PERIM Season 1

By Quahvoo23

845 11 1

Based on original TCG card game franchise, "Chaotic". Including the animated series comes an all new fanficti... More

Episode 1 Welcome to Perim [Part 1]
Welcome to Perim [Part 2]
Welcome to Perim [Part 3]
Welcome to Perim [Part 4] [Finale]
Episode 2 Prank Gone Wrong [Part 1]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 3]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 4]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 5]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 6] [Finale]
Episode 3 Happy Birthday Leo [Part 1]
Happy Birthday Leo [Part 2] [Finale]
Episode 4 New Legend of Perim [Part 1]

Prank Gone Wrong [Part 2]

55 1 0
By Quahvoo23

Later at night, all the tribes have prepared to get ready and guard for any danger to come. Emerald, Topaz, Raygon, and Jessica were safe in their own home trying to keeping eye on every place somewhere. Emerald is taking care of his baby brother, Opal, while Topaz is taking care of his baby sister, Sapphire. Yokkis could be around here anywhere now that his DNA's become a cartoon maniac beast like "Mask" in (1994). Tangath Toborn was of course like his own position as a warrior stands on guard to make sure there's no more trouble coming by. Wytod, Attakat, Frafdo, Nebres, Arias, Viqtarr, Intress, Aivenna, Katarin, and the rest of all the Overworlder warriors are guarding the city, the forest, and everywhere as well.

Nebres holds his telescope in his eyes to see any location if Yokkis is here to plan on something cruel.

"Well Nebres? Whatta you see? Has he arrive?" asked Frafdo turns to Nebres while standing his position.

"I'm not sure Frafdo. But whatever he's planning on, it's not gonna be easy." said Nebres

"I don't blame you." said Frafdo sighing

"Damn it!! I Can't Believe It's Already April Fools Day, I Mean I Don't Understand Why Does Yokkis Always Love This Stupid Holiday???!!!" said Viqtarr annoyance.

"I know how you feel, Viqtarr, he always does this for his hobby all the time." said Arias agreed and rolling his eyes.

"Oh dear, I feel bad for what happened to Owis. I just hope Yokkis would stop all of this pranks and realize what he's doing. Why would he do such a horrible thing just because today's April Fools Day????" said Aivenna feeling down.

Katarin tries to comfort her.

"Yeah, like he needs to stop what he's doing or else this whole prank is gonna turn into hell." said Gespedan agreeing her.

At Mipedim Oasis

The Mipedian warriors are guarding their country as well. Ghatup, Vinta, Shimmark, Kobarri, Malvedine, Ario, Dakkamal, Grantkae, Bivike, and the rest of the Mipedians are on their position on each and every locations they're at.

"Man, That Overworld Prank Master Think He Can Prank On All Of Us??? Well That's Not About To Happened, Right Ghatup???" said Bivike as he turn to Ghatup.

"That's right Bivike. I agree with you there. Hopefully the guys have an idea to stop Yokkis once and for all." said Ghatup agreeing with Bivike.

"For all I can say this is just stupid of how that Overworlder think he's the almighty powerful prankster." said Ario annoyance.

"Well he sure can be a goofball headed like Spongebob and Patrick, that's for sure." said Kobarri.

"You know something guys?? I think he should be around here somewhere so we need to be guarded at all time like Maxxor said at the Kiru City after what happened to Owis." said Shimmark remembers

"My brother's right, who knew where he could be out there somewhere." said Vinta agreeing.

They both nodded as they stop talking and watch on their guards.

At Mount Pillar

The Danians are guarding their home as well. Tassanil, Faash, Bierk, Aimukk, Wamma, Tabaal, Ramarhvir, Lhad, Ibiaan, Junda, Lore, Drazz, Makanaz, and the rest of all Danian warriors are on each of their position with their weapons to make sure Yokkis better not prank on them.

"I can't believe it's April Fools Day!!" said Bierk feeling nervous.

"I can't believe it either, Bierk. Yokkis is gotta be around here somewhere. We must stay vigilant at all times." said Faash comforting Birek.

"Of course." said Bierk.

But as soon afterwards the light begin to turn off itself. Faash and Bierk froze and startled.

"AHHH!! GREAT SON OF A DANIAN!!!" yelled Tassanil.

"WE GOTTA FIND THE LIGHT FAST!!! YOKKIS MIGHT OF AS WELL BE AROUND HERE SOMEWHERE!! WE SHOULD HURRY BEFORE HE- WHAAAAA!!!!!" Before Makanaz finish and orders all the Danians to find the light during darkness when they can see with their eyes glowing, he and the rest of all Danian warriors have fell and trip on something. They felt mushy and smell something stench when they realize it was actually the pool of so much poops. They gag trying to get out but it's too dark they can't find out. When the lights finally popped on they heard a loud growled coming towards them. It was a mutant poop monster coming to life trying to attack them. Their eyes widened and begin to scream. The poop monster attacks them and grabs some of them and eats them.(Don't worry the Danians are fine. They're not dead. It's just one of Yokkis's pranks.)

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT????!!!!!" Bierk yelled in terror.

"IT'S THAT SOME KIND OF A POOP MONSTER?????!!!!!" Tassanil yelled in terror too.

"WHAT THE HELL!!! THAT'S SO DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!" Faash gags like he's about to vomit.

"EVERYONE, WE MUST GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!!!!!" Wamma yelled in command.

And so now that the lights are on they can finally find to get out of here and found the normal ground of dirt and run away while the humongous poop monsters begin to chase after them. They run away through Mount Pillar trying to lost the poop creatures. They run around like the maze. It took a while to find a way when they reach to dead end.

"OH NO!!! YOU GOT TO BE JOKING!!! DEAD END?????!!!!!!" yelled Ibiaan.

When they couldn't find a way a shadow appears behind them, they turn around and see the big poop monsters caught them and walks towards them with growling stench. They both gulped at the same time when backing towards the wall.

Meanwhile At Mommark Castle

Mommark, Ettala, Maxxor, Chaor, Prince Mudeenu, Prince Iflar, Odu Bathax, Marquis Darini, Najarin, Tartarek, Narfall, Sobtjek, Tiaane, Garv, Phelphor and Gnarlus is in Mommark Castle trying to figure out the plan. Maxxor and Chaor tries to calm them down.

"MEN!!! MEN!!! CALM DOWN!" yelled Maxxor

"Maxxor's right!!! This is no time to freak out!!! Now, Mommark, is there any way to stop Yokkis and restore his DNA??" said Chaor ordering Mommark.

Then Mommark eyes widened with the idea.
"Actually, I think there is a way. And I might got an idea for it. Come, this way!!"

They went into Mommark's room and saw so much junk here. Chaor see this room all messed and groaned.

"Uh..." Iflar stood there with disturbance while seeing the room full of stuff lying around the floor.

"Sorry about my room. I haven't done all the chores during my lab science." said Mommark.

"It's okay." said Garv.

Mommark search under his bed and smiles wide and pulls towards him. It's the book of medicine with the glowing and sparkle plants on the front of the title. They saw it and looked confused. Except Najarin and Garv who knows all about this book.

"The DNA Restoration Medicine!!!" Najarin thought.

"Yes!! I'm glad Yokkis didn't even took the book under my bed!!" said Mommark smiling, holding the old ancient book.


"What does this magical plant has got to do with anything????" said Odu Bathax scoffing towards Mommark.

"Well, this book with the plant on it, my friends, is called "DNA Restoration Medicine". It was the ancient book of medicine that Najarin have wrote during that time." explained Mommark.

"NAJARIN????" The men (except Garv and Najarn) eyes widened and shocked.

"Yes. Back at my youngest age when I was a teen, I studied and discovered every DNA molecule on how to restore and heal on every tribe. It took so long to figure it out. For example; when someone got parasite by Danians. The new plant that I wrote, study, and create for helped to remove all the different DNA parasite that's in them." Najarin explained.

When he explained this every men (Except Garv) gasp in shocked as well. Even Garv knows about this book too.


"Exactly Odu. I learn that as well when I was a teenager too." Garv continues. "Each plants has more benefits to heal all sickness, pain, injured, and against parasite. No offense to you and your tribe."

"None taken, go on." said Odu Bathax crossing his arms.

Garv clears out his throat and continues. "As you can see, the plants are so unique and genuine that it has so many different kinds of chlorophyll. When this whole energy combined from the sun and moon shining upon them, it transform them to each different kind of colors. The Red one: represents the Earth, the Orange: represents the Water, The Yellow: represents the Fire, The Green: represents the Air, The Blue: represents the Sound, The Indigo: represents the Light, and last but not least, The Purple: represents the Spiritual. But some colors could relate to it. When all of them combine together, It turns into the brighter rainbow light, glowing and sparkles shining through."

Everyone's eyes (except Mommark and Najarin) widened and their jaws opens large and wide. They both blinked at the same time.

"So what you're saying is that all of each colors should mix together and transform into bright rainbows????" asked Chaor in shocked and amazed.

"Yes" Said Garv.

"And when you said all of the names representation of the colors, you literally mean the chakras, right?" said Marquis Darini.


"Man, who knew some meditation could fix the whole problem, huh? Am I right?" said Gnarlus nudging Sobtjek.

"Yes. It might be very interesting to know the history of this kind of new herb. But it'll do." said Sobtjek turning to Najarin with shocked and amazed.

"We knew our own rights on how to save Perim in order to keep the tribe safe." Najarin smiles prideful remembering the old days.

"Okay, so that means we're all gonna find each plants with different colors and once Garv, Mommark, and Najarin uses the ingredients, it might as well turn into shining and sparkling rainbows, that could restore DNA to find Yokkis and transform him back to normal?" said King Mudeenu.

"Yes! In that case, we've got to find the magical plants and mix with it ASAP before Yokkis is putting everyone in danger." said Tartarek.

"Alright then, so it turns out we're gonna have to go find it." said Mommark before he turns to Ettala.

"And, Ettala, while we're gone you stay in the castle to make sure Yokkis better not come in here to do something else."

Ettala nods. "Yes, Mommark."

"Okay, everyone, lets go find the plants. Oh!! And one more thing! Did anybody know where they're actually located???" asked Chaor confused.

"Oh! Right! I forgot to tell you all where they're at!! They're actually located at the Prexxor Chasm, right into far away depth of caves. It might gonna took a while to travel." said Garv.

The men groans knowing that there's no way they can make it in time.

Tiaane frowns as he cross his arms and shook his head with disappointment. "Well, this looks like it's gonna took a long road to get there. If only we had each of our own special inventions, we could've easily teleported at Prexxor Chasm to get there."

This just gives Maxxor and Chaor an idea as they turn to each other smirking.

"Maxxor, you thinking what I'm thinking?" said Chaor smirking

"Oh, indeed." said Maxxor smirking.

Back At Kiru City

The men went back to the Kiru City Castle and told Olkiex and Khybon about everything and ask them if they could invent new technology for each and every one of them. (The reason why Khybon's here because Chaor text him on the phone and told him to meet them on Kiru City, just to let you readers know.) Olkiex and Khybon's both eyes widened when they told them to.

"Mmmm. Alright Chaor, we'll do it as you must. But this might gonna take an hour to finish it." said Khybon.

"I just wish it wouldn't be a waste of time, cause we better hurry, ASAP." said Chaor shook his head.

"Don't worry you two. Take your time. We'll be waiting once you're done." said Maxxor.

Khybon and Olkiex both nodded as they starts inventing a new technology for the men. Something that it will make an idea to teleport with it. The two talk over while using the blueprint to draw, measure, and scales.

Then Minutes later, Olkiex had an idea to call the weapon, the "Telebracer". Khybon was confused at first until Olkiex starts explaining to him. Soon enough his eyes starts to widened as he agrees with Olkiex. And so they continued to create a belt size for each men.

It took a while for them to quickly invent more Telebracers but it's finally worth it. Khybon and Olkiex introduce the guys of the different colors and has the same shapes like the old one Olkiex made for Maxxor.

"Sorry we took so long but we finally finished it. Behold I give you, me and Khybon's new invention, Telebracer. Here, are the belts where you put it on and press the buttons with it. So that way you can go travel to anywhere as you want." said Olkiex explaining.

The both men eyes widened in wonder when Olkiex and Khybon introduced to some new invention. Chaor on the other hand still not amused.

"So there are some different colors with each Telebracers. There's Green, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Black, Pink, White, Indigo, Purple, Brown, Gray, Orange, Aqua, Crimson, Lavender and finally Magenta." Khybon explained.

Chaor yawns feeling boring as he interrupts them.
"Ah, Finally we've been waiting for few hours. Now it's time we should put it one. Who'll go first?"

"I'll go first. I'll try black." said Mommark putting on.

"I might as well try pink cause what the heck." said Odu Bathax putting on.

"I'll go with brown." said Narfall putting on.

"I'll choose the gold one." said Tianne putting on.

"I'll choose the yellow as well." said Garv putting on.

"I'll just choose the purple." said Gnarlus putting on.

"I got lavender." said Prince Iflar.

"Crimson is definitely my type" Said Phelphor.

"I'll pick the Indigo." said Najarin putting on.

"I might as well choose the orange one." said Tartarek putting on.

"White it is." said Sobtjek putting on.

"The green one's mine of course." said Marquis Darini putting on.

"Magenta it is." said Prince Mudennu sighing while putting it on.

"Blue one should be mine." said Maxxor while putting it on.

"Ahh, Hell Yeah!!! The red one should definitely be mine!!" said Chaor while putting it on.

"Alright, now that we got our own Telebracers we should try it out together." said Marquis Darini.

"Good Idea. We'll see you guys later. And don't worry, we'll be back at no time." said Maxxor smiling at Khybon and Olkiex before they begin to press the button and teleport.

"Alright, guys, gather together and count backwards at the same time before we teleport right into Prexxor Chasm." said Mommark.

Both of them begin to count backwards: "3...2....1!!"

As soon they finished counting backwards they both press the button and teleported at the same time.

"Well, there they go." said Khybon.

"Let's just hope they'll be back as soon as possible. I've got a feeling Yokkis might be watching us somewhere." said Olkiex worrying.

Olkiex's right cause there's someone outside of the Kiru Castle who's spying on the shadows watching what just happened. And that's none other than Yokkis laughs hard as he knows what where they are actually going.

"So, they think they can stop me from pranking the entire Perim?? Well, I'll make sure they'll never get that plant once and for all. MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!"

Yokkis dissappear while teleport somewhere out there to make sure those men won't find the plants.

To Be Continued....

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