The 12 Elementals

By just-A_potato

206K 11.7K 2.7K

Yet again Darkness is hungry for a war to end it all, but Light will always have troops at the ready. One gir... More

The Elementals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 1
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter. The Kiss
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Bonus Chapter. Jealousy's a Bitch
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
A Day in the Hogwarts Life
Don't Bark at Me
Yes, Vampires Do Suck

Chapter 41

3.1K 205 39
By just-A_potato

Coronation day for our awesome Elementals!

Excited to read this? I hope so!!





"Ouch! I will turn you into ice." I threaten. Getting my hair pulled was ever an experience that I enjoyed. I pull a strand in between my fingers and admire the fiery color it has. Normally by now I'd have to redye it to keep this shade alive but since I discovered my ability to paint things with a single thought I haven't had to use human ways.

"Oh, shh." Xiba said, giving my hair another painful tug.

I'd been woken up at the crack of dawn just for this. Xiba is my official hair dresser and a light hearted mermaid. She's kind enough but waking me up before I've had my ten hours is a big no-no. It's almost like having an older sister who wants to spend time with you even if you don't.

"Finished!" Xiba expertly ran a hand through my hair for a last time, adding what I think is muse.

The door opens and Doug enters with Seth carrying a train of sparkling blue fabric. They each hold an end and are being cautious of letting it hit the floor. "The dress." Seth grins. I'm really starting to like this boy because should he and Aliyah find their happy ever after then Seth will join the Elementals in what we expect to be a long life.

I groan, "You do realize I'm short." I don't see a beautiful dress but a natural Melody disaster.

"Shh." that was Xiba's favorite word for me. She wanted me to be this girly girl and adore being a princess but I'm not. I'd rather deal with the political side of being royal than playing dress up. When I'm named Queen of Enchantment I'm going to make a law stating that royals can wear sweats and still must be acceptable.

"You will look stunning in it." Doug smiles kindly. I love my two guards.

Kiss ass. Zayden chuckles.

"Kiss ass." Seth muttered.

"I'll have to make sure you get a fat Christmas bonus Doug." I stand, smoothing my Harry Potter pajamas.

He laughs, "I'm holding you to it."

Then I think, They have Christmas here?

No, but something close enough. We call it the Saint Nicholas Celebration. It's a joyous occasion. Zayden said, sending me a few images of what Saint Nicholas Celebration would look like. I'm actually excited to see it for myself.

They leave and Xiba helps me step into the waves of fabric. Once she's done tightening the ribbon on the back she gasps, "I knew you could be a lady."

She turns me so I'm facing a full body mirror. I too gasp. My fiery red hair is twisted up in an elaborate set of knots to form a bun. Xiba did my make-up earlier; my violet eyes popped and my lips are a shimmering pink. The dress is a strapless deep sea blue ball gown with blue reflective sparkles that begin lightly below my breasts and end heavily on the bottom, like snow falling to the ground. The material reminds me of flower petals and flows nicely around my legs.

"Well?" Xiba impatiently awaits my reaction.

"I look like such a girl." I complain but I do like my appearance. I want Reason to see me dolled up as it will be a rare thing. Being with my Beloved is a slow process because while we're getting used to each other I've been launching my own investigation. I've been doing much reading about past Elementals and trying to find out what I could about Elemental mating. So far, no luck.

She laughs, "You can't wear jeans."

"I could." I defend

"Shh. Put these on," she hands me pretty white glittered high heels.

I stare at them then her in utter astonishment, "First a dress, now high heels. It's like you want me to fall and kiss the floor."

Once the shoes are on Xiba has me walk in circles. For a moment I was wobbly but soon got used to the height. "After this, I'll stop complaining about being short."

A crisp knock then someone enters, "Oye! Look at that beauty."

I grin as Grandpapa comes to me. In the one day I've known him I've already come to adore my Grandpapa. He has on what seems to be a generals outfit. He bows, "I am here to escort the enticingly lovely Elemental Melody to her grand coronation."

I loop our arms together, "Could not have asked for a more dashing escort."

We proudly exit and my guards follow closely. Xiba ran off to do get dressed herself.

"Melody, you are breathtaking." Squishy complemented.

"Thanks." I chirp. I have no problem with people, or huge thunderbirds, telling me I look good. My self image isn't that messed up.

We walk up a couple of stairs and turn a corner, the coronation will be held in the thrown room which is on the higher levels of the castle. Standing in front of the large doors are two Dhampyr, and looking nervous are the rest of the Elementals.

"Seth! Mel!" Aliyah flings herself into Seth's wide arms and they share a long kiss. Aliyah's baby blue dress has lace and her hair is a long fishtail braid. Oh, irony.

"Elemental Melody, you are looking particularly sexy." Kyle kisses my hand. I pull back and give him a light slap on his forehead.

"Wow Kyle, you're somewhat attractive." I tease. His short bushy brown hair is sleeked back with gallons of muse. His tux is deep blue with a snow white tie.

He winks, "I know."

"Melody, your dress!" Vivian squeals, covering her mouth.

The angels approach me. Vivian has a long sleeved canary yellow dress with her hair in an elegant ponytail. Ester's dress matches her golden hair perfectly and her hair is in a bun similar to mine. Zane has on a black tux with a yellow vest. We lock eyes and a mutual understanding of friendship is formed. Zane will forever be my first love but we are not made for each other. I can hope that some day he'll find his Beloved and that she's every bit of wonderful she should be.

I clap, "The angels truly are angels tonight. But wait till morning Esterzilla will be back." She gave me a dry smile along with a pinch on the nose.

"They got nothing on us." Jordan says.

I grin. They have matching emerald green tux's with black bow ties. Their hair is reminding me of a movie star's. "You gentlemen are devilishly handsome."

"And us Mel?" Anna called.

Her and Cherry stand together. Anna wears a pink frilly dress and her blonde hair is curled piggy tails. Cherry has a floor length blood red dress and her hair is in loose curls.

"Is it hot in here, or is it you two?" I fan myself. Anna giggles and Cherry discreetly nods behind me.

Reason snakes his hand around my waist- did a angel cruelly deoxygenate the room because I can't breathe. Reason's tux is true black, the only color on him is the red silk tie around his neck. His hair remains shaggy and wild. There's something hot about a pierced and tatted guy wearing a tux. I mean Reason's always hot but this takes it to a whole other level.

Cool down, the heat's getting to you.

"You're too sexy for your own good." he murmurs.

"I'm taking that as a compliment." I tug his tie.

"Take it anyway you like." he replies. Double meaning much.

Xiba comes bustling in, blonde hair, dress and make-up completely done. This woman works fast. "Line up. Line- Reason! That hair." she pulls out a comb and hair spray from what seemed like no where.

"No way." Reason ducks but she's quicker. In no time is Reason's hair sleeked back, revealing his handsome face. I stand there, gazing in awe like a moron.

"Those piercings-"

"Are staying." he glares at her, the dare clear.

Xiba rolls her eyes, "Line up. Melody in the lead with her escort, Kyle and Aliyah stay a few feet behind her. Then Ester, Vivian, Zane. Then Jordan, Dmitri, Delcan. Finally Reason, Charlotte and Anna. Quickly now!"

We do as she says. Gandpapa takes my hand and places it in the crook of his elbow. "This is your moment."

The doors are thrust open by Dhampyr and I exhale. Music, small chatter and the amazing smell of food flood over me.

The thrown room is decorated in the most stunning of ways. I see we Enchantains have a thing for glass because the entire roof is made up of just that. Allowing the silver blue light of the moon to peek in. The floor was shiny marble, walls with long drapes covering tall windows. Assortments of white roses are smartly placed throughout the room. Even from here, the front, I could see the multiple colored, hand carved rose that was planted in the very center of the thrown room, protected by a layer of clear rock. Dwarf made, a gift to Zayden. Knew that because of the extreme reading I did.

Grandpapa holds me steady and we walk. I'm thankful for him because I don't think I'd be able to do this alone. Surrounding us are the Enchantians, most I recognize from books. As we pass they bow respectively. There's the oddest mixture of elves, fairies, sirens, merfolk, dwarves, genies, ghosts, vampires and more I just can't identify.

It feels like my first steps in Enchantment all over again. Strange creatures I never thought lived bowing to me. Yet, here I am in a abnormally large room gliding across a red carpet in an unbelievable dress to become a princess.

At the end of the red carpet Dad and the other Elementals sit in their own towering thrown chairs, the Kings and Queens of Enchantment. They have on the typical clothes; red velvet capes with some type of animal fur on the ends and a crown, or tiara, to match. We stop at the foot of the steps leading up to the thrown. We all go to our parents and Grandpapa blends into the crowd.

Dad rises and spreads his arms wide, ceasing the noise in the room effectively.

"We gather here today, to witness the crowning of the newborn Elementals." there's a loud cheer, "If anyone objects to-"

"I DO!" a fierce voice stupidly shouts as a shocked murmur sweeps the crowd.

Prepare yourself, little wave. Zayden quietly warns.

If only I'd taken him seriously.


Oh boy. Laufeia is here to ruin the day.

Only one more chapter left to this story then it's done!

Can't wait and I will post it on New Year's, just a way to celebrate the new year cause I have nothing else to do.


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