Perim Season 1

Quahvoo23 द्वारा

796 11 1

Based on original TGI card game franchise, "Chaotic". Including the animated series comes an all new fanficti... अधिक

Episode 1 Welcome to Perim [Part 1]
Welcome to Perim [Part 2]
Welcome to Perim [Part 3]
Welcome to Perim [Part 4] [Finale]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 2]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 3]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 4]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 5]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 6] [Finale]
Episode 3 Happy Birthday Leo [Part 1]
Happy Birthday Leo [Part 2]
Episode 4 New Legend of Perim [Part 1]

Episode 2 Prank Gone Wrong [Part 1]

46 1 0
Quahvoo23 द्वारा

At Yokkis's Hut

An overworlder rainbow creature, named Yokkis is planning many pranks on all the tribes during these days. He couldn't find the ideas how to pick items for because remember it's April Fools day. That day was one of his favorite holiday to prank more on all of them. 

"Hmm, I couldn't decide where to pick and and where to choose. Maybe I'll ask Mommark!! He'll Know What To Do!!!" Yokkis snaps with the idea popping his light bulb. 

At Castle Mommark

"NO!!!" said Mommark with a stern look.

"NO?!" Yokkis is surprised and shocked. "What do you mean no?!!"

"Because I said so, Yokkis. I'll never help you plan on doing anything stupid, just to prank others!"

"Ahh Come On Mommark! I know that you're still upset about how I almost and accidentally-"

"Don't you mean "purposely"?"

"Yeah.. I mean, "Purporsely"." Yokkis chuckled nervously as he continues. "pranked you during last year. But I promise it won't go bad today if you would please help me with this."

Even though Mommark would want to believe him but couldn't. He and the rest of all people of Perim knows Yokkis. And he'll do whatever it takes to secretely trick on people. Yokkis gives him with a cute puppy eyes, begging for his help.

Mommark facepalm in annoyance, knowing exactly what Yokkis is pulling off.

"Listen, Yokkis. I understand that you want to prank others. Just because today's "April Fools". But I'm still not gonna trust you with this! Not after everything you've caused around Perim!" Mommark gives a serious stern towards Yokkis.

"BUT WHY NOT?!!" Yokkis starts whining.

Mommark rolled his eyes. "Ahh gee! I don't know. How about we go back to the flashbacks and see WHY?!" 

Mommark breaks the fourth wall. "Hey narrator! Rewind the flashbacks, please."


The flashback shows both Arias and Viqtarr were enjoying their time talking and walking around in Pouril Forest. When suddenly, they heard a strange familiar sound coming right behind them. The loud buzzing sound comes from and reveals the outrageous bees. The two overworlders were shocked and screamed and start ran away as fast as they could but unfortunately, they've reached dead end to where there's no way out! They look behind the bees growled in front of them. The two hug each other in fear and then gulped. The bees starts to sting them painfully while they're screaming in agony. Later at sunset, both Arias and Viqtarr groans in agony looking so much injured and huge bumps around their bodies. Viqtarr then saw the paper that was stuck in the tree. He and Arias read it and it was "April Fools" showing the drawing of Yokkis face laughing hysterically. They both growled in annoyance.

The next flashback shows a green chubby mipedian named Ario was just enjoy eating the delicious strawberry mango pie. But after he finished eating the whole of it, he starts hiccup revealing huge bubble appearing out of his mouth. His eyes widened in surprised to know what was going on. When he saw the paper, he looked at it and shows "April Fools" with the drawing of Yokkis face laughing hysterically. Ario growls in rage realizing he's been pranked. He continues to hiccup as the bubbles begins to grow and grow and grow and then CUBOOM!!!

The next flashback shows Khybon is doing all his usual mechanics with modern technology. But for some reason, some mechanics starts to power up itself out of nowhere. Khybon looked shocked and confused knowing what was going on. He ran downstairs immediately while trying to fix the rest of them to make them stop. Suddenly the gear starts to become like a magnet all around the lab. Khybon yelps and dodge quickly. He dodged over and over when suddenly the gears starts to hit him brutally. It starts to beat him up one by one as he's looking more bruise than ever. Then suddenly the glove gear punch him with the nugget. Khybon dropped his knees and fell down to the ground as the gears finally stopped and went back to normal. Soon, H'earring, Ulmar, Rothar, and Illazar show up downstairs and look shocked seeing Khybon's injuries and pain with tears falling down his eyes. They ran towards him with help. Ulmar dropped his knees helping Khybon. But then, H'earring saw some paper that was stuck beside the glove gear that punch Khybon's nugget. He looked the paper and was shocked what he saw. Showing "April Fools" with the drawing of Yokkis face laughing hysterically. H'earring growls in anger and shows the rest of them. They were also shocked and angered by what H'earring showed them. Especially Khybon who was even more outrageous.

The next flashback shows Asadab walking around The Underworld Library buying something to read. So when suddenly as he sits down relaxing and enjoying his lifetime, he accidently sit on top of the Flux Bauble that can teleport and sent him to a location straight to Mount Pillar Reservoir. The Danians saw him and were shocked knowing he appeared out of nowhere all thanks to the Flux Bauble. He blushed and begins to sweat. Then he picks up the Flux Bauble and wonder why on earth could this thing be on top of the seat he was about to sit on and relax??? He saw something and saw the paper right behind the Flux Bauble. It reveals "April Fools" showing Yokkis face laughing hysterically. He growls anger throwing paper down on the ground and then stomps it with rage. The Danians on the other hand were confused, and think, what's got into him??

The next flashback shows Yondaf was at the Mipedim Valley hanging out with Qiruar explaining to him about what he learns the new games coming out so far. Suddenly they heard Ghatup screaming, running away from something. They wonder what's wrong with him. And they did. They found out what Ghatup is running away and saw, revealing a humongous skunk growls. Their eyes are now widened in shocked and starts running away like Ghatup did. Soon in Mepedian Dew Farm, the mipedians were doing their own thing as usual, farming. But then they heard screaming ahead and saw those three being chased by that humongous skunk. The lizard people are now screaming in fear as they run away. In the castle, Prince Mudeenu, Marquis Darini, and Prince Iflar were enjoying their time on TV watching the adult series On Demand. But then, they heard something outside revealing all people of Mipedian, especially Yondaf the Danian ran away and screams in fear. They wonder what's going on until suddenly, they saw the humongous skunk chasing away with them. The three's eyes widened in fear. Soon enough, the humongous skunk began to spray around the city and then spray the royals also inside the castle; sending them to crash their back on the wall. The whole city is all now full of rotten egg stench. The royal men got up on to the floor, coughs and gags to get away those stench coming from the skunks spray. Soon the skunks starts running away. The people of the Mipedian and Yondaf gags and coughs in disgust. Yokkis flys with the backpack gears and shouts with his loudspeaker saying, "April Fools!!" Yokkis then begins to laugh hysterically. The Mipedians, the Royals, and Yondaf found out it was Yokkis all along. They screamed out in rage feeling hatred towards that overworlder.

End Of Flashbacks

"Well, Yokkis? Does that even refresh your memories?!" said Mommark with a stern look.

Yokkis laughs hysterically after watching the whole flashbacks. "Oh Heck Yeah It Did!! I still can't get the hang of those amazing past!!! Especially the last part, when I created both skunk and the Perim beast together into one hybrid. These days NEVER gets old."

"That maybe true to YOU. But let me ask you something with a simple question. How would you feel if someone, or any other tribes of Perim especially children could get hurt, with so many injuries. Just like what happened to the flashback we just saw seeing them crying in agony?!!"

Yokkis got confused as he's trying to solve the puzzle. "Um... I would feel bad??"

"Yes, but WORSE!! You will one day feel more guilty and shame if you keep overdoing this with your prank on someone else!! Take this for example, whenever something happens to their family, their friends, and including their home that got destroyed or being killed!! They'll blame you for EVERYTHING!!! And will one day never forgive you, at all!!"

"Oh Mommark, why would they do that?! After all, I'm just the prankster of every Perim that knows a quick way to make them felt for it. Besides, where are their sense of humor?" said Yokkis doubting.

"Which is exactly why they can and will do whatever it takes to get you back in revenge!!! You can end up getting hate, accusing, and also, being a lonely leftout overworlder who has no friends, no family, and no life!!! That's why I made my decision to never, and I mean NEVER EVER, EVER, EVER will help you with this- PLAN you're trying to pull off!! Soon, you're gonna learn a valuable lesson Yokkis, that being a prank doesn't make you all powerful above any of us!!! So to this day forward, the "April Fools Day" is now officially canceled!!!"

Yokkis eyes widened in shocked and terror after hearing what Mommark said.

"WHAT?!!!" He falls the ground holding Mommarks right calf, begging in terror. "PLEASE MOMMARK!!! DON'T DO THIS, I'M BEGGING YOU!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!! APRIL FOOLS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE DAY!!! PLEASE MOMMARK!!! I CAN"T DO THIS WITHOUT THIS DAY TO GO BY!!!" Yokkis cries.

Mommark shows no mercy towards the prankster. "I've made my choice Yokkis!! It's for your own good!! And if you ever think about sneaking into my castle, AT NIGHT, without my permission, I'm about to tell Maxxor about everything!! I'll also use cameras around my castle and set up a trap if you ever DARE think about stealing my stuff!!! So you can just forget this deal cause I'm not gonna fault with your "April Fools" quote!! So I expect you, mister prankster, to stay away from my stuff or else if you know what's good for you!! Understand?!"

Yokkis feels depressed and defeat after what Mommark said. After all, Yokkis need to one day learn something a very truthful lesson if he keeps overdoing it. So he turn his head down in sadness. "Yes, Mommark. I understand completely."

Back At Yokkis Hut

Yokkis growls in disappointment. Turns out the Plan A fails. Now he has to think of a way to find something clever.

"Well, guess Plan A fails. But not to worry. Even though Mommark may use his camera. But I'm pretty sure he doesn't realize that I'm also good at being a spy." Yokkis smirks evilly.

He went to his closet and opens it. Reveals the spy outfit and his own spy gears. As he starts wearing his spy outfit, preparing his gears on his belt. And giggles with tingling with his special Plan B.

"Okay, Mommark. If you can't help me to prank something special for my favorite day, since none of you all people of Perim cares. I'll just have to brought up with a big guns!!!" Yokkis laughs hysterically as the lightning starts to thunder outside.

At Night in Mommark's Castle

Mommark went to his room reading the book while laying on the bed, feeling comfortable.

Ettala, Maglax, and Staluk sat on the couch in the living room close to the lab watching On Demand. They laughs while watching "The Pirates!!".

Outside of Mommark Castle, a dark shadow overworlder with a spy outfit is of course, Yokkis secretly sneaks perfectly inside even though there's a booby trap in the castle.

"Let's get this crack-a-lackin." Yokkis whispered before laughing hysterically.

He use his own Telebracers to teleport right inside and saw a laser trap attraction around the hallway. He then smirks evilly and do the hip hop dance to move through the laser.

"Huh, guess the dance does really pay it off." Yokkis smiles pride.

He then continues to run around the hallway to find the lab. He then hears Staluk coming by to go use the bathroom. He climbs on the walls and hide. As Staluk about to go use the bathroom, he suddenly smells something or someone that's already here. Yokkis starts to sweat in fear. He climbs on the ceiling like a spider quickly. Soon, Staluk sense starts to fade away.

"Huh, strange. I thought I clearly smells something or someone who's already there. Nah.. maybe something's wrong with my sense." Staluk shrugs before he went in the bathroom.

"Phew!! That was close to be quite honest." said Yokkis.

While he's still climbing on the ceiling, both Ettala and Maglax kept enjoying this movie.

"Dang!! Isn't this so eager to see how those guys pull off something clever?!" said Maglax.

"Oh yeah!! You know it, Mag!!" Ettala chuckled.

They start eating their own popcorn, candies and drink soda while watching.

"Damn it!! Where on Perim is that stupid lab?!" Yokkis growls in annoyance.

He then finally saw the lab.

"Yes!! Finally, I found it!! Now I will get those books!!" Yokkis grins.

He gets off the ceiling and lands on the high ground safely. He walks slowly towards the Mutant Book. And grabs it quickly.

"Hehehehehe, Piece of Cake!!" Yokkis chuckles evilly. "Welp, time to head back to my hut."

He then hears the foot step coming by. He quickly hides with his book. The person with a foot step coming by was none other than Mommark. He returns his book back to where they belong. He took a break finishing reading. He then head back to his room and yawns.

Yokkis felt relief. "Phew! Okay, time to take you straight to my hut, bud."

Back At Yokkis's Hut

He continues to find the ingredients to prank on all of the tribes even more. He creates a new ingredients to transform into master prankster. 

"THIS IS IT!! ONCE I'LL TAKE OVER AND RULE OVER PERIM, I'LL SHOW MOMMARK AND ALL OF THE PEOPLE OF PERIM WHAT'S LIKE TO GET MISUNDERSTAND!!!! I AM AND WILL BE THE MOST MASTER PRANKSTER ON THIS PLANET!!!!" He laughs hysterically. He begins to drink all the bottles. He feels nothing until very soon, he transforms into dark form being. 

All of his rainbow furs became dark as black and purple. His face is like green mask along with it's long cartoon teeth. He felt like he has so many powers to control. Now that he has to prank even more on all of the tribes.

"This feels great!!! I feel a bit strong!! No no no no, even BETTER!! Now get ready wattpad readers!!! This might gonna get more juicy than you realize!!!" Yokkis breaking the fourth wall.

At Lake Morn

Of course, starring Owis, he was at his house watching Turner Classic Movies on channel watching sad and romantic scene which makes his tears began to form his eyes floating down his cheek. It was one of his favorite part of the movie that will always make him cry. But until the electric went off which anger and annoys Owis.

"OH!!! SON OF A-" But he got quickly interrupted when he heard a large noise that sounds like a boar or a dragon sound. 

Owis got startled and gets a heart attack when he hears that. So he decided to find a what was happening. And if is Yokkis doing the stupid prank again he would always kill him for good.


 But before he could finish, it hit him to the core and he remembers what day it is. IT'S APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! Which was one of Yokkis's favorite holiday of all time.


As soon as he says that, the glowing slime drops on top of Owis and he feels it and got confused to think where did the glowing slime come from. Which caught him attention to look on the ceiling. The ceiling is full of creepy sliming which freaks him out for the first time. And as it did the floors turn into slime which caught him more attention. Owis have no idea what's going on and it scares him to death even that might cause him a nightmare even more. It's like Halloween but in it was more worst and creepy than that. As the floor even the walls become slime it turns into the whole house into ocean wave becomes stronger and hard towards him. He screams in more horror. He begins to drown and as soon as he did couldn't try to swim out of the ocean. It was now full of dark. He couldn't breathe and tries to get out of here. But until he froze. The evil red glowing eyes begins to appear in front of him. When he saw it in his own eyes he freaks out trying to get out. Until the evil glowing eyes begins to move towards him. He freaks out in fear with more heart attack. 

The Next Day At the Hospital in Kiru City

Maxxor, Intress, Najarin, Bodal, Olkiex, Arias, Viqtarr, Nebres, Frafdo, Tartarek, Tangath Toborn, his son Leo, Emerald, especially Aivenna, who were more shock and desparate to see her boyfriend. And the rest of the Overworlders witness the horror of Owis to see what happen to him. (Aivenna came to visit and see his boyfriend. That is, until he was lying on the floor unconscious from any tortures happening towards him. Her eyes are in shock as she text her phone and call out Intress and Maxxor all about it.) The doctor tries their best to bring Owis back from his coma. Maxxor came into the door seeing Owis this unconscious. 

"Well, doctor? How is Owis doing?" said Maxxor.

"Not very good your highness. I don't know what happened back at his home. Aivenna called us that something went wrong with his hut. Once we came to hurry towards his hut, we suddenly found, THIS..." the Doctor begins to show Maxxor some evidence. 

The thing the doctor's holding was a dark globby goo with grey purple aura around it. Maxxor's eyes widened in shock.

"A dark globby goo??? Why on Perim would there be dark goo inside of Owis' hut???" 

"Well your highness. That's where we'll find out."

2 hours later

Soon enough the doctor checked all of the evidence seeing the goo while using his test tube microscopic telescope. He began to look deeper, and then saw something very creepy and strange. Inside the goo were crazy laughable DNA similar like a ghost. As he tested the DNA, his eyes started to widen in shock when he saw the true evidence of where that dark goo came from.

The Doctors gasp in horror to remember what day it is. 

"No!! It... Can't Be!!"

The doctor starts checking his calendar. And when he did, he began to sweat in fear.

At the Council of Perim 

"WHAT?!! SO YOU'RE SAYING THAT DARK GOO ATTACKED OWIS IN HIS HUT WAS YOKKIS ALL ALONG??!!!"  Chaor was angrily shocked after he, Maxxor and the rest of all the leaders of the tribes heard the news.

"I'm afraid so, your highness." The doctor gulps.

"But why Yokkis?? Why would he do such a thing by giving Owis a coma??" said Phelphor.

"He's the prankster, of course!! But the question is 'How did he have a dark goo inside of him'? Don't answer!! It's clearly his nasty drool. " said Odu Bathax.

"And if that dark goo was actually his drool, how did he become a dark monster all of a sudden?? Unless..." Prince Mudeenu began to make a puzzle.

"Mommark!!!" Maxxor found out.

2 Hours Later

Mommark was at the hall of the Council of Perim walking straight towards the door. He got a call from Maxxor he explained to him about everything that happened during the incident of Owis'. After he told him about what the doctor had found out that dark goo came from Yokkis. He gulped and begin to sweat in terror of remembering back at his castle.


At Mommark Castle, right after when Yokkis left, Mommark has search everywhere to find his Mutant Book, the one he used to create Ettala, Maglax, and Staluk. He began to freak out and found NOTHING!!! His own Book in his lab castle was missing!!!

"GAHHHHH!!!! Where the hell is my book!!!!????" yelled Mommark.

"What Book?!!" asked Maglax.


Ettala, Staluk, and Maglax blinks in shocked.

"OHHHH!!!!" said Ettala, Staluk, and Maglax.

"I don't understand, how come the Mutant Book be missing?!! It's not like it disappears out of nowhere!!" said Staluk continues. "Unless..-"

"Unless what?" said Mommark, Ettala, and Maglax.

"I think there was someone, who could've been here. You see, while I was going to go use the bathroom while me, Ettala, and Maglax watched "The Pirates" On Demand, I kinda have a strong sense that someone was there."

"What?! HOW!! HOW DO YOU SENSE SOMEONE WAS THERE?!! NO ONE WAS HERE EXCEPT US!!" said Mommark until he begin to solve a puzzle. "Unless..."

When suddenly, Mommark stops and froze and remember what happen. Could it be Yokkis who stole his Mutant Book from his lab?  Which means, he really did. This freaks Mommarks traumatizing even more. He screams in horror to think Yokkis stole his stuff so he might prank all the tribes of Perim. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mommark screams in terror. 


"What?! What's Wrong Mommark?!!" said Maglax.


"WHAT?!! YOKKIS DID THIS?!!" Staluk is shocked. 

Guess his senses really weren't kidding. And he's the one who let that happen.

"It was my fault, Mommark. I should've pay attention to my sense before it starts to fade. I'm such an idiot." He gulped while sweating.

Mommark let out a sigh. "It's okay, Staluk. We all make mistakes. But for now, let's just go warn the people in Perim before things get havoc."

"Okay, Mommark. Will do." said Ettala.

"Oh my Perim. This is gonna be worse than I expected." Mommark facepalm and sigh.

But then suddenly his phone rang. He checked to see who called him. It was Maxxor. His eyes widened in fear. 

End of Flashback

Mommark knew it was too late now that the prankster might use the spell to attack the entire Perim. He took a deep breath before he took a step by opening the door. 

"Y-yes Maxxor? You called?" Mommark clears out his throat.

"Indeed I have." 

"We ALL have!" said Chaor, with a stern look. 

"Mommark, is there anything you wanna explain about the evidence? About Yokkis?" said Marquis Darini, with a stern look.

Mommark sighed frowning "Yes. There is. You see I can explain. The truth is I've had nothing to do with all of this! Yokkis came to my castle asking me for some kind of help about helping him with his prank activity. But I then said NO!! I told him straight up that I should never help with his game. So, after all of those conversations and explaining to him about all the past he's done, I then decided to cancel his prank activity. He has to face the punishment I gave him."

"Oh! That's good, Mommark. But my question here is this, How on Perim did he become a dark monster after your conversations with him??" said Maxxor. 

"Well, as you can see, I try to set up all the traps for him so he wouldn't sneak into my castle. But alas, he's very good at becoming too sneaky. He took my secret spell book called "The Secret of Life". The one I used back in those days by creating mutant creatures with my DNA test."

"Wait?!! If you set up all the traps, did one of your creation guard all of your castle; at night?!" said Chaor.

"Well, there is one of my creations who was supposed to guard it throughout the hallways. Staluk did sense someone was here in my castle while he was about to go use the bathroom. The other mutants enjoyed watching the movie called "The Pirates". So Staluk ignored his sense thinking that there was no one there." 

The Council of all leader tribes blink dumbfounded. 

Odu Bathax facepalm in disappointment. "Guess that explains everything then." 

"Well, what should we do now that Yokkis is out there doing more harm than good?" said Phelphor.

"Maybe it's best we should need a plan to find something that will restore Yokkis DNA." said Prince Iflar.

Everyone then agrees one another.

"Then it's settle, tonight all the Perim must warn one another and all the children of the families of every tribes must stay in the house and locked the door at all time. All the warriors must guard the city and all of the countries and stay vigilant to make sure we'll try to take care of him and turn him back to normal. And Mommark? Me, Chaor, Prince Mudeenu, Marquis Darini, Odu Bathax, Najarin, Tartarek, and some warriors might come visit to your castle. Because we might need your help on how to change Yokkis back to normal." said Maxxor.

"Yes, Maxxor, I'm on it."  said Mommark.

And so the Overworlders on Kiru City, Underworlders, Mipedians, Danians, and M'arrillians warn each and every one of the tribes and guarded every country and cities to make sure Yokkis might be defeated very soon. Emerald was in his room and called all of his friends and warn them for the danger to come. This might gonna be the biggest war that ever existed than the tribes when they used to fight each other.

To Be Continued...

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