Ice Scream/WATGBS one-shots (...

By iperlalla

11.8K 180 166

REQUESTS OPEN!! It has been a while but THEY ARE OPEN!!! I just dont get any!! Please do request!! !!Also I'm... More

πŸ–€ Rock Γ— Reader (I'm not a child!) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Idate Γ— Reader (Pokerface) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Idate Γ— Gris (Safe) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Idate Γ— Gris (Ortensie) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Shirogane Γ— Yukisada (Aftercare) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Yukisada Γ— Reader πŸ–€ (Thank you)
🀍 Rocma Γ— Reader (Am I guilty?) 🀍
🀍 Rocma Γ— Reader pt.2 (Am I guilty?) 🀍
🀍 Rocma Γ— Reader pt.3 (Am I guilty?) 🀍
πŸ–€ Sal Γ— Fem!Idate (Endurance) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Possessive!Rock Γ— Yukisada (Gifts) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Wadanohara Γ— Red!Reader (Hallucination) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Tatsumiya Γ— Idate (The Winter Sea) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Samekichi Γ— Reader (AntiBeat) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Yukisada Γ— Shirogane (Summer Nights) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Idate Γ— Reader (Pearls of Wisdom) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Idate Γ— Reader (Frustrating) πŸ–€
🀍 Fem!Shirogane Γ— Witch!Reader (Who do you talk to about your loneliness?) 🀍
🀍 Fem!Shirogane Γ— Witch!Reader pt.2 🀍
πŸ–€ Rock Γ— Yukisada (We haven't seen each other in so long!) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Idate Γ— Shirogane (Eraser) πŸ–€
πŸ–€ Rock Γ— Demon!Reader (Isn't this what friendship is about?) πŸ–€

πŸ–€ Samekichi Γ— Fukami (Bloody eyes) πŸ–€

424 10 12
By iperlalla

Requested by Donut-bunny

tw violence, grief


It was dead night.

Outside, the storm was raging.

Lights and thunders alternated in the sky, never striking at the same time.

There was a thunder so thundering that it harshly woke up the poor Samekichi, robbing him of his sleep.

He realized he was covered in cold sweat.

"Was it just a nightmare...?" he thought, as he noticed tears were streaming down his cheeks.

He held back his sobs - he didn't want to disturb Fukami, as he was sleeping right next to him.

Nonetheless, the octupus was one to wake up rather easily, so he already realized something was wrong.

<<Samekichi>> he whispered: <<Are you okay?>>.

The shark felt a lump forming in his throat: <<Yeah, don't worry... I'll go back to sleep right away>>.

Fukami's tentacles wrapped around Samekichi, who felt reassured by that embrace, despite himself. The octupus made his head rest upon his shoulder.

<<Did you dream about it again?>>.

Samekichi couldn't muster the courage to answer his question, although his silence was still pretty eloquent.

The octupus caressed his hair, softly.

Obviously, the shark was not the only one that still had nightmares about it.

Wadanohara's death impacted everyone, of course.

Years had passed, at this point. Everyone - Samekichi, Fukami, Dolphi and Memoca - were growing, building each other up. Lately, it even felt like time had started to flow forwards again, after it had been still, frozen in that moment in their minds, for such a long time.

And yet, even after all those years had passed, they always ended up being reminded of that night.

That dreadful night, when Wadanohara gifted them with the possibility to live on, but robbed them of the possibility to live on with her.

They didn't even need to discuss about it: both of them knew that one doesn't simply forget something like that, doesn't matter if one starts to love somebody else and starts a new life.

It will always come back in the depths of the unconscious, at least for a little longer.

Luckily, their day-to-day life instead now proceeded peacefully, as if nothing had happened: Fukami cooked for everybody, Samekichi was often the target of Memoca's and Dolphi's pranks - no matter how much they've grown, too, they still were quite the childish pair.

He'd never tell, but deep inside the shark was happy that they were still the same.

They lived together in the house that once belonged to the little witch.

They lived their lives in tranquility, and still, they could feel her presence linger between those walls sometimes.

And they knew she was glad that her friends could enjoy such peace and serenity.

It hadn't always been this easy. Oh, no.

On the contrary.


<<Everything feels so irrelevant now... everything that I've done... what was it for?>>.

A sigh.

<<What's the point of all of this, if you're not here?>>.

Seated on a little reef in the middle of nowhere, the shark went silent for a moment. The sound of the waves bothered him - it was unfair to him that that sea went on singing its sweet melody without her.

How dare the world moving on as if nothing had happened?

Honestly, did he still care about that world?

No, of course not. Everything that he'd done so far was for her sake only.

Everything else was simply worthless.

He himself was worthless, since he couldn't even fulfill his purpose.

What was the point in staying alive, only to fall prey to such emotions and self-disgust?

<<She'd want you to move on>>.

Samekichi brought his head up. Among the waves, he saw Fukami's face sticking out from the water.

<<It was unfair that she did this. But it'd be even more unfair to not accept the gift she gave us, don't you think?>>.

<<You think you can understand how I feel?>>.

<<Of course>>.

They stared at each other, if not ferociously with wariness at least.

The octupus closed his eyes, slowly: <<I, too, did everything I did for her sake only. I did everything I could to protect her, as you did. But it wasn't enough>>.

Samekichi realized he didn't even feel like crying anymore. He simply felt tired - dry, maybe.

<<But... she'd want us to live on anyway>>.

<<Do you think there's any point in living on anyway?>>.

<<Of course. She did what she did so that we could be happy. I believe there's a point in trying to grant her last wish, don't you think?>>.

Samekichi felt a wave of disgust coming upon him: <<Happiness... what was she even thinking?>>.

<<I don't mean we will be happy>> Fukami was quick to highlight: <<Although we may try to, don't you agree? We could at least try to find a new meaning>>.

<<A new meaning...>> Samekichi curled up on the little rock: <<I'm not even sure I want to find a new meaning>>.

<<You don't need to find it immediately>>.

Fukami got a little nearer.

He seated on the reef by his side.

<<Right now, our meaning could be to simply keep on doing everything we can for her. Even if...>>.

<<Even if she's not here anymore, you mean>>.

Again, they fell silent. A silence which was only interrupted by the sound of the waves.

<<...I see>> Samekichi whispered.

They stayed there for a little longer, without moving a bit. Lost in thought, their gaze lazily falling on the ocean around them.

Still, for some reason, brooding there together had something comforting to it.

As time passed, meeting up there became something like a habit of theirs.

They'd be there everyday. Usually they wouldn't even speak at all, they may not even look at each other.

But they were there, together.

Coming to terms with what had happened, letting those painful feelings surface and wash over them, since they couldn't let them when they were with the girls, as long as one didn't want to see them cry again at least.

<<Tell me>> Samekichi spoke up one day: <<How come you decided to come here and give me a pep talk? Why do you care about me so suddenly?>>.

<<Oh>> Fukami closed his eyes: <<You wouldn't understand...>>.


He still vividly remembered those times.

Disdain ran through his veins, making them throb with adrenaline, getting to his head.

His senses went numb, as if he was wandering in a weird dream, and his body, then, reacted.

Starting to hit, to squeeze, to suffocate.

He beated Samekichi down to a pulp, leaving him as a bloody shell of what he was.

It still wasn't enough to kill him, but he knew he'd take the chance if he was to have one.

Such an impulse occured multiple times during their journey.

And yet, he found himself reconsidering what he'd really done for the sea witch and to protect her only after she passed away.

Wadanohara would want her friends to reconcile and live in harmony, not for them to blame or even kill each other.

He knew this very well, but this alone wouldn't be enough.

It wouldn't be enough to stop his jeasolousy and terrible instincts.

There was a moment that hit close to home and shook him to his very core. It happened while they were inside Uomi's palace, as it was being threatened by the soldiers from the Sea of Death.

That awful impulse ran through him yet again, more vivid than ever, and - hidden behind the palace's silding doors - he saw him.

The Sea of Death Ambassador, Sal himself, as he was staring at him, with those red, bloody eyes and a smile locked on his lips.

Fukami's head started spinning, he felt his homicidal urges getting more violent than ever, especially when Wadanohara was about to choose Samekichi over saving the Blue Kingdom.

In the end, the little witch chose the latter.

The octupus didn't know what would have happened if she made a different decision - and he'd rather not know.

Still, oh, still, those red eyes... how were they impressed in his mind.

They tormented him, night and day, especially since Wadanohara passed away for their sake.

Those eyes reminded him of his petty impulses and, in the end, made him realize that maybe, just maybe, surrendering to those urges wouldn't make him much different from any other henchman from the Sea of Death.

That same Sea of Death that brought the sea witch to leave this earth.

He couldn't live with such a weight on his shoulders.

He wanted to redeem himself and do better - even if the witch wasn't there anymore.

And he knew he needed to start with Samekichi himself.

When he saw him in such miserable conditions, he couldn't help but get near him and try to help him move on, by saying to him the same things he got used to say to himself, too.


<<Well, give me some kind of answer at least>> Samekichi said, bringing the octupus back to reality.

<<Sorry, what?>>.

<<Tell me, how come you now care about me?>>.

<<I don't care about you>> Fukami stated: <<I care about me. About Wadanohara. I know this is what she wanted>>.

<<What did she want?>>.

<<For me to care about you>>.

Fukami looked him dead in the eye, sternly.

Samekichi was puzzled.

The octupus bowed down. His forehead was almost touching the ground.

<<I beg you to forgive me for what I've done. I plan to make it up to you, as soon as I can>>.

The shark blinked, confused.

He then sighed: <<Don't worry. It doesn't matter anymore>>.

Honestly he didn't give much of a thought to that octupus and his jealousy at this point. He could care less, deep in his mourning process as he was.

Nonetheless, Fukami didn't see it this way.

"It matters to me" he wanted to say, but he kept silent.

They went back to gaze at the horizon without another word.


Memories like these resurfaced in Fukami's mind, as he held tight to his chest what had been his new beginning.

He realized how deeply grateful he was for what he had in that moment.

The sea witch will always be missed: but he was glad he had other people to love and to share his life with.

He knew Samekichi felt like this as well.

Only then did he notice that the shark fell asleep already. He looked serene, cuddled up in his arms.

As he was looking down at him, Fukami realized a wave of tenderness warmed up his chest.

Yeah, he hadn't always been very comfortable with such delicate feelings, but many things had changed since the witch had passed.

Smiling a little, he left a peck on his lover's head. Finally, he fell in the comforting dark of slumber as well.


<<Oh... do you remember, Samekichi?>>.


<<That rock over there...>>.

<<Uh. Yeah, it's that rock>>.

<<It's also the rock I asked you to forgive me on...>> Fukami murmured.

<<Hm? Oh, you're right>> the shark chuckled, which confused the octupus.

<<It's funny to think you beated me up that way>>.

<<What do you mean it's funny?>>.

<<It's funny when you think that now, you know...>> Samekichi smiled, wrapping his hand around his: <<This happened>>.

Fukami fell silent.

<<What's up with the long face?>> the shark said.

<<It's that... is it really funny to you thinking about that time?>>.

<<Well, yeah. Did you believe that I was still mad about it? It's all in the past now>>.

As he noticed the gloomy look on his lover's face, Samekichi insisted: <<Plus, you already apologized. Right on that rock, isn't it?>>.

<<Yeah, it's that, you know... you said it didn't matter anymore>>.

Samekichi nodded.

<<But it mattered to me. To be honest, it still matters. You need to know that...>> he breathed in deeply: <<I felt profoundly guilty>>.

Samekichi knew perfectly well that such words beared a very different weight when they came from Fukami's lips.

<<Oh>> the shark turned to face him, resting his hand on his lover's shoulder. He looked him in the eyes: <<Don't worry. The important thing is that you've grown and made up for your mistakes, isn't it? As you can see, I love you anyway>>.


<<You don't need to beat yourself up over this anymore>> Samekichi whispered, smiling at him.

Fukami sustained his gaze for a moment, and then nodded.

<<Thank you>> he said.

<<Don't even mention it>> Samekichi gave him a quick peck on the lips.

In the end, they strolled together through the Blue Sea Kingdom, until they decided to go back home.


A/N: Hey there! I hope you like it and that it came out well... you can leave any suggetions down here 😘

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