Sunsets and Constellations |...

De Mchxcake_007

27.6K 1.3K 468

Elijah has been sent to Stonewall Academy following an incident at his former school. He's easily distracted... Mais

• O N E •
• T W O •
• T H R E E •
• F O U R •
• F I V E •
• S I X •
• S E V E N •
• E I G H T •
• N I N E •
• T E N •
• E L E V E N •
• T W E L V E •
• T H I R T E E N •
• F O U R T E E N •
• F I F T E E N •
• S E V E N T E E N •
• E I G H T E E N •
• N I N E T E E N •
• T W E N T Y •
• T W E N T Y O N E •
• T W E N T Y T W O •
• T W E N T Y T H R E E •
• T W E N T Y F O U R •
• T W E N T Y F I V E •
• T W E N T Y S I X •
• T W E N T Y S E V E N •
• T W E N T Y E I G H T •
• T W E N T Y N I N E •
• T H I R T Y •
• T H I R T Y O N E •
• T H I R T Y T W O •

• S I X T E E N •

649 42 1
De Mchxcake_007

^ Elijah on the side! That's what his hair looks like always; just something for y'all to picture.

- - -


"Elijah, you've been asked to report to the receptionist in five minutes, pack up." Zeke said, patting his shoulder as the rest of the students continued to paint on their respective pieces.

"Wait I haven't even done anything in this school!" Elijah blurted out.

"I beg your pardon?" Zeke looked confused.

"Uh, yeah I'll be there!"

Elijah slung his bag over his shoulder and walked downstairs to the ground floor where the office was located. He caught a glimpse of a tall woman, her blonde hair tied up in a messy bun and her frame wrapped in a familiar black trench coat.

"Abby? Why are you here?" Elijah questioned, although delighted to see his sister.

"You're such a fuck- freaking as- damn it. Shit. Sorry." She trailed off as the receptionist looked at her with narrow eyes and pursed lips as Abby attempted to stop herself from the continuous swearing.

Elijah burst out laughing and was all but dragged away from the receptionist's table toward his dorm building.

"So, mom and I are travelling over to Gramps' place for Christmas and she thought it would be better if you spent it at your new school, so I'm taking you home for Thanksgiving." Abby said, as she wrapped her arm around Elijah's shoulder.

She was taller than Elijah by two inches, probably as tall as Jake. They had the same dirty blonde hair and laugh lines when they smiled. The tall gene definitely ran dominant in their maternal family.

"How many days do I get to stay?" Elijah asked, excited that he was going back home.

"Probably two, I'll be dropping you off tomorrow evening."

"What the hell? Tomorrow evening? That's too soon. And not two days at all." Elijah grimaced, holding up two fingers.

"Tomorrow's the 26th of November, which is Thanksgiving this year, so yeah. Besides, you have classes and this is your first year!"

"Do you have to collect something from your room?"

"Yeah I'll just grab my charger and phone."

Soon, they were driving back to Michigan, which would usually take around ten hours if you went without breaking speed. But since Abby was driving, they'd probably reach in seven hours. He made himself comfortable in the passenger seat, plugging in the aux and playing a random mix that Ryder had opened on his YouTube page.
They'd cranked up the heater even though the afternoon sun was starting to heat up the surface of the car.
Elijah dozed off in his seat as Abby shut down the music for some peace and quiet.

Elijah had been napping for about an hour or two when he felt Abby shake him.

"Wake up, let's eat something! I'm starving."

"How the fuck do you stop in the middle of somewhere and wish there was a restaurant where we could eat?" Elijah muttered, rubbing his eyes as he looked around at their surroundings. He was sure no one was around for miles.

"Who said anything about eating in a restaurant? I got some food when I was in town yesterday and froze it, unfroze it again on our way back."
Abby said, stepping out of the car and peeking in the back to pull out a brown paper bag that Elijah recognized, it was from Benny's.

"Alright Abigail, what have you got?" Elijah mumbled, stepping out of that car as well for a quick stretch.

Soon the two of them were sitting in the backseat with the windows rolled down and the sound of ripping foil and cling film surrounded them. Occasionally a car or two would zoom past but that was it. Perfect place to commit murder.

"So, how's school so far? Apart from the fact that you're killing it on the team. Made new friends yet?" Abby asked, mouth full of an egg and cheese burrito.

"Actually yeah, well you know Ry and Jake. And then Jake's roommate came in, her name's Tirzah. She's pretty awesome, used to play basketball at her old school but now she's on the track team. Pretty cute too, if I were being honest."

"Tirzah is such a pretty name! She Jewish or something?"

"She's from Serbia, that much I can tell you. Also, since last week, we've been hanging out with a bunch of other kids. So the group's big now." Elijah added, as he bit into the spicy chicken sandwich.

"Tell me more."

"So there's Madilyn and Koovs, they're dating and in my art class. And there's Viggo and Arius. Viggo and Jake play soccer together, Arius is the one I got detained with."

"So that's the guy that's been harassing you!"

"No! It's more like, the other way round.for some reason I feel the constant need to piss him off all the time." Elijah laughed.

"You haven't told mum about detention right?" Elijah suddenly asked.

"I have, and to tell you the truth, that's the only reason she's calling you back home. I just didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry EJ." Abby said, looking dead serious as she stopped eating altogether.

"What the fuck Abby? I specifically told you not to! She's going to kill me, that woman is crazy! She literally had me uprooted from our town over to this dingy place miles away." Elijah shouted, putting his food down and banging his head on the front seat.

"Don't be so dramatic, you're coming back tomorrow." Abby said, making a move on Elijah's food as he slapped her hand away.

"Anyway, this Tirzah, she's pretty cute huh? Are y'all going out or something?"

Elijah choked on his water as he struggled to catch a breath, all while shooting Abby the most confused look.

"No! We're really good friends, I don't think of her that way." He said, as Abby patted his upped back.

"So no one's caught your fancy? You've been here a month already and I refuse to believe that Woodcreek-High-Jock-Extraordinaire, hasn't had a crush yet." Abby said, waggling her eyebrows.

"No, not yet. I've been focusing on my studies and shit. So no time for all of that bullshit."

"Alright, get in the front seat, we're continuing this conversation while I drive back home."

Elijah took the rest of his food to the front seat as Abby climbed in behind the wheel and started up the engine.

"Do I look like an idiot to you? You do well even without focusing and given that you have the attention span of a fucking goldfish, I'm not buying your shit. Spill, now!" Abby smirked, looking at Elijah directly as she sped off.

"Dude, please! Eyes on the road! I'm too young to die, my mum has just one son." Elijah clutched at the dashboard, terrified at Abby's antics.

"Fucking wuss."

"What about you? How's Ben?" It was Elijah's turn to smirk as Abby punched his thigh with her free hand.

"He's good! He's got a boyfriend now, they've been dating for two months. They're both so hot though!" Abby groaned.

"Are you still crushing on him?"

"What the fuck? No! He's my best friend! And gay. So I don't have a fat chance."

"But, I do have a crush on this guy at this local bar that my friends and I go to every week, his band comes in for a gig every now and then. He's fucking adorable!" Abby pouted.

"Why are we talking about me? Don't fucking change the course of the conversation EJ."

Elijah was sitting dumbstruck. He knew that one of Abby's friends was gay, but he didn't know it was Ben of all people. The same Ben that Elijah was sure Abby used to have a crush on. He was currently staring at Abby with the most shell-shocked look on his face.

"Elijah? What's? Why are you looking at me like that?" Abby did a double take as she absorbed Elijah's dumbfounded expression.

"What is it? Is this about Ben having a boyfriend?" She said, becoming defensive immediately.

"Cause if it is, I'll fucking- I'd expect you of all people not to be homophobic! Surely mum and I raised you better than that?"

"No! God, no! Shut up Abby."

"Then what is it?"

Elijah took a deep breath and shuddered.

Fuck this.

"Hypothetically speaking, how would you react if I found other men attractive? Are you okay with that?"

"You fucking idiot! I have a best friend who's gay, I wouldn't care, if you were too." Abby laughed.

"Wait, what the fuck? Did you just? EJ! You can't spring information like that on me while I'm driving, have you lost your mind?" Abby said, taking her eyes off the road again.

"Abby, can I drive? You're scaring me."

"Yeah let's switch so I can give you my undivided attention."

Abby pulled the car to a stop and they switched places. Elijah was a safer driver than Abby, anyday. He wasn't going act like they were in Road Rash II or whatever the fuck it was that Abby used to play.

"I didn't spring anything on you, I was just, being hypothetical."

"The fuck you were! So you are gay?"

Elijah sighed again.

"Kind of? I think? I only just started thinking about the possibility, a few days back."

"Weren't you like, the hot jock back at Woodcreek?"

"Yeah, but even when Nicole and I- you know? I didn't get why it was such a big deal, I just did it to get it out of the way. It was really fucking weird."

"You fucked Nicole? As in Nicole Sazein? That girl that everyone was pining after?"

"Uh, yeah. Like once. That's the only time I've ever had sex Abby."

"That girl is our super junior back in college and she hangs out with us sometimes. But I digress, you didn't enjoy it? You're definitely a flaming homosexual if that didn't turn you on."

"Ew, please don't call me that again."

"So who's the guy? Your sexual awakening?"

"You make it sound like I'm having sex dreams of guys. It's a very pure kind of crush so shut up." Elijah shuddered.

"Oh my God! So there is a guy after all! And a crush! My baby brother's crushing on another guy!" Abby said, a fond, loving look coming on her face as she ruffled Elijah's hair.

"Abby I'm driving!"

"So who is this guy?"

"I don't know! Like in movies and shit, I just realised I look at the guys more than the girls."

"Stop dodging the question, who is the guy?" Abby asked, as she rubbed her hands together excitedly.

"The guy I got detained with? I don't really have a crush on him or anything, but he's so fucking cute. He has the prettiest eyes. And he hates me." Elijah said, pouting at the last part.


"Arius! God Abby, do you even listen to me when I talk?" Elijah rolled his eyes.

"Do you have a picture of him?" Abby asked, unlocking his phone already.

"What kind of idiot doesn't lock their phone?"

"The kind that has nothing to hide. And really just doesn't care." Elijah rolled his eyes again.

He had one group picture on his phone that Ryder had taken when she was messing with his controls and settings last night. So it would be right on top.

"It's the guy sitting next to me. Curly brown hair, grey eyes? That one."

"Damn, he's hot! You were right about those eyes." Abby said, as she zoomed into his face.

"I'm going to try and guess everyone's names."

For once, Elijah was glad that Abby shared his trait of getting distracted easily. She'd a spend a fuck ton of time on trying to guess everybody, and Elijah couldn't hope for something better. It was the first time he'd actually admitted out loud that he thought Arius was incredibly hot. Well, not exactly because he'd used the word cute. Which according to Elijah was accurate, because he thought Arius was simply adorable, even when he got extremely mad at Elijah. Not to forget his face with the grey beanie sitting on top of his head with his unruly curls and waves peeking out from beneath it during detention yesterday.

All of these thoughts, Elijah hadn't bothered to think about until now, because he was fucking terrified of everything that was to ensue after. But with Abby being so excited, he couldn't help but treat himself to thinking about the brooding boy and his stupid face with his stupid eyes, with that stupid grey beanie. His stomach fluttered a little and he felt his face heat up.

His coming-out had gone significantly really well so far. Nothing like the ones Ryder had told him about. A lot of kids apparently got kicked out of their houses, so many of them had become subject to suicide and all in all, just the fact that there was a part of society that was scarily intolerant about people being gay frightened the shit out of Elijah. To make matter worse, he was an athlete.

"So, the one in the flannel is Tirzah. And the girl in the Tom & Jerry tee is Madilyn. The guy with the dark hair and baby blue eyes is Jake and the blonde guy is Viggo? Where's the other girl? None of these people look like a 'Ryder'."

"Woah you're pretty good! Except you got Mads and Tirzah wrong. They're each other. Keep swiping until you find a girl in all black attire, almost. Shoulder-length brown waves."

"Woah she's pretty fucking tall! And she's so pretty too."

She was looking at a picture Elijah had taken of Jake and Ryder as they walked around in Charlottesville.

"You're taller. But yeah, she's insanely pretty."

"She's also way too smart, and the only other junior in Student Council." Elijah said, his chest swelling in pride as he spoke about his closest friend.

"I sure hope she's helping you with math, you're terrible at it, if I remember correctly." Abby smirked.

"Oh no, that, Tirzah does. She's my math tutor and she's really good, I've been getting scores over ninety every week."

They spend the rest of their journey talking about random things and Elijah teasing Abby about how Ben turned out to not bat for her team at all which Abby turned on him because, let's face it, the boy was undeniably, fully gay if Nicole couldn't turn him on.

"Hey, I'm just really proud of you for dealing with it so maturely EJ, thank you for telling me. I love you no matter who you date okay? That has nothing to do with what you and I share." Abby said, as she turned off the engine and looked at Elijah. Abby had switched back to driving somewhere along the way.

"I just feel so much better after telling you, like everything will be okay eventually." Elijah said, feeling oddly emotional as tears prickled at his eyes.

"It will be, I'm sticking by you. You're going to find it hard to get rid of me now that you're growing up and all." Abby said, ruffling his hair.

Something broke in Elijah as the tears left home and travelled downwards toward his chin, his breath going haywire as he sniffles quietly.

What the fuck was happening?

Abby slowly pulled him close and wrapped her arms around him as she stroked his hair. He buried his face in her trench coat and let everything go.
Everything he was feeling was so intense, he hasn't even stopped to think about it.

"Don't tell mum, I want to be able to do it on my own terms." He said quietly, breaking away from the comforting embrace of his sister.

"Yessir!" She said, getting out of the car.

Elijah grabbed his charger and got out as well, as Abby locked the car and they made their way to the porch, where the windows were open, the cosy, yellow lights radiating a warmth that was so familiar to Elijah. He was home.

Right before ringing the doorbell, Abby stopped him and grinned, eyes lighting up.

"Till death do us part?"

"Till death do us part!" Elijah replied spontaneously, as he bumped her fist with his own.

And then the front door was opening and a figure just as tall as Elijah rushed out of the door, enveloping them both in a tight, crushing embrace.

"My babies are back!" She said, releasing them both.

She looked at Elijah up and down and hugged him again. Elijah soaked it all up gladly.

"I've missed you muffin!"

"As have I, mother!"

"Oh stop that, you're just making it weird now."

His mother never did like it when he called her mother, something about it being too formal.
Alright, let's go on in! We've got something to show you, have you told him Abby?"

"No, I was thinking he'd better see it for himself."

"Wait, why isn't she killing me yet?" Elijah whispered as his mum went inside.

"What?" Abby looked puzzled.


"She doesn't even fucking know! I was messing with you, you should've seen the look on your face." Abby whisper-yelled as she laughed at him.

"Fuck you." Elijah said, unable to stop himself from grinning. He'd missed this.

As they went into the living room, he was greeted with the sight of a gorgeous black kitten in his mother's arms and a puppy on their sofa.

"No way!"

"The house felt too empty, so we decided to adopt these cuties." His mother gushed as she held out the tiny kitten.

Elijah took the kitten from her gingerly. He was simply adorable.

"Their names?"

"Well we call him Leo and her Roxy!" Abby said, pointing at the cute puppy that was circling his feet and yapping.
Now he didn't know who was cuter.

Fast forward an hour, Elijah was sitting by their dining table as he watched Abby and his mum playfully argue as they made dinner. More like, his mum made dinner and Abby was irritating her. Which immediately reminded him of Tirzah and how she'd irritate all of them.

Shit! He'd forgotten to text them about his little trip back home.

He pulled out his phone and dialled Ryder's cell.

"Where the fuck are you? We're all worried sick here you fucking idiot!" Ryder yelled as soon as the first ring.

"I uh? Actually, Abby picked me up during art class so I've been gone since ten in the morning. I can't spend Christmas with them so she picked me up for Thanksgiving!"

"Yeah no shit! You could've at least replied to our texts Elijah." Ryder said, sighing.

"I'm sorry Ry, I just forgot completely."

He had to make this right somehow. He got up and went toward their basement, flicking on the light.

"I told Abby by the way, she's cool with it!"

"I'm so proud of you, that's awesome!" Ryder replied her voice going soft.

Ha, he'd done it!

"Arius is quieter than he was when he was sitting by you yesterday and fighting about something by the way." She said, and he could almost hear her smirk through the phone.

"I-shut up." Elijah said as he scratched his hair as he smiled involuntarily at the mention of the boy who made him stare like no other.

"Wow, you're literally fucking speechless. Have fun at home, come back soon. Jake and Tirzah miss you."

"And you?" Elijah smirked, knowing full well that stuff like this made Ryder uncomfortable.

"Whatever, I'm going back in to finish my dinner. Bye!" She said and hung up on him while laughing.

And that was when Elijah knew he really had the best people around him, who loved him unconditionally even though certain people couldn't admit it
-cough Ry cough-

But it was okay, she didn't have to say it for him to know.

And now he couldn't stop smiling.



Long chapter today!
Gotta love Abby and EJ's relationship! Since family is so important to Elijah, I decided to dedicate this chapter to their wholesome relationship.
Coming out is an incredibly important process for a person and I felt like coming out to Abby would be a big deal since she's his closest confidanté.
Thank you for reading!
Do vote and comment!
Much Love XD. Thank You!

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