Dimwit || Shinomiya Kojiro

By AncestralPanda

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Shinomiya Kojiro X OC Ishikawa Juno, a first-year transfer student from the countryside, is slightly clumsy a... More



2.6K 77 0
By AncestralPanda

Warning: Violence

(Ishikawa Juno POV)

I slowly regained consciousness and found myself in a dark room similar to a cell. I tried to move, but felt that my wrists were restrained.

"I see our princess is awake," a deep voice that I hadn't heard in a while spoke up. A large figure loomed over the darkness and into light. It was Mr. Suzuki, the one who killed my dad. "Congratulations on your victory at BLUE. It was the last test we had for you before taking you in."

I tried to keep my composure, but my body couldn't help but shiver in fear.

Mr. Suzuki chuckled. I suppose you saw what I did that night. Don't worry though," he stood closer to my face and smiled, "I'm not going to kill you unless you screw up."

A guard freed my wrists from their restraints and led me to the kitchen which faced a set table. "The guests will arrive shortly, so please prepare yourself in the meantime."

Shortly after, Mr, Suzuki reappeared with a few guests who were presumably part of the mafia. "Behold, a former First Seat of Totsuki and recent winner of the prestigious BLUE. She is the one with the Emperor's Sense." Mr. Suzuki introduced me to his guests like I was an item on display.

Then, Suzuki Kento came in and stood next to me. "Apologies, I was mentoring my pupil."

Mr. Suzuki gave a nod and asked his guests, "What would you like us to prepare for you?"

"I'm craving some Chinese cuisine," a guest responded, to which the rest agreed.

Mr. Suzuki then led them to the table.

'Chinese cuisine...simple enough. I guess I'll cook and try to escape.' I thought.

"I would be careful if I were you my dear." Suzuki noted. "Cooking as part of Noir is different. If you make a mistake or present a dish that is unsatisfying to the customer, you'll be killed on the spot."

I froze. "Killed?" I asked in disbelief.

"These are mafia leaders dear. They're on a whole different level."

My hands began to tremble and my steps became rigid. I always cooked with my pride on the line, but my life on the line was a different situation. A wave of pressure came over my body and my heart pounded with unsteady beats.

"Since this is your first time, I'll help you." Suzuki smiled. "Just assist me for now."

Eventually the dish was complete and thankfully the customers were satisfied. Suzuki flashed me a smile, "Think you can do this everyday?"

"I-I..." I tried to speak, but the remaining pressure was too much to bear.

"Aww, that's ok. You'll get used to it." Suzuki hummed as he left.

My knees gave in and I fell onto the floor. 'What is this pressuring environment? I don't even think I can gather the courage to leave.'

Just then a man in black approached me. "Ishikawa-san, Mr. Suzuki asked me to escort you somewhere. Follow me."

I hesitated, but eventually followed him into a room where a woman was sitting. The man bowed and left, leaving us two the only ones in the room.

"Uhh, hello?" I cautiously greeted.

The woman turned around and her eyes widened when she saw me. "Juno, my daughter...."


She immediately got up and gave me a big hug. I was shocked. I thought she was dead.

After a while, we settled down. "I see they got you too," Mom began. "Well, it was inevitable. I'm here to teach you how to use the Emperor's Sense."

"Emperor's Sense again?! Isn't that thing the reason we're stuck here? I don't want to have anything to do with it." I huffed.

"Jun dear, it may seem that it's our greatest weakness now, but in the future it'll be your greatest strength. You've experienced it right? The pressure of death here. You'll need to know the skill in order to survive."

Eventually, I gave in and for the next few months, Mom taught me the intricacies of the Emperor's Sense. The depth and the details of its cooking style was vast. I still cooked for Noir's clients and was still unable to shake off the impending pressure, but I looked forward to spending time with my mom. Everything was bearable until...

[A few months later]

"She's ready. Kill the woman." I overheard Mr. Suzuki on the phone.

A similar feeling of fear came over me. My feet were stuck, but I mustered the energy to move. I had to get to my mom's quarters before his men. I desperately ran down the dark hallway. 'Please be ok. Please be ok.'

But to my dismay, I saw the door slightly ajar. I quickly went into the room and heard a loud gunshot. It was over. I rushed over to her and felt her body go limp as blood gushed out from her wound. "Jun...dear....survive."

Tears streamed down my face. "No no no, mom, you can't leave. MOM!"

I felt arms aggressively pull me back and drag me out of the room as I struggled. "Stop! Let go!" I tried to break free but to no avail.

For the next few days I was put into one of the cells to make sure that I wouldn't do anything rash. I slowly started to lose my mind and I cried almost every night, wishing that someone would save me. "Mom..."

One day, Mr. Suzuki came in with his son. "The plan for your wedding has been finalized. It's in two days."

"HOW CAN YOU EVEN THINK OF MARRYING ME OFF TO YOUR SON WHEN YOU KILLED BOTH OF MY PARENTS?!" I angrily shouted. I wanted to punch him, but was restrained by the chains.

"You're just a piece in my grand scheme to take over the entire cooking world." Mr. Suzuki sneered as he left.

Suzuki approached me closer. I flinched when he twirled a piece of my hair around his finger. I could feel his breath on my skin. "Don't fret my soon-to-be empress. We'll rule the underground world together."

Outside, I tried to put on a tough facade, but inside I was shaking out of fear.

"Someone will be coming to pick you up and prepare for the wedding, dear." Suzuki mentioned before leaving.

I sat there in disbelief, tears rolling down my face. I guess there's really no hope for me. I'm bound to serve here for the rest of my life.

About 30 minutes later, the door opened again and in came a large figure of a man. "C'mon, we gotta go," he hushed.

I recognized the voice, but my memory was foggy. "Do...jima-...san?"

"Apologies that I came so late. It's not that easy to break into Noir you see." Dojima-san stated. "Let's get you out. There are reinforcements outside to take down Noir."

Eventually Dojima helped me outside where I was then taken into a hospital. Physically I was fine, but mentally, not so much. I heard that the members of Noir was arrested and shut down that day.

I settled down for about a month, holding my mom's funeral and taking care of myself mentally. I eventually decided that I wanted to go back to France to work.

When I arrived at the airport, a salmon-haired man caught my eye and I immediately ran up to him and embraced him.

He returned the hug, wrapping his arms tightly around my smaller form, his hand gently held my head. "Jun...I thought you were gone."

Tears began forming in my eyes. "I thought I was never going to come back. I missed you."

[Next day at SHINO's]

"Are you sure you're going to be fine?" Shinomiya asked, concern laced his voice.

"Whoa, since when have you been so caring?" I joked. "I'll be fine, I think."

"Alright then, I'm gonna go check on things outside," Shinomiya said as he left the kitchen.

I looked at the kitchen setup before me and took a huge breath. "It'll be ok Jun, you'll be fine. You're safe." I picked up my kitchen knife and froze in horror as terrible flashbacks came flooding.

The kitchen before me began morphing into the workplace I was assigned to during my time with Noir. Suzuki emerged from behind and held a kitchen knife against my throat.

"You're always disposable" his voice echoed.

'N-no--he's gone.' I tried to compose myself.

"Make one mistake and your life ends" he continued to sneer.

Before me, I saw my mom's lifeless body. "Mom..."

A loud noise was heard as I dropped my kitchen knife on the floor. My hands were shaking non-stop and my mind went blank.

Abel and Shinomiya immediately rushed into the kitchen to find me trembling, crouched on the ground hugging my knees.

"Jun, it's ok. He won't hurt you anymore," Shinomiya began comforting me. "Abel, can you call Wei to cover for Jun today?"

Abel nodded in response, "Yes chef". A look of deep concern flashed on his face before exiting the kitchen to find Wei.

Tears trickled down my face, "I-I'm sorry, I'm really weak." I laughed at my pathetic self. "I can't seem to get over my trauma. Maybe I should stop being a chef."

Shinomiya held my shoulders firmly and looked at me straight in the eye. "No, never think for a moment that you should quit as a chef. First, let's bring you to the hospital."

"But-your restaurant." I began.

"Any one of my staff is more important than a day's profits of my restaurant, besides Abel is more than capable to take over for today."

Shinomiya took me to a nearby hospital and I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, usually triggered by holding a kitchen knife. I could still manage to do other kitchen tasks without problem, but prepping ingredients became a huge hindrance.

I continued to work at SHINO's for a couple of days, taking care of lighter tasks such as plating and managerial duties. I felt pathetic that I no longer felt my previous passion to cook. I wish that I could do something...more.

Over the next couple of days, my self-image and self-esteem plummeted. I thought that I was a nuisance, a hindrance. I decided to go back to Japan and live with my Grandma for the time being.

[That night]

"What do you mean you're a nuisance? You're not!" Shinomiya's eyes were filled with emotion.

"A chef who can't hold a kitchen knife working at one of the top restaurants in Paris? If it was anyone else, you would've kicked them out." I retaliated.

"Please Jun, stay here with me." Shinomiya pleaded. I had never seen him get so worked up.

"I don't want to be a hindrance. I've decided to take some time off back home in Japan. I don't think I'll be a chef ever again." I cried.

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