neville longbottom one shots...

נכתב על ידי poppin-potter

642 22 3

all of these are from my tumblr! follow me on tumblr: poppin-potter all characters belong to jk rowling עוד

back to hogwarts
she's gone

elephant in the room

281 7 0
נכתב על ידי poppin-potter

summary: you and your husband, neville longbottom, deal with your pregnancy while working at hogwarts. however, some students and professors start to catch on with your secret.

warnings: female reader, and mature-ish (no smut though, just sorta mentioning it?)


Once you graduated Hogwarts, you weren't sure what you'd do with your life. The war changed your mindset so strongly that, for the past few years all you cared about was living in the present. And that was justified, seeing as you weren't sure if you'd live to see the next day.

But now with the war over, everything changed. No longer did you have to live in fear, or worry about death eaters and Voldemort rising again. Even though you graduated from Hogwarts, you missed the safety of the walls and the thrill of visiting Hogsmeade every now and then. And your husband, Neville, felt the same. You two got married shortly after the war. You both realized that you couldn't live without each other, and Neville decided to pop the question moments after Harry defeated Voldemort.

Your wedding was small, only consisting of close friends and family. You worked in a small bookstore in Diagon Alley while Neville worked in the herbology shop a couple shops down. The two of you lived in a small cottage and visited your friends often. You and Neville would babysit Harry and Ginny's and Ron and Hermione's children everyone once in a while, and your lives were calm and perfect.

Until you got the letter.

Apparently Professor McGonagall -or Headmistress McGonagall- was looking for new teachers. With the new transfiguration teacher being transferred to Ilvermorny and Professor Sprout retiring, McGonagall was desperately in need of two teachers. Despite your lack of experience, you and Neville immediately packed your things and made your way to Hogwarts.

And for the next couple of years, you and Neville taught at Hogwarts without any issues. The students seemed to love the both of you, and thought of the two of you being a cute and happy couple made the girls swoon. And, being married for over ten years, it was only a matter of time until you decided to have children.

Since the two of you got married after the war, your main focus was reconstructing the Wizarding community and Hogwarts. You and Neville had multiple plant children, and seemed content for a while. Hermione and Ginny continued to pester you after they had their own children, but you always reminded them that you were happy to babysit their children, and with the increased amount of work that came with being a Hogwarts professor, you couldn't possibly think about having a child of your own.

But one morning Neville brought up the topic. It was a Saturday and you and Neville watched the students play in the courtyard. You took a sip of your tea, smiling at the children laughing and shouting when a pair of arms snaked around your waist.

"Good morning, love," Neville greeted, pressing a kiss against your cheek. You hummed in response, and the two of you looked out the window of your chambers. "I hope the students don't run over the garden. I just planted some dittany plants with the second years and I would hate to see them get ruined."

You chuckled, leaning your head against his chest. "You know the Hufflepuffs, they'll protect those plants with their lives."

The two of you remained silent for a few minutes, until Neville spoke up. "I wouldn't mind having a couple kids of our own," he commented quietly. Your breath hitched, not expecting him to bring up such a topic. "Having a garden of our own and teaching our children how to take care of them."

You relaxed in his arms, bringing your mug to your lips. "Imagine all the muddy footprints in the cottage," you groaned, causing Neville to laugh. You paused, thinking for a moment. "I wouldn't mind either, though. Hermione and Ginny have been begging for a little Longbottom-Y/L/N child. I don't think they realize that the baby is ours, and not theirs for the keeping." You thought back to all of the times Hermione would give you Witch Weekly magazines for raising a child or when Ginny would give you baby onesies and toys.

Neville chuckled, pressing multiple kisses along your neck and shoulder. "Ginny actually pulled me aside one day," he started. "She told me something that's been on my mind for a while."

"Do tell, love."

The herbology professor blushed a little, holding you a little tighter than before. "She threatened me that, and I quote, "if she doesn't have a godchild anytime soon she'll burn down my garden." You sighed, rolling your eyes at the thought of your friend yelling at your husband.

"Ah, Ginny," you mused. "Always a firecracker, that one."

Neville hummed, gently rubbing your stomach, causing you to giggle. "So, would you want to have a child? It's your body so I don't want to force you into something you don't want and-"

You shushed him, smiling at your dear husband. "Yes, Neville. I want a child." Neville's eyes glowed with excitement, his face lighting up.

"Really? Like, right now, or-"

You laughed as you placed your mug on your desk. "Yes, Neville." Suddenly, Neville lifted you from the ground, tossing you over his shoulders as he made his way to the bedroom. Laughing along with your husband, he gently placed you on the bed, planting kisses all around your face, down to your neck and collarbone. Neville smiled giddily at you, kissing you deeply.

"I love you, y/n Longbottom," he whispered. You held Neville's face in your hands.

"I love you, too, Neville Longbottom."

Months later, your stomach grew much larger. Once it was confirmed you were pregnant, you and Neville agreed to keep it a secret. After all, the students were quite nosy and you couldn't bear to let rumors spread like wildfire. But, months along, it was too difficult to hide much longer.

You walked into your classroom, hand gingerly holding onto your stomach. Your previous attire no longer fit, much to your dismay, so you settled for a large knit sweater and a pair of pants.

Currently, you had seventh year Gryffindors and Slytherins. You grew quite close with this group, and -while you would never say it out loud- they were your favorites. The students eyed you suspiciously as you sat at your desk. Finally settled in your desk, you noticed everyone staring at you silently. Sighing, you decided it was time to tell them.

"Oh fine," you groaned, running your fingers through your hair. "I assume it's time to address the elephant in the room." All the girls sat at the edge of their chairs, hearts beating out of their chests. "Yes, I am pregnant."

The entire classroom roared with cheers and excitement. A group of Gryffindor girls ran up to your desk, requesting to see your stomach. You were delighted with their response, fearing that they would not take your pregnancy as positively as you hoped. You decided it was fit to tell every class, thinking it wouldn't be fair to only tell one class. Everyone took the news very well, others crying when they found out you would take maternity leave soon. However, one confused second year asked you if it were Neville's child, which you -confused as well- confirmed it was. (You thought your name you were addressed as, Professor Longbottom, as well as the ring on your finger was enough to tell them that Neville was your husband, but you guessed they never caught on).

As you and Neville expected, news about your pregnancy spread like wildfire around the castle. Professor McGonagall gave you both a tearful smile and congratulated the two of you. Even Hagrid gave you a tight hug, crying and wetting your sweater.

"I feel as if it were just yesterday," Hagrid sobbed. "when I taught the two of yer' as third years. Now you're married and about to have a child, I-" You teared up, giving Hagrid a tissue. "You'll let me visit the baby when it comes, right? Let old Uncle Hagrid spoil the bundle of joy?"

"Of course, Hagrid," you reassured him.

Quickly, the news spread to news networks like the Daily Prophet and the Quibbler. Two war heroes married and now pregnant with a child was just what they needed. Especially since the Boy Who Lived's children were now in Hogwarts, the reporters needed more news to release to the public. It was only a matter of time until the news was passed on to your friends.

"WHERE'S THE HAPPY COUPLE," you heard a familiar voice yell from your classroom. You were in the middle of teaching a group of third year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, all of them confused by the booming voice.

"Oh, Merlin," you groaned, realizing who that was. Suddenly, your classroom door was kicked open to reveal a red faced Ginny Weasley -now Potter- and Hermione Granger-Weasley.

The redhead charged to the front of the room, gripping Hermione's wrist tightly. "Tell me why I had to hear from my SON that my own best friend is pregnant?" Your face burned in embarrassment.


"He finally knocked you up, huh?" she teased loudly, seemingly forgetting the thirteen year olds in the room.

You slapped Ginny's arm hurriedly. "Not with the children around!" you hissed. "I'm in the middle of teaching a class, you know."

Ginny turned to the rest of the class, all of them looking up from their essays and curiously watching the event going on in front of them. "Class is dismissed! Tell your teachers that Ginny Potter sent you out."

All of the students, happy with class ending early, quickly packed their things and left the classroom, not a peep escaping their mouths. You sighed, frowning at your friend. You folded your arms on your chest.

"I still had fifteen minutes left to teach," you deadpanned, but sat on your desk nonetheless.

Ginny casually waved her hand, sitting on top of a student's desk. Hermione sat next to her, silently smiling at you. "Oh it's fine. We all know you overwork the poor kids anyway." Before you could argue, Ginny continued. "Anyway, how could you just forget to tell your best friends that you are pregnant? Specifically the people who have been begging you to have a child for years?"

You patted her shoulder in sympathy. "I'm sorry, Gin. It sort of just happened. Neville and I were talking one day and we decided that it was time to have a child. We aren't getting any younger." Hermione grinned in excitement.

"Do you know what gender your child is?" she asked curiously. You shook your head, gently placing your hand on your stomach.

"Neville and I want to keep it a surprise. We've been thinking of a couple of names though." The girls giggled together, and for a moment it felt as if they were teenagers all over again.

"Speaking of Neville," Hermione started. "How is he? Has he been treating you well with your pregnancy and everything? I remember when I had Hugo, Ron would whine every time I asked him to buy chocolate from the grocery store."

You thought for a moment, a smile growing on your face. "He's been amazing. He gives me shoulder massages every night and has been helping me grade some of these papers. Neville's an absolute sweetheart, I know he has trouble with transfiguration but he's trying." Hermione sighed in delight.

Ginny shook her head. "Who cares about that. Let's get to the real question. How was it?"

You raised an eyebrow. "How was what?" Ginny wiggled her eyebrows.

"You know...baking the-" You immediately realized what she was talking about.

"Merlin's beard Ginevra!" you scolded, face scarlet red.

Ginny burst out laughing as Hermione shushed her loudly. "Come on, y/n/n, it's a simple question. Is Neville good at-"

"Am I good at what?"

The three of you turned a bright red, whipping your heads around to see your husbands.


Months after your very awkward conversation, your beautiful son was born. He had your eyes and nose, and Neville's messy brown hair.

"He's absolutely adorable," Neville whispered, gently holding your child close to his chest. Your baby gurgled, spit running down his chin. Neville grinned like a proud father, glancing over at you. "He looks like you, you know." You smiled tiredly at your husband. "Do you have any ideas for a name for him?"

You thought for a moment, closing your eyes. "{insert name of choice}. He looks like one. {name} Neville Longbottom. He'll be as brave and as kind as his father." Neville's eyes watered, kissing the top of your head.

"And he'll have your smarts and looks, too." You took your child in your arms, and Neville wrapped his arm around you.

And your perfect little family was complete. 

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