The Last of Us Part 2 (Male!E...

Door LayceJ25

107K 3.3K 958

Five years after their cross-country trip, Joel, (y/n) and Elliot enjoy their tranquil life in Jackson. But w... Meer

Chapter 1: If I Ever Were To Lose You
Chapter 2: A Birthday Surprise
Chapter 3: Take On Me
Chapter 4: If Only They Were Immune...
Chapter 5: We're Done!
Chapter 6: I Would Like To Try
Chapter 7: Please, Stop! Please, Don't Do This!
Chapter 9: Seattle
Chapter 10: You're Immune?!
Chapter 11: What The Hell Are You Doing Here?
Chapter 12: I Owe Them
Chapter 13: WLF Hospital
Chapter 14: What Happened To Us?
Chapter 15: Seraphite Island

Chapter 8: She Can't Stop Us

6.4K 183 121
Door LayceJ25

*3rd Person POV* 

The moonlight was shining through the window of (y/n)'s bedroom. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, still in shock at the horror she had witnessed. All she could see was blood and Tommy's unmoving body, she could still hear that metal gold club hitting every part of Tommy that woman could hit. 

His screams were echoing in her ears.

And that gunshot to Tommy's head was a noise she would never forget.

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts, she didn't hear a knock at her door. She continued to stare at the floor when her door opened and Elliot peaked his head through.

"(Y/n)?" He calls put but she doesn't respond. He walks in then slowly closes the door, which finally gets her attention. She whips her head around and sees him standing there.

"Hey..." Elliot greets her, softly, but she just frowns and turns away. Elliot stands there, nervously, then he looks around the room. He comes up to her shelf and saw a familiar pamphlet on top of her books. He picks it up and smiled as he flips through the pamphlet of the dinosaur exhibit.

"Dee-oh-nin-y-chus." He mutters before he lets out a soft chuckle. "That was a good day. Probably one of the best days of my life." said Elliot as he turns to look at (y/n) but she doesn't say or look at him. "You know...I still have that tape Joel gave us." He said.

Elliot looks over her shelf then saw something new. It was a Walkman and he noticed that there was a tape inside of it. "This is new." He remarks as he picks it up and looks it over. (Y/n) looks over and sees what he was looking at then she narrows her eyes at him.

"Tommy got it for me...." she said and he looks at her then she scoffs. "...but how would you know? You were never there." She sneered. "Well, I'm here now. And I wanna fix what was lost between us." Elliot said and she, suddenly, stands up.

"NO! You don't get to do that! You think that because of what I’m going through, you have the audacity to come back into my life? You were not there! You don’t know what it’s like to see someone close to you get killed! How can you fix what you already ended 2 years ago?” She yells, angrily. "Look, I know I can't take back what I said two years ago. But I was angry and hurt that you and Joel lied to me." Elliot replied and he could see tears building up in her eyes.

“If that was me on that operating table, unconscious and that damned operation being done without my consent, what would you have done, Elliot?" (Y/n) asked him, shakily, and Elliot's green eyes widen a bit. "Would you have saved me and lied to me to if I were in your situation?” she asked.

Elliot stares at her for a few moment then looks down. "Yeah, that's what I thought." She mutters and he looks back at her. "(Y/n), I..." Elliot tried to say but there was a knock at the door. (Y/n) looks at the door then walks to it and opens it, revealing it to be Joel.

(Y/n) could tell that Joel had been crying as his eyes were red and puffy but his stance was saying that he was trying his best to look calm and collected.

"Joel..." she whispers as Joel looks between her and Elliot. "You kids alright?" He asked and the two teens turn their head away. "Yeah." Elliot grumbles. "Just fine." (Y/n) said but Joel gave both of them a worried look.

"Listen...(y/n), I know it's not a good time but...Maria and Daniel are downstairs...and she wants both of you..." Joel said and (y/n) slowly sighs then places her hand over her mouth. "I-I-I don't know if..." she stammers before she starts to cry.

Elliot goes to her and slowly raises his hand and placed it on her shoulder, she didn't shove him away. "I don't think that's a good idea, Joel." Elliot said and Joel looks over at him. "Believe me, I don't want her to go over it either but...Maria..." Joel starts to say but Elliot shakes his head. "This is bullshit!" He said and (y/n) turns to him. 

"Elliot!" She said and he looks at her. "I'll...I'll..try. If Daniel can do it, so can I." She said and Elliot frowns. "I don't like this." Elliot grumbles. "I don't either, Elliot." Joel said and (y/n) nods but starts to walk towards the door.

The three of them make their way down the stairs and go into the living room, where Maria, Dina, Daniel and Jesse were sitting. (Y/n) felt nervous and scared once she saw Maria, who looked beyond depressed. Then she started to question herself on whether to go along with this but once she saw Daniel sitting there, she decided to go along with it.

She goes over to the couch and sits next to Daniel. Joel and Elliot stand behind the couch while Dina was sitting on the arm of the couch, her hand on Daniel's shoulder, and Jesse was leaning against the doorframe, his arms folded across his chest.

Maria looks between Daniel and (y/n) and then sighs, heavily, almost like she didn't want to be here either. "I know this is...very hard on you kids." Maria said in a flat tone. She takes a deep breath, trying not to cry, and lets it out slowly before she continues. "But I need to know...what that damn cabin." Maria said, shakily.

Daniel and (y/n) share a look before Daniel sighs and begins to speak. "I should’ve listened to Tommy and (y/n) in the first place when they told me not to approach them. I thought they were good people, seemed harmless. I went over to talk to them, they were nice at first..." he explains then he licks his lips and looks up at Joel.

"And then they mentioned you, Joel." said Daniel and Joel's eyes widen and Maria looks over at Joel. "I-I panicked. I-I didn't know what to do! I ran but they grabbed me and beat me up. Then they knew our patrols and how we group together, so they I wasn’t alone. They demanded Tommy and (y/n) to come out or they would kill me on the spot...If I haven’t approached the group in the first place...Tommy would still be alive." Daniel said then he lowers his head as his eyes began to well up.

"It's my fault." He said, tearfully, and he begins to cry and Dina goes to hug her brother. "It's not your fault, Daniel. You couldn't have known." Maria tried to reassure. "Well, I should know. I was stupid and careless. And Tommy is dead because of it. Because of me!” Daniel cries.

(Y/n) couldn’t take it anymore after seeing her friend breaking down and beat himself for it, so she wrap her arms around him and pull him to her. He obliges as he in turn wraps his arm around her shoulder, weeping and sobbing onto the crook of her neck.

Normally Elliot would’ve been jealous seeing him hug her like that but he didn’t say anything, believing that it isn’t the time to be jealous, as he needed to support them in this time of need.

"Daniel, I don't blame you at all. I blame the person who took my husband away." Maria said and (y/n) looks up at her. "Abby. That was her name." She replied and Maria and Joel give confused look to each other. "Before she...killed Tommy, she said this is for my father, you sonuvabitch." (y/n) explains and Joel furrows his brow.

"Her father?" He asked and (y/n) nods. "What did she mean by that?" (Y/n) asked and Joel shakes his head. "I'm not sure. I mean, I've killed alot of people." Joel said. "We've all killed people." Maria said and everyone gives a slight nod to this.

"Sooo...what's the plan?" Dina asked Maria, who sighs. "In the morning, we'll say our him and...bury him." Maria said as a tear runs down her cheek. "And what about the people that did this?" Daniel asked and Maria frowns.

"I think we should not worry about them and move on." She said and (y/n) raises her head, quickly. "That's it? Really?" She asked, slightly angry, and Joel and Elliot give each other worried looks. "Yes, that is it." Maria said, firmly. "That's bullshit! They killed Tommy! Your husband!" (Y/n) said then she turns to Joel. "Your brother!" She yells. "(Y/n)." Joel said in a firm voice and the girl looks between the two adults.

"So they just get away with this, is that what you're telling me?" (Y/n) asked, angrily. "We don't even know where they're from." Joel said. "Seattle. They mentioned it during their argument on what to do with Daniel." (Y/n) said and everyone gives nervous glances at each other then (y/n) scowls.

"I’m not gonna stand back like some coward. Whether you like it or not, I’m going to Seattle and I will find and kill that woman who murdered the man I considered family." (Y/n) growled. "And you don't think we do?" Maria asked, her voice raising a bit, as she gestures between her and Joel.

"You're not wanting to do anything!" (Y/n) yells. "(y/n), you have no idea what you're walking into. You don't know how large that group is, how armed..." Joel explains. "I don't care. Of all the people, I'd figured you'd be the one who would understand." (Y/n) said. "I'm being smart about this." Joel said, firmly.

(Y/n) scoffs and Elliot comes over and places a hand on her shoulders. "(Y/n), please, calm down." He tries to assure and she glares at him then scoffs again. "Whatever!" She yells then she starts to walk up to her bedroom. "(Y/n)!" Maria and Joel call out but the girl ignores them and heads up to the room.

Maria sighs then places her hands over her face again. "Are we gonna do anything?" Jesse asked Maria. "I don't know. Probably not." Maria said. "But what if they come back? I mean, that woman, Abby, mentioned Joel. Whose to say they won't come back?" Daniel said as he looks between the adults. 

Joel and Maria share a look and Joel sighs. "We'll figure something out." He says and the four young adults look at each other. "You kids should go ahead and get some rest." Maria said then she sighs, heavily, then runs her hands over her eyes before she stands up. "Daniel, I appreciate your information and I'm so sorry that you had to witness that." Maria said and Daniel frowns. 

"I'm sorry for letting it happen." Daniel said and Maria gives him a small smile. "It's okay." She whispers then she turns to Joel. "Tell (y/n) I appreciate her information too, will you?" She said and Joel nods. Maria then walks out of the house while Jesse, Dina and Daniel get up and leave as well.

Joel sighs then head up the stairs before Elliot turns to him. "Joel." He said and the older man stops in his tracks but doesn't turn to him. "I-I just wanna say, I am so sorry about Tommy." Elliot said and Joel looks down in sadness. "Me too." He mutters and he heads up to his room while Elliot looks down.

The next morning, the whole town of Jackson was gathered at the cemetery as they finished with Tommy's funeral. (Y/n) wasn't really listening as she just stared off into space while the preacher did the eulogy. 

After he was done, Joel and Jesse come in and place Tommy's body, which was wrapped up in cloth, in the large dug up hole. Maria comes up and drops the fist full of dirt on Tommy and then it was Joel next before they had someone start to shove the dirt back over Tommy.

Eventually, everyone started to leave and head back to their home except for Joel, Maria, Elliot and (y/n). The two teens stare at the fresh mound of dirt in sadness while Joel and Maria share a quick look. He raises and eyebrow at her and she bites her lips then nods at him. He nods back at her then he turns away and walks off.

The day slowly turned to evening as (y/n) sat in her room until Elliot comes in. She looks up at him as he walks over to her and sits next to her. No words were said between them and he places an arm around her shoulder. She places her head on his shoulder and began to cry, he holds her and hugs her close to him, whispering comforting words to her as his eyes started to tear up as well.

They held each other until they laid back in her bed and both of them fell asleep.

The next morning, (y/n) wakes up and realized that she was cuddled up to Elliot. She was a bit startled by this but also felt comforting, it reminded her of when they were together. Elliot wakes up and jumps a bit. "I'm sorry." He said as he starts to sit up. "It's okay." She said as she sits up as well.

The two sit in silence for a moment before (y/n) speaks up. "Thank you." She mutters and he turns to her. "For being there for me. I know the last couple of years we haven't talked but...I do appreciate you being here." She said. "Of course." He said. "No matter what...I'm gonna be there for you."

(Y/n) gives him a soft smile as he returns a smile as well. "Hey, how about I go make breakfast? Sound good?" Elliot asked and she nods. "Sounds great. I'll go wake Joel up and...maybe we can start on us again?" (Y/n) said and Elliot nods. "Yeah that sounds good." He said then he gets up and walks out of the room.

(Y/n) let's out a sigh before she gets up and goes to Joel's bedroom door. "Joel? Joel, you awake?" She calls as she knocks on his bedroom door. But there was no response. "Joel?" She said then she pushes his door open to see that he is not in his room.

"(Y/n)!" Elliot shouts and she turns and runs down the stairs. There she sees Elliot in the dining area, holding a piece of paper in his hand, he didn't look particularly happy. He looks up at her then begins to read the note.

"Kids, I'm headed to Seattle. I can't let it go. I have to make these people pay. I know you two will try to come after me but I have Maria watching over you two. She will keep you two safe. She might take your guns and lock up the horses. Maybe lock you two up. Buy me some time so I can finish this. Joel." Elliot reads this then looks up at (y/n).

"He's gonna get himself killed." He said. "He should've brought us with him!" She growls, angrily. "(Y/n).." Elliot said, exasperated. "No! This is bullshit!" (Y/n) yells just as they heard the door open.

They turn and see Maria standing there. "What the fuck Maria?!" (Y/n) asked her. "Look, I know you two are upset..." Maria said but the teens scoff. "That's an understatement." Elliot grumbles. "But this was the only way to do it." Maria explains.

"You should've sent more men to go after those fuckers! Hell, Joel should've taken us with him!" (Y/n) shouts. "I wish I could but Joel insisted." Maria said, firmly.

"So now what, Maria? You gonna lock us up?" Elliot asked. "Let's just say you two will be under house arrest." She said and the teens' eyes widen. "What?" Elliot gasped. "Are you fucking serious?!" (Y/n) asked, angrily. "Yes. You two don't need to be out there." She said.

"Joel shouldn't be out there!" (Y/n) exclaimed. "He's a big boy. He can take care of himself. He asked me to keep an eye on you two and that's what I'm going to do." said Maria as she looks between the kids. "Now I have a couple of men on guard at this house and if either of you even try to step out of line... I'll know." Maria said, firmly, before she walks out.

(Y/n) starts to shake in anger, there was so much going through her mind she didn't even know how to handle it. So she goes to the dining area and kicks a chair down before letting out a frustrated growl.

She takes some deep breathes then places her hands over her face, trying to prevent the angry tears from coming. "(Y/n), it's okay. We'll...we'll think of something." He said and she looks up at him. "Promise?" She asked and he nods.

That afternoon, the two were still trying to figure out how they were gonna get out of there when they heard a knock at the front door. They looked up at the door before Elliot goes to it and opens it, revealing Jesse. "Jesse?" Elliot said just as Daniel comes up behind Jesse.

"Daniel? What the hell are you guys doing here?" Elliot asked as (y/n) walks up to the door. "Busting you two out." Jesse said. "What?" Elliot and (y/n) said, shocked. "We heard what happened so we decided to help you guys out." Jesse said before Daniel taps his shoulder. 

"C'mon man, we need to get going." Daniel said to and Jesse nods and turns back to Elliot and (y/n). "Grab you stuff, quickly!" Jesse orders them and Elliot and (y/n) run upstairs and grab their bags and packed it as quickly as they could.

After getting packed, they walked out and noticed the guards were knocked out. "They're not...?" (Y/n) started to asked but Jesse shakes his head. "No, they're just unconscious." He said.

Minutes later, the four kids start to sneak around Jackson, avoiding anyone as best as they could until they reach the stables. Dina was already there. "Bout time." She said, jokingly. "Well you know how big this town is." Jesse said as he goes up to one of the horses.

Dina then holds up a bag and says. "I grabbed as much weapons, medicine, medical equipment and other supplies as best as I could." She said as she hands out some guns to everyone.

"Wait, you guys are wanting to come?" (Y/n) asked them and they smiled. "Yeah, we're with you guys no matter what!" Dina said. "Yeah, you guys think we'd let you two do this on your own?" Jesse asked. "I mean, we loved Tommy too. And we want to help bring Joel home too." Daniel said then he looks down. "We want to help, especially me. This is all my fault in the first place. I-I need to make up for it." He said and Elliot nods while (y/n) gives him a sympathetic look.

"Well, let's not stick around any longer than we have to. Let's go!" Dina said and she and Daniel get on one horse while Jesse gets on another horse. Elliot gets in his horse then looks at (y/n). "You wanna...share this horse?" He asked. She smirks and nods then climbs up behind him.

Jesse takes the lead and the four friends galloped out of the stables and towards the main gate, which started to open, and started to make their way to Seattle.

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