The yandere and the minus

By MCPELuisTuican

51.5K 1.8K 501

Akademya High was a school were Ayano Aishi attended. There she met Taro Yamada, her senpai, who she's a yand... More

Chapter 1:The yandere meets the minus
Chapter 2:Pick the side, pick the kill
Chapter 3:Club activities
Chapter 4:Hot party
Chapter 5:Minutism
Chapter 6:Teachers, beware of the man who speak in brankets
Chapter 7:Wrong movie making
Chapter 8:White tiger's soulmate on a hot Christmas
Chapter 10:Oka's ascension
Chapter 11:Type studying
Chapter 12:Vacantion gone bloody
Chapter 13:New killer on radar
Chapter 14:Assasin on board
Chapter 15:Put down a ghost
Chapter 16:A child roasting nightmares
Chapter 17:Huting a faker
Chapter 18:Screwed up attraction
Chapter 19:Worse than normals
Chapter 20:Friendly gesture
Chapter 21:Murderous minus
Chapter 22:Cult deasembling
Chapter 23:Illegal english pie
Chapter 24:A hallow night
Chapter 25:It's great to see you again...Who is she?

Chapter 9:Minusest intervention

2.1K 80 16
By MCPELuisTuican

Kumagawa and Ayano were, as alwais, on the manga club. Kumagawa said something out of nowhere.

Kumagawa:[We have a problem.]

Ayano:Yes, you're a random psychopath.

Kumagawa:[Not that. Did you observe the post apocalyptic theme the school portrayed for a few weeks?]

Ayano:You mean students acting like zombies? Yeah, it's pretty hard to miss.

Kumagawa:[That's why we need to do something about this!]

Ayano:Again, aren't we the manga club?

Kumagawa:[Exactly! With all this groaning I can't read my manga in piece.]

Ayano:At least this time you have a plausible reason.

Kumagawa:[I think the girl who eaversdropped on us wants to join us.]

Ayano:Wait, what?

From behind the door, Shiromi come into the room. She voluntered to keep an eye on Kumagawa for Megami. At least, that was the cover story. In truth, she just wanted to spend time with her soulmate.

Shiromi:Well, never have someone detected me before. To be expected from the infamous Kumagawa Misogi.

Kumagawa:[It's nice to be appreciated. So, what could you want from me?]

Shiromi:Well, I was curious about the incident too. And I'm supposed to be looking after you. So, let's be close Misogi-kun!

Kumagawa:[Sure. But you need to join the club.]


Kumagawa Misogi is a born lier. No one can ever lie to him. That's why he knew Shiromi lied when she said she is supposed to look after him. He wasn't bothered by that, fir a reason he liked her.

Ayano froze when she saw her. That fake smile who mask any emotion. Those eyes who looked at the world with indiference. That mystery who was around her being. And that type of personality who screamed for some chaos.

Ayano:Oh no, not another one!

They have searched through the school. But the students knew nothing or were half dead and couldn't say anything. Taking after a zombified student he saw the dead brain meeting with a nun who had a bag.

At speed that none of the students or nun could see, Kumagawa arrived there and looked through the bag. What he had seen, wasn't a surprise for him at all.

Kumagawa:[Drugs. What a inovating way of spreading the word of God.]

Shiromi:Can't let that happen.

She sprayed te nun and handcuffed her. Kumagawa gave a smirk at the violent action who Shiromi returned. Man, they sure were fated for each other.

Shiromi:Well, gotta take her in custody. I'll make the papers for the club and have fun tommorow.

Kumagawa:[Alright. Good luck.]

After that Kumagawa went on his way. He figured out the entire church was involved and after taking a look at the female only church his suspicions became thruts. He'll have to take care of it himself.

In the principal room of the church, all the nuns were present. The chef nun was talking.

Chef nun:Where do we find God? In our hearts? No. In our prayers? No. In our songs? No. When you're alone, in the deepest pit, full of darkness and despair and still can make the difference between good or bad, there you'll find God.

The nuns blinked once as sign of taking the wisdome. When they opened their eyes they have seen the body of the chef nun without a head, spilling blood on the floor. Aditionaly, Kumagawa was staying in a chair, with his legs crossed and with the chef nun's head on his hands.

Kumagawa:[Not too shabby. That was a big fat lie, by tge way. I've been there and I've seen no God. Now, I'll let you prepare yourselfs, because I'm gonna rip you apart. And ladies, I'm gonna take my time.]

All the nuns took crosses and pointed them at Kumagawa. He just gave a sigh of dissapointment and a roll of his eyes.

Kumagawa:[So you ask for your so supposed Lord's help to the end? So stupid. I'll tell you something. People aren't saved, they save themselfs.]

And so he began the carnage. Corpses spreaded on the room. Intestines decorated the room. The ripped faces of the nuns were decorating the walls. In the center of the room was made a big bowl made from bones were all the hearts of the nuns were depizited.

Kumagawa:[Just brcause Christmas is gone, doesn't mean we need to lose the spirit.]

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