Arc 1-Chapter 10: Overblot

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As Isaac watched, a foul smell began permeating the air, emanating from Riddle. Something was seriously wrong. All of a sudden, a black ink-like substance spews from Riddle's now blackened magic crystal, consuming his entire form.

"What the hell!?!" Ace yells. Grim growls and jumps into Isaac's arms. The black ink covering Riddle began to form into a strange but slightly familiar shape, then Riddle was uncovered, revealing a different and darker look.

 The black ink covering Riddle began to form into a strange but slightly familiar shape, then Riddle was uncovered, revealing a different and darker look

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"His appearance, changed?!" Isaac exclaims, clutching Grim to his being.

"Hnhnhn... HAHAHAHA!!" The new Riddle laughed, far most sinister than before. "Those fools who dare disobey me, I have no need of them in my world. I'm the law in my world. I am the rules! No response other than "Yes, Queen Riddle" is acceptable! It's off with the heads of anyone who dare disobey me! Ahaha!" He says while cackling.

"Oh just look at this mess... A student has gone into Overblot right in front of me." Crowley says in a regretful.

"What the hell is overblot?! That guy's got a really wicked air to him now!" Grim exclaims, still in Isaac's arms.

"Not to mention the smell, and that thing..." The said boy thought, noting the ash- like smell and the massive creature behind Riddle, which strangely looks familiar. "It looks just like thing from the mine! The smell too!" He then recalled.

"Overblot is a state that wizards must avoid at all costs. He's been caught up in a storm of negative energy that has made him lose control of his emotions and his magic." Crowley replies and explains.

"I... don't really get it." Grim replies and Isaac sighs.

"Me, neither." Deuce admits, causing the boy face palm.

"Crap! In plain terms: he's fallen into a dark berserker state!" Cater says, serious.

"Yeah, you think that would be obvious." Isaac thought.

"His life is also in danger if he keeps using his magic like this." Trey ads.

"His life?!" Grim exclaims.

"Say what now?!" Isaac shouts next just as shocked.

"Indeed. But right now the safety of other students is our top priority. I shall go to evacuate the other residents. However, Mr. Rosehearts must be brought back to his senses before he runs out of magic." Crowley states.

"Losing his life is terrible enough, but worse than that..." He mutters, trailing off on the last line. "Right now, I need you all to go get the other dorm heads and teachers to assist..." He began.

"AH! EAT THIS!!!" Ace yells, launching a wind attack at Riddle, stunning everyone.

"COME FORTH! CAULDRON!" Deuce shouts next, throwing a cauldron at Riddle. Grim then breathes his fire at the wizard and monster.

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