The Secret Heart

By thatBLife

22.1K 935 67

I'm in love with the son of a Mafia leader, not just any leader, my fathers enemy. More

{1 - Coming to You}
{ 2 - Back Off Of Gulf }
{ 3 - Going Forward }
{ 4 - Why, My Time }
{ 5 - Long Time No See }
{ 7 - Please }
{ 8 - Watch The Trap }
{ 9 - Trapped }
{ 10 - We're Leaving }
{ 11 - Over }
{ 12 - One Last Fight (end) }

{ 6 - Explain }

1.4K 70 6
By thatBLife

                                                                    Mew POV 

    I slowly flutter my eyes open hurting from the sudden bright light. Once my eyes finally adjusted to the light, I saw Gulf sleeping on the chair with his head next to my leg. I tried to get up, but the sharp pain in my chest and head made my lie back down and play with his hair instead.

    After a few minutes passing of me playing with his hair,  I woke up in shock and happiness standing up quickly.  "When did you wake up? Are you feeling ok? Should I call Pearl?" I chuckled at his adrenaline in his words. "One question at a time. I woke up about 10 minutes ago, I feel ok but still in some bad pain, and you can call Pearl if it makes you feel better. I'm assuming my best friend called you here." 

    With no time for Gulf to say anything more, Pearl busts in with more questions than him. "BOY ARE YOU OK? DID YOU TAKE THE POSITION OF YOUR FATHER? I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT ITS DANGEROUS!!!"

    I looked at Pearl and she looked back at my with a 'oh shit I messed up' face. I looked at Gulf and he was looking at the both of us hella confused. "What the hell? What job? Did this 'job' get you shot?" I waved for Pearl to leave with a reassuring face to let her know I wasn't mad at her regardless of what she just did.

   Gulf started to look angerly at me, "You better start explaining, now." "Ok ok just sit down first." I helped him lower down still wincing in pain, but he still laid me back even though he was mad.

"Does it have something to do with why you left me that day? Or did you just want to sleep with me and dash?"

"I promise that I didn't want to leave you. I truly did wanted to listen to what you had to say about your life, but please just let me explain why I left."

"Fine. You have 2 minutes, go."

"For a little back story for the rest to make sense, my dad has been battling heart disease for the longest time, and it only didn't get worse until recently. That day I left, I got a call basically telling me that they can't save him so they were going to pull the plug. That day he died, and that was it. I was so focused on everything else going on that I had forgotten to contact you again."

"Oh God, I'm so sorry. I was being mad at you for leaving when I didn't even know why. I'm so sorry."

"It's alright. At least you don't hate me anymore."

"I never hated you, I was just mad. Wait, you forgot about that job that was apparently dangerous."


                                                    Gulf POV  

    Mew was lucky that Earth called. He said I needed to come back home because my dad was pissed that I haven't been coming back home every night. I was totally screwed. "You're lucky, I have to go now. I'll come back as soon as I can."

    I ran out of the hospital and hailed down a taxi. When I arrived home, Earth waiting in front of the gate. "You're dad is pissed. He said he found out you were with some Mafia Leader." 

    WHAT THE HELL? What mafia leader? My only friends are Earth and Mew-  wait. Could that dangerous job that Pearl was talking about possibly be a Mafia Leader? Mafia or not, no one can know right now. "What the hell?!? No one I know is in Mafia and I'm not dating." Earth shrugged and looked at me, "Well you better tell your dad that."

   I went into my house trying to prepare for the worst, but my version of the worst wasn't even close to what I experienced.

   "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!?! DATING THE LEADER OF OUT OUR WORST ENEMY! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!!" My dad was flipping tables and throwing things everywhere making me scream when I heard things break scared I was going to break next. Which unfortunately ended up happening,

    From all the noises of yelling, screaming, things falling, and glass breaking made me so overwhelmed that I passed out. Apparently, when I fainted, I fell on the leg of a flipped table that made me bleed out a lot. I was told that I was in a coma for 2 weeks, and due to my dad's job, he never visited.

                                                          Earth POV

    Step 1 of my plan is complete, getting Ohm to show up to fight Mew and his gang. Step 2 will soon be in action. All I need to do is hire a nurse that works at Mew's hospital to get into Mew's room to pull some strings with the meds. Then bam, Gulf will be all mine once again.

    I never understood why Gulf would always fall for guys that were just in it for a one night stand with him. It only broke him more each time. For some reason, now that Mew sticks around and gets to play with his hair, he thinks he's so special, well I don't think so.

    Marrying Gulf has always been my #1 priority since day one, and I'm not going to wait any longer. He will be mine, and I will not hesitate to do anything to have him to myself. Even if that means taking a life.

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