Haters of love

By FairytailGeekBRUUH

500 26 97

There is one common thing about all the teen boys. They have definitely dated 2 or 3 girls, especially the ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Just writing a note cause author of this cliche novel is bored
Chapter: 5
Chapter : 6
Author's suicide note...
Chapter: 7 part 1
Extra: The first meeting
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter: 7 part 2

38 1 1
By FairytailGeekBRUUH

Delmion moved out of the limousine behind Estelle's.

He noticed her and flashed a beautiful smile. Estelle on the other hand, looked at him with a disgruntled face.

'What's with the disgusted face. Do I look that ugly?' Delmion thought, while his smile dazzled everyone around him.

Well, not Estelle. She clicked her tongue and proceeded to move up the magnificent stairs. 

'He just had to ruin my happy moment! closet shoujo school prince!' Estelle cursed inside her mind.

'Well...I'm no different...wait! It's not like I'm the only one who likes two guys dating each other! I fell into the fujoshi trap so what! Even he fell into the cliche shoujo manga world..'

Estelle regained herself and looked straight ahead, walking gracefully.

'Hehe. Looks like my idea worked. Disguising sneakers as heels sure helped a lot.' Estelle smile beautifully over the achievement she had made.

 On the inside, she may had seem quite disgraceful. however, outside, the people were astounded by the elegance and beauty Estelle emitted. Her beautiful gown contrasted with her magnificence. No one in the hall could take their eyes off of her. Including Delmion. 

'Wow...she....USED THE DRESS DESIGNS FROM THE MOST COOLEST HISTORICAL SHOUJO MANGAS! HOW...HOW COULD SHE!' Delmion was too surprised.  In other words, he was in love...









with the dress that is.

Estelle's eyes darted around the ballroom while she was 'perfectly' walking down the stairs.

'Salene, my salvation in this disastrous time, where are you. I can't hold my complaints anymore...' Estelle tried to sigh like Haruhi (From Ouran High School Host Club)...but it was to no avail. 

'I sound like a gorilla that got constipation...' Estelle deadpanned.

(A/n :What else do you expect from a girl who wants to get isekaid into the anime world?)

Finally, she found the 'salvation' she was looking for.  

Her adorable sulky face changed into the face of a bright puppy.


Estelle refrained her happiness and elegantly smiled at Salene then proceeded to walk towards Salene.

'Tch. Can't she leave me alone for once? I want to enjoy all this exquisite free food.' Salene looked at Estelle emotionlessly, then looked the other way as if she wasn't the one who Estelle just called.

Estelle's smile twitched. She slowly walked towards Salene who had her back towards her and jumped on her.

"Pikachu!" She said with a joyful smile (a smile of revenge).

Salene choked on the 'Gratin dauphinois'  she was eating.

'Oops. Looks like I scared her too much.' Estelle smiled innocently and handed Salene a glass of water.

"Are you fine now?" Estelle asked with her eyes wide open.

Salene, with one of her hands on the table, raised the other hand at Estelle.

"For starters, It's 'peekaboo' ......NOT PIKACHU YOU HELPLESS WEEB!" Salene whisper screamed.


"Woah there fella, at least you didn't die. You can still read your Harry Potter." Estelle tried to calm Salene down but it only resorted to the opposite.


"But it was you who ignored me." Estelle pouted with a cry baby face.

"WHAT TH- oh I see miss Estellion. I believe I need to take my leave now. It will be a pleasure to see you around later." Salene was going to say something else but her tone changed strangely.

She bowed and proceeded to leave. 

'What's up with her?' Estelle was bewildered.

'Did my claim work? Well, of course it will. After all, I'm the best in calming down people when they are stressed.' Estelle thought with a 'hmph' as if praising herself. 

"Oh my, I didn't realize that miss Estellion will also attend this party." 

Estelle flinched when she heard these words.

'Why that clever!  She didn't calm down! She escaped! That- that COWARD!' Estelle could feel the cold sweat on her spine and the anger boiling inside of her.

With an unwilling yet elegant smile, Estelle turned around and greeted the last person she wanted to meet at that time.

"My~ lady Iziana, it has been quite a long time. How may you be doing?" Estelle asked politely with the same smile but with a hint of hostility.

"Fufu. I'm doing just fine miss. Now then, why don't we drop the formalities? It feels like there is a cold distance between us. I just hope to be a great companion to you." The rotten potat- I mean, Iziana said with a pitiful look, as if she was being bullied. Iziana's friends gave her a sad look.

"Don't be sad lady Iziana, some people just want to be high and mighty." They all glared at Estelle.

'That rotten potato kept on calling me miss instead of lady. She's definitely looking  down on me. Have these so called friends of hers not learned politics? Geez.' Estelle mocked them inside her mind.

"I'm sorry if I had offended you miss but concerning the fact that we have just met, I think it will be quite disrespectful if I speak informally." Estelle said graciously.

Iziana looked taken aback and so did her friends. 

'Tch. Is that all she's got? two faced? Geez. Here I was, hoping for a true villainess. Someone who doesn't hide who she really is, but her? she's just a coward who won't survive a second if not for her acting skills. So fake.' Estelle was really dissatisfied. 

She always wanted to live like an independent anime female lead who gets isekaid  as a   villainess in one of her favourite novel or otome game ( not two faced). 

She was really offended and felt sorry for all the brave villainesses. Two faced villainess are the worst.

She kept on looking at Iziana for a reply but that's not what she got.

'Now she will start fake crying.' She thought.

As she thought this, a fake tear escaped from Iziana'a left eye. Gradually, tears burst from both her eyes and she started crying.

"I-I'm sorry...*hic* I overstepped my boundaries...*hic* as expected...a lowly girl like me can never stand tall near someone like you *hic* miss..I'm so so sorry."

Everyone in the hall looked at the scene that Iziana created. Her friends glared at Estelle all of them yelled, 

"How could you! What did she do to you? All she wanted was a friendship yet here you are acting like the world revolves around you!"

"That's right! Stop acting so high and mighty just because of you status!"

"you're just an annoying bully!"

Everyone's attention was now on Estelle who was trembling...

trembling to hold back her laughter. 

'Geez. They messed with the wrong weeb.' Salene looked at the scene in front of her and sighed.

She knew that Estelle would not like it if she interfered, cause she prefers to be the 'so called amazing  female lead'. So she just enjoyed the live drama with a cake in  her hand.

'I wish they had popcorns..' Salene thought.

Estelle straightened her back and looked at Iziana's friends and Iziana who had collapsed.

"I admit it was quite disrespectful  of me." Estelle said.

Then the friends smiled with a mocking look.

"However. What I did was not wrong. Finding companions that are eligible is a key rule of the noble society. Formality is especially necessary, but I didn't see that from that young lady right here. To begin with, she approached me not with a greeting but a statement, asking that she didn't think I would attend this ball. Just the fact that she asked this, showed that she didn't know the names of the guests she had invited and even without the intention to do so, she mocked me for attending."

 Estelle supported her statement with an example unlike Iziana who had just cried.

Everyone in the hall started whispering.

"As If that wasn't enough, she also retorted to call me with the title of 'miss ' instead of 'lady'. Any noble women with a high rank would be able to understand what that means. I, as a woman who values friendship, do not accept a friend who will mock me and cry afterwards as if showing that she was a victim. We all know that being emotional is a part of life but being over-emotional is a sign of weakness."

All the noble women looked surprised by what Estelle said and turned to look at the pathetic Iziana with contempt evident in their eyes.

"Certainly, noblewomen must learn to be brave to survive in this harsh world rather than shed tears on even the smallest pain. So then, lady Iziana, why don't you try to be brave in order to have better friends. Rather than befriend those naive people who would point fingers at just anyone."

Everyone looked touched. Everybody, especially the women, looked emotional over the words that Estelle said. 

Iziana on the other hand, was trembling with anger. 

'This...this damned villainess!' She thought.

Iziana slowly stood up and smiled innocently at Estelle with tears in her eyes.

"I-I'm really sorry lady Estellion. I didn't know that my words had offended you. It was truly my mistake, I hope I'll be eligible enough to be your companion." She smiled like the actress she is.

"It's quite alright lady Iziana, I hope we get along from now on." Estelle said.

The guests were also satisfied by their 'friendship' and returned to talking with each other.

On one side of the crowd, stood Delmion smiling at Estelle.

'Not disappointing...not disappointing at all. She's a true otaku. Quite a villainess we have there. Of course, I meant that Estellion girl.' Delmion's smile grew wider and he continued to talk about business with the other men crowding around him.

After sometime, Estelle found Salene and approached.

"Nice escape you had there miss secretary. Now, do you care to explain why you abandoned your only friend for food?" Estelle asked.

"Well, you abandoned me for ice-cream more than ten times. Also, I have plenty of friends unlike you, miss president." Salene replied.

Estelle gasped and gave an incredulous look to Salene.

ok. Salene hit the point. Estelle wasn't really a social queen. She was 'lacking' friends. 

(A/n: More like, she's too introverted to approach a person. I wanted her to save face so I wrote 'lacking'.....EXCUSE ME! I HAVE ENOUGH SOCIALISING SPIRIT!...yeah...that was Estelle. Don't mind her)

"Anyways, the Levi killer is approaching." Salene said while munching on her gourmet German cookies. 

"Approaching? Me? After all that?" Estelle asked while looking back.

"No. She's approaching the school prince or whatever." (the whatever Salene's talking about is Ruve).

"What does that have to do with me?" Estelle ignored what Salene said and enjoyed the Belgium ice-cream.

"Oh. You don't care? It was you who told me that the school prince found out your secret. If she flirts with him and gets him on her side, there's no saying when he will reveal your weakness." Salene blurted out like she didn't care and Estelle flinched.

"She's still on doubt about you being an obsessed weeb, considering the fact that you acted like you didn't care when she broke the Levi cup. However if that guy shows her the proof that you're a..that...there's no saying what she will do." Salene continued carelessly.

"Anyway-huh?" Salene opened her eyes to look at Estelle but the person in question was not present there.

That's because Estelle was currently beside Iziana, giggling and talking, while Iziana looked bewildered.

"Did this woman do a Naruto run or something?" Salene's thoughts were said out loud.

She sighed and slowly approached the crowd surrounding Estelle and Iziana.

3 minutes earlier:

"U-um...Delmion...d-do you want me to show you around our mansion? I'll also be taking a few of my companions with me.." She smiled innocently.

"I'll have to say no. It will be quite rude of me to roam around an unacquainted lady's house." Delmion replied eloquently. 

Iziana blushed.

"I-I see. I'll try my best to be nice friends with you from now on."

Yes. She actually thought that he wanted to spend time with her.

"Lady Iziana, I heard you are going to show your companions around your house. If you don't mind, I would also like to come along." Estelle's voice was heard.

Iziana flinched. She turned and greeted Estelle.

"Fufu. There's no issue lady Estellion, I truly don't mind you coming with us." Iziana showed a fake smile and turned back to Delmion.

"Delmion, it was so nice to meet you. Let's meet again in school. I'm sorry to leave you but I have to show my friends around." Salene looked at Delmion with a timid (fake) look.

"I see. I would like to come along as well as it seems that there are quite a number of male coming along with you." Delmion smiled...not at Iziana but Estelle.

Estelle narrowed her eyes. 

'What is this shoujo guy up to now?'

Estelle felt a hand holding hers and turned to see Salene staring straight ahead.

'Well, at least I'm not alone.' She smiled a satisfied smile. 

'Don't tell me this guy is interested in the goddess?!' Ruve thought.(poor guy, you finally come in) 

He glanced at Delmion and saw him smiling.

'He's definitely interested.' He looked directly at Delmion with a way too shocked look.

'Hmm..when should I strike the deal?' Delmion thought.'

'Well, let's enjoy this time for now.' He smirked.

Iziana guided everyone to the different parts of her mansion and they soon reached her room.

'This annoying white lotus...just when will she stop clinging to me?' Delmion thought. 

He was really irritated because Iziana kept on flirting with him. He did avoid the one time she tried to wrap her arms around his. 

His attention right now, was on Estelle who suddenly gasped.

"Oh my! Is this your cat?" She asked excitedly as she looked at the white Persian cat lying on Iziana's big couch. 

It meowled at Estelle cutely and rubbed itself against her leg.

Estelle almost fainted from the cuteness and tried to repress a squeal. 

"Oh. That's Mister Fufukins. He's a really gentle cat." Iziana replied with a non-interested look. All she wanted to do was humiliate Estelle in front of Delmion.

"So it's a male...quite adorable." Delmion for once, smiled genuinely. He truly loved cats.

Mister Fufukins looked at Delmion then hissed. Delmion blinked as he didn't understand.

Estelle giggled while touching the hissing cat. Mister Fufukins gave in to Estelle's touch and purred.

"How cruel. Why would you call such a handsome cat adorable? It hurts his pride." Estelle looked at the male cat with loving eyes as she caressed his soft fur.

Delmion couldn't take his eyes off Estelle. She was the first ever girl who held such warmth in her eyes. There wasn't lust or seduction...but genuine love and warmth glowing beautifully in her eyes. 




It was something that he always desired. Not fake love. Not the love based on looks. But a love that smiled at what was inside.

They say that boys can carelessly break a girl's heart. However, Delmion was not someone like them. He was just like a childish girl. Waiting for true love...but he soon realized that reality is quite harsh compared to the witches and evil queens...it was filled with even worse people...people who betrayed. Cheated. Destroyed innocence. Even though he is all grown up, there is still a tiny hope in his heart. A hope that he will find his princess. the princess who loves who he truly is and not his looks.

He was mesmerized by Estelle but he snapped out of it.

'What are you thinking Delmion? true love? Geez. I've lost my mind. Have you forgotten how a girl broke your cousin's heart just because she fell in love with your looks?' 

Just one girl...created a rift between two close brother. They are toxic. They always will be. There is no Athanasia. No Erza. Not even Ayuzawa in this world. He better close his heart before it becomes used to this gaze.




'Cutie! Oh! I just wanna cuddle you!' Estelle tried so hard to hold herself back.

It will be extremely disgraceful if she squealed and suffocated- I mean hugged another person's cat. The cat of her arch nemesis at that.

Estelle got up to walk and Iziana guided the others around the huge room.

Iziana  was thinking about what she should do. She finally thought about an idea.

Humiliating Estelle by making her trip. How funny would it be if Estelle trips and falls into the aquarium in Iziana's room. 

Soon, they reached the part where the aquarium was present. 

Delmion was standing right in front of Estelle, they were face to face. 

Iziana became even more happy because Delmion will be getting a closer view of Estelle's hideous state. 

Estelle was walking around and looking at the fishes in the aquarium. Delmion was also doing the same.

Iziana smirked and as she was talking to the others, got closer to Estelle and....













Estelle tripped.

She was falling....towards Delmion not the aquarium.

It was as if they would.....

Soon Estelle's lips slowly descended on Delmion's.

Salene was surprised.

Ruve was shocked.

And Delmion...was speechless...to the point he can't register what had happened in his head.









Everyone's thought were screaming....























kissed Mister Fufukins.

Yes, as Estelle was falling, Mister Fufukins was in a desire to have a bellyrub. She was able to avoid falling on Delmion and almost kissing him because of her good reflexes....but she ended up kissing the cat instead. On the furry lips...

Estelle quickly got up. Her face was burning red.

"M-My first kiss...." 

She couldn't believe it....her first kiss...in real life...was the sweetest and cutest one she could ever have...

"M- Mister Fufukins...." She whispered as if she was in love.

And as if on cue, Mister Fufukins purred boldly.

"W-What in the Hogwarts just happened...." Salene was dazed.

"I-I don't know..." Ruve as well.

'kyaaaahhh!!! why why why! Now I'll need to tell the maids to scrub his lips off in order to get rid of the germs.' Iziana screamed in her mind.

Estelle slowly hid her blushing face.

"Ahem..I'm sorry for what just happened. I was unable to notice Mister Fufukins. It was my mistake." She didn't look up...she was too shy to.

'I...finally had my first kiss in real life..with a handsome cat at that! I wanna be a furry now...'

"Miss Estellion, please calm down. let's get some fresh air." Salene slowly held Estelle's hand and guided her outside.

"Geez. Just...geez...you finally got your first kiss...although it wasn't what we thought it will be like." Salene spoke first to break the silence.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way." She felt pitiful towards Estelle. Poor girl.

"What are you apologizing for? You think I'm disappointed? I was kissed by a cat...that's a dream of every weeb who's a cat lover." Estelle answered dreamily and sighed as if she was in love...well really was in love.

"What? You think he will turn into a furry and become one of your handsome and cute cat human?" Salene deadpanned.

"Teehee." Estelle chuckled. 

"Anyways, be alone for a while, I'll go get some drinks." Salene said and went off.

'Today sure was hectic...and I can guess who decided to trip me.' Estelle thought.

She was lost in thought when she was suddenly pulled into a corner.

"Well then, young lady, shall we discuss our deal?"

A deep yet soft voice was heard.

It was Delmion.






I'm sorry if the first kiss wasn't really what you wanted.

It may also seem gross to some of you but it's the fictional world so yeah..

Also, This chapter took me three days to make..always getting disturbed because I needed to go out during the holidays...looks like I won't be updating frequently anytime soon.

And, vote if you like the chapter, the next chapter will be an extra giving more information about the already introduced characters.

Well then...SEE YA LATER! (that is if you haven't dropped this novel by then)

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