back to hogwarts

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summary: you decide to visit your husband, neville longbottom, in his class with your child.

word count: 2117

note: potter!reader


"OI!" you yelled running down the Hogwarts corridors as fast as your pregnant self could. You grasped your swollen belly, trying to keep up with the little boy waving a wand. Your wand in particular. "Oliver Neville Longbottom you get back here!"

The boy continued to ignore your pleas, waving your wand and giggling in delight when sparks appeared out of the tip of your wand. You stopped at a corner, wheezing and hunching over your knees.

"Dammit Neville," you swore under your breath. "Get me knocked up one more time and I'll-"

"Having trouble y/n?" you heard a familiar voice call out. You look up to see your twin brother, Harry Potter, holding your first child in his arms.

"Mummy look!" Oliver cheered. "It's Uncle Harry!"

"Harry," you greeted tiredly, reaching for your child. Oliver whined before going back in your arms, finally tired out from running around the entire castle. Harry laughed, tucking his wand into his back pocket. "You'll lose your buttocks if you keep doing that," you reminded him, mother's concern kicking in.

Harry rolled his eyes, crossing his arms on his chest. "Okay, mum," he joked. You shot the Gryffindor a glare before he put his hands up in defense. "Only joking. I know how you get when you're pregnant and all. I have a wife and children you know." You groaned, clutching your stomach again.

"This child better be adorable," you winced in pain. "This one is already a troublemaker. Definitely got the Potter genes for his personality. He'll give Dad, Uncle Moony, and Uncle Sirius a run for their money."

In response, Oliver kissed your cheek and smiled cheerfully at you. "I love you, Mummy." You gushed at the boy, eyes sparkling with delight.

"That won't save you from trouble, mister," you scolded lightly. "No more running away from Mummy, okay? And don't take my wand either. That's dangerous."

"Dan-ger-ush," Oliver sounded out. You sighed, taking it as an "understood."

Harry chuckled at the boy. "He looks more like Neville everyday, you know," he mused.

"And to think, we thought he looked like me when he was born," you laughed along. A single tear formed in the corner of your eye. "He grew up so fast. Next, he'll be off to Hogwarts, then married and a job, then grandkids? Oh, Merlin-"

The Gryffindor grabbed your shoulders, shushing you. You wiped your tears with your free hand, snuggling the toddler close to you with your other arm. "Oi, calm down, y/n," Harry told you. "Oliver's only three. And you still have baby number two only six months along. It's far too early to think about grandchildren."

"Still," you fussed. "I don't want my babies to grow up. I want them to stay as my little munchkins." You looked down at your stomach. "But I want this one out. She's causing such a fuss in my stomach. She'll be an amazing witch, just like her Mum and Dad."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "She?" Before you can reply, Harry answered for you. "Ah right, no need to tell me. Mother's intuition or something along those lines. Mione and Ginny told me all about it when they were pregnant. They were wrong in the end but...I won't remind them. Merlin, you women are so confusing." You shot a glare at your friend.

"Keep talking like that and you'll find yourself sleeping on the couch," you warned. "Ginny doesn't mess around, Harry. I won't mind selling out my twin to his wife." The auror cringed at the thought before nodding. "Anyway, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be on some mission, saving the wizarding world again?"

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