Feel My Flame (Akitaru Ōbi x...

By Smokes__

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After a horrible event that involved Company 9 the company got disbanded. Their captain, Shinmon Hina, wants... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 An Angels Day
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Company Nine in the Making
Character Profiles
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Happy Birthday Mizuki

Chapter 5

274 9 1
By Smokes__

It wasn't even the crack of dawn, it was barely five in the morning. Out of habit Hina always woke up around five. She sat up in her bed and groaned. Hina yawned before pinching the bridge of her nose. "I hate my life." Hina muttered. Hina looked around the room in confusion as she heard sniffling. She then looked on the floor and sighed. "Hinotsubasa, why are you on the floor and why are you crying?" Hina asked Mizuki who was on the floor sniffling. "I fell of the bed and hit my head!" Mizuki yelled out of anger. "Not this again." Hina sighed. Mizuki was always grumpy in the morning. Fortunately for Mizuki, Hina would let her anger slide. "It hurts." Mizuki whimpered. Hina got out of bed and went to the small dresser in the corner of the room. "You know you don't leave until later on this morning, right?" Mizuki asked as she held her head. "I know, I just wanna set my clothes out." Hina said as she laid some clothes out on top of the dresser. She then sat on the floor next to Mizuki. Do you want to take turns sleeping on the bottom bunk?" Hina asked. "Yes." Hina responded as she leaned her head on Hina's shoulder. "Hey Shinmon, that really hurt my feelings when you told me that I had nasty tears." Mizuki said with a small sigh.

 "Well a lot of fluids that come out of the body aren't very good looking. And I doubt anyone wants to taste that. Tears are just nasty. That's simply my opinion." Hina explained as she crossed her arms. "You sound like you're a germaphobe." Mizuki laughed. "When it comes to cooking, maybe just a little bit. Anyway, I'm gonna make some coffee." Hina said as she got up. Mizuki got up as well and followed her out of the room. "Do you want some coffee too?" Hina asked as she watched Mizuki follow her. "Yeah, maybe some ice for my head too. It still hurts." Mizuki said as she frowned. Hina sighed as she shoved her hands in her pocket. As a captain it would be hard to get a good night of sleep. Hina would always sleep at her desk or somewhere in her office. This is because she was always doing paperwork, there was never enough soldiers to finish the reports in one night. It would just be Mizuki and when Kazan came there was no difference. So the first time she got a good night of sleep was after the company got disbanded. Hina wore gray sweat pants and a simple white t-shirt along with some slippers. Mizuki was wearing a gray sweatshirt and some pajama pants with a gray and white plaid pattern on them.

The two made it to the kitchen and did what they needed to do. Hina hummed as she unplugged the coffee machine. She decided she was going to brush her teeth first before she drunk some coffee. "How hard did you hit your head?" Hina asked as she looked at Mizuki who was wrapping some ice in a thin cloth. "I hit it pretty hard." Mizuki replied as she held the cloth to her head. Hina chuckled. "I'm gonna go get my life together in the bathroom." Hina sighed before leaving the kitchen. She got her formal outfit and walked into the bathroom. Hina stripped off all her clothes and turned on the shower water. "Who was that boy? There was two of them, wasn't there? who are they?" Hina whispered to herself as cold water hit her head. Hina looked at the scar on her right arm. She couldn't remember a single thing about it. There were too many mysteries in her life. It's like her life started when she was only fourteen. She doesn't remember anything before that age. As Hina grew up she remembered two boys, she had gotten memories with them. The only problem was that couldn't remember what they looked like.

"Shinmon? Miss Shinmon? Are you okay?" Mizuki asked Hina as she poked her cheek. "What is it? Uh, when did you get there?" Hina asked as she looked at Mizuki was was in the shower next to her. "You've been here for a while. When I got here you were just standing here. It was kind of scary." Mizuki explained. "You've been in here for a while. Look at your hand." Mizuki pointed out. Hina looked at her hand, her eyes widened. Her hand was slowly starting to wrinkle do to the water. "I haven't even washed my hair yet." Hina grumbled as she grabbed some conditioner and started to wash her her hair. "You take good care of your hair you know, it's so soft." Mizuki gushed as she rubbed some soap on her arm. Hina had been quick to wash her hair and the rest of her body. Maki had tiredly dragged herself into the bathroom as Hina wrapped a towel around her figure and just placed a towel on her head. "Good morning Miss Shinmon." Maki greeted lazily. Hina waved to her as she walked up to the sink. Hina put toothpaste on her tooth brush and started to brush her teeth.

Hina never went all out with her hygiene. She never liked putting on any type of special perfume, and never used any special smelling shampoo. She did take good care of herself, and ended up smelling like what ever soap she used. Sometimes she would secretly use Mizuki's soap, Hina says it makes her smell like a sakura tree. But to be honest she never felt the need to do much with herself. At the end of a call there's always sweat, dirt, and grime to wash off. Hina washed and dried her face before going to the locker room. Hina opened up her locker and pulled out her outfit. Hina sighed as she put the formal uniform on. Black stalkings, a blue pencil skirt, a white button up, a tie, and a dark blue blazer. Hina clipped her tie to her shirt and picked up her heels and blazer. Before Hina left the room she picked up a letter that was in her locker and put it in a hidden pocket in her blazer. The letter was in was in an envelope and sealed up with a gold wax seal with a koi fish on it. Hina walked to the office and sat at her chair. She put her heels on the floor next to her chair and draped the blazer over the back of her chair. Hina sighed as she took the hair tie from her wrist and went to tie her hair up. Someone placed a cup of coffee on her desk and sat in the desk next to her. "Good morning Obi. Thanks, I was just about to make myself some coffee." Hina said as she picked up the cup.

"No problem." Akitaru said. "You know, it's hard to imagine you wearing that until someone actually sees it." Akitaru commented. "Wearing what? This? Well I suppose. I don't think it's that big of a deal though." Hina sighed. "I think I should get a suit. I don't like wearing heels." Hina said before sipping her scorching hot coffee. "Is that not hot?" Akitaru asked in shock. "I'm a third gen pyroknetic. Scorching hot coffee isn't as hot as the flames we have to deal with." Hina smirked. "Fair enough, but how does that feel going down?" Akitaru asked. Hina leaned back in her chair. "It does feel hot going down." Hina muttered as she looked into the hot coffee. Akitaru chuckled. "It's been so long since I've seen you, I almost couldn't believe it was you when you walked through the door for the first time." Akitaru said. "Likewise. You look a little different, you're definitely bigger. Judging by the workout equipment in your office, you've been working out a lot. It's because you don't have any powers, right?" Hina asked. Akitaru nodded slightly in response. "Well I must say, that's really smart. You need the strength." Hina muttered. Akitaru looked at her slightly damp hair. He picked up a small lock of it. "You aren't gonna do anything with your hair?" Akitaru asked. "No, I don't think it's that big of a deal." Hina replied as she closed her eyes. Akitaru let go of her hair and looked at her calm and collected state. "We should catch up sometime." Akitaru spoke before blowing in his coffee and taking a sip. Before Hina could open her mouth she heard shuffling from behind her. "Move Kazan." Someone whispered loudly. "Shh! You move!" Someone else whispered. "You shush!"Someone said, their voice just came out as a hushed voice. "Both of you shut up before we all get caught!" Another whisper yelled making Hina open her eyes. Akitaru tilted his head in confusion as Hina let out a sigh. Soon everyone ended up falling into the room. "What the hell were all of you doing?" Takehisa asked as he stepped onto the rookies, Maki, and Mizuki. "Answer the question." Takehisa glared as he stepped on Arthur's head. "Everyone was eavesdropping, I was trying to get into the office but Maki grabbed me and told me to be quiet." Mizuki frowned as she sat up.

"Captain Obi did you just ask her on a date? You silly old man! She just got here, you should at least let her settle in the cathedral!" Maki gushed with a small blush over her cheeks. "What? N-No why would I do that?" Akitaru asked with a slight frown. "Hey Mizuki, why did you snitch on us?" Kazan asked as he stood up. "I did it because there was no real reason you should've been eavesdropping." Mizuki replied as she stood up. Takehisa sighed as he sat down in his chair. "Too tired to give out punishments lieutenant?" Hina asked with a sly smirk on her face. Takehisa sighed as he opened up his laptop. "No, I just have to find the quickest route to Company 1." Takehisa replied. Hina sipped on her coffee in amusement. "So, back on that catching up, when I get back I suppose we can talk about a few things." Hina said with a slight smile. Shinra stood up and wiped down his formal uniform. "Good morning Miss Shinmon." Arthur said as he leaned on Hina's desk. "Arthur, what are you doing?" Hina asked. "Well Miss Shinmon, Captain Obi is in my seat so I can't sit down." Arthur smirked. "Oh right, sorry." Akitaru said as he got up with his cup of coffee.

The minutes slowly turned into a few hours and it was now time to leave. Hina buttoned up her blazer and sighed. "I hate this uniform and it's still not good enough." Hina muttered as she walked downstairs to the matchbox. "So Shinmon, what's the first like?" Maki asked as she buttoned up her blazer. Hina hummed. "You'll see when we get there." Hina simply responded. Maki slowly nodded her head, she was a bit confused on why Hina couldn't just explain it now. Hina walked up to the Matchbox and sighed. She had never been in Company 8's Matchbox, it didn't look different from the old one. It just had a new number on the sides. "Well, I'll see you all later." Obi waved as Hina and everyone else got into the car. "I hope you get there safely." Sister Iris said with a smile. Hina closed the door and put her seat belt on. Just as Takehisa turned on the car Father Kōfuku walked up to Hina's window and knocked on it. "Hey Hinawa, can you roll down my window?" Hina asked. Takehisa held down on a button that was on his side of the door, this made Hina's window slowly roll down. "What is it Father?" Hina asked. "Do you have it? Will you- ow!" Kōfuku winced as Hina pinched his nose to make him keep quiet. "Good by Father Kōfuku. I'll see you when I get back." Hina slightly smiled as she patted his head. Hina held her hand up and put two fingers in the palm of her hand. Kōfuku's face lit up as he seen her odd but casual finger placements. She made it look casual. "You can roll the window up now Hinawa." Hina said as she put her hands down. The window rolled up and garage door rolled up. The Matchbox pulled off. Hina figeted with her finger and her leg bounced from the car's floor. "Is there something wrong Shinmon?" Takehisa asked, he was slightly annoyed by the sound of her heel constantly hitting the floor. "I'm just a little anxious. That's all." Hina responded.

"Sorry." Takehisa apologized. Kazan laid back in his seat and closed his eyes. He was bored already. "We should put on some music." Maki suggested. "What do you want to listen to?" Shinra asked. Arthur and Kazan were already half asleep. "I-I don't think you two would like the music I listen to." Maki stuttered. Takehisa and Hina knew who that sentence was directed to. "Why, is it because we're older than you?" Hina asked as she looked in the back seat. "No that's not it, I just don't take you two for the type to like pop music." Maki corrected herself. "I don't care what you put on, it's up to the driver." Hina said as she looked at Takehisa. "I don't care." He simply responded. "Can you just put on what ever comes on the radio first?" Shinra asked. Hina turned on the radio and a song just came on. "Hey, I like this song. What's it called?" Kazan asked as he woke up from his half awake state. Hina glanced at the radio and looked at the song. "Inferno by Mrs. Green Apple." Hina replied. Kazan smiled.

"You drive like an old lady." Hina joked as she looked out the window. It had been a while since Inferno ended. "What?" Takehisa needed Hina to repeat herself because he couldn't believe what she had just said. "You heard me, when we're not on call you drive like an old lady." Hina repeated. Shinra, Maki, and Kazan snickered in the back seat as Arthur lightly snored. "You cook like an old lady." Takehisa frowned. There seemed to be a spark of anger between the two. "Okay now, lieutenant I think you should drive calmly." Maki nervously laughed.

The drive didn't take too long nor was it a short drive, but despite that they made it. "Just call the company when you need me to pick you and Maki up." Takehisa told Hina from his window. Everyone else was already outside waiting for Hina to finish her conversation. "Alright, I'll see you later lieutenant." Hina waved as she stepped away from the Matchbox. Shinra, Arthur, Kazan, and Maki turned to look at the cathedral in awe.

"Special Fire Force Grand Cathedral 1 The Holy Sol Obelisk"

"So this is the Holy Sol Obelisk, huh?" Shinra asked. "I think it's even bigger than I imagined it would be." Kazan said. Arthur squinted his eyes as he looked at the sight before him. "I bet I could climb it." Arthur simply said. "What an idiot." Hina muttered as Maki chuckled nervously. Shinra looked at the two Fire Soldiers next to his group and tilted his head in confusion. "Pretty lame if you ask me." One of them said, he had some bubble gum in his mouth. "Company 1's Grand Cathedral is so sacred. I don't feel like I'm worthy." The other one said, he looked a bit shy and timid. "Who are these guys?" Shinra asked Maki and Hina. "They're camouflage, okay? You should try to make nice with them." Maki replied. Hina looked up at the Grand Cathedral and winced.

Fifteen Years Ago

"You're always getting in fights Hina! A young girl like you should never do such things. You're the oldest girl here, you should at least set an example for the younger ones." Mother Alexandra frowned as she cleaned young Hina's face. Hina was raised in an orphanage as far as she's concerned and when she was there, she was a bit of a trouble maker. "It's Shinmon. And that kid was making fun of Sasha!" Hina yelled as she push her hand away from her face. "Hina, you said you would stop getting into fights last month and you got into two fights since then. You said that you would get into less trouble this month and here you go again. It's like you can't keep your promises." Mother Alexandra said with a frown. Hina looked down at her feet, she was a bit ashamed of herself. "You will not be going anywhere until you write a sincere apology to Nathan, according to everyone you hit him first. But I expect him to write one back since he provoked you." Mother Alexandra explained as she patted Hina on the head. "Do better Hina." Mother Alexandra said before walking off to get some paper. Hina realized that she should've been more grateful then.


"Is there something wrong Shinmon?" Maki asked. Hina snapped out of her trance and looked at Maki. "Um no, but as soon as we get in the door put Miss in front of my surname. Keep it professional." Hina said. "We should walk in now." Maki said. Everyone walked into the Grand Cathedral. The nuns there stamped everyone's applications for approval to be there. "Um, they're in the church waiting for you all." One of the nuns said with a nervous look on her face. All of them had nervous looks on their faces. Hina let out a sigh out of embarrassment. "Thank you all. We're grateful." Hina said as she bowed with everyone else. The group walked down the halls to the church. "Hey Miss Shinmon, why was everyone looking at us like that?" Kazan asked. "Well, these aren't the desired outfits to wear at such a fine cathedral. I should've told you all to wear something more church appropriate, but I don't even have anything like that." Hina replied. Kazan sighed. "I hope I just don't look like a straight up idiot then." Kazan thought. As all of them walked down the hall they seen a figure standing next to the window. The guy looked like he was waiting for them. "Is that who I think it is?" Hina thought as she squinted her eyes. The group stopped as they got closer to the figure. The man seemed to be younger than Hina but older than Maki. He had short hair that looks brushed towards the front but is shaved on the sides, it also has a bluish hue that makes it look grey sometimes. His lazy dark blue eyes makes him look a bit irritated. The man wears a black cassock, topped with a white overcoat-like garment with a high collar and a skirt-like garment, dark shoes and a pendant with a cross-like symbol as a charm.

"So you're the newbie in-training rookie noobs." The man said as he walked up to the group. "Sheesh. I bet even your crap is crap. Are you crappy? You crap?" The man asked. Everyone was completely blown back by what he just said. "Wait hold on. 'I bet even your crap is crap. Are you crappy? You crap?' Is that what he just said? I think I get it." Hina thought as she slowly wrapped her head around what Lieutenant Priest Karim Flam just said. "Was that his way in trying to trash talk us?" Kazan thought, he was as confused as anyone was. "Uh... You bet your crap they're crappier than crap. They're the crappiest bunch of rookies you'll meet. But Oze and I aren't as crappy as they are." Hina said causing everyone to get more confused. Karim looked at Hina in confusion. He knew exactly what she said, he understood every part of it. But he didn't know why the former Captain of the ninth was here. He looked at the the tag on her left arm and nodded. "Hey Shinmon." Karim muttered as he stepped up to Arthur. "I didn't know you could speak the language of crap." Maki whispered as she hid behind Hina. "I didn't know either, I felt weird saying that." Hina frowned. "You bet you ass I know an ass when I see one. And your ass is an ass like any other. Get me?" Karim asked. Arthur or Kazan didn't know who that was directed to so they both got mad. "What did you say?!" They both yelled. "Calm down you two. He's basically just telling you that your ass is an ass." Shinra corrected as he prevented Kazan and Arthur from started a fight. "What?" They both questioned. "Lieutenant Flam always had a rather odd way of speaking." Hina said.

Karim turned around and sighed. "Captain Burns is expecting you all. Come with me." Karim said. The group started following the priest. Just as they got to the door, Lieutenant Flam stopped. "He'll be waiting before the alter." He said as the doors opened. There he was standing right before the alter along with the other lieutenant priest. "Everything is just so big! I've never been inside of a church so big. Well, I guess that's why they call it the Grand Cathedral." Kazan thought as they walked towards the alter. "Company 1 welcomes you. I'm glad you recruits could join us." Captain Burns greeted. "It's bad form, wearing those uniforms in a church." Lieutenant Priest Huo Yan Li said to himself. "I'm Maki Oze, First Class Fire Soldier. Here from Company 8." Maki introduced herself as she saluted. Everyone saluted but Hina. She let out a sigh as she tented her hands. "I have to be the worst. I was sent here not only to bring the recruits here but to show Maki how to bring them here if I'm not here myself. " Hina thought to herself. "I'm Shinmon Hina, also a First Class Fire Soldier. I"m here from Company 8. Me and Oze have brought the new recruits in for training." Hina said. "Can everyone who's saluting tent hands. I'm sure that's how Captain Burns would prefer it." Hina said. All the rookies including Maki looked at Hina in confusion. "Shinmon is right. We're speaking as soldiers but We're still in the Grand Cathedral. Forgive me for asking but I would prefer for you to tent hands rather than salute." Leonard explained.

Maki gasped. She and everyone else then tented their hands. "Of course sir, my apologies." Maki apologized. "I'll introduce Lieutenant Karim Flam, Lieutenant Rekka Hoshimiya, and Lieutenant Huo Yan Li. They'll be looking after you for the duration of your training. You're free to look around the premises, we want you to feel at home here." Leonard explained. Hina closed her eyes, she mainly  just wanted to get this over with. She was hungry, all she ate was a granola bar this morning. "By the way, I'd like to ask you how you're doing Shinmon. It's been a while." Captain Burns said, he noticed that Hina was now apart of Company 8. "Well, I'm glad you asked. And how are you?" Hina asked. "I'm doing well. It must've been a big rank down working at Company 8 now. By the way, my condolences to the fallen members of Company 9." Hina bristled at Leonard's words. "I don't understand why you want to know so much about me. If you want to go on anymore about my well-being I can gladly leave." Hina said calmly. Maki glanced at Hina nervously. Leonard nodded slightly. "Excuse me Captain Burns, I know this is sudden..." Shinra trailed off. Leonard hummed in confusion as Shinra smirked a little.

"But I'd thought I'd ask. To give you a chance to asses our abilities, Why don't we start our training with a quick sparing match?" Shinra asked. "Wait Shinra, did you really just ask that?" Maki asked. Hina let out a sigh of disappointment. "We read about all you're abilities in the paperwork that came with you, so there's no need for that." Lieutenant Rekka said, he wasn't too pleased about Shinra's request. "That's alright. Rekka, help me give all of 'em a workout." Leonard said. "Huh? Do you mean it?" Rekka asked. His whole expression changed. "Calm down, we're in the Grand Cathedral." Lieutenant Huo Yan Li said. Lieutenant Rekka gained his composure. "If I manage to beat you, there's something I'd like to ask you about." Shinra said. "That's fine by me." Leonard replied. "Well that question won't be answered anytime soon." Hina thought.

Back at Cathedral 8

Akitaru paced around the office nervously. "I hope the kids are okay." Akitaru said as he paced around the room. Mizuki chuckled nervously at his nervousness. "I wish he would sit down somewhere. He's making me nervous." Mizuki thought as she covered her face with her hands. "There's nothing more you can do to help them so there's no point in worrying." Takehisa reasoned. "Well, be that as it may. Worrying is still a captain's prerogative." Akitaru replied. Takehisa leaned forward onto his desk and sighed. "I can't work like this." Takehisa groaned. "Hey, stop complaining and get back to it!" Captain Princess Hibana yelled. "Why don't you get back to your post at the fifth." Takehisa snapped. Sister Iris and Father Kōfuku laughed at everyone's personalities. "I hope Shinra doesn't get too full of himself because he beat me. Captain Burns is a seasoned veteran." Hibana said with a frown. Captain Akitaru was still pacing the room. "You know Captain Obi, you're like the dad when it comes to our rookies." Kōfuku said with a small smile. "What?" Akitaru asked. "I mean it, you get so worried about them as if you're their own father. And Miss Shinmon is always saying how she thinks of us as her kids too. So you're like the dad and Miss Shinmon is the mom. Oh, and Lieutenant Hinawa is like the uncle." Kōfuku laughed. Hibana blushed a little at Kōfuku's laugh. "Tell me Father, are me and Hina married in this little make believe family tree?" Akitaru asked as he stopped in front of Father Kōfuku. "Did he really just ask that?" Father Kōfuku and Sister Iris thought. Hibana walked over to Father Kōfuku. She pushed Akitaru to the side and crossed her arms. "I don't think I've met you  yet. May you introduce yourself?" Hibana asked. "I'm Father Kōfuku Honō. I just started working here not too long ago." Kōfuku said as he introduced himself. "Really, may I ask what do you like in your bento box?" Hibana asked. "I like anything really, I don't mind." Kōfuku responded with a bright smile. "Good!" Hibana laughed. Sister Iris and Mizuki giggled as Akitaru frowned. Takehisa didn't even care.

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