coming home

By fruityrollup33

18.1K 547 662


what happened??
coming home
welcome back
yue birthday
First date again?!?
yue new room!
are you serious part 1
new story
are you serious part 2
new story coming!!!!
posted other story
7 years later
fuck you john
another story
he saved me

Playdate with korra

955 31 26
By fruityrollup33

Asami POV

"Are you sure you have everything Korra" I ask

"I'm sure Sami" she says pushing me out the door

"Do you have her epiPen" I ask

"Yes now go"  she says closing the door in my face and i get in the car and drive to the spa. once i get there i see opal waving at me like a crazy person

"i cant believe korra actually got you out of the house" opal says

"well she may or may not have had to push me out the door" i say

"come on lets get in so we can talk shit about her" opal tease and we walk into the spa

korra pov

"aright you ready princess" i say to yue

"yes so where are we going" she asks

"were going to the zoo so we can see uncle bolin at work and also see all the cool animals" i say and i see her whole face brighten

"yay" she screams. and we go to the car and we have a quit drive to the zoo. we finally get get there

" i want to see the snakes" yue cheers we walk over to the snake exabit and it says close

"sorry princess but we cant see the snakes" i say and we looks at me with tears in her eyes and then she sits on the ground

"NO NO NO I WANT TO SEE THE SNAKES" she scream crys and i was start to freak out then i get an idea

"hey yue how about we see uncle bo" i say hoping it would work and we looks at me and says a quiet ok and pushes her arms out for me to grab her. i pick her up and we walk to the ferret exabit

asami pov:

"so hows married life" i ask

" you know its fine were the same just with some rings but the honeymoon sex was the best" she says wiggling her eyebrows

"eww really opal" i says laughing

"what it was. now on the topic of relationship how's yours" she asks

"its actually been great her and yue have been getting closer. i mean yue hangs off her when ever she's around" i say

"i didn't ask about yue and korra relationship i asked about yours" she says

"ok fine she's amazing once a week she sends flowers to my office and she always asks me about my day and the sex is just wow" i say blush all over my face

korra pov;

"hey bolin" i say walking up to him

"hey korra and how are you doing doing young lady" he says picking yue up making her laugh

"Hey yue you can go play on the play ground" I say and she runs to the slide

"So how's dating Asami" Bolin asks

"It's like we never stop dating from high school. She amazing she helps me calm down if I am having a bad day. And yue I think of her has my daughter I would do anything for her. Also I'm going to need yours and mako help I think I'm going to make yue a permanent room at my house." I say

"Omg yess your going to be a great mom Korra" he says he I let out a huff of air

"Well yea but she hasn't called me mom yet I mean she doesn't have to or anything its just...." i start to fad off

" its ok korra she'll do it soon just gotta wait" he says putting his hand on my arm

"well you should be getting back to work see you later bo" i say and we say bye to eachother. i start walking to the play ground. i look around the small playground and cant find her anywhere. i start to run asking people if they have seen her

asami pov

"do you think i should call her" i say about to grab my phone then opal stops me

"no dont how do expect her to be ok without you around if you call them" she says

"its just i love them both and i know that this is hard for both of them. i just want everything to be ok" i say

"asami everything's gonna be fine you just have to let them go though it together" she says

korra pov

SHIT i cant find her fuck asami gonna kill me. shes never gonna wanna see me again she gonna break up with me. i run over to a group of moms

" hey have you guys seen a little girl about waist high green eyes a raven hair" i ask them and they look at me like they smelled something gross

"no we havent you lost a little girl here" she says

" she actully-" i get cut of

"how can you lose your own daughter" another mom says

"well she really- " they cut me off again

"what kinda mother are you" a different one says and i just walk away i feel like im gonna cry i sit down at the foot court. yue probably crying wanting her mommy god i want my mommy. then i hear a faint giggle i know that giggle that yue i look up and on the other side of the food court is yue and bolin eating ice cream

"oh hey korra" bolin says then i pull him away from yue

"bolin i thought i lost yue has she been with you this whole time" i ask

"oh shit sorry dude yea she told me that you said she could go with me" he says

" its fine bo " i say and we walk over to yue and show more things then we head to asami place

asami pov..

"that was amazing" i say to opal

"i know well now you can get home to your wife and child" opal says as we walk out. 

"she not my wife" i say with blush on my face just at thought

"yea yea whatever ill see you later" she says and i walk to my car and start driving. i walk over to my door and unlock the door to see korra asleep with yue on her chest. i walk up slowly and shake korra until she wakes up

"hey sami" she says in a groggy voice

"hey babe ill take yue to her room then you can tell me about the day" i say and pick yue and bring her to her room. i walk back to the living room to korra made us coffee

"how was the girls day with opal" she asks

"good we just talked about yue and her wedding" i say but korra raises an eyebrow

"ok fine me and opal talked about you and bolin a lot" i admitted and she just laughed

"its fine me and yue talked shit about you too" she says with a smirk

"what did you and yue do" i ask and her face goes white

"well... um" she starts to stutter

"korra what happened" i ask then she jumps and pulls me into a tight hug

"i lost yue but i didn't really lose her because she was with bolin. and then i starting asking a group of moms and they were telling me i was a bad mom" she says her voice ended in tears. i grab her face and she looks at me with her blue eyes with tears going down her cheeks

"its ok" i say hugging her but she pulls back

"no its not i lost yue. i lost your daughter you should just  break up with me-" i cut her off with a kiss

"korra i know you didnt mean to lose yue. and let me guess she told bolin that you let her go with him then you found them having ice cream" i say and she nods

"she has done this with me before. i would never break up with you because of something so small. i love you korra" i say and she pulls me back into a hug letting out more tears saying 'i love you too'. we sit there hugging for a few more minutes 

"alright get up you big baby. let go to bed" i say getting up

"hey im not a baby" she says with a pout. i just laugh and pull her up and walk to my room to sleep

hey guys i should be posting more that im in school because i don't do my shit
hope you guys like this post

over the winter break i have been working on another korrasami story that's only 10 chapter. i will post on here to tell you guys when its out. i will probably post a chapter a day and it should be out soon i just have a few more chapters to finish

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