The Spy in the Capital (Akame...

By Littletrouble2k

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A young general in charge of protecting the capital is now in questioned by the prime minister as Night raid... More

Bio/ Prologue
Epilogue PT 1
The Awaited Reward/ AU ending

Epilogue PT 2

2K 27 21
By Littletrouble2k

"Hmm I must've fell asleep... Though I'm not on my bed what am I laying on?... Oh!" Akame rubbed her eyes to see an arm around her waist and (Y/N) resting his head on his arm on the edge of the couch they were on as she laid on him.

"We slept in each others arms!.... This is the first time we slept together... He feels so warm, despite the many times we hugged each other I don't think I've ever noted how warm he feels or how gentle and caring he is." Akame looked up looking at (Y/N)'s sleeping still resting her head on his chest, laying down on him.

"I wonder if it's too soon to want to live the rest of my life with him... Despite knowing each other for a long time our relationship is still young.... What am I saying?! Mine and Tatsumi are practically married and have a child on the way... Is it a bit fast to want to start a family with him? Since we first met he's always been so reliable, not only putting himself in the belly of the beast, but also supporting me however he could... And those meetings we would have this past year he's never failed to show up anytime I went... Now that I think about it... I've never gave you anything have I (Y/N)?" Akame leaned up to kiss (Y/N) on the cheek closing her eyes as she didn't noticed the arm around her wrap her closer when she found herself kissing his lips very softly.

"I wouldn't say that Akame. Your very presence is reward enough." He said with a smile cupping her cheek as she gave him a small smile holding his hand while resting her head on the crook of his neck.

"I believe this is one of the first times I held your hand without your gloves on." She said as the couple looked at their hands conjoined smiling.

"Its true honestly its been a long time since I've gone without my armor and uniform... My hands must be so rough it hurts your skin." He said in a apologetic tone while Akame brought their hands closer to them.

"Yes their rough, however it doesn't hurt my skin and the way your so gentle with them that it puts me at ease."

"I'm glad to hear that... Hey look the Sun's going to rise... We fell asleep a bit to long; do you want to bathe first before we start our day today it'll be another hour before the sun fully rises."

"Sure... And don't cook breakfast I want to cook this morning."

"Heh ok what did you have in mind?"

"Fried Pork Katsudon with a side of Hamburger Steak and grilled fish."

"Sounds good I'll get the ingredients for you." The couple smiled at each other getting up from the couch as Akame headed to the hot springs and (Y/N) to the kitchen as he grabbed the freshest ingredients he could find and cleaned them for Akame.

"I wonder what she was thinking about, when she first woke up I felt a conflicted aura come from her, or was it concern... I may never know... If she's having concerns about our relationship I understand it is still fresh so she might not be ready for us to live with one another for the rest of our lives... What am I thinking? We love each other there shouldn't be any doubts... Then again I've never had a relationship before and this new era of peace is so... Foreign, Maybe I should ask Jet what he thinks after all he is a married man." After setting the ingredients up he took a small box from his pocket and opened it up to reveal a beautiful ring with a ruby on top of it as he looked at it with a smile before closing it and putting back into his pocket when he felt Akame's presence near the kitchen.

"Ok (Y/N) its your turn to bathe by the time your done breakfast should be ready." Akame smiled putting her hair in a ponytail.

"Sure thing... Hey Akame can I ask you something?"

"Of course anything."

"I felt something off about you when we woke up. Is something the matter?" (Y/N) as Akame looked down then up to look into his eyes.

"Yea... I was thinking about us in a sense since... You know Mine and Tatsumi are practically married with a child on the way... And had me thinking about things I've never had thought about..." Akame said putting her hands to her chest blushing as she looked at (Y/N)

"Like what?"

"(Y/N) I love you, I've never had that doubt... And after thinking about it for a while, and with everything we've been through, and with everything I know about you and what you've sacrificed for me... (Y/N) I came to the conclusion that I want to live with you for the rest of my life, start a family with you, to grow and die old with you. Because I love you!" Akame said with tears of joy in her eyes cupping (Y/N)'s face and give him a sweet kiss to which he held longer as he wrapped his arms around her waist holding her til they broke the kiss staring into each others eyes.

"You just blew my worries away with your proposal... And I'm glad because Akame I've been saving this for later today but I guess now is as good as ever." He said getting on his knees taking out the box he was inspecting earlier as Akame held her mouth in shock while tears formed in her eyes.

"Akame will you ma-"

"YES!" Akame tackled him to the floor as they both started to laugh while in each others embrace.

"Wow were did the stoic Killer go?"

"Shut up. Any girl would be happy to hear something like this. Plus... This is the happiest I've been in a long time." Akame said wiping her tears away as she sat on (Y/N)'s lap as he looked her with a smile gently grabbing her hand putting the ring on her finger.

"Well you better get used to it; because for now on I'm going to make you feel this happiness and more for the rest of our lives." He said with confidence as Akame smugly smiled at him holding her left hand to her cheek showing her ring.

"I'd like to hear the details on the "more" (Y/N)." She said making him blush more red than her eyes.

"Your teasing me now?! That's poetic... I'm going to take a bath now, I love you Akame."

"And I you (Y/N)." She replied kissing him on the lips before he left to the hot spring.


"Well big brother Jet it's been a pleasure working with you." Tsuki said hugging the once commander of (Y/N)'s army while he still had his oni mask on.

"Of course Tsuki you be sure to live a wonderful life, I'm going to enjoy retirement with my wife and son... You know Tsuki when you come of age come visit us on the eastern beaches my Son is a year older than you and is a brilliant young man." Jet said taking off his mask shocking Tsuki as she saw him with his purple eyes amd well structured face that show he was well in his early forties.

"Maybe I will after all you've been very good to me." Tsuki said bowing her head to Jet as he replied with a smile before disappearing in thin air.

"I should hurry master and the others will meet up soon.... Is that Wave and Kurome? I guess they are meeting with Master and Akame to say good bye to Tatsumi and Mine... I hate goodbyes..."

"Hmmm! These Kushi Dangos are so good!" Akame said with pure delight on her face as she held (Y/N)'s hand with her left hand and the Dangos with the others.

"I'm surprised you can still eat, I'm still full from breakfast and you finished what I didn't eat... And here you are still going, I wish I had that godlike metabolism." He said giving her another Dango stick as she had just finished the one she ate.

"Eating helps me keep my strength! Plus this is really good!"

"Well glad to see your enjoying it. Hey look there's Mine and Tatsumi." (Y/N) pointed ahead to see Mine amd Tatsumi buying some food from a stand with Mine hand feeding it to him.

"Mine! Tatsumi!" Akame called out getting their attention as they rush to them.

"Akame, General (Y/N), its good to see you guys." Tatsumi said as Mine and Akame hugged each other while he shook (Y/N)'s hand.

"The Empire is no longer a thing I'm pretty sure my "General" title doesn't exist anymore."

"Force of habit sorry!"

"Akame! Is that what I think it is?!" Mine said glossing over Akame's engagement ring as Akame shyly showed her.

"Y-Yes (Y/N) gave it to me this morning after I sort of... Proposed to him." Akame said blushing down as Mine and Tatsumi were shocked to hear the news.

"It's true I was planning on proposing to her later today before y'all left but after what she told me before heading here I couldn't let that moment slip."

"You better be a good husband to Akame because if you do anything to hurt her.... Tatsumi will be you up!" Mine she pointing behind her.

"Wait your already dumping responsibility on me.... Well not like it matters she is right if you don't treat Akame right you'll have to answer to us." Tatsumi said punching his fist together as (Y/N) and Akame laughed a bit.

"Don't worry you guys I would never do anything to harm my beautiful raven haired wife.... Besides she'll kick my ads straight if I ever changed." (Y/N) said hugging Akame from behind as she nodded in agreement.

"WHAT! BIG SISTER AND (Y/N) ARE MARRIED!" everyone turned their head to see Kurome and Wave shocked at the news they over heard.

"Huh that saves us a trip." (Y/N) said as Akame and Kurome hugged each other as the group of six finally got together to enjoy the sites with the girls dragging their significant other around the city.

"So Tatsumi how long are you and Mine going to live at that village of yours?" (Y/N) asked as the boys stood outside a changing room that the girls were in.

"Til we grow old I guess, we are retiring from fighting after all I did get turned into a dragon while fighting for this nations freedom. What about you and Akame where are you guys going to settle?"

"Yea I would very much like to know as well." Wave said joining Tatsumi in their curiosity like two little brothers looking up to a single older brother.

"Well NightRaid's base that next to the capital is where we'll be staying and retiring, its also the place Akame wants to live so that whenever you guys are in town you can casually drop by." (Y/N) said looking at the two.

"And Wave what about you and Kurome, she's looking a lot healthier I'm glad to see your taking care of her."

"Well I did promise I would especially when I thought you were dying.... By the way how did you not die? I thought Murasame killed anyone in one hit?"

"Yea I was wondering that myself wasn't it that Teigu you used to free me amd Akame of our curse?" Tatsumi said referring to the shield (Y/N) usually had.

"Yep you see I went to Wakuko the origin of where Murasame's materials were gathered at then forged here, I had done research on an S-rank danger beast that could provide materials that could bring the opposite effects that the Teigus here did and I was right."

"Wait so you killed a S rank danger beast by yourself?!" The two said shock as (Y/N) chuckled a bit.

"Of course not, There was a reason this S rank danger beast was alive. It was there to test the resolve of warriors who fought it and if the warrior was proven worthy it would lend its power."

"So that shield of yours?"

"Yup the Unknown's Claw was made to save the life's of others in need it was also made as a counter to Murasame which is why Akame stabbed me I wasn't worried... Well.... A bit worried actually..."


"Because I wasn't exactly too sure if it would work but it did!" (Y/N) said with a happy derp face as the two fell back off guard by his care free nature.

"Ok boys were done what do you guys think?" Mine said as she, Akame, amd Kurome came out with beautiful dresses on that complimented their figures making the three blush very red as they clasped their hands together in a praying gesture.

"Thank you lord for my beautiful wife!" The three thought in sync making the girls smile.


"So Akame five days of you two being together. How do you feel?" Mine ask as she and Kurome sat with Akame while the boys went to get them some ice cream.

"I feel happy after all (Y/N) has done a lot for me, he saved me and Kurome, show me support, and got us out of serious situations... I couldn't be happier to know I'll spend the rest of my life with him." Akame said as Kurome and Mine smiled at her.

"So did you do two do it already then?" Mine asked causing Akame to spit out her drink in shock.

"W-why would you ask that?!"

"Well you two are going to start a family aren't you besides I'm pretty sure you two were saving yourselves for each other." Mine teased as Akame face turned red.

"She is right I believe (Y/N) did have that in mind after all there were plenty of girls who had chased after him and had their hearts crushed by his rejections." Kurome said biting into a cookie that had two black cookies and white cream in the middle.


"Yea this past year whenever we saw each other and catch up I always asked him about his dating life, since I wanted to gain some knowledge on the field and figure he would help me since he is the smartest person I know but for the like of him he did give me advice however he always told me. "I only have eyes and feelings for one person until the time comes when we can be together is when I'll follow the advice I give." I always thought he was a dork for it until I finally realized he meant he was saving himself for you." Kurome said giving them a share of cookies.

"I see... So Kurome how about you and Wa-"

"Oh we already did it." She said casually surprising the two.

"What?! When?"

"When Wave came back to me after helping fight the Emperor's Teigu... When he came back alive we..... Sort of.... Let the moment take over...." Kurome blushed biting into her cookie again.

"Even Kurome!... Well me and (Y/N) did say this morning we're both sure we want to start a family together and spend the rest of our lives together... Maybe I should solidify it once and for all." Akame looked down think with a serious face as Mine and Kurome giggled a bit to how cute Akame was.

"Well then someone's think hard about something." (Y/N) said as the boys returned with two pairs of ice cream in their hands.

"Here you go Kurome Cookies and Cream."

"Thank you!"

"Strawberry for you mi'lady."

"Thank you my dragon knight."

"Here you go Akame chocolate and Vanilla mixed just like you asked." (Y/N) said sitting next to her as she happily took the cone from him.

"Thanks you (Y/N)... Hmmm. *Chomp*."

"Akame!" (Y/N) said as he saw Akame take a small bite out of his Ice cream before going back to hers.

"There it should taste sweeter now!"

"Uh... Ok.... She can be weird sometimes but I still love her for it..." (Y/N) went to enjoy his Ice cream gaining laughs from everyone.

Later that evening.

"Thank you Akame and (Y/N) for seeing us off today was really fun and (Y/N) thank you for letting us use your horse and carriage." Tatsumi said as he helped mine up to it.

"No problem it's not like I'll use the Damn thing again." He said putting his arm around Akame as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Well then this is goodbye... Akame thank you for helping get stronger this past year and for being an incredibly good friend... And (Y/N) thank you for your support to Akame and us at NightRaid." Tatsumi and Mine said bowing to them.

"Thank you for being you Tatsumi and for a good friend Mine." Akame said as tears started to develop in her eyes.

"I look forward to your next visit you two." He said returning their gesture as they left with the sun falling with them in the horizon.

"So Akame what did you want to do now?"

"Let's go home... I want to spend some... Private time with you."

"Sure thing."

"It's too bad Tsuki didn't see us off... I wamted to say goodbye to her." Mine said sadly as Tatsumi hugged her.

"This is Tsuki were talking about I'm sure she hates to say.... Good.... Bye... Hey was this box here before?" Tatsumi picked up a box and read a note on it that was from Tsuki.

"Please come again soon... I want to see my God-Children.... -Tsuki"

"Open it." Mine said as they opened the box to see countless drawings and clay figures with very good details to them of everyone from NightRaid.

"Big bro."
"Lubbock and Big sis."
"And us... Thank you Tsuki." The couple said as they looked out the window watching the view of the capital disappear.


"I hope they like it... Master always did say I had a talent for art though I thinks its bullshit." Tsuki smiled watching the full moon in the sky.

"I wonder how they're doing."

"Ok here we are Akame... Hey is everything ok?" (Y/N) asked as Akame's grip on his hand grew tighter and tighter with each step they took inside the house.

"Yes... Follow me." Akame dragged (Y/N) to her room confusing her husband as he looked around her room as this was his first time being in it.

"You have a nice room Aka- Akame?" (Y/N) asked as she had him backed into a wall with one hand on the wall and the other on his chest and she buried her head on it.

"(Y/N) I have no experience with this... And I know you don't either... But I want you to make love with me!" Akame said looking up as (Y/N) smiled bringing her chin up giving her a soft kiss as he used his other hand to wrap around her waist to bring her closer to him.

"Before we get started.... Author-Senpai, Reader-Kun sorry!"

(Did he just close the forth wall on us what the heck how?!)

Timeskip A year

"Master Everything will be fine Akame is strong just like you are." Tsuki said as (Y/N) was pacing back and forth the delivery room as Kurome, Wave, along with Mine and Tatsumi with their newborns waited with them.

"I know... It's just that... I'm nervous... Excited... Tatsumi, Wave was it like this for you guys?!" (Y/N) asked the two as they both jolted up recalling their experience.

"Tatsumi helped deliver Sammy and past out while doing so and his mom stepped him to help."

"That's funny... With Wave he held out through it at this very hospital as you remember (Y/N)."

"Oh yea he threw up after it was all over... I want to go in should I?"

"(Y/N) the doctors said they'll be fine and have it under cont-"

"Excuse me Mr.(L/N) byt were going to need your help!" A nurse came bursting out the room as everyone heard Akame wail in pain scaring (Y/N).

"R-right what do you need?" He said equipping his shield out of nowhere.

"Just come this way." The nurse dragged him inside as everyone listened to the nightmare through the door waiting to see what happens as an hour went bye and the door suddenly opens revealing (Y/N) and Akame holding their newborn twins.

"Oh my god let me see let me see!" Mine said rushing to their side as the others joined to see the twins.

"Meet our Son Solan."
"And our Daughter Dawn." The couple said as the other admired the children.

"You did great Akame."

"I couldn't have done it without you (Y/N) and I'm sure the next step I can't do without you either."

"As long as were together nothing will beat us."

Thank you all so much in joining this journey with me it was so much fun creating this story because Akame is one of my favorite anime characters out there So I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I do and be sure to check out my other stories. After all the Snow is beautiful this time of year.

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