Arc 0-Chapter 5: The Dwarf's Mine

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When Isaac opens his eyes, he found himself in a new, but also familiar, setting. They all now stood in a dark forest, not too far away was a small cottage passed a bridge over a stream. He hadn't seen it in a while, but recognized it as the Dwarfs' cottage from Snow White.

"So this is Dwarf's Mine... It used to be prosperous thanks to magic crystal mining but..." Deuce says.

"Not everything is unlimited, it wouldn't surprise me that the mines were stripped bare, so then it shut down." Isaac says.

"Uuuhh... Feels like something could jump out, at any time..." Grim whimpers with forming tears. Yeah, the place did sort of have that kinda vibe about it.

"Oh, hey there's a house back there. Let's go ask them about the mine." Ace suggests. With nothing better, they make their way to the cottage. Crossing the bridge, Deuce walks up to the door and knocks.

"Good evening..." He greets, but no one answers. He knocks again, but still no answer. He then opens the door and they step inside. "Looks like it's abandoned. It's a mess in here." He observes.

"Ack! Spider, spider web in the face... peh, peh!" Grim groans as he spat out the bits of web that got on/in his mouth. Yuck!

"Whoever lived here must've moved away when the mine ran out." Isaac thought as he wipes away dust from the counter. "It certainly does look like the cottage from the film." He observes.

"Aren't the tables and chairs on the small side? Are they for kids?" Ace comments then starts counting the chairs. "One, two... there's seven! So many!" He exclaims when he finished.

"This was probably a lively home when Dwarf's Mine still flourished." Deuce says.

"They did what they had to. After all, magic crystals are found inside coal." Ace states. "For now, let's go check out the mine." He says next. They exit the cottage and make their way down the path to the mine entrance.

"W-what? We're gonna go down into that pitch black hole?!" Grim exclaimed.

"Scared? Lame. Ow!" Ace taunted, then yelped when Isaac kicked his shin.

"Hey! I'm not scared at all!" The cat said, trying to look tough again. Though, Ace was too busy nursing his shin to notice. "Alright! I'm taking the lead! Follow me!" The feline declares and flies into the mine.

"Oh brother..." Isaac thought with a sigh and quickly follows after Grim, Deuce and Ace, who stopped focusing on his shin, right behind him. Inside the mine was dark, typical, with some crystals embedded in the rocks. Though, those were most likely just regular crystals opposed to the "magic crystals" they were looking for.

"Uh!? Wait!" Deuce suddenly exclaims and everyone freezes.

"Huh? What is it?" Ace asks.

"S-some-something's... there!" The spade boy says. Grim lets out a squeal as two ghosts appear before them.

"Hehehe! Our first guests, in ten years!" The bigger one said excited.

"Make yourselves at home, for eternity...!" the smaller one said in a cryptic voice.

"C'mon! This place is haunted with ghosts too!?" Ace complains.

"We don't have time to deal with them one by one. Let's go!" Deuce urges.

"Hey, don't think you can just me around. If you hadn't done something so idiotic, we wouldn't be in this mess." The red boy retorts. Was he serious?

"You want to talk about who started it? It's cause you wouldn't clean!" The blue haired boy retorts back.

"It all started when that furball burned the Queen of Hearts' statue." The heart boy responds.

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