MegaMan Revolution Concerto

Von DreamersWriters

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In Nihon, technology is growing and evolving rapidly! The internet is connecting everyone and everything to e... Mehr

Note for this Story!
Prologue: The Hidden Files
Chapter 1: The New Age
Chapter 2: Star Idol
Chapter 3: A Trio?!
Chapter 4: Special Training
Chapter 5: Let's Work Together Please!
Chapter 6: Dr. Wily's Standing Strong
Chapter 7: For Everyone!
Chapter 8: The Electronic Convention
Chapter 9: Fleeting Peace
Chapter 10: Meetings in North America
Chapter 11: Running Late
Chapter 12: Frosty Family Relations
Chapter 13: A Short, Death Match
Chapter 14: An Assassin or Friend?
Chapter 16: The Professor and Cache
Chapter 17: Separate for a Few Weeks
Chapter 18: A Thaw
Chapter 19: An Unpleasant Meeting
Chapter 20: To The High Mountain
Chapter 21: A Talent Show for the World
Chapter 22: Return Together
Chapter 23: Start Searching
Chapter 24: Miracle Medicine
Chapter 25: A Red Knight and A Yellow Pilot
Chapter 26: Special Effects are Special
Chapter 27: Synchro Chips and Resolutions
Chapter 28: Running Around Part 1
Chapter 29: Running Around Part 2
Chapter 30: Code E.A.R.T.H
Chapter 31: Not Here Yet
Chapter 32: The Crests and Duo
-Thank You!-
Chapter 33: Countdown to Destruction
Chapter 34: Coming Back
Chapter 35: Revolution Concerto Finale!
Bonus Chapter 1: An Eventful Party
Bonus Chapter 2: A Cross Fusion Test
Author's Note

Chapter 15: A Cold Wind

18 1 6
Von DreamersWriters

(With that, one more chapter and season 2 is finished! Honestly, this was a fun season! Though, I'll enjoy season 3 more for a whole lot of reasons! However, I really wanted to make this season about Raika, Lan, Maylu, and Chaud more than Miku. Don't worry, we'll see more of Miku and her friends later! For now, enjoy!)

Music Theme 

Gumi's Theme 

Raika's Theme 

Chaud's Theme 

Maylu's Theme

Miku's Theme

Vs a Net Savior 

Cross Fusion 

A Great Darkness 

                 "I see, so the NET in Sharo has really turned cold. We will need all the help we can get then we will need more help with this" Raika said seriously, "I am the only active Net Savior in Europa. We'll need help"

Gumi grinned as she entered the room. She wore a black shirt and pants as she adjusted her gloves.

"The two prisoners were successfully transferred to our prison" Gumi answered as she looked at her PET, "We will begin our interrogation and find out where the Professor is. What are you worried about Raika? Everything is going to be just fine"

"I suppose so. SearchMan, I want you to patrol around the NET and find the source of the coldness" Raika said as he left the room, "I am going request the Net Saviors' help. I think something is coming"

Gumi sighed at him as he left.

"Why must he be so stubborn? He knows he can get things done much faster if he has a team" Gumi said to IA, "Well, get the team together. We've got work to do"

"Understood" IA said as she left her PET and departed to find their team.

Raika entered the meeting room and saw his best friend, Iriya, with his uncle who happened to be the leader of the Sharo Army. His friend was taller than him and wore just the green uniform without the long jacket. His uncle wore the full Winter military outfit.

"Is there something wrong, Raika?" his uncle asked with a grin.

"I feel like something is coming. I asked SearchMan to do a search. I don't like this uneasy coldness" Raika said seriously.

"Alright, I'll request some Net Saviors to come and help us. They will aid you in whatever it is you think is coming" his uncle said with a grin.

Raika crossed his arms over his chest in a dismissive manner at the slight jovial voice his uncle had.

"You just need to relax, Raika. Things are settling down between the countries in Europa. We should enjoy that" Iriya said in a calm manner as he placed on his friend's shoulder.

Raika shook his head at the comment until the electric began to flicker on and off!

"What is going on?!" Iryia asked worriedly.

"SearchMan, what is happening?" Raika asked seriously as he held his PET.

"The NET is freezing here! I don't know how I can revert this!" SearchMan reported as he fired heat bullets to melt the forming ice.

"I'm calling in the Net Saviors. Raika, Gumi, Iriya, make sure the NET is kept warm and our prisoners do not escape!" his uncle ordered as he held his phone to call in any available to help them.

Sharo soldiers departed from their home and went to North America and Asiand. Chaud was having a nice lunch with Raoul and Annetta as ProtoMan and ThunderMan sparred for a bit.

"So, you don't have anything on your schedule today?" Annetta asked surprised.

"Yeah. My father has already taken care of everything for today which is very strange. I honestly don't know what else to do" Chaud confessed to her as he finished his sandwich.

"Then, you can come with us, Chaud Enzan. The country of Sharo needs Net Saviors to help with a crisis" a Sharo soldier said as he approached Chaud, "You are a Net Savior who was highly reported to us. We need you and your team to come with us to Sharo to help us in our time of need"

Chaud was surprised to hear of this and stood up. He examined the outfit of the soldier and noticed it was authentic. He knew it would be foolish to argue with them.

"Very well. I will go" he answered them, "But I will need my two team members as well as a famous pop star to help us. I need Lan Hikari, Maylu Sakurai, and Miku Hatsune"

"We will get on that, Sir Enzan" the soldier said as he motioned Chaud to come with him.

"Wait! Chaud! Are you sure you should go?! What if it is too dangerous?!" Annetta exclaimed with worry to him.

He simply shook his head and picked up his PET.

"If there is a threat, then we need to take care of it before it grows out of hand. I want to take my team with me to make sure we finish this once and for all" Chaud explained to her, "I'll be back before you two know it"

With that, he left with the soldier to Sharo. Meanwhile, Lan and Maylu were about return home and have dinner with Mrs. Hikari until a Sharo soldier stood in front of Lan's house.

"Hey! Who are you?! You better not be here to hurt my mama!" Lan shouted as he rushed to the doors of his house with Maylu behind him.

"Are you two Lan Hikari and Maylu Sakurai?" he asked simply.

Before Lan could let out another yell, Maylu stepped forward and asked, "Yes, but why do you need to know that?"

"I was sent by the Sharo government to help us with an issue. Something is happening to our NET, and we need strong Net Saviors to come with us to save it. They recommended your team. Chaud Enzan is already heading over to Sharo right now" the soldier answered her.

The two of them were surprised to hear Chaud's name and their team being needed.

"Do my parents know about this? I feel like we can't just leave without telling them" Lan said hesitantly.

"We have informed your father about this. He agreed to let you go under the impression that our soldier was watching over the two of you" the soldier informed them.

Lan and Maylu looked at each other in surprise. They really didn't think Dr. Hikari would let them go to another country to fight in their NET. The door opened to reveal a worried Mrs. Hikari. She sighed in defeat as she noticed their determined expressions.

"Well, I agree with my husband. Stay with a soldier and don't put yourselves in too much danger" she said seriously as she then embraced the two of them warmly, "Please come back home together"

"We will, mama" Lan reassured his mother.

"I promise, Mrs. Hikari" Maylu reassured her with a warm smile.

With that, the two of them did leave Nihon and were heading to Sharo. As for Miku, Gumi arrived at Melody City with the request.

"You want my help?!" Miku exclaimed in shock as she jumped up.

"According to the reports, you were present at the attack in Nihon, and the Net Saviors did request your presence. Now, please come with me" Gumi said with a grin.

"Wait, what?! Who the heck are you, Gumi?!" Len shouted in complete shock as he starred at her.

"I won't be able to tell you anything for a while, but I promise it won't affect my job here with all of you" Gumi reassured them as she bowed, "I am sorry about deceiving you all. Please forgive me"

Miku sighed for a moment. She knew her special ability could help them out. She also knew she couldn't let something like this happen. She knew what she has to do.

"Alright, I'll come. However, I want everyone to stay here and watch over the studio. We still have work to do!" Miku ordered them with a serious expression.

"Aw, I want to come" Len said in defeat.

"No way! We can't fight! We have to wait here for the client as well! We just have to wait here and hope for the best with Miku" Rin said seriously.

Haku was worried about this. She really didn't want Miku to leave. Neru shook her head and then wrapped a friendly arm around Haku's shoulders.

"We've got everything under control, right Haku? After Miku wins, you two can go on a nice date and then have some fun together!" Neru said in an encouraging tone.

Haku blushed at the thought of the date as Miku grinned at the idea. She then gave Haku a kiss on the cheek and then nodded her head. She then flashed a peace sign.

"Alright! I'll be back before you know it! Stay together and just watch us win!" Miku said in delight as she and Gumi left them.

Miku continued to wave goodbye until she and Gumi boarded the plane to Sharo. They left for Sharo together. All of them arrived at the military base in Sharo and greeted each other with warm hugs and greetings!

"It is so good to see you three again! Aw! Chaud is getting a bit taller!" Miku said in delight as she made Chaud blush from embarrassment.

"Hey! What about us?!" Lan asked loudly.

Miku laughed as she ruffled his hair.

"Of course, you and Maylu look well. How are MegaMan, Roll, and ProtoMan doing?" she asked with a smile.

"We are doing fine. It is nice to see you again, Miku!" MegaMan said with a grin at her.

Gumi stepped into the room as Lan, MegaMan, Maylu, and Roll jumped back in shock at the site of her being here.

"Why is Gumi here?!" Lan shouted in surprise.

"It is a long story. Let's just say, I'm a spy" she said with a wink.

Lan's jaw dropped as Maylu's eyes were wide with shock. The two of them did not expect this from her.

"But if you're a spy, then how come you sing and how come you are a performing agent?" Lan asked confused.

Gumi just let out a nervous smile as she said, "Well, I do need a cover up. How else am I supposed to gain information about things happening around the world? Though, I did apologize to Miku and the others about this. I hope I can still work there. I do love the job"

"I am sure you still can. After all, you and Gackpo have helped us with our music careers and perform very well! We would miss you!" Miku exclaimed as she nodded her head quickly.

The three Net Saviors were surprised to hear this from Miku, but then the doors opened to reavel Raika with four other people behind him.

"I see we are all here. I am Raika. The Net Savior of Europa" he introduced with a bow, "This is my teammate Iriya"

Iriya just smiled as he nodded his head. Gumi walked towards them as she introduced her team to them.

"This is Gackpo, Lily, and Sekka. We do have one more member, but he is under cover at the moment, so we won't be hearing from him in a while" Gumi said as she introduced everyone.

Gackpo had a sword and wore a purple shirt and long black coat. He had dark purple pants and shoes. His purple hair was tied in a high ponytail. He took a bow as Gumi introduced him to them. Lily had long yellow hair. She wore a black shirt and pants. She had yellow gloves and shoes. She held a black and yellow PET in her hands. Lastly, Sekka had long silver hair tied in a long braid with a black bow and wore a nervous expression. She wore a white jacket over her black shirt and skirt. She wore long silver stockings and a pair of white boots and black shoes. She even had a pair of black headphones on her head.

"Nice to meet you all" the Net Saviors and Navis of Nihon said in a respectful manner as they bowed and introduced themselves to them.

"Great. With introductions out of the way, we can finally get to work" Raika said as he turned away from them and went to the main Internet room of Europa, "Right now, we have detained Ivan and Arashi here and are trying to figure out with them and finding the Professor, but the NET in Europa is slowly becoming colder, and we don't know the reason for is"

Everyone listened to him intently as they looked at the large screen in the room.

"My Navi, SearchMan, is already there and patrolling around the NET. So far, the NET has frozen over" Raika said seriously.

"So, do you want us to send our Navis over?" Lan asked curiously.

"I have seen the three of you Net Cross with your Navis over the secret files your father kept hidden. I believe it will be best if you three remain outside of the NET while the rest of us send our Navis to the NET to find the source of the cold" Raika informed them with a serious tone.

Lan was surprised at that as Maylu crossed her arms over her chest. Chaud placed a hand on each of their shoulders to calm them down.

"So, why did you request me here?" Miku asked curiously, "I don't have a Navi"

"It was Chaud who requested you to be here. I personally don't know why since you are just a simple singer" Raika said with his slight jab at her career.

She gasped as Gumi glared at him.

He turned away as he then said, "Gumi, your team should head down to the prisoner cells. We still need to get information about our two prisoners here. We need to find the Professor"

Before Gumi could get angry at him, Gackpo held her hand to calm her down.

"It is alright. I can head down there with Sekka and one of the Net Saviors from Nihon. You can stay here to make sure everything goes according to plan" he reassured her gently.

"I can go with him!" Maylu said a little too loudly as she raised her hand upward with a blush forming on her face.

"What? Why?" Lan asked confused.

"That's Gackpo. He's a pretty famous singer and performer. Maylu actually enjoys his work. She admires him" Roll explained to them with a smile.

Lan scoffed and rolled his eyes as Gackpo smiled at her.

"Thank you, Miss Sakurai. We would be honor to have your help" Gackpo said with a graceful bow as he let her follow them to the basement of the base.

Lan didn't like this as Chaud rolled his eyes at Lan for his foolish reason of being a little jealous of Gackpo.

"I guess the two of us can stay here and help out in any way we can" Chaud said seriously.

"That is the plan, yes" Raika answered as he looked down on the two Net Saviors.

Lan and Chaud were both hurt and glared back at him as Gumi shook her head. She was not sure how this team up was going to work out in the end.

"Ok, Lily, let's do this" Gumi said as she held her PET, "Jack – In, IA, transmission!"

IA appeared in the NET as she waved back at Lan and Chaud. The two of them greeted her back as Lily waved her PET to the NET entrance. A green haired Navi wearing a long yellow shirt and black shorts appeared. She was wearing a yellow scarf with sharp edges as a pair of yellow headphones shined on her head. She had black gloves and yellow boots.

"SONiKA are you ready to go?" Lily asked seriously.

"I am fine. I am ready to go" she reassured her operator as they went to the NET.

"SearchMan is in charge of the team. Make sure to keep an eye out for anything" Raika ordered seriously.

The three Navis began to patrol the NET just as Gackpo, Maylu, and Sekka went to the prison cells to find a locked up Arashi and Ivan.

"It doesn't look like they are ready to talk" Sekka said nervously.

Maylu crossed her arms over her chest as she faced Ivan. She was not too happy about nearly freezing to death.

"So, then how shall we make them talk?" Gackpo asked seriously as he looked down on them in a menacing way.

Ivan let out a scared yell as he jumped back as Arashi gulped nervously. Meanwhile, the Professor was ready to unleash his final attack.

"ShadeMan! ColdMan! And AirMan! I summon you to my side!" the Professor yelled madly as he looked at his screens to see the three Navis, "I've seen that the Net Saviors of Nihon are now in a different location and nowhere near their homeland. I will have ShadeMan take the important data I need from there and return it to me. The rest of you will keep them busy. I have made a new program that will allow AirMan to appear in the human world. Do what you must to keep those pesky Net Saviors at bay as ShadeMan gets the needed data. Now, go!"

The three Navis departed into the NET until ShadeMan gathered them. SF-A2 Miki and PharaohMan appeared in the NET and they are not too pleased with how the Professor has been in charge.

"We will let that foolish human believe he is in charge of us for now" ShadeMan said seriously with a snarl in his voice, "Now, let's destroy those pesky humans and Navis who side with humans. Go about your business and orders!"

The Navis departed and went to their respective locations. AirMan was able to appear in the human world and stood outside of the Sharo base. Meanwhile, ColdMan appeared in the NET. ColdMan unleashed a powerful blast of cold air throughout the NET! He began to freeze the Navis and the functions in the NET! The Navis began to flee as three soldier Navis saw them fleeing.

"What is going on?" SONiKA asked as she stopped one Navi from fleeing.

"There is a huge cold wave! It is coming from the far eastern regions of the NET!" the Navi screamed as the Navi rushed away from them.

"Go after them! We have to stop this coldness from reaching all over the NET!" Raika shouted as SearchMan ran on ahead with SONiKA and IA behind him.

Meanwhile, AirMan unleashed a powerful gust of wind to shake the building up! Everyone stumbled a bit as the emergency lights was flashing as the alarm was blaring loudly.

"What is going on?!" Maylu exclaimed as she held her PET.

"I am not sure. Something is up. Maylu go back with the others. I think they will need your help" Gackpo said seriously, "Don't worry, Sekka and I will make sure they do not escape. Now, go"

Maylu nodded as she then ran back to the others. Gackpo held his katana as he faced the two prisoners.

"Now, I suggest you start talking or else" he threatened seriously.

Maylu arrived to find Iriya on the computer and looking at the screen. Everyone was in shock as they saw AirMan before them!

"How is this possible? I didn't think a Navi could materialize in the human world" Chaud said shocked as Miku looked very worried.

"It doesn't matter! We have to stop him! MegaMan are you ready?" Lan asked as he looked at his twin brother.

"I am ready to go, Lan. Roll are you ready to go?" MegaMan asked eagerly.

"Sure thing, Mega!" Roll said excitedly.

"Chaud what do you want us to do?" ProtoMan asked seriously.

"Stay here. I am not sure what else is coming, but I am sure they will be expecting us soon. Lan and Maylu can handle themselves with MegaMan and Roll" Chaud answered as he gave a nod to his two close friends.

The blue and pink duo ran towards AirMan as the rest of them turned their attention to the NET.

"ProtoMan, Jack – In, Transmission" Chaud said as he pointed his PET towards the entrance to the NET.

ProtoMan arrived in the NET and ran after the other Navis. Lan and Maylu were outside as they faced AirMan.

"Are you two ready to go?" Lan asked as he held his PET.

"Ready!" they shouted determinedly.

"Synchro Chip-In, Download!" they shouted, "Cross Fusion!"

The two of them cross fused with their Navis and then appeared before AirMan. They then charged at AirMan with their weapons appearing in their hands. AirMan then let out a yell as he unleashed a powerful tornado towards them!

"Guard Chip in, Download!" Maylu shouted as a yellow helmet crashed around them.

Lan then had his Mega Buster ready as the helmet withstood the tornado. Lan then jumped up and fired his buster to knock AirMan back. Maylu then drew a Roll Arrow back and fired. AirMan hit the ground as Lan and Maylu high fived each other. AirMan then picked himself up and turned his attention towards them. Maylu saw him preparing another wind attack and pushed Lan behind her just as AirMan unleashed a powerful gust of wind! She was tossed in the air and thrown around!

"Maylu!" Lan shouted with worry.

"Roll!" MegaMan exclaimed in horror.

The two of them then growled as they faced AirMan.

"Give her back!" they shouted as they synched up and prepared to face him.

SearchMan, ProtoMan, IA, and SONiKA arrived at the center of Sharo's NET to find ColdMan opening his fridge and unleashing a powerful blizzard!

"That's the source of the blizzard!" IA said seriously.

"As I recall, that Navi gave Maylu a hard time and nearly froze Gauss building. ProtoMan, I don't plan on holding back" Chaud said seriously as he readied his battle chips.

"I couldn't agree more" ProtoMan said seriously.

Gumi grinned as Raika scoffed at him.

"Friendship isn't important in this case. All that matters is that we defeat the enemy and ensure that the NET is safe" Raika informed him seriously.

Chaud gasped as he looked at the green Sharo soldier about his statement. He realized something about the soldier that he was once. Chaud then looked at Gumi and Iriya who held sad expressions at Raika's statement. Miku looked completely ready to strangle him, but Lily placed a hand on the pop star's shoulder to prevent her from arguing with the icy, cold soldier.

"ProtoMan just get ready for anything" Chaud said seriously.

His Navi agreed as SearchMan took careful aim at the Navi and prepared to pull the trigger. However, the cold was strong enough to freeze his gun! SearchMan was shocked as ProtoMan took out his shield and then slowly made his way towards ColdMan with IA and SONiKA behind him.

"Get ready to attack. This Navi is no pushover" ProtoMan said to them seriously.

IA nodded as SONiKA held a small blaster. SONiKA aimed her blaster and then took fire at ColdMan. However, ColdMan began to create a powerful wall of ice to bounce her attack off!

"That's new" ProtoMan said with annoyance in his voice.

IA then clasped her hands as speakers appeared on her boots. She the cupped her hands as she let out a powerful scream towards ColdMan! ColdMan held his ears in pain as Raika gripped his PET.

"SearchMan! Take the shoot! Delete that horrible Navi!" Raika ordered as Chaud and ProtoMan gasped in complete shock.

SearchMan took aim, but ProtoMan threw his shield in front of the Navi to reflect his attack away from ColdMan!

"What are you doing?!" Raika snapped at Chaud who remained calm.

"We need that Navi alive and to tell us everything. We can't just get rid of him!" Chaud said seriously before a camera showed Lan standing still as Maylu was tossed around in the wind!

"They need help!" Miku said seriously.

"I'll help them. You stay here and take that Navi hostage!" Iriya said seriously as he rushed out of the room.

Raika was surprised to his best friend run out of the room so easily as Chaud then inserted a paralyzing chip into the PET.

"Take that Navi hostage! We need to figure out everything we can about the Professor!" Gumi ordered seriously.

"Understood" Lily said seriously as she gave SONiKA stun chips.

The group then focused their attacks on ColdMan as Raika looked at the camera to see his friend rushing outside. Lan aimed the buster, but he knew he had to save Maylu first!

"It is no good! I can't aim without hurting Maylu! I have to find a way to save her!" Lan said seriously.

"Then, let me help!" Iriya shouted as Lan looked behind to see Raika's friend coming towards him, "Do you have any battle chips that can counter the wind?"

Lan began to think as MegaMan answered, "We do! Wind Racket! Battle Chip – In, Download!"

A wind racket formed from the buster. Lan waved the racket to make a powerful wave of wind blow the tornado away! Lan then lunged forward to catch Maylu before she hit the ground!

"Are you ok, Maylu?" Lan asked with concern in his voice.

"I'll be fine. I just need some time to rest and recover" Maylu admitted as Iriya took the young girl out of his hands.

"I'll watch over her. You just focus on defeating that Navi" Iriya said as he took a few steps away from AirMan.

Lan nodded as he faced AirMan.

"What's the plan of attack, Mega?" Lan asked as he jumped and avoided the small gusts of wind coming towards them.

"Right now, we need to defeat him using a few powerful long-range attacks and then one powerful close range one" MegaMan said seriously.

Lan nodded as he got an idea. He summoned a bunch of mini bombs and then jumped around to throw the bombs at the Navi! The Navi could only block himself as Lan continued to throw more bombs. However, AirMan waved his hand to throw one mini bomb back at Iriya and Maylu! Lan threw himself towards them as Raika let out a pained scream at his friend.

"Guard Chip in, Download!" Lan shouted as a guard chip appeared around them!

Raika was relieved as Lan smirked. Maylu then stood up and aimed her Roll Arrow at AirMan. Lan then aimed his buster at AirMan. They let out a yell and fired their attacks to delete AirMan!

"Alright!" Lan said in delight as he transformed back to himself

He caught his PET as Maylu sat down to allow herself to transform back to herself. Lan caught her PET as he then kneeled before her. Roll was relieved to see her Operator alright. Iriya grinned at them as he sat behind them.

"Thank you. You didn't have to pull a risky move like that" Iriya said gently to them.

"But you're Raika's friend, right? Of course, we are going to help. We are also on the same team" Maylu reassured him.

"We also have a job to do. I may not understand Raika, but you're nice, so Raika must also be a nice person as well" Lan reasoned, "Let's get back to the others together"

Iriya helped him carry Maylu back to their friends as Raika reflected on their words.

"We need to focus for a moment!" Gumi shouted to regain his attention.

Raika refocused on their fight and found themselves trapped in a strong blizzard! Chaud growled as he got an idea.

"Miku! Sing!" he said seriously.

"Now?! But that is supposed to be a secret!" she shouted seriously as she looked over at the other guards.

"We are trained to handle secrets. We won't tell anyone. If you have a plan, use it!" Gumi said seriously.

Miku nodded as she then ran to Chaud's PET and jumped through it! She then appeared in the NET and stood behind ProtoMan.

"Lu li la" Miku sang softly as the blizzard attack began to weaken!

"What is happening?" Lily asked surprised.

"It doesn't matter! We have an opening! We just need to stun him!" IA shouted seriously.

ColdMan then waved his hand to cast a powerful wave of ice towards Miku. ProtoMan raised his shield to block the blizzard, but he began to freeze in place!

"ProtoMan!" Chaud shouted in a panic as Raika realized Chaud and ProtoMan were in trouble.

"SearchMan! Stun bullets in! Go!" Raika shouted as he inserted the chips into his PET.

SearchMan aimed his rifle and then fired his gun. The bullet flew and then struck ColdMan's back! The Navi was stunned in place! IA lunged towards the Navi to place digital cuffs on him. The weather in the NET began to return to normal as Iriya, Lan, and Maylu entered the room.

"Do you think that's it?" Maylu asked tiredly as Lan gently placed her on the ground.

Before they could rest, ShadeMan burst through the NET in SciLab and destroyed the unstable data room to unleash a powerful wave of data which began to absorb the data from Asiand's NET!

"What is going on?!" Mr. Famous exclaimed as Dr. Hikari rushed to the computers and saw that the unstable data breaking free!

"Someone unleashed Cache! We have to warn the Net Saviors!" Dr. Hikari exclaimed as he began to reach for his twin sons.

However, the Professor saw Cache return to him. Cache was a small wave of data flowing in and out of him. With each step he took, he began to absorb more and more data.

"You have freed me" Cache said with a bow, "How shall I replay you?"

"By absorbing more and more of the NET! Take in and more data! TAKE IT ALL!" the Professor shouted in delight as he let himself be seen from the NET, "The world shall be mine! I'll take all the data of the Internet and use it to bring fear and respect to me, the PROFESSOR!" 


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