The Blue-Blood of Night Raven

By Raiayuki

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As if living in a world filled with vampires who prey on the innocent, and losing his father to them, wasn't... More

Prologue: Through the Dark Mirror
Arc 0-Chapter 1: Stranger's Awakening
Arc 0-Chapter 2: A Different World
Arc 0-Chapter 3: The Great Seven
Arc 0-Chapter 4: Broken Glass
Arc 0-Chapter 5: The Dwarf's Mine
Arc 0-Chapter 6: Magic and Monsters
Arc 0-Chapter 8: The Hidden Door
Arc 1-Chapter 1: Beginning of the Year
Arc 1-Chapter 2: Magic School Life
Arc 1-Chapter 3: Chestnut Picking
Arc 1-Chapter 4: To Make a Tart
Arc 1-Chapter 5: Sweets and Arrangements
Arc 1-Chapter 6: Revelations
Arc 1-Chapter 7: Happy Unbirthday Party
Arc-1 Chapter 8: Strangers and Friends
Arc 1-Chapter 9: The Heartslabyul Duel
Arc 1-Chapter 10: Overblot
Arc 1-Chapter 11: Afterblot

Arc 0-Chapter 7: Blue-Blood

1.4K 48 9
By Raiayuki

Coming back to his senses, Isaac found himself, and the others, back in the Mirror Chamber. Crowley then comes in and Deuce proceeds to explain how they had returned from the mines and gave him the crystal. Isaac makes sure to turn away so the man doesn't see his vampire features.

"What?! You really went to Dwarfs' Mine to find a magic crystal?" The man said, sounding surprised. Wait, what? "I really didn't think... You'd not only go but then bring back a crystal in hand. I quietly completed the paperwork for you expulsion, but I could always use more kindling for the fire." The man said. Seriously?

"Nngh! The nerve of this guy! While we were off fighting some crazy beast!" Grim growled annoyed and a little angry. Warranted.

"Beast? What are you talking about?" Crowley inquired, confused.

"There was a monster in the mines!" Ace answered.

"Are you serious?!" The masked man asked shocked.

"There's, also something we need to talk about." Deuce says and Isaac flinches.

"Hmm... I see. Come with me then, tell me everything." The man says, leading them out the chamber and down the hall to a specific room.

The school Headmaster's office, he guessed. Inside was simple for an office, with a desk and chair set, surrounded by windows. There were also seven portraits depicting the "Great Seven", like the statues he saw on the Main Road. They then proceeded to explain what happened.

"Hmm? A mysterious monster living in the coal mine, and the four of you worked together to defeat it, and bring back a magic crystal?" The man recounted when they finished their report.

"We didn't really work together..." Ace responds.

"It was more like, our goals were aligned..." Deuce adds, but the man didn't seem to be listening as he promptly began sobbing.

"Um, sir? Are you okay?" Isaac asked, a little weirded out.

"What's with this guy? Why is an adult bursting into tears?!" Grim questions.

"In all the years that I've been headmaster... For the day to come that students from Night Raven Collage go hand in hand to face and defeat their enemy!" The man exclaimed emotionally.

"What?! I did not hold this guy's hand!" Deuce retorts.

"I would never do that! Gross! But headmaster... how old are you-Ow! Seriously dude!?" Ace says then begins to ask when Isaac elbows his side.

"You never ask a person their age. It's rude." The said boy states.

"I am overwhelmed with emotion. This incident confirms it. Mr. North, you without a doubt, have talent as a beast tamer!" The man exclaims, pointing at Isaac.

"Huh? A beast tamer?!" The boy questioned confused.

"Students of Night Raven Collage are budding wizards called here by the Dark Mirror. However, they are of a superior class that makes them prideful and egotistical people... That have not the slightest inkling to work with others. Making many of them selfish and self-centered." The masked man tells him.

"In other words, they think they're better than everyone else because of their magic." Isaac summed up in his mind, casting a look to both Ace and Deuce. "Certainly explains these two knuckleheads." He added with an internal sigh.

"You're really not saying anything good." Grim states.

"You cannot use magic, but--"

"Actually, it was Isaac who got rid of the monster in the end." Deuce interrupts.

"What?! Are you serious?! How?!" The man exclaims confused.

"Yes, well..." The spade boy begins then turns to Isaac. "You need to tell him." He says and the other boy flinches and shakes his head in protest. "I understand, but the headmaster should know." He reasons and the other boy understands, so he reluctantly pulls his hood down, still not able to turn back to his human guise.

"Oh my!" The man exclaims as he moves closer to get a good look. "May I...?" He asks and Isaac nods. The man gently touches his face, opening his mouth to look at his fangs. "I see, a vampire... and from your eyes and hair, I take it you are a pureblood then." He deduces and backs away. "Though why would you keep this a secret?" He then asked and Isaac looks down.

"Where I originally come from, vampires are hunted, and for good reason. They hide in the shadows of the world, attacking, killing and turning humans, all just for the fun of it. They think of it like a game, they don't care whose lives they take, or ruin. Even those turned, they become drunk on their new power, and forget what it was even like to be human.

"I never wanted to be like that, I just wanted to live a normal life as a human. I wanted to go school, hang out with friends, just live like any other normal person, but that's impossible, I guess. Even dad agrees with that." He explains.

"I see, so did your father also live like a human then?" Crowley asked.

"Not exactly. The truth is, when I was 9 years old, I was found unconscious and taken to a clinic. However, despite the torn and bloody clothes I was wearing, I was unharmed, not a scratch on me. They only thing was, I didn't have any memories.

"I only knew my name and age, nothing else. It was clear I wasn't normal, the man who found and took me to the clinic, Cyrus North, clearly knew that, but he took me in and raised like his own son, even if I was a vampire." Isaac explains next.

"I see, that's an awful ordeal to go through. Does that mean your father is looking for you then, since it appears you had disappeared from your world?" The man says then asks. Isaac flinches again and suddenly looks distraught.

"No. No, he's not. He died a few weeks ago. I'm alone." He replies, as tears begin gathering in his eyes.

"You poor thing." Crowley consoles while patting his head in comfort. The others all looking at Isaac in sympathy. "I see, you don't have a home to go back to then. In that case, you can stay as long as you need." He offers as the boy calms down.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" The masked man suddenly exclaimed. "You do not have any magic, but maybe it's due to that, and you being a Blue Blood Vampire, you can order and direct others." He says.

"Huh? Blue Blood? Are you saying Isaac's royalty or something?" Ace questioned.

"In a way, Blue Blood is another term for a Pureblood Vampire. It's, well... I'm pretty sure the title itself is self-explanatory." The school dean replies back.

"So in other words, Purebloods are the royalty of vampires." Deuce theorizes.

"Pretty much, and due to vampires having mingled with humans so much over the years, they've become extremely rare these days. Though, it's not like you see vampires in general, but they do tend to be quite a nuisance, even these modern days." Crowley adds.

"Sounds like the vampires we have at home." Isaac comments.

"Cool, but how come you haven't turned back yet?" Ace says with a teasing tone.

"I'm trying! Don't make me bite you!" The boy retorts and Ace flinches.

"Now, now. None of that. I have no doubt that your presence in this school is essential. So says my educator-senses. As such, not only will you not be expelled, but you, Mr. North, with the knowledge of your power, you are allowed to attend this school as a full-fledged student." The crow mask man announces. Woah, what?! Everyone else shouted in shock.

"Hey! What about me?!" Grim cries it outrage.

"I won't accept unless Grim is also allowed here too." Isaac states.

"Alright, that's fair. He can attend as well. As long as you keep him under watch. That should be easier now with your abilities. In fact, he can be your familiar and learn magic with you, since you cannot use it." The man agrees and adds. "Aren't I just so gracious." He then flatters himself.

"You... You really mean I get to go here too...? Not be a handyman, but an actual student?" The feline reiterated. "Hooray!" He then cheered.

"One condition, you stay close to Isaac and listen to whatever he says. And don't ever, ever, let another incident like yesterday, happen again!" Crowley explains sternly. "Are we in agreement?" He checked.

"Y-yes, sir. I understand." Grim replied with flattened ears.

"I'll make sure to keep him out of trouble." The black haired boy promises.

"Good, now then we'll need a uniform for you Isaac, oh, and need to fix up that dorm too. Since you weren't sorted into any of the other dorms you two will reside in the... the... the Ramshackle Dorm." He declares.

"Can we not call it that?" Isaac says.

"Fair. What would you like it to be?" The headmaster asks.

"I was thinking more of, hmm, how about phantom?" Isaac suggests.

"Phantom, huh? That's sounds wonderful! The Phantom Dorm it is!" The masked man agrees. "Oh! Right! How could I have forgotten. With your status as students, I give you both a symbol for it, magic crystals!" He exclaims and snaps his fingers. In a flash, a purple amethyst gemstone appeared on Grim's ribbon collar.

"Oooh! A magic crystal!" the feline awed at the added accessory.

"It's typical for students of Night Raven Collage to have their own magic crystals, usually in the form of a "magical pen". However Grim, since you clearly wouldn't be able to grip it in your paws... So it's a special custom." He explains. That does make sense, Grim clearly doesn't have any apposable thumbs. "I pay attention to even the smallest detail! Aren't I just too gracious?" He then brags again.

"I did it! I'm so cool! I got my own special magic crystal collar!" Grim cheers.

"He isn't listening at all..." Crowley sighed. "Oh! Speaking of crystal, here you are." The man said and presents Isaac with another crystal, which was the same purple as Grim's and was styled as a gold brooch. "This is also a special crystal, and you'll find in comes in handy." He says, handing the crystal to him. It then starts to glow.

"Hey! Your hair went back to normal." Ace exclaims and Isaac sees he went back to his human form, then looks at Crowley in surprise.

"This crystal will help you keep your power under control. It doesn't completely seal it away, but it will help you channel your power in smaller amounts and keep you from changing into your Blue Blood form. That way, you won't be exposed. Speaking of, knowledge of Mr. North's true identity must remain a secret within this group. Understand?" The explains then states seriously, and everyone nods.

"Thank you, sir." Isaac thanks. Perfect, now he was safe from being found out.

"With that said, your power will most likely come in useful for watching Grim. It'll be up to you to take the reins and supervise him, and prevent him from causing any more trouble!" The crow mask man instructs.

"Aha! Look at you. School's just started but you're already a Prefect." Says Ace.

"I see. There's only the two of you in your dorm... So if you've been entrusted with supervising Grim, that makes you a Prefect." Deuce says next.

"I promise to do my best." Isaac tells the headmaster.

"Ahaha! Good luck, Prefect!" The red boy said in a teasing manner.

"I see, a Prefect. I do have a work-related request and having a title makes it very convenient... This is wonderful!" Crowley exclaims with a chuckle. Then walks to his desk and takes out what looks like a polaroid camera. "Prefect, I entrust you with this. This is nicknamed the "ghost camera"." He says and hands it to the boy.

"Huh? Oh, I think my grandma told me about it. It's a super old magic tool right?" Ace says. Loudmouth as ever.

"It is not "super old"...Ahem! It's true, that this may have been invented during your great grandmother, or great, great grandmother's time, maybe. There is a very special spell cast on it. It not only captures the subjects' form, but also a part of their soul." The man explains. Huh?

"A part of their soul...?" Deuce voice his own thoughts.

"We call this "Memory: A Fragment of Remembrance". Furthermore, the most interesting part of this magical camera is that souls of the photographer and the photographed become deeply connected and... The memory in the photo comes jumping out!" Crowley continues then exclaims.

"It's comes, jumping out?" Isaac questioned.

"Depending on how close the subject and the photographer are, the picture could move like a video, or bring to life the situation in the photo. Fascinating, right?" The headmaster explains. Isaac looks at the camera. Bring a photo to life? Guess that is kind of interesting.

"Bring the picture to life? It's like a ghost photograph!" Deuce says.

"Indeed. Hence the name, "ghost camera"." Crowley says. Makes sense.

"Or in other cases, a "phantom camera"?" Ace says and laughs. The others just stare at him in disproval. "Oh come on, that was funny." He says.

"No it wasn't." Isaac says and takes a picture of Ace.

"Ah! If you're gonna do that again, make sure to turn down the brightness." The boy says while rubbing his eyes. "Speaking of, is it true that vampires can't go out in the sun or they'll die?" He asks.

"You saw me the sunlight today, so no. That's just because when a vampire dies their body disintegrates in sunlight." Isaac replies.

"Silly things really. Just like how they say garlic, wooden stakes, crosses and holy water can kill them. The only real way to kill a vampire is by beheading them, or tearing out their heart. That is, if you live long enough to do so. They're not easy to get near, let alone kill. So I wouldn't advise it." The headmaster says. "With that said, Mr. North, can you eat regular food?" He then asks.

"Yeah, I can, but I can only really get vitamins, nutrients and protein from blood. Otherwise, it's basically junk food to me." Isaac replies.

"I see, so how much will you need then?" The man asks.

"Not much, I learned to live on bagged blood and just a few pints a month." The boy replies.

"Just a few pints? That'll do. I'll talk to Dr. Madman, he's an expert on this, and we'll get you the blood you need. We'll just say it's for an anemic student. No one will ever suspect a thing. And you don't have to worry, Dr. Madman can keep a secret." He proposes.

"Thank you." He says gratefully.

"Anytime. Oh, and if any rogue vampires manage to get in and so much as go for any of the students, you wouldn't mind, "getting rid of them", would you?" The headmaster asks.

"No problem, if they're anything like the vampires back home, I can take them. I won't let them hurt anyone." Isaac promises.

"Now I, thank you." Crowley says.

"That's good to hear." Deuce says.

"For sure." Ace agrees.

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