that's because I've practiced more than you have!" She'd mock as she replied to his comment.

At this , Kenny let out a giggle to her witty response. "I mean- I guess I will always be bad at it." He jokingly sobbed as Angie started to stifle a few laughs of her own , before she failed miserably , now choking on her own giggles from his childish joke. He smiled knowing he made her laugh. So he continued with his theater drama. "You know I'll never get good at it!!" He said , looking as if real tears were gonna stream out of his eyes. Angelina's face was now distorting through her laughter, tears flooding her face. They laughed alongside each other.

They kept on laughing until their cackles turned into soft snickers. "Th-That was hilarious." Angie had said between breaths, breathing in and out aggressively. "Y-yeah." He giggled a little, even being out of breath. "Welp, shall we continue with our lesson?" Angie had gasped while still recovering from her little 'laugh' attack. "Yeah sure! I swear I will get it right this time." He swore to her. She giggled. "Yeah yeah sure, I bet when you'll be about 100." She teased. "Wha- nooo I swear I'll learn big sissy!" The young boy begged. Angie smiled a bit. "Yeah, I'm sure you will." She smiled larger. "Now let's get to practicing!" She yelled at him happily. He nodded at her frantically and grabbed his teacup again, to attempt to get it right.


He now had finished spending time with his beloved older sister Angie. It was fun, though he never learned throughout the lesson since it always slipped and fell. It was embarrassing to admit the least. "Kenneth?" a voice came out.
Kenny flinched a little, The boy only gets called his full name when it was serious. "Huh?" He answered and pinpointed the location where he heard the voice. There he gazed upon the other elder sister "Jessica Nell." She's 10 yrs old, so clearly she's 5 years older than him. He never felt comfortable calling her a nickname like he did to his other siblings , for example - calling her "Jess" or "Jessie" was a big no no. He wasn't very close with her and frankly didn't want to try to be , so Kenny wasn't exactly very fond of her, soon enough the answer would be given.
"Jessica? Did you need me?" He questioned as she got closer to him. "Well, I haven't exactly seen mom anywhere. . . I was wondering if you knew where she was?" She questioned in the most innocent way possible as she stared down at Kenny.

Riiight, well she's a mama's girl. Kinda weird right? Yeah, you don't see this too often. "Uh no, I haven't." He shook his head in denial. She sighed deeply. "Well. . . if you see her , can you tell her I'm looking for her?" She practically begged. "Oh uh- ok Jessica." He answered vaguely. She managed to give a small smile. "Thank you Kenny!" She embraced him in a tight hug, and with that - she soon was on her way. He stared at her mindlessly go off while pondering where his mother actually was. He dismissed the thought rather quickly. He didn't want to think too hard about that , maybe he should spend some time with his big brother next.

With no hesitation Kenny raced upstairs to where his brother was relaxing. He ran over and stopped at the door and knocked softly, standing there patiently until a door click was heard. As soon as the door opened he squeezed the person who opened the door with a tight loving hug. "Terrance Nell", or as he says it "Terry" is Kenny's favorite sibling. He was always there no matter the cause. He was the oldest of all of the kids in the house.

"Woah! Did you miss me that much?" He chuckled. He looked up to him and smiled. "Of course I did! I didn't get to spend time with you since I was spending time with Angie!" Kenny said between laughs. Terry hugged him back and they both went inside his room. He sat on his bed and patted the side right next to him - motioning Kenny to sit there, so of course he obliged and sat down. "So what do you wanna talk about hm?" He said as he leaned closer ,thinking. "Hmmmm. . . have you ever tried making dolls?" the younger said ecstatically.

Terrance looked confused for a second until he realized what he had meant. "Oooh you mean like making those plushies or teddy bears or those types of things?" He said. "Yeah! I've always wanted to make one!" he said happily. "Well, it's kind of tough to make one, it's not all that plain and simple." He laughed a bit ruffling his hair. "I- I can try at least!" He said, trying to defend himself. "I suppose you could, but where are you going to find all the materials hm?" He locked his eyes with Kenny and waited for him to say something. "I- I guess your right Terry. . ." He looked down in disappointment.

"Hey! Don't look so down in the dumps! I'm sure you'll be able to make one soon, maybe when I can get a job, I can raise some money so you can get started." He smiled brightly at him. "Oooh that'd be so nice of you!!" Kenny gaped at him with wide eyes. "Well, I just want to see you happy." Terrance smiled softly at him. "Terry, you're the best big brother ever!!" He tackled him into a hug. "I'm your only big broth- woah!-" was the last thing Terrance had said before he fell off his bed onto the ground. He laughed wholeheartedly at Kenny and hugged him tight. "You're pretty strong there Kenny!" He said half jokingly to him.

"Haha! Yes I'm very s t r o n g." He said even more jokingly. Terrance chuckled at his response and let go of him. Later on , they had went on and kept playing with some toys that Terrance himself had as a baby ; toddler, until they both heard their mother's yell for them to come to the dinner table. "TERRANCE!! KENNETH!! DINNER!!" was her frantic yell. They both stiffened and cleaned up Terrance's room. "Ugh, I wish she could at least put it in a nicer way of saying to go have dinner." Terrance whispered with annoyance. "Yeah. . ." Kenny agreed with him. They were making their way downstairs when their mother's cold hard stare caught on them. Terrance walked in first with Kenny following behind. Their father Allan, saw them from the corner of his eye, seemingly very tired.

His face looked so worn down and in way , dead already, it was as if he gave up on life itself, of course not like before, when he showed how extremely happy and positive he used to be. "Oh boys! You came!" He smiled slightly before looking down at his food. "Yeah, I mean we need to eAt Dad!" Terrance said, trying to lighten the mood by joking a bit. This backfired as how no one laughed even in the slightest. "Eh Eh Eh- oh well whatever- geez tough crowd." Terrance awkwardly said as he spat the last line with a harsh whisper before taking a seat next to Angelina. Kenny stood there nervously and slyly took a seat next to Jessica. "Oh wait Kenny-! Promise me we'll finish our teatime session tomorrow!" Angie had said out of nowhere , appointing her attention onto Kenny.

Kenny flinched and looked over at her direction. "-I forgot to tell you that after we finished that I wanted to continue teaching you about the art of teatime" Angie finished saying. "Ooh sure Angie!" He answered back. Jessica looked at him for a split-second before turning back and had her attention to her meal. He was slightly confused why, but dismissed it as nothing. He finally took a peek of what his dinner was, and what he saw were some mashed potatoes, white rice, some small pieces of steak scattered around the rice, and about two pieces of cauliflower on the side. It actually looked delicious. The aroma was so enticing as well. Terrance was also drawn by it by the look he had by staring at it. He giggled internally.

Kenny took a spoonful of this , he carefully put the metal spoon with the meal on it in his mouth. He chewed carefully and swallowed in satisfaction , he continued the same routine until his plate was completely empty. After he was done, he took his glass of water and drank it quickly before putting it down. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up to throw it away in the garbage can. "Oh Kenny, can you please throw this away for me?" Allan had said out of nowhere. He looked at his father and did as he asked him to do. "Thank you so much Kenny." He ruffled his hair and smiled at him kindly. He smiled back without even noticing. Kenny really did love his Dad , he was the best ever.
He then stood up from the table and walked over to the direction of his room.

"Have a goodnight everyone! I'll be going to sleep already. . . I do have work tomorrow you know." He mentioned. "Of course dear. . ." Flora started saying. "You go rest, I'll finish everything up here." She finished speaking. Kenny stared at her knowing what she had meant, and he. . . he frankly was not ready for that. "Goodnight Papa!" Angie had said. "Sleep well Dad!" Jessica spoke up to say. "What they said Dad! You should really take care of yourself." Terrance finally concluded. Kenny nodded and happily smiled at him in reassurance with his hands being two big thumbs up at his Dad directly. Allan's eyes softened. "I will, now I'll go, Goodnight everyone once again." He stated and closed the door softly.

As the door closed, Flora's eyes had gotten much bigger in excitement as she twinged her smile , since Jessica and Angie had also finished their food as well as Terrance and Kenny , they could go. "Now Jessica, Angelina . . . You two go off to sleep, it's getting late." their mother mentioned. Jessica nodded at this and listened of course. "Alright Mom! I'll take Angie to her room and I'll go to mine." Jessica said. Kenny blinked at her. Terrance's relaxed joyful face had now quickly morphed into a very dark glaring one- once Jessica and Angie had left , their mother cleaned up the dishes and once she knew for sure both of her girls were fast asleep, she lead both boys to her . . . soundproof room. Terrance looked horribly angry the whole time. One thing Kenny knew for sure, was that he HATED their Mother, and he could perfectly understand why.

She does really bad things. . . to them . . .for the longest time really. However when Terrance gets like that, all angry like that- it kinda scares him. No matter , they kept walking down the metal hall, it seemed endless by the same clanking sound of each footstep , the journey to their inevitable death becoming more and more hard to go through. "I can't fucking believe we need to go through this every single fucking day in our lives." Terrance cursed under his breath. Kenny whimpered slightly , dreading the thought of dying once again. The fresh cold air reached them when their mother opened the big metal door, they both had gotten goosebumps from the random shock wave of cold air. Inside the room was dried blood everywhere, their blood. . of course if you want to be specific about it. Various weapons were on the side, for their mother to use , and from their own personal experiences , they were all extremely painful. They stayed still until their mother pushed them in and locked the metal door.

She grinned darkly and sighed deeply. She cracked her neck and fingers. The woman walked over to the weapons, gliding her fingers softly over the glades. She located the one leaving the most blood on her thin fingers. It was an arrow with sharp little knives everywhere. She then opened her mouth still smiling trying to contain herself.

" you have no idea how long i got tired pretending I loved you shits today"

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