Wolf Leader S2-(KTH)

By Galaxy_Rose9

20.1K 1.2K 21

it has been 60yrs all wolfs have split up taehyung and his man has left to the human world name LA where they... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 36
part 37
part 38
part 39
part 41
part 42
part 43
part 44
part 45
part 46
part 47
part 48
part 49
part 50
part 51
part 52
part 53
part 54

part 40

232 19 0
By Galaxy_Rose9

Taehyung and the others were running to find the abondan building that lay, Kris and others were. Minyoung then stiff.

M: their coming?
L: how far?
M: still a mile away from here.
L: take angel, lock her up in a tank wait for my signal and then drop her down the river.
M: yes sir.

Angel had fainted from all the place that she was hurt in, Minyoung unchin her and took to the van behind the building.

L: the others with me.
K: we can do this.
L: and not lose again.

Lay and Kris looked at each other and smirk. Minyoung was now gone with angel few hours later taehyung they made it to the building they knock over the door.

T: lay!! Where's angel!
L: your here.

They all saw lay come out of the light.

T: where is she?
L: oh she's long gone...she's not here anymore.
Jk: what you do to here?!
L: oh you'll find out soon.
Jm: tell us where she is?!
K: she's going to see her dad.

Kris say and they all widened there eyes and then they charged at all of them. Minyoung made it to the place where all tanks were she open a red empty one, open the door and walk back to grab angel she was still out of it minyoung grab her and put her in the tank.

M: sorry kiddo.

Minyoung look at the keys that she took from lay without him looking she sigh and threw it at angel, she close the door, lock it and walk to the big track started it and waited for the signal. Taehyung was fighting lay and Kris while the others were fighting their packs.

L: what you gotta do now tae?!
T: ugh!!
L: your beloved girlfriend is going to die.
T: ahh!!
K: and you can't do anything about it!
T: ahhh!!!

Taehyung did all his might to punch and kick them they were all wound up already. Meanwhile angel was started to wake up.

A: what...huh...ah..

Angel got up and crawl to the door and bang it.

A: hello! Is anyone there! Help me! Somebody! Please!

Minyoung can hear she sigh and waited. Lay grab a wood and hit taehyung with it he scream then he bit lay, so lay bleed.

T: tell me where she is!
L: at a tank ready to get drowned.

Taehyung widened his eyes then he noticed that the others had tie up their packs and call the police taehyung smirk.

T: im going to kill you both.
K: like you will you'll be sent to jail.
L: and we can't get arrested..we'll get away with it.
T: ahhh!!

Taehyung keeps fighting until they are tired.

M: come on give me the signal! Angels being to loud.

Her ears twitch as she heard the signal his howls she smirks and grab angels tank.

A: ah! No! No!

Angel bang more, minyoung put her towards the river waters. Taehyung had Kris and lay wounded until they heard the cops lay and Kris got away taehyung looked at the others.

T: we have to go find angel!
J: what about lay and Kris?

Taehyung turn back and they were gone he got mad and turn back at them.

T: who cares angels going to die!

They all ran the opposite side and headed to where the tanks are. Minyoung had drop angel in the water and her tank was full of water.

A: no....NO!

Angel saw the keys she grab them and started to unlock her hands and legs she was to bruise up and couldn't do anything.

A: im going to die here....mom...taehyung....

All memory's of taehyung was in her mind she cry.

A: take care of yourself taehyung...I'll see you again...

Taehyung them made it and saw minyoung.

M: your to late.

Taehyung ran and looked down and he saw nothing her tank had gone deep.

T: no! Noooo!

Taehyung wanted to jump in but the others had stop him.

Y: leader we can't!
Jh: its to cold...its ocean water!
T: angel! Angel....*crying*

And thats when they realized their never see angel again it feels like 60yrs ago. Angels tank was getting more full, a idea pop out of angels mind.

A: im not going to die here.

She went to each wooded box and saw a metal hook she went to the door and started hitting it.


Water was more and anfel was folding she breath heavily.


She broke the door and it busted open water came in and angel was now underwater she swim out and realized she's so deep in the river water she started to swim up. They all have lost angels scent of smell so they thought she was dead they all went to angels mom.

M: did you find her?
T; no....she drown in the ocean...
M: no....no!!!

Her mom cry.

T: we can't smell her...she's completely gone...
M: angel!! Baby!

They hug her mom. Angel was swimming up and she was getting tired since her blood was coming out she swim and swim.


Angel finally came up for surface she was swimming to the rocks she then crawl there and breath.

A: *cough*cough*gasp* i made it...

Angel closed her eyes, angel then open her eyes and saw wolfs looking at her she gasp and got up.

A: what...? Who..?
??: hi leader.

Angel knows that vocie she look up and saw a big white wolf.

A: coco?
C: yep.

They are talking in their minds.

A: your still alive?
C: we all were waiting for you.

Angel looks at all the wolfs and smiled she try to get up bymit failed the wolfs help her.

A: thanks guys...

They took angel away, taehyung was at home looking all pale mark came in the room.

M: leader you have to eat.
T: how can I when I fail to protect angel?
M: im sad too but you have to eat.

Mark put the food on the table and left the room. Jungkook went home and yoona (5 months pregnant) welcome him with a smile and saw how sad he was.

Y: the kids are asleep. Honey what's wrong?
Jk: angels gone...

Yoona widened her eyes and hug jungkook he cry in her arms, jimin got home and minjung looked at him.

M: babe did you get angel?
Jm: no...she's dead..
M; what?
Jm; her smell is gone..

Minjung hugged jimin. Angel was getting healed coco went to her.

C; what happened?
A: I got kidnapped again....and was left to die in a tank.
C: humans.
A: thats right.

Angel blink and her red eyes glow coco looked at her and angel grab a glass nearby the cave angel face it to her long black hair.

C: what you doing?
A: im going to look like my old self again 60yrs ago.

Angel cut a hole cuck of it her hair was now shorter and look at it and her white hair had come out.

A: taehyung liked my long hair...

She burn her black hair and it turn to ashs.

C: when you going back?
A: when the new year comes and ill kill lay and Kris myself with the others in their human forms.

Angel smirk. Lay was at home his wife went to him and throw him papers.

L: what is this?
W: divorce. Look at you! Your all fucked up! And you don't have time for me and your kids! What did you do!
L: thats none of your business!
W: sign this! I'm over you.

Lay grab them and sign it and throw it back at her.

W: never show your face to me or your kids. I rather see you dead then alive.

His wife took the papers and pack her cloths and the kids clothes, she walk out with her 6yr old and 3yr old.

L: never wanted you anyways.

Angel looked outside coco looked at her.

C; what is it?
A: lays life just got busted.

She smirks.

Angels pov: just wait Kris lay im coming for all of you..

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