Captivated by the Wind || Bla...

De beepbooopboom

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Terrified of her past, Lia from the Diamond Kingdom did her best to escape until she ended up in the forest o... Mais

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De beepbooopboom

I woke up feeling light-headed. Where am I? I blinked a few times and tried moving but my hands we're tied by something. Wh-what is this thing? I tried to remember what happened earlier... Sam and..


I kicked Sam's butt and..


Who's that?


I looked around us and blinked a few times. Why are we all... crucified?!

"About time, sleeping beauty!" Noelle shouted beside me.

"What's going on?" I asked, confused. "Where's Sammael?"

"Oi, I'm right here!" I looked over to my right. "I protected you from all that shit but at what cost? You just degraded my existence, vile woman." He said.

"Oi, Noelle..." I called Noelle's attention and tilted my head towards Sam. "Did the Queen curse him or something? Why is he acting like that?"

"No, I don't think it's just him that the Queen cursed..." Noelle said while looking forward.

"Oi! What're you talking about! I'm not cu-"

"AHCK!" I looked in front and saw Asta kneeling before the Queen. Is he having trouble breathing? What is the Queen do-

"fUCK" I screamed when I felt my insides aching. 

3rd Person's POV

Everyone looked at the two magic knights as they struggle to catch their breath.

"Lia! Oi, dinglehead. Are you okay?" Sammael asked his friend but couldn't get a decent answer beside from Lia's sound of agony. "No you're not... th-that's unfortunate." Sammael couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh.

"Wh-what's happening to the both of them?" Noelle asked.

"I took advantage of this young man's situation earlier while healing his arms. As for the girl... she's just too imperfect to be gifted by such power.. that is why I'm stripping her off of it." The Queen laughed menacingly sending shivers to everyone's spine.

"Wha-what do you mean stripping her off of her powers?" Vanessa asked while looking at the poor girl's state.

"If I a perfect person like me couldn't get a hold of such powers then why should she? An imperfect, dirty and vulgar girl like her doesn't deserve it." The Queen created another blob of blood making a screen big enough for everyone to see. "You see, this young girl's power was very much similar to that of a legend a long, long time ago..." She went to Lia who was now drained of energy. "As the legend goes, there once was a powerful young maiden who possessed a gift from the Gods. This maiden was meant to rule over all four kingdoms.." The Queen began to project pictures on the the screen. "Her gift was so powerful it could shook the world itself but sadly, unlike all imperfect creatures... this maiden couldn't fully control her power and because of this, she was forced to go on exile in the mountains... that way she couldn't harm anyone. But a group of a very unique individuals heard about her exile so they decided to take her in. Upon taking her in, the group of individuals made her their own, teaching her about their culture, the necessities and such. The young girl was finally happy being in the presence of great people. Until one day, the girl wreaked havoc waking a humongous demon in the process... and the legend continues on with the very first Wizard King defeating the demon."

"That's it?" Sammael asked.

"A very few knows the legend of the Great Protector of the Four Kingdoms and up until now no one knows where the maiden is and why she wreaked havoc." The Queen finished.

"Wh-what does L-lia have to do with this?" Noelle asked.

"That girl.." The Queen pointed at Lia. "is a descendant of the said maiden and her powers might cause trouble to everyone.. so I am taking care of it right now." The Queen held out her hand. "Controlling blood.. that is my magic."

"But Lia's magic isn't in her blood! How are you supposed to get it out of her huh? You crazy bitch." Sammael spat.

"I'll take care of her right now and not wait for the chance where she can fully grasp how powerful she is. Wouldn't want to make history repeat itself now, shall we?"

"You're wrong! Lia wouldn't- Asta!"

Everyone watched in horror as tides of events continue to unfold in front of them. Both of their attention couldn't choose between the half dead girl and the mindless boy who's being manipulated to slaughter each one of them.

"Hang on, berrybrain. We'll make it out of here... I'll just have to figure out how to get out from these.." Sam grunted as he tried to break free from the solidified blood. "fuck." He couldn't help but sigh as all his efforts were in vain. "Just don't die yet." He whispered.

'I won't.'

Sam looked at Lia's body again. 'It must've been the Queen's curse getting to me.. sigh.. is this how I die? I'm still a-'

'Oi, oi calm your tits muthafacka we ain't dying yet... we still have a couple of hundred years in our bloods.'

'Wtf a-are yo-you inside my br-brain?!'

'aRe YoU iNsIdE mY bRaIn? Of course you dumb motherfucker."

'O-okay don't go anywhere else!'

'U-um okay.. I would just like you to see that I'm still alive so you don't cry yourself to sleep every night... I'll go now...'

"Vanessa-neesan.." A voice called from inside Vanessa's head. She looked at the almost lifeless body of Lia making sure she heard her speak. "Vanessa-neesan..." She blinked a few times.

'Her mouth wasn't moving so how is she-'

'Vanessa-neesa! This isn't the time for that!'

'Lia! Ho-how?'

'Like I said this isn't the time for that! As you can see the situation we all kinda need you right now..'

'But how? My magic is only good for support and making clothes and-'


'Did you just shout inside my head you brat?!'

'I'm sorry you we're being illogical. Look I know how lifeless my body is and I don't know what's happening to it but we need you to kinda.. think of a way out of here? So I could go to Dr. Owen for my monthly visit there.'

'How are you like that in this situation.'

'Me? What do you mean? I'm just trying my best to help out even my body is like that tho I'm still figuring out how to wake up... but that's none of your concern.. just figure out how to save us!'

'Lia? Lia!' Vanessa tried to call for Lia but she was long gone.

"Let's kill the girl first, then little miss royal there. Move." The Queen instructed Asta to go near Lia.

"Asta, wake up!"


"Snap out of it, baka-sta!"

Everyone shouted when Asta stabbed Lia in the shoulder, almost as if something is stopping him from hitting her vital points. 

"Stop it!"

"He's not completely under her control.."

"He still stabbed Lia!"

"But he stopped himself for hitting her vital point. He's not fully unconscious... yet."

"You are stubborn. But.." The Queen continued to manipulate Asta's blood to make him move.

"Please! Make him stop! I'll promise not to leave your side ever again!" Vanessa plead. 'Sorry, Lia. This is the only way I could think of... if only there were other ways to help you guys.' She thought to herself. "I'll obey your every command... so please.."


"Jeez how heartless can this bitch be?" Sammael mumbled to himself.

"I'll kill them all right here so you could learn your lesson." The Queen looked at Vanessa. "After all... you belong to me. You are part of my family."

"" Vanessa looked at her unbelievingly. "You were never my family. The Black Bulls are!" She could feel her tears streaming down her eyes. "Right now, my family is about to be taken away from me! If I couldn't prevent that... then why am I even here?!" She closed her eyes shut. "Please.. my magic.. I beg you! Change destiny!" She shouted in desperation. Her grimoire then emitted a bright light. Hundreds of needles were surrounding her, forming a cat-like figure.


'Did she finally learned how to control destiny itself?' The Queen thought to herself. "Let's put it to the test." She then swung her hand around, ordering Asta to kill Noelle. Asta lifted his arm.

"No!" Vanessa yelled followed by a little feline jumping towards Asta.


'It only touched him? So she still cannot change destiny.. well then.' The Queen watched as Noelle's head got cut off.

"Do not underestimate the Queen of Witches!"


"What?" The Queen widened her eyes when she saw that the little royal still has her head fixated on top of her neck. 'I could've sworn that I saw her head fly.' The Queen pondered at the thought that maybe Vanessa managed to control destiny itself. 'Impossible! She couldn't do something in just a matter of minutes!' She denied at the thought of Vanessa learning something real quick.

"Do not underestimate the Queen of Witches!" The Queen stop midway when she realized she had said the same thing twice. She looked at Asta who cut Noelle's cross. "What?" Her breathing increased when she started to realize something. 'Kill the cat first!' Asta swung his sword at the cat who only separated itself in half. The feline jumped on Asta which made him use his sword on himself undoing the Queen's spell.

"Sensei... the cat." Sammael said.

"Yeah, it seems to control people's destiny.. Amazing."

'My manipulation... failed?' The Queen looked at Vanessa and laughed. "You've done well, Vanessa. Blood Magic: Puppet's Blood!" She flew towards Vanessa. "Now, I'll only control you so I could control destiny itself as well!" She stopped mid-air when the cat touched her forehead, putting an end to her magic. 

"What just happened?" 

"How.. did we?"

'Impossible. Impossible. Impossible!'

"So this is the power to control destiny you were talking about." Vanessa approached the Queen. 'Did Lia knew all this time? Is that why she told me to figure out something?' She asked herself.

"You can do as you wish... Now that you have utterly defeated me." The Queen looked at Vanessa realizing that she missed something important while trying to chase perfection. "Blood Magic: Curse-Breaking Blood-Filled Cocoon!" 

Lia's POV

Why can't I move? I can hear muffled voices and everything is just one big blur.

"Let's kill the girl first, then little miss royal there. Move." I heard the Queen's voice. I tried talking but it just came out muffled. I can only watch as Asta's silhouette come near me.

'Oi, musclehead. Help me get outta here!' I yelled but nothing came out. Jeez, I never wanna lose consciousness again. Wait, why is he pointing his sword at me? I gasped when I saw him stab me on my shoulder. 'WHAT THE FUCK' I tried to enter his mind but it seems like something was blocking me. Oh you're gonna pay for this you damn musclehead. That damn Queen, what did she do?! 

I ran every direction I could possibly make out but this place seems to be endless! I looked up and sighed in defeat. Looks like I'll rely on those bunch of hobos to get me out of here... 

'How can they get me out if me, myself, couldn't get out of here?'

'There's gotta be a way where both sides can do what they can.. right?'

I stopped thinking when I felt my body being lifted up. Wh-what is this? I felt my body getting better.. I inhaled deeply when I felt myself all better now. I feel like I've regained my consciousness already.. Let me-

"Lia! Wake up! Don't die on me!" I felt a sting on my cheek continued by a continuous shaking. I punched the person's abdomen earning an "Ow!" from them.

"What the fuck, asshole." I touched my cheek and looked at Sammael. "Don't kill me just yet.." I rolled my eyes at him and looked at everyone.

"Lia! You're awake!" Noelle went to me and hugged me.

"Yea- Ow! Ow! Put me down!" 

"Oh sorry.. I just.. I forgot that you hurt your insides.." 

"Nah I'm just joking I just don't like hugging people. Where's..." I looked around searching for a specific shrimp. I walked towards him when I found him.

"Yo! Lia! My- Oof!" Asta crouched down when I punched him on his stomach.

"That's for stabbing me with the big-ass sword, jerk."

"It was the Queen's fault! She-" 

"Stop it with the excuses you still stabbed me." I crossed my arms at him. "I'm glad you're okay tho.." I said and helped him up. I walked towards the Queen when I noticed she and Vanessa were talking seriously. I watched as she turned her back towards Vanessa. Hmm, I guess that only means no more violence right?

"You're amazing, Vanessa!" I looked at Noelle who jumped on Vanessa's arms.

"Well, it wasn't possible if it weren't for Lia." She opened her arm for me.

"No, thanks. I don't-" I was cut off when both of Vanessa and Noelle hugged me. I tried squirming out of their grip when they only tightened it. I exhaled loudly when they finally decided to let go.

"Uh..." I looked at them and scratched my head. How do I say this? "Um.. just wanted to say.. you guys were awesome and uh.. good job!" I said and exited immediately before they take me in for a hug again. I walked over to Sensei and Sam.

"Awww, no hugs for me?" Sam tried to act cute.

"How about you give Mariella over there a hug?" I gestured towards Mariella who looked away from us.

"Nah, she'll just stab me for getting close too her." He chuckled.

"Lia, are you okay?" Sensei asked me.

"Yeah, could be better tho." I chuckled. I looked over at Mars and Fana-senpai. "Oi, look at the two lovebirds over there." I nudged Sam.

"Could be us.. but you're too dense." He shrugged.

"What?" I asked him again. He only poked my head and walked away while laughing. I shrugged and went to Vanessa. "Vanessa-neesan, what is that thing on your shoulder?" I pointed at the thing.

"Oh this thing? It's a cat.."

"Cat?" I tilted my head to the side out of confusion. 

"Here's hold out your palms like this..." She gesture me to hold my hand open. The cat then jumped onto me.

"Wh-what am I supposed to do wi-with it?" I panicked not knowing what to do. The cat then jumped on my shoulders while rubbing its head against my cheek. "I-its vibrating!" I said.


"I think it likes you!" Vanessa giggled. "I think I'm gonna call it Rouge."

"Rouge?" I asked and looked at the cat. "Hi, Rouge.." I rubbed my finger on its chin. "Nice to meet you... I'm Lia." I said and shook its paw.

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