just friends • luke (julie an...

By linamwright

83.6K 1.9K 437

alex and amber had been inseparable since birth, but then again most twins are. and that included when alex... More

now or never
flash forward
ain't it something
first impressions
funny feelings
return of a princess
been a long time
seen again
you're a part of me
meet and greet
not enough time
forgotten futures
bittersweet love story
former family
golden moments
never heard before
edge of great
good intentions
unsaid emily
second chances
everything to lose
go back to the beginning
finally free

prologue - the other side of hollywood

5.7K 116 15
By linamwright

When Willie had told his new friend Alex that he could help him, he had no idea that he would be solving more than one problem.

He led the three remaining members of Sunset Curve into the Hollywood Ghost Club, both excited and nervous for them to meet Caleb, who he was sure they would love.

After all, who doesn't love a king?

What Willie didn't know was that one of his best friends would also be returning home that night and making a special appearance and how her very presence would change his entire life.

Reggie, Luke, and Alex were seated in the very front, with Willie as their guide. The long-haired boy watched as their eyes seemed to glow with wonder as the show began and the music started to play. However, a performer stopped Caleb in the middle of the act to whisper something in his ear.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special gift for you all tonight... the princess has returned!" Caleb yelled as a spotlight shone upon a young girl. She seemed to strike awe in those she passed, both with the grace that she carried and the power that seemed to radiate from her skin. The girl had just returned from London, another trip gifted to her by Caleb himself. Her gown was tight-fitting but flared at the end, making her seem even more regal than the title she was presented with.

"Caleb, you are far too kind," the girl said once she had reached the stage.

"Welcome home, Amber!" Caleb announced as the crowd went wild, the girl waving softly with a slight laugh. She didn't notice the three boys gaping at her, wondering if she could be the same person they had known.

The party resumed, and Caleb brought each of the boys into a dance, while Willie found his friend.

"How was London?" he asked, slyly.

"Instructional, as always."

"You'll tell me more later?"

"Of course," she replied with a grim smile. "On a more pleasant note, you seem to be quite dressed up... is there a special someone you're trying to impress?"

Willie blushed at the implication and reluctantly nodded. "He's adorable. His name is Alex, and he's a new ghost, so I've been helping him get the hang of things."

The name he had said sent a pang through Amber's heart, but she would never show it. If there were one secret she would never tell her friend, it was that of her twin.

"Well, why don't you introduce me?"

Before Willie could lead her to the boys he had brought that night, Amber was swept away by the dancers, bringing her to the center with Caleb. He spun her a few times, laughed as she got dizzy, and then began to do the Charleston with her until their feet were numb.

"Caleb, I promised Willie I'd meet his friends," Amber laughed reluctantly.

"Well, of course," the man replied with a smile, spinning her right into the arms of the boy that she had loved all those years ago.

When brown eyes met blue the entire world seemed to stop as memories swept through both of their minds.



Before anything more could be said, Willie pulled Amber from Luke's arms and led her towards the other two boys.

"Amber, this is Alex and his friend Reggie. Oh, and I see you already met Luke," Willie smiled.

Amber's voice disappeared as she looked into the eyes of the one person in the universe who knew her inside and out. Alex was frozen in shock as the girl he had shared everything with seemed to materialize in front of him, tears forming in her eyes as recognition flooded through them.

It took only a second before Alex wrapped his arms around Amber and held her tighter than he had ever held her before, afraid that if he eased in any way she would disappear again. But she didn't mind. She had missed Alex's hugs more than anything.

"God, I've missed you," Amber whispered, finally finding her voice.

Reggie cleared his throat from the other side of Alex, reminding them that they weren't the only two who needed to reunite. Amber separated herself from her brother and quickly wrapped Reggie into her arms. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she turned to see Luke.

Luke, the one who had ruined everything. The one who had broken her heart and crushed her dreams. The one who tore her from her brother.

The one she couldn't bear to see or touch a moment longer without the risk of instantly forgiving him for everything he had done.

And so she teleported away with a flash, leaving a very confused Willie and three devastated boys.

(AN: don't worry, this is supposed to be confusing! i promise it'll all make sense in a chapter or two hehe)

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