Cant I Just Be A Background C...

By bubblecakespattykiss

459K 19K 12.6K

All Suna Katsumi ever wanted to be was a background character. But fate has other things in stored for him... More

000; prologue
001; crisis indeed
003; The Past Of Collins Wright
004; a day with dad
005; brothers conflict
006; grounded
007; crown prince
008; this is not home
009; pretty little thing
010; vanilla
011; history with some salt on top
012; disgusted
013; just an average day
014; a new beginning
015; sudden confession
016; Arumnia
017; forest

002; the butler

30.6K 1.4K 469
By bubblecakespattykiss

Sumi is very comfortable in bed right now. Thankfully, no one brought up the stuff that happened at yesterdays dinner. Right now, Sumi is cooped up in the blanket, looking at the butler who is infront of him with small droopy eyes.

The butler held a pleasant and formal expression, and he was quite shocked to see that his master had changed just in a few days when he was recuperating. But he didn't say anything anyways.

Sumi was still in his pajamas, and it was probably still early in the morning. Anyways, the butler has probably been bowing for like five minutes already. When is he gonna leave the room? Sumi still wants to sleep more.

Sumi glared at the butler prompting him to leave, but the butler still held that professional facade. He was still quite sleepy.. so that glare probably looked like him squinting his eyes.

"Forgive this servants insolence, but Young Master, i have returned from recuperations and will be at your service once again."

Yeah.. i can see that. The bandages were still visible on Collins' face but Sumi didn't say anything. Instead, he just turned the other side, feeling slightly guilty of the bandages. But it was not really his fault so he doesn't have to do anything. He's not gonna say sorry for something he didn't do. It was the old owner of this body's fault.

"Young Master?"

Sumi closed his eyes, and he could hear a sigh and footsteps coming. Collin couldn't help but think of why his charge had changed. Maybe he should ask the other servants.. Its not good for his master to be unhappy. His master has to be kept happy at all times. Otherwise, his mood will affect The Lord of the house and everything will be turned into chaos.

"Young master, I have been informed of your tantrums during my recuperations. If you have any bottled up feelings, please let it all out. This servant will be happy to be your shoulder to cry on." Collin blushed. He adores his young master afterall. But he still knows his place as a servant.

In other words, if you wanna put it, Collins Wright is a sly bastard who would do anything to please his master.

But the thing is.. Sumi just wants to be left alone. He's still in grieving about his death and his family, so he's still a little bit numb. But this butler or whatever is not leaving him to rest at all! They are making a big deal out of everything..

Sumi opened his right eye, only to be met by the face of the butler. The butler had an impatient but gentle look. Now that Sumi had observed Collins closely, he's actually pretty handsome. Collin had bright green eyes and dirty blonde hair. He could be a capture target, but he's not. His tall figure is almost the same height as his father.

Overall, Collins Wright is an elegant and poised butler for a high-class family. He sure does reaches the standard of Cliffard family.

Sumi closed his eyes in consideration and went back into his headspace, slowly falling asleep. He forgot that he was supposed to dismiss his butler..

And so, the butler accompanied Sumi to his sleep.

A few hours had passed, and Sumi finally woke up. To his suprise, Collins was still there, standing straight and proper. When the now-child turned around to look at his surroundings, he was suprised when he saw the butler waiting there, obviously not happy. But don't blame Sumi, he doesnt even know why the older man would just leave. He didn't even know that the man waited for him.

"Yes? What's wrong?"

Collins right eye twitched, anger was visible on his face but he held back his tongue. After all, this is his young master and his model figure. "Young Master forgot to dismiss me." After he said that, Sumi could only let out an, "oh," feeling a little bit bad that the man had to wait for a few hours for Sumi to wake up. He could've just left though..

"Okay.. You're dismissed."

The butler wore a helpless expression and breathed out a sigh of exasperation. He even almost forgot what he was supposed to tell his charge. Geez, what will young master Louis do without him? But he decided that he could tell the young master another time.

Once Sumi heard the door closing, he abruptly sat up and started to slowly get out of the bed making sure not to fall. He was still not used to the structure of the bed. This fancy bed is so much more bigger and intricate than his previous bed from his previous world. But this bed was definitely softer and it made it much easier for him to sleep. A perfect bed for him.

Slowly looking around the room, he pitter-pattered towards the desk. He slowly opened his drawers and observed the stacks of paper held in them. Picking one up, he sweatdropped looked at the red marks. Was this all Louis' grades? Damn, its all so horrible! Even without studying, Sumi could score a better mark. Is this seriously Louis' grades? Well, you cant compare Sumi to an average human, but this is just too much!

Sumi made a mental note to examine the textbooks and hopefully obtain better marks.

The boy finally realized that he was still in his pajamas, but he didn't want to change out of it. It was because most of his day clothes were so suffocating.. Where would you wanna wear a vest and blazer to? Your only going to stay inside, for gods sake! Ugh, medieval times..

There is no phones or internet to keep Sumi entertained, so what is he supposed to do all day? What do young masters do? Go to parties? Interact with other nobles of his peers? That sounds like too much work, but Sumi isn't the type to just stay in one place either. If he was bored at home, he would've definitely go to some cafe to eat some sweets.

Oh yeah.. doesn't this world have magic? What kind of affinity does he have? Teleportation? That would come in handy..

Apparently, if he remembers correctly; this earth has mana, and everyone residing in it, has a thing called chi or aura. Your aura differs on how strong or weak you are. If your a commoner, obviously your aura would be weaker than nobles or knights. But in rare cases, there could be gifted commoners who possess strong auras and magic. Take the heroine for example. The strongest person here in this country must be either the captain of the royal knight or the villain.

The villain has dark magic. George has.. ice? I mean his hair is white so he probably has ice magic right? And the crown prince, has blood magic. The crown prince was the route that Sumi took when he played the game. Why did he pick the crown prince? Well, because he's royalty, and that's cool. Royals are meant to be strong, not to mention, their blood, blood magic could only be used by royals.

Anyways, by taking some of the mana from his body.. Sumi took his hands out and snow flooded from it. There, ice magic. Bam, Just Like Elsa. Well, its not really cool, after all, its just ice magic, compared to others. But, there's a reason why the cliffards are known to be the most richest and powerful besides the royals. Because their control in ice are more superior than others with the same affinity.

It was so powerful that when Louis would throw a tantrum, a blizzard was formed and the neighbors would even beg Byton to calm the child down. Huh, Louis' magic is really strong compared to his body. If his right leg was 100% healed, then Louis could easily become a royal knight at his age. But of course, his brother was also powerful, if not, more powerful. They are The Cliffards afterall.

He didn't really need to use his brain to think or to remember how to use magic, because their criteria is always simple. Magic chooses it own owner. If you want to use magic, you have to be natural. If your afraid of magic, then your magic would consume you.

If any other normal human beings transmigrated into this world, then they would have already been consumed by their magic. But Sumi was not an ordinary human. He was a genius prodigy, who excels in everything he do.

Suna Katsumi is a genius and a force to be reckoned with if it wasn't for his desperate need to be average.

To avoid his tragic fate, he would do his best to avoid the heroine. Well, he doesn't really have to go through such lengths, he just has to not piss the heroine off. First, he will explore town, and fix his relationships with everyone who has bad blood with Louis. It would be better if they tolerate him instead of hating him.

But since Sumi didn't know the youngest master of the cliffard house well, he doesn't know who hates Louis. Well, the obvious ones are his older brother and all the servants in this house. He needs to mend their relationships.

But then, a sudden thought in his mind came. Why should he? just because he is Louis now, does it mean he has to? I mean, he's never really had lots of experience in making friends. His family basically coddled him and spoiled him.

His mother would buy his favourite desserts and cook the most delicious homemade food ever. His dad would give him his allowance every month with comes with a mandatory pat in his head. Both parents would play cards with him and when he was having a hard time sleeping, they would still allow him to sleep with them even though is already an adult already. Basically, Sumi is a sheltered child with dotting parents who would do anything.

Sumi is not good at doing anything. Sure, he's a genius, but when asked to do stuff, he could be pretty bad at it. He never really interacted with anyone and even if he does, it would probably just be short. So why would he make himself social and be the one to apologize for everything to make up for what sins Louis did?

To hell with that!

After planning his next moves, Sumi had finally snapped out of his daydreams and opened the door out his room. To his suprise, his personal butler was standing infront of the door almost shocking the daylights out of Sumi. "What are you doing?" Sumi asked, curious to why his butler is there.

"Young Master, You're my charge. It would be incompetent of me to leave you alone." Not that the father would allow it anyways, but he left that out. After processing the words, Sumi let out an 'oh' feeling a little bit guilty again.

"Well, sorry." Collins was taken aback at the sudden apology but kept his proper demeanor. The taller man bowed, with a gentle smile on his face. "No need for apologies, young master." After that, the two just stood there awkwardly looking at each other. Sumi had to strain his neck to keep looking at the taller man. Then Sumi cleared his throat and looked away.

"Collin, what's my schedule for today?" Collins lips twitched a little at Sumi's tone. Usually, the young masters tone would be more rough and rude and he would probably be half-yelling and scold Collin for making Louis to have to ask about the schedule first.

"It seems that you are invited to go to a barons daughter party in the evening." Sumi gave the party some thought. He'll surely be bored at home, but he already made plans to go to town anyways. Since its a baron, he doesn't think that its mandatory to join.

"Alright, i'll skip that. Instead, i would like to go to town." The butler gave a polite smile and bowed. "As you wish, Young Master."

Once Sumi saw Collin leaving to go wherever, he sighed. So basically, Louis is just a dumb brat who cant do anything by himself? Who couldn't be independent even for a second, and always has to have someone to coddle him? What luck he has, being in this brats body.

Well, might as well get ready. He is still in his pajamas.

Baleywick helped him with his outfit. Well, Sumi tried to tell him that he could do it by himself. But he was not used to this worlds clothes, so he got a bit confused. The second-hand embarrassment he got when he thought that Baleywick would think that he's that dumb that he couldn't change his clothes by himself. But apparently, its normal for young masters to be changed by servants, so Louis never really learned how to change by himself. Ugh, medieval times.

Nevertheless, with the help of Collins, he managed to get to the carriage in one piece. Collin got inside of the carriage after him, and he closed the doors after that. Collins personality is a little bit complicated. Sometimes, you could read him like an open book, but you would never know his true intention. That's why Sumi is a little bit cautious of his butler. Afterall, he'll never know when the butler will betray him.

Sumi bore eyes at the taller man, who didn't flinch at the gaze of his young master. Instead, the man smiled at Sumi, making him blink. "Is there anything you need, young master?" He asked. Sumi finally looked away and shook his head. "No, its fine."

The ride to town was awkward and silent.

"Young master, we've arrived. Allow me to put your coat on you as its a little bit cold."

Before Sumi could say anything, the thick coat was already on him in a blink of an eye and Collin was already outside, holding out the door for him and his hand was also out, prompting Sumi to take it.

He took his butlers hand and mumbled his thanks, making Collins right eye twitch. He was already quite used to his new master. But it was still a little weird.

Sumi's eyes wandered the town, and his eyes sparkled when he saw numerous sweets. Still gripping on Collins hand, he dragged the poor butler along with him.

Walking to the stand with cotton candy, he bought two of them and gave one to Collins, prompting him to take it. Collin blinked and gave an amused smile. Since when had his young master became so cute? "I cant, young master. Im on duty, but this servant is honored for young masters consideration."

"Um.. its nice to see you being polite and all. But i actually bought these for myself. I thought that I could finish it but I'm saving my stomach for other desserts, so its gonna go to waste if you don't eat it."

Sumi softly smiled at the butler, holding out the cotton handy to him. The butler sighed and took the sweet out of his masters hand and softly bit into the cotton candy.

The butler didn't know that Sumi had a sweet tooth.

After this, Sumi kept on trying many sweets, and he would've continued to eat more sweets until.. Collin cleared his throat and Sumi looked at him confused. On the corner of the little boys' mouth was smudged with chocolate. The butler sighed at the sight and took his napkin from his pocket, rubbing it on his young masters face, cleaning the chocolate.

"Your father will be angry if you keep eating too much sweets. He also expects a report from you."

... what is he? a kindergarden?

Sumi paled at the mention of his father. If the dad knows about the sugar spree, then Sumi is up for a big lecture. Collin might also snitch on him.. This is bad. That old man is always so protective.

"Collin, can you not tell dad?" The corners of Collins lips twitched at the sight of his adorable master.

"Of course, this servant will keep today a secret."

".. then.. pinky promise?"

Sumi held out his pinky towards Collins. The butler held an amused smile and crossed his pinky with the little one. His master had truly changed. Though weird, he wouldn't mind if his master stays like this.

And so, the rest of the day is spent peacefully.

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