Sasuke and Sakura-Demon Behin...

By MrUchiha54

61.4K 1.2K 141

The follow up of Book 2, Sasuke and Sakura find themselves facing an enemy stronger then they could have imag... More

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The touch of an Angel
Undercover Ambu
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SasuSaku Again
Naruto Uzumaki
Seeds of Jealousy
Seeds of jealousy pt.2
Bando vs Aym
Bando vs Aym pt.2
Pins and Needles
Broken Hearted Rage
New strength
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Lovers Ending
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SasuSaku Forever!
School of the Raven blossom

No where to run

1.5K 34 3
By MrUchiha54

Naruto pov

I hadn't expected to have to fight alone but I had to stop this guy and give Sasuke and Sakura some time to stop that other girl. But then this guy attacked me with fog. Out of no where the fog around us hit me like a wall knocking me back onto my back. His laughter echoed all around me. Standing and looking around I was on guard, I couldn't see threw the thick fog at all. "First your sight, then your sense of touch. I'll end you quick. You shouldn't be as hard to take down as the Uchiha." he said. Making my patent shadow clone handsign I started to create some when I was hit in the gut causing the air to be knocked out of my lungs then just as fast I was kicked sideways.

"Big talk for a guy who has to hide in smoke to fight." I growled standing again. He laughed, "I don't hide. Its just easier to kill you and if you haven't noticed I'll need all the chakra I can muster for later." he replide delivering another swift and hard kick to my stomach causing me to hit my knees. That's when he decided to show himself. He stood smiling down at me, "Hmm I expected more from the nine tails. But hey I'll make it quick." he proceed to take out a kunai, I tried to get up when he grinned, "To late!" he brought up his knee into my gut gave me a few strong and swift hits to the face then stabbed me right in the stomach causing me to cough up blood.

Sakura pov

"Sasuke slow down! Please!" I said breathing heavily as I tried desperately to keep up with my raven haired Uchiha. After we saw that girl in the clearing with Timaru, Sasuke had acted like we were running from a fire. "Come on Sakura! We're falling behind!" he yelled back at me. I took a breath and stopped, "Sasuke!!" I screamed. That caused him to slow down, turning he glared at me. "Why did you stop!?" he growled.

"Because I have to rest. We'll end up wearing ourselves out if we run after her!" I said. He gave an annoyed groan and ran his hand threw his hair, "Fine I've got a plan!" he said biting into his thumb. Next thing I know we are flying over the trees searching for the girl.

"She may have gotten away." Sasuke growled, his voice sounded just like when we were kids. He'd always been cold toward me and back then I had always been just a little fan girl, but now is different. Now he returned my love, I finaly had the man I loved. "There!!" He yelled over the wind. Below us the forest stopped, giving way to a large rocky clearing. There the blue haired girl stood, purple chakra pulsed around her. Sasuke turned and in a quick movement made it to where I was sitting in front of him, his arms were fixed around my waist. "Hold on." he whispered in my ear causing me to shiver until we jumped off Sasuke's hawk. I'm pretty sure I screamed all the way down but all I can recall is landing with a loud crunch then standing next to Sasuke across from the blue haired girl. Her hand was raised and pointed at a weird drawing etched into the stone, I instantly recognized the markings as funeral seals signaling that a very important person was buried here.

"You can't stop me!" she yelled glaring at us. "So this is where he's buried?" Sasuke asked coldly.

A smile formed on her lips, "Yes and I have every intention of reviving him!"

"That's impossible!" Sasuke shot back, it's safe to say that at this point I was officially lost. "Who are you trying to revive?" I asked. Ruzo began to laugh, "You don't know?!" she said. I slowly shook my head, "Does the name Madara ring a bell!?" she questioned. My eyes widened in realization, "You can't be serious. He must have died at least fifty years ago." I said remembering the stories my father used to tell me about the legendary Uchiha and the first hokage. "Oh I'm nothing but serious right now! And once I revive him I'll crush him just as fast!" she yelled. Her palm began to glow, so did the markings on Madara's tomb. "RISE THE GREAT MADARA UCHIHA!!!!"

Timaru pov

I had never smiled bigger in my life then when the kunai sunk into Naruto's stomach causing him to cough up blood. The look on his face was priceless, a look of shock and fear, I only saw it on one other face before. Her face flashed threw my mind, Shuna, my smile faltered and I let go of the kunai allowing him to fall backwards onto the ground. I rubbed my hands together, "Well that was easy." I stated out loud.

"A little to easy don't you think!?" came his voice, I turned only to watch his body exploded in a small puff of smoke. My heart began to race, "You didn't think I'd be that easy to kill did you!?" his voice echoed, growling in anger I started making handsigns to release the fog when I was hit right in the face. Stumbling backwards I felt a hand on my shoulder, reacting quickly I grabbed them by the wrist and threw them over my shoulder. They hit the ground with an audible grunt but then they spoke, "Oww! Damn babe go easy on me here."

I nearly jumped out of my skin. Sitting in front of me giving me a glare was my firey red haired love, Shuna. Her piercing blue eyes glared up at me, "Babe...I...I..I." I sputtered not knowing what exactly to say. She stood and brushed herself off, "I love you baby!" and then she hugged me. I felt instantly whole again as I hugged her tight.

"Please don't...don't leave again. " I said my voice breaking. She squeezed me tightly and said, "I won't. Not ever again." I had completely forgotten about that blonde kid, now I was happy again.

Naruto pov

Breathing hard I stared up at the masked face of my sensie. "You know lady Tsunade is not pleased with you for disobeying her orders." he said looking away from Timaru who was smiling like an idiot. Standing I frowned, "I know. I'm sorry but Sasuke and Sakura wouldn't come back with me and we needed to stop these three. Plus I could have taken him." I said in one breath. I looked back at Timaru, "What did you do to him?" I asked. Kakashi sensie slowly brought his headband back down over his left eye, "Just put him in a happy genjutsu." he replide. "Now where's Sasuke and Sakura?" he asked in a serious tone. I gave a shrug, "They went after the other person on this team." I said. He raised an eyebrow, "There's more?" he questioned. I nodded, "Yeah. Aym helped us, she stayed back to buy us some time." I said getting mad at myself for almost completly forgetting about Aym.

"Come on. Let's go get Sasuke and Sakura." he said giving me a sigh.

"But Aym could be hurt or something." I argued. He rubbed his temples, "Fine we'll go back and check on this Aym girl. But we must hurry, or it all will be to late." he said. We started back to where we had left Aym unaware of the fight my teammates were in.

To be cont....

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