elephant in the room

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summary: you and your husband, neville longbottom, deal with your pregnancy while working at hogwarts. however, some students and professors start to catch on with your secret.

warnings: female reader, and mature-ish (no smut though, just sorta mentioning it?)


Once you graduated Hogwarts, you weren't sure what you'd do with your life. The war changed your mindset so strongly that, for the past few years all you cared about was living in the present. And that was justified, seeing as you weren't sure if you'd live to see the next day.

But now with the war over, everything changed. No longer did you have to live in fear, or worry about death eaters and Voldemort rising again. Even though you graduated from Hogwarts, you missed the safety of the walls and the thrill of visiting Hogsmeade every now and then. And your husband, Neville, felt the same. You two got married shortly after the war. You both realized that you couldn't live without each other, and Neville decided to pop the question moments after Harry defeated Voldemort.

Your wedding was small, only consisting of close friends and family. You worked in a small bookstore in Diagon Alley while Neville worked in the herbology shop a couple shops down. The two of you lived in a small cottage and visited your friends often. You and Neville would babysit Harry and Ginny's and Ron and Hermione's children everyone once in a while, and your lives were calm and perfect.

Until you got the letter.

Apparently Professor McGonagall -or Headmistress McGonagall- was looking for new teachers. With the new transfiguration teacher being transferred to Ilvermorny and Professor Sprout retiring, McGonagall was desperately in need of two teachers. Despite your lack of experience, you and Neville immediately packed your things and made your way to Hogwarts.

And for the next couple of years, you and Neville taught at Hogwarts without any issues. The students seemed to love the both of you, and thought of the two of you being a cute and happy couple made the girls swoon. And, being married for over ten years, it was only a matter of time until you decided to have children.

Since the two of you got married after the war, your main focus was reconstructing the Wizarding community and Hogwarts. You and Neville had multiple plant children, and seemed content for a while. Hermione and Ginny continued to pester you after they had their own children, but you always reminded them that you were happy to babysit their children, and with the increased amount of work that came with being a Hogwarts professor, you couldn't possibly think about having a child of your own.

But one morning Neville brought up the topic. It was a Saturday and you and Neville watched the students play in the courtyard. You took a sip of your tea, smiling at the children laughing and shouting when a pair of arms snaked around your waist.

"Good morning, love," Neville greeted, pressing a kiss against your cheek. You hummed in response, and the two of you looked out the window of your chambers. "I hope the students don't run over the garden. I just planted some dittany plants with the second years and I would hate to see them get ruined."

You chuckled, leaning your head against his chest. "You know the Hufflepuffs, they'll protect those plants with their lives."

The two of you remained silent for a few minutes, until Neville spoke up. "I wouldn't mind having a couple kids of our own," he commented quietly. Your breath hitched, not expecting him to bring up such a topic. "Having a garden of our own and teaching our children how to take care of them."

You relaxed in his arms, bringing your mug to your lips. "Imagine all the muddy footprints in the cottage," you groaned, causing Neville to laugh. You paused, thinking for a moment. "I wouldn't mind either, though. Hermione and Ginny have been begging for a little Longbottom-Y/L/N child. I don't think they realize that the baby is ours, and not theirs for the keeping." You thought back to all of the times Hermione would give you Witch Weekly magazines for raising a child or when Ginny would give you baby onesies and toys.

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