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ฮ‘ฯ€ฯŒ sweetestsinz

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2.3K 92 14
ฮ‘ฯ€ฯŒ sweetestsinz


Cybele huffed out a heavy breath, blowing her long frizzy hair out of her face. She wore a black tank top with a black and white flannel tied tightly around her waist. She was on the edge of overheating, and her feet ached. 

“You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?” Klaus asked, breaking the silence between the three. Lowly Cybele let out a groan and was so peaceful most of the way up the mountain to find this pack but the loudmouth couldn't help himself. 

“I'm fine,” Stefan sighs, readjusting Ray who was slung over his shoulder. 

“You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down… And what of you Cybele?” Klaus asked, turning to the shapeshifter, who swiftly ignored him walking further up the hill. “Ah, the silent treatment still? It’s been two days it’s not my fault your brother didn’t answer his phone,”

 There was a solid beat of silence and Cybele stopped moving altogether. Stefan tensed up at the dangerous look in Cybele’s eyes. “You know, I get that we're, uh... we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chit chat, it'd be great.”

“So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend.” Klaus simply states before the hybrid and vampire continued their trek. Cybele stood there a few more seconds debating tackling Klaus and snapping his neck. Would she be killed instantly?

“Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer.”

“Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack. There,” Klaus nodded as the three of them came to the peak of the mountain. Tents were scattered everywhere and people were spread out in small groups talking amongst themselves. Stefan takes a step and chucks Ray onto the forest floor. 

“No need to be a cunt,” Cybele mumbled. Stefan and Klaus shot her a small look in shock considering those were her first words in days. 

A woman looked at the group and let out a scream, “Ray! Oh, my God. What's going on? Who are you?” directing the question to Stefan. She shot a look at Cybele studying her face as if she knew her. Cybele looked at her quizzically and frankly a little creeped out at the woman’s expression. “The shapeshifter! One of the triplets! The books said you died,” she trailed off towards the end staring at Cybele with awe. She looked up to find all of the pack had their eyes on her looking at her like she was the new cure for cancer. 

“Now the important question you need to be asking is who am I, my name is Klaus,” Klaus stepped ahead of Cybele, drawing the eyes off of her. 

“The hybrid” the woman spat with a twinge of fear in her eyes. 

“You’ve heard of me. Fantastic,” Klaus then began doing his showmanship explaining the curse that was put on him as well as how he became the hybrid. Stefan grew bored sitting down on a large rock while Cybele scoped the area out. While everyone’s eyes were on Klaus so she scaled a tree sitting at a sturdy branch not too far off the ground, maybe seven or eight feet up. As she looked at the group she was so relieved to find no signs of kids or even remotely any teenagers, she didn’t know what she would do with herself if there had been. 

She sat and silently pondered what her orphanages had become, Marcel most likely had taken over her operations, at least she hoped. She did have nearly over 50 Louisiana and over 100 in the entire U.S. 

As she zoned in she heard Klaus speaking, “It's fascinating, actually...A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid” with nearly a drastic flourish Ray sat up inhaling large gulps of air. “Excellent timing, Ray. Very dramatic”

“What's happening to me?” 

“Stefan?” Klaus cues. As he does she subtly looks around not seeing the shapeshifter, scanning the crowd of people.

“Are any of you human? Your friend here needs human blood to complete his transition to vampire. If he doesn't get it, he will die,” Stefan asks standing up. 

“Doesn't take much, just a sip. Anyone? A boyfriend, a girlfriend, along for the ride?” Klaus asks the group. Amongst themselves, the pack looks wearily at each other. A certain blonde-haired fellow catches the eye of Stefan, who then gave the small signal to Klaus. “You!”

Klaus speeds over pinning the male against his chest, taking a bite out of his forearm. From her tree, Cybele says the flash of gold in his eyes. Klaus throws the blonde into Stefan’s arms, who then throws him on the ground in front of the wide-eyed Ray. The original woman goes to protest or attack but Klaus grabs her neck strangling her. 

“If you don't drink it, Ray, I will. The problem is I don't know how to stop” Stefan warns.

“It's the new order, sweetheart. You join us, or you die,” Klaus says to the woman he had his hands wrapped around her throat.

She glares up at him, “I'd rather die than be a vampire,”

“The wrong choice,'' Klaus said before giving his blood to her then promptly snapping her neck. Ray begins to drink from the blonde man. “She’ll thank me later, Who's next?”

His fangs were elongated, black veins popped from under his eyes and golden hues were replacing his normal ocean ones. He looked downright sinful. Klaus looked up to the tree Cybele was in and just flashed a smirk while blood dripped down his mouth. She was promptly left speechless only making Klaus’s ego inflate more. 


Ray was shaking like a leaf, holding his arms rocking back and forward. Cybele scaled down her tree and sat on the same rock as him. She was trying to rub his back to relax him. Ray’s eyes were full of fear and dread, the sight made Cybele’s heartache. 

“They're dead. They're all dead,” He whispered mostly to himself.

“Hey, no, it’s alright it will be alright,”

Stefan watched the transitioning hybrid and shapeshifter with uninterest, “So is this your master plan? Build an army of hybrid slaves?”

Klaus rolled his eyes, “No, not slaves. Soldiers, comrades.”

“For what war, might I ask?”

This slightly caught Cybele’s attention, was he going to tell the truth?

“Oh, you don't arm yourself after the war has been declared, Stefan. You build your army so big that no one ever dares pick a fight,” Klaus replied.

 Technically that was true but also no it was not..

The two vampires continued their little war talk but Cybele focused on Ray who seemed frozen in pain. She noticed red begin to bubble into Rays’ tear ducts, she lightly grabbed his face turning it towards her so they were face to face. The action caught Klaus’s attention.

“Why doesn’t it feel better? You said it would feel better,” Ray softly asked her and a red tear began to fall from his eyes. The comment nearly made her bust out into a full-on sob.

“Klaus-” Cybele called helplessly to get his attention. In an instant Klaus sped over, pulling her up and onto her feet and away from Ray.

“That shouldn't be happening, should it?” Stefan asked. 

“Well, obviously,” Cybele and Klaus answered simultaneously, making the ex-couple stare at each other for a moment. Cybele sidestepped and wrapped her arms around herself.

“It doesn’t feel better, Cybele you said it would feel better. Why doesn’t it feel better?” Ray asked again looking at her. She was speechless and couldn’t process what was happening.

“Some master race,” Stefan comments.

“Lose the attitude,” Klaus growled. A woman began to stir from the pile of dead werewolves. “Derek, go feed your girlfriend,” Klaus calls to the human blood bag. 

Ray suddenly stands up with no emotion on his face. Cybele backpedals a few steps and Klaus slightly yanks her behind him. Ray lets out a growl/snarl as a warning and begins to run and leave the camp.

“Go get him,” Klaus orders Stefan who simply complies and chases after him. Leaving Klaus, Cybele, and a bunch of dead transitioning hybrids on the floor. “Cybele go scale that tree again and don’t come down till I get back, yeah?” He asks, turning to her.

“Klaus you can’t go far, when I was high in that tree and you went to the other side of the camp my heart started to burn because of this dumb fucking spell put on me. Our range of being together isn’t far,”

“Cybele then just deal with the heart burning for a few moments,”

“You don’t feel the pain that I do! It feels like I’m being burned alive from the inside and my heart is trying to tug its way out of my body!” She yelled, throwing her hands in the air.

“I am not going far love, now climb the tree it is for safety,” He rubbed his temples, exasperated. Letting out a small string of curses as well as dramatically sighing she begins to scale the tree. When she gets to a good distance and finds a sturdy branch she looks down at Klaus who simply speeds off in the direction of Stefan.


It was night time, at the bottom of her tree was a campfire that Klaus lit. It looked like a scene from the apocalypse, the in-transition werewolves were wandering around bleeding from the eyes moaning in pain. Klaus was standing at the base of the tree that Cybele was perched on. She was overwhelmed with emotions and didn’t want to be near them. Klaus watched as the last werewolf drank.

“Well it’s the end of the road for you, my friend,” Klaus said as he snapped the blonde man’s neck. After he snapped is too preoccupied to notice a female, the one from earlier who recognized Cybele sneaking up on him nearly millimeters from snapping Klaus’s neck. It all happened so fast, it was as if it was an instinct. 

One moment Cybele was in a tree the very next moment she was shifting into a lion mid-air as the sound of bones cracking and breaking sounded the air rearranging themselves. She landed directly on top of the hybrid, biting and throwing her several feet away from Klaus. 

“Thank you, love” Klaus smiled down at her realizing what happened. He patted her head teasingly but she shook her head. She let out a small roar as a warning to the incoming werewolves approaching them. 

“Bloody hell” He softly curses as the pack seems to enclose them ready to pounce. A female launched herself at Klaus and that was the signal for every other hybrid to spring on the two. 

Cybele went to attack mode. She was swiping her paws at them, keeping them a distance while Klaus was dodging attacks and pulling out hearts. A man manages to get behind the lion and wraps his arms around her midsection, holding tight trying to break her spine or ribs. She quickly manages to wiggle her body around enough to manage to get by the tree she was previously in. She then rams her back against the tree, promptly making him lose his grip. She shook herself with enough force to throw the man several feet from where Klaus sped over to him, punching his hand through the man’s chest cavity and yanking his heart out. Around half of the hybrid zombies were left, some were on the ground crying in pain simply bleeding out but a few were still attacking.

Two females charge at the shapeshifter. Cybele manages to swipe her claws across the one’s chest leaving her to bleed out while the other one manages to get behind her. This time the hybrid wraps her arms around the entirety of the lion’s neck. With the lack of oxygen, Cybele couldn’t think straight. She felt her bones trying to shift back into a human. A form of her brain trying to save her from sorts, but it was simply killing her more. The weight on her neck was lifted when Niklaus appeared flinging the woman off of her, sending her flying at least 20 feet straight into a tree, instantly killing the attacker. 

Grateful, Cybele tried to regain her breath as Klaus sped off to finish the last few stragglers. A few moments passed and Klaus returned somewhat covered in blood but with a clean set of clothing in his hand. He sat in front of the lion. “You obliterated your other clothes,”

With that comment, he walked away from her to the other side of the camp for privacy. She struggles for nearly five minutes trying to shift back. She cried and whimpered as her bones just would net set correctly. With a loud pained scream, all of her bones were in order into a human form. The reason she was struggling was when the first man attacked her he managed to break one of her ribs. This meant that the broken rib would transfer over into her human form as well as her lion form. 

Klaus gazed over the piles of bodies of his failed master-race, Cybele approached him struggling to walk or even breathe properly.

“Niklaus,” she called, which immediately caught his attention. He scanned her body trying to find out the issues of her pain. “May I please have some blood to heal?”

Biting into his wrist he offers his arm to her. She lightly holds onto his forearm, and laches on drinking his blood. The way that they were positioned was like he was holding her close to his chest, they were so close together. She wanted to shrink under the glazed look he was giving her as she drank from him.

She began to feel her bones reshift themselves and fuse, as she felt that Stefan appeared throwing a dead Ray onto the forest ground. This startled her and she quickly let go of Klaus’s forearm, whispering a small “thank you” and scurried away before her emotions got the best of her. 

Stefan and Klaus began talking and she could tell he was very sad, and sometimes his sadness turned into anger and she didn’t want to be near him when he got angry so he walked over to the tents where the pack was staying before all of this.

She hears a glass bottle shatter and unintentionally flinches letting out a small yelp in surprise at the noise. She sneaks her way out of the sight of the two vampires and checks the phone she stashed from the farmhouse long ago. She is over the moon when she sees she has three bars of service. 

Without thinking she types both Marcel’s and Seb’s numbers and adds them to a group chat, typing a message before she gets caught. 

It read: My son, Marcellus, I love you so much. I knew you were right and you can finally say ‘I told you so.’ I am not dead but Niklaus has some form of spell on me where if I’m not within 20ish feet of the bastard it feels like I am dying, my heart begins to burn and it feels like my heart is trying to bust out of my ribcage. I do not have much time. I have turned on the GPS location to the phone I am texting this on, Seb that’s where you come in. Track this phone and you can find me. Marcellus and Pan (I do not know Pan’s phone number by heart but I know Seb will inform him) find a way to break this spellbinding me to this wretched man. He has broken the hybrid curse but for some reason, it has failed, I can only assume the next place we are headed is to help find out why. It has been a wretched summer chained to this man, please do hurry and find a cure. Marcellus, I love you, my beautiful baby boy, continue to rule New Orleans like the king that you are. My dear brother Seb and Pan, I miss you dearly and I am sorry for this. I must go. I hear the devil calling my name. Good luck and if this is the last time you hear from me, I love you. 

Quickly sending the text she stuffs the phone into her bra, “Klaus I was peeing! Give me a bloody minute would you?”

Coming out from her spot she approaches the two. Stefan sets off down the mountain. Watching sadly at the dead bodies littered everywhere she lowers her head in respect. Klaus pulls out a lighter and tosses it to the ground, instantly setting the campsite ablaze.

“Klaus the forest.. The wildlife” Cybele trails off watching the beautiful nature be destroyed. 

“I will call the fire department in twenty minutes if you wish,”



“Okay,” she softly agrees. 

The two of them walked away side by side only leaving the sound of crackling fire behind them.


NOTES: I'm sorry I was gone for so long! I am sorry!! But hey guys uh.. dont be mad the Chicago episode is next!

So we will meet a certain blonde? Hmmm? Okay?

Yeah and also remeber that Klaus fled to Chicago after New Orleans incident so.. :)))) I wonder how Cybele will feel about all of this funny business.

The next chapter will be out within a week, if not you have all rights to burn me at the stake.

ฮฃฯ…ฮฝฮญฯ‡ฮตฮนฮฑ ฮ‘ฮฝฮฌฮณฮฝฯ‰ฯƒฮทฯ‚

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