thunderstorm. [ninjago jaya]

By aquaskies-

35.8K 825 768

This OneShot collection is new, with better and more detailed writing! More

Escape Room
Another drabble
You're Lips Are All I Need
Last Words
Sleep Well (TW!)
A/N (if you wanna know why i dont update.)
A Harsh Goodbye
Just One Letter Can Break A Heart
Another Love
Corny Jokes
The Adorable Duo + Jay
Safe Space

Nada-Good Situation

2K 42 49
By aquaskies-

TW: Mention of s*xual stuuf, non consent. I do not wrote the scene, but it will be mentioned. If you are uncomfortable with that, click away and i'll see you on sny other books you follow me from.

if you wanna see more fluffy and less serious one-shots - request then here!

Thank you JamesTheSwagg3r for the title name, it looks very punny but this is angsty lol. Also, happy birthday!

Okay, onto the oneshot.


Being it a cold autumn night, you may expect the odd couple in the Monerstary Of Spinjistzu to be cuddlin next to each other under a warm blanket, eating food, sleeping, watching movies, etc etc. Most of the teenagers were sleeping peacefully while huddled up to their significant other, the warmth of their bodies keeping their minds and hearts closer together, conscious or not.

The windows were jammed shut, attempting to keep out the chilly and empty air while the saviours of the world slept. (While the other reason was to stop a certain elemental master bringing a hurricane into the home for the 27338734th time this month.) It wasn't easy waking up, training harshly for an hour and a half before then having to wait in line for a shower, then going to breakfast and having to eat the best for you, not what you want, (which is something that Lloyd dislikes) eating good food, then having a 50/50 chance of having to stop some low-tier bad guys while having lunch and having the possiblity of not returing until dinner, then repeating the process all over again almost every single day eventually got exhausting for young adults and especially Sensei.

However; there was one thing that didn't feel right.

The fact that it was quiet.

It was like a high pitched ringing, but the pitch was so high that no humans or even robots can hear it. Maybe not even dogs. But there's one thing that didn't sit right with the last few ninja that remained awake at the dusk of Sunday evening;

Why is it so quiet?

Many would simply say it is becuase there's not any obnoxious Social Media addicts making out with their CEO-of-a-resteraunt-girlfriends', or any cake/ adoring men chasing the two chefs around the kitchen becauyse they saw a recipe for sweet-treats. And there's no Pink Haired girl doing the talking for herself and a injured blue-haired enby that could not write down their feelings. And there's no talkative, loud words blabbering out of a freckled boy's mouth, murmuring how much he loved a certain water master that simply wanted one day without having to call for another therapist; rather it be for herself or her concerning family.

However, there is still two ninja's still awake. And surprisingly - one of them was Jay. A quiet Jay? None of the team..or heck- no one had ever been able to imagine a quiet and silent Jay. Normally, when you think of his name, you think of a giggly young adult, blabbering on about one of the three. Number one, his girlfriend, Nya, and how pretty she was to him. Number two, videogames, and how to beat every level of every Fist To Face game their is. And finally, number three, his hobbies and specialities.

It's not bad thing at all, after all, it was makes Jay who he is.

But when it's so quiet, at 7pm..

It's understandable that everyone was asleep, but even then, someone would be listening to Jay talk or having a conversation with him. And that person was normally Nya..

Speaking of which; where is Nya?

Jay hadn't seen her since dinner, and even then when he or someone else had tried to make contact with her, she seemed very..out of it and distant, like she was in a completely differed world and her mind has only stayed to do the basic nesscaities of her day to day life, adding on Ninja duties that you could praticially count as a nesscaity nowadays.

It concerned the others greatly, but not enough to check on her. Everyone had bad days, and sometimes on those bad days, you just want to be alone with your thoughts. Granted you won't hurt yourself while doing so.

That's why most of the time Jay checked on his friends when they were having a hard day, or said they wanted to be alone. Of course he would give that person time to be alone, but every so often he would come in and check up on them, just to make sure that they were holding up okay, and giving a hug to those who needed or wanted one.

But with his Yang, he'd always stay by her, cracking jokes and hugging her for what would feel like eternity. Nya never rejected his action, nor really acknoledged them so much, but as long as she was comfortable, Jay would hold her for as long as she wanted to be held, even if the World is ending. They can watch it together, holding each other.

Jay sighed as he looked back at the clock for what-seemed-to-be the millionth time during the hour. 7:23pm. The same time of the most recent time he looked at his alarm clock - which was twenty seconds ago. It seemed like time has stopped, or at least slowed it's pace down, as he felt so bored. He was do bored; he was quiet. That's boredem, especially if Jay Walker is silent.

He sighed, while hearing the faint pattering of rain crash onto the window outside, sliding down the piece of glass while others fell onto it. Great; it's raining now.

"Wait, wasn't it just sunny?" Jay calls out to no one in particular. was strange. In a matter of minutes the golden sky has now transformed into a dull mess with transparent drops of water falling from the clouds that coloured the sky a boring shade of boredem. At least before the boy was able to witness the sun setting, now it's gone too.

Still confused on the sudden change of weather, Jay examines the rain more. The sound is soft, not violent. It's not too heavy to fill a mini-ditch just sorta patters down onto the concrete and stays there..until it gets replaced a few moments after by another quiet raindrop. It looked like..empty rain. Rain that was there for a purpose, however no one knew what that purpose was..not just yet anyway.

He looks up at the clouds and notices they're beginning to look a little more grey..with every second. As if there's someone just deciding to do a little contrast switch to the clouds and make them look like a Monday morning. Jay raises an eyebrow, thinking he's seeing things, and needs to go and see a doctor, until-

Knock knock.

The lightning master feels himself jolt, obviously not expecting the sudden knock on the door while he was looking up at the sky, wondering what was going on, and what happened to the wonderful weather moments previously. His eyes made it's way to the said door that he heard the knock from (considering that it's the only door in the room) and he walked over to the wodden object and placed his hand on the door handle, twisting it and opening it with a squeak following; the hinges need to be oiled.

His eyes looked around until he met a familar pair of chocolate brown owns looking at him with a pleading expression, as she wanted him - or needed him. The pleading look that his Yang was showing did not process for his mind for a few seconds, as the organ (I googled this; yes, the Brain is an organ.) worked out what was going on. It was like he didn't know that Nya was here, facing him. Or at least, he did not expect it to happen. Not now, anyway.

"Nya?" Jay said after what appeared to be a few minutes of being completely out of it. But, when he saw her almost upset expression on her face, his own eyes softened and so did his eyebrows. His Yang is upset.

Jay let go of the door handle and opened it fully, then stood to the side to let the smaller in, feeling his worries rise when she didn't respond to the call of her name, or didn't say 'Thank You' when Jay let her in first. However; the male wasn't going to be mad at her for that. He can never be mad at anyone when they're upset, you can't help it, so it's fine to miss some polite manners.

Nya sat herself on the blue boy's bed, grabbing his plushie and feeling it through her fingers; the softness definitely helping her shaking lower their levels and supporting her from her recently shaky and slow breaths.

She wasn't looking at anything in particular really, she was just..staring. Staring outside where Jay had noticed the unusual and quick change of weather. However, there was no proper emotion on her face, wheras Jay had a look of confusion and scepticism. \but that was before he realised why it was raining, and why it changed so suddenly.

Instead of joining Nya, (who was looking aimlessly outside) he looked at her with a massive load of sympathy. He didn't even know why is she was crying, or anything like that; but he already felt so bad for her. He hates it when people he loves are crying in front of him; as he knows that they don't derseve any of it and it just pains his heart every time. Especially Nya, they both know how much all of the ninja have been through, but they also know that the more you go through, the more it hurts in the inside, and doesn't necessarily show on the outside; or doesn't act like it does.

After a few more seconds of silence, Jay decided to break the air. "So.." He started, walking up to Nya, and sitting himself down beside the shaking girl. Nya stopped looking out into the dullness outside, but still refused to look at athe face she always loves to see every day, and instead resorted to looking down at the hardwood dloor beneath the duo's feet. Jay hesitated, before placing a gentle hand on Nya's shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Nya looks up at him, finally. She looks up into his eyes, focusing on them while her own began to water once again. She's sick of this already, and it hasn't even been a few minutes since she stopped crying.

Nya doesn't like crying in front of anyone. Or really showing any negative emotions at all. She tries so hard everyday to hold in her tears from something that has hurt her, or brings back bad memories etc etc. But it's difficult; especially when you've been hiding something from everyone you know and love for years, and today is the day you finally let the tear ducts open and make it almost obvious to everyone that you mentioned before that you are crying, and it's painful. Really painful.

The blue eyed one out of the duo rubbed her shoulder gently, trying to keep her calm as much as possible. "Hey, deep breaths." He mumbles, once he sees his girlfriend's breathing becoming shaky again, as if she's attempting (and half-failing) to keep her tears in. Jay hesitates, looking down at her small and trembling hands, before gently grabbing and squeezing them. "Aqua?" He muttered, calling her nickname out to at least add a little bit of verbal comfort and reasurrance.

Nya sighs with a shaky tone hidden in it, trying to keep her emotions at bay the best she possibly can for the time being, because she's not sure if by the time she confesses to Jay, that her eyes and heart will be able to keep it in any longer. Let's just hope it stays for now..

"I.." She swallows, the lump in her throat still not going away. "I-I wanted to say that I'm sorry, b-before I explain any of this.." Her eyes coated over with another layer of salty liquid while her hands shook more. Jay rubbed gentle and soothing circles on her knuckes, as she does when he is distressed. It always helps.

"You don't have to apolagise at all, Nya." Jay replies, a soft smile on his face, while the tone in his voice had smiliar energy. As well as being as softly approaching as he can, the boy also gives a gentle squeeze to her hands. "Just take deep breaths, and tell me when you're ready, okay?" A response to his comforting words was a nod.

Nya inhales and exhales, shaking. "Do you the alternate timeline when you guys failed to stop the wedding?" Nya reminds Jay, also confirming that it was not her wedding, rather a wedding. This made him slightly freeze up at the sudden mention of the alternate timeline and feel the memories all rush back at once again. He remembers every single second of it; from Nya refusing to take his hand all the way to her last breath. He nods and snaps back into reality, listening to Nya's explanation.

"And when he..sent me into a slumber..?" Jay nods again, recalling the exact moment in his mind. His emotions, everyone else's reaction and emotions, the smirk on his face, everything. And he remembers the most painful part; leaving her. He didn't want to - he had to.

A few tears roll down her cheeks again, and she sniffles lightly. She looks down at her and Jay's intertwined hands, seeming to make her cries audible by now. The rain picks up outside, the previously peaceful drops of water now turning more violent and louder while it's elemental owner felt her heart break and her mind to flash so many bad and disgusting memories at her.

Jay let go of one of her hands and gently pulled her chin up, looking into her tearful chocolate brown eyes. He placed one hand to her cheek and held her stunning (to him anyway) face up. Those beautiful eyes have seen the good and the bad, the great memories and the horrible memories. Or simply, they had seen too much.

His heart breaks to see her like this. To see her so upset and broken that she has to pause between sentences ot keep herself from not breaking down.

Just a few more sentences, you can do this, it's okay..Jay's're safe..he can't hurt you're strong, you can defend yourself..

..But why didn't I last time..?

Jay still seems to be waiting patiently for her to carry on, understanding that whatever she needed to tell him was hard to say, and she needed time. He's always been patient with her, even if she's furious beyond measure and basically begging to beat the shit out of someone. He just seems to know how to calm her down, or make her laugh.

And he's still cupping her face.

"W-Well," Nya stutters, squeezing her eyes shut for a few moments. But after seeing those horrific moments again, taunting her like a high school bully, poking at her heart and mind like a constant headache, and opening her tear ducts with more tears. "After you guys left..something..something horrible happened."

Jay still seemed completely oblivous to what she is trying to say, but is still diligently waiting for her confession, not wanting to rush her as that may make her even worse than she is now on the inside, and god knows how much emotion she's trying to keep in, all bottled up and neglected, and it only made Jay's heart crack even more.

The previous samurai bit her lip and tried to calm her hiccup-y breathing, as the moments got closer and closer for her to confess and finally tell Jay everything, after years of it nagging her. From her own mind manipulating her to nightmares filling her entire night, making her extremely tired of everything, physcially and mentally.

Her eyes looked away from his.

"I couldn't defend myself from him..a-and..I've never told anyone this..I-I haven't really been able too..a-and even after so many years, it still hurts so, so much." She confessed, feeling a weight of anxiety fade away from her shoulders, but then a great weight of sadness replaced it as she began to sob, loweing her face from looking at Jay's freckled one once again.

Jay felt his eyebrows crease as he finally took it what she said to him, and he felt his own eyes water with sympathy and heartbreak fo rhis love who was now crying harshly in front of him, while he sat there, just simply holdinger hand and not doing anything else. His mouth opened, however no sounds or words bothered to come out. Instead, he let go of her shaking hand and opened his arms, wiating to get a response if he ever did.

Nya slowly sunk into his now tight embrace, letting the tears soak into his hoodie and through to his shirt w=as she wept openly for the first time in what felt like forever. And to be honest - it probably was. It's never felt so good to sink into someones embrace and let the tears flow after so many years of traumatising memories, along with horrifying replays in your mind that are way past night terrors, that normally transfer to physical pain that makes your head pound, your stomach beating itself up, your legs shaky and your eyes watery just becuase of a simple fucking memory that just so happens to beat your mental health up.

Jay didn't care if his hoodie and shirt were soaked with tears at the end of the day, as long as he was there for Nya, and right by her side, he was content with whatever she did, as long as it made her feel better and more safe.

The mentioned boy held her close, running his fingers through her hair that he had only just moticed being out of it's usual ponytail, and now long and very soft. He felt through it while seeing if he could deduct if it was a good idea to soothe her that way, as he knows that normally calms her if she's feeling guilty, angry, nervous, stressed, and now, sadness. Or she'd rather call it; pain. He finally did so, and hushed her gently. "Shh..shh.." He lolwy mutters, brushing her bangs away from her eyes so she wouldn't get them wet.

Nya looks up at him, her whole body now trembling, while tears constantly sped down her face, before replacing the stream wih a new one after seconds of it dropping onto Jay's hoodie sleeves. She seemed to be a tiny bit startled by his sudden new action, but does not bother (or physcially cannot) to say something to get him to stop, so Jay carries on when she cuddles into him more - presumbly for warmth and she's cold. Jay notices and looks around his empty bed, trying his best to search for a blanket to wrap around her.

But she doesn't seem to care while she cries, simply just begging Jay to hold her in his arms while she gripped his shirt and carried on sobbing, trying her best to let all of the pain out, however not wanting to wake anyone up and possibly annoy them with her loud crying and begging.

Jay seemed to get the memo, and gently wrapped her arms around her torso and help her up on his lap, making sure she doesn't fall or collapse. Since his hands are placed on her shaking back while she hiccuped, he decided to rub smooth and hopefully carming circles on her back, doing his best to make sure she doesn't start to cough, or start to make herself sick.

The rain outside was now heavy rain, that made loud crashes onto the window and bounced back down, patting onto the stone and concrete group outside while the clouds were alost black, while the trees swayed more as an additon to the pelting rain. Morro must've sensed it in his sleep, or it's actual wind. Either way, outside was only going to change if Nya's emotions get better or worse; only if they do though.

With every second that went by, Jay felt his heart shatter more and more. It hurts to know how much pain someone could be in, and a lot of the time no one really notices or even cares/acknoledges until it's sometimes too late.

But what hurts more it to see his Yang upset. It had been about an hour of her sobbing in Jay's arms, constantly shivering and a changing breathing patern that definitely is not healthy at all. And now, it was about 8:30pm, and you could tell Nya was exhausted. wether that be physically, mentally or both, no one really knows. But, she'll probably - and sadly - end up crying herself to sleep.

Speaking of what, Jay freezes once he hears an abrupt stop of crying and sniffling, and his shirt becoming even more wet. (If that could be considered something anymore.) He looks down and sees the person he was just thinking about and felt great pity for, was resting her tear stained face on his chest, her hair still somehow neat, asleep against him. Her body had now reduced to light shivering, signalling that the girl was still a bit cold. Her hands, now matter how trembly they were, were still loosely gripping the string of his hoodie, and a light and very quiet snore escaped the girls' lips every so often.

The man with freckles smiles gently and kisses her forehead, moving her bangs out of the way in the process. He rubbed her upper arm gently, trying to keep her warm. "I love you, you know that?" Jay murmurs, not wanting to disturb Nya however still wanting to get the point across. He slowly lays down, making sure that Nya stays on top of him during it. He slowly pulls the covers over him and Nya, and quietly awwing when he saw the strong female sigh in her sleep and relax properly for the first time in a while, as if when she's with Jay, cuddled with him or just asleep on top of, she feels safe, and warm. And she wants it to stay that way. If only evil bad guys didn't always try to ruin it for them.

Jay smiles once again. "You're the strongest, most brave, most adorable and pretty, and smallest person I know. But you're my cutie, okay? Don't you ever forget that." He adds on.

"And I promise that everything is gonna be okay."


okay gonna go study now bye

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