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They say that killing is illegal. I say sometimes it's a necessity. I'm not a killer, I'm a judge. A judge fo... More

01. What am I? The Quiksilver!?
02. Intruder
03. Welcome Back Home
04. Don't Like Guests
05. The Truth Untold
06. Lack of Sociability
07. The Birth of Death
08. Angel of Death
09. Purgatory
10. One Last Call
11. Rat
12. Guardian Angel
13. Agreement
14. Deal with Devil
15. Take My Words Seriously
16. Best Conversationalist Ever
17. Memoirs of the Killer
18. Karma Is a Bitch
20. Hero or Villain?
21. Crackbrained Dunce
22. Crazy Woman
23. Impostor? Not a chance!
24. You Never Walk Alone
25. The Unknown Caller
26. Painted Red
27. Electric Shock
28. Science
29. Magic Shop
30. Unlucky
31. A Gamble
32. The King of All Birds
33. Trust
34. Power Player
35. Let The Game Begin
36. Friend or Foe?
37. Bargain
โš ๏ธŽDon't Skipโš ๏ธŽ

19. A Very Weird Day

275 59 124

🐅𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐︎🐅



🏹 ✫ 🏹 ✫ 🏹

"As long as you know that you're trapped, there's still a way to escape"

️🏹 ✫ 🏹 ✫ 🏹

[Yoongi's POV]


Hell for the body, torture for the mind. Your brain rots slowly, rusting from the dullness of the unchanging environment.

The prison cell is a hollow cube of concrete without windows. One way in, no way out.

In a place like this, no windows, no daylight, there isn't a way to gauge time. Sit in your cell long enough, and you'll forget your own name. The only thing keeping me from going crazy is the reason I ended up here. If my imprisonment is the price for her to run away, then so be it. I'll stay here for the rest of my life if it means that she's far away, safe, alive.

There's no escape. No way out. Guards watch 24/7, armed with lasers, tear gas, and rubber bullets. Decked head to toe with bulletproof vests and helmets. Every guard is trained in multiple forms of hand-to-hand combat. One has to have a lot of courage to attempt a breakout.

I'm may be brave, but I'm not stupid.

My attention shifts from the white chipped off paint covering the walls when a clunking noise comes from the cell door as something slips through the thin opening of the door vent.

I swing my legs off the metal board they call a bed. And as I approach the door I spot a newspaper on the floor.

They don't allow us to read any news. Weird.

I grasp the damp paper, opening it as my eyes land on the headline that covers half of the front page.


My eyes scan the article. With every sentence my hold on the paper tightens, fingers going white from the force.

'The victim was killed by an unknown substance that made him, according to our sources, cry with blood....'

What the hell! I was the one who worked on the formula of that poison for days, an unknown substance my ass!


I blow out a sigh of frustration before sitting back on the bed. It doesn't take a genius to connect the dots. There's only one person who has ever had free access to my laboratory, therefore...

"Fucking idiot!" I hiss out feeling how annoyance fills every fiber of my being.
I knew there'd be a day she would come back, but I didn't imagine that time would come so soon.

She's back. The only proof I need to confirm the theory that Y/N is an unregistered superhero with mind-bending stupidity superpowers.

I don't have much time to think about the topic as my door opens harshly, making an unsavory creaking noise. "Prisoner number 0093, mealtime!" the guard announces.

I have mixed feelings about mealtime, usually, it's my favorite time of the day, as it allows me to escape the dullness of my cell. But on the other hand, I'm exposed to other prisoners, and they tend to take a liking to those with a pretty face, though the guards don't give us much freedom to do anything.

But today, the first time in the two years that I've spent here, I would prefer to be left in my cell alone. Either way, that isn't an option. I stand up throwing the paper on the ground.

As I approach the door, a scowl forms on my features when I see the guard. He isn't the usual guard who escorts me to the canteen. Instead of the guy with puffy cheeks, a round belly, and a tired smile, there's a still, slim figured man that meets me.


I give him a studying look, a sparse mustache and beard cover half of his face, the helmet and special shades covering his eyes and forehead. As I don't see anything memorable on the new watchdog, I avert my gaze. "And who may you be?" I ask as he starts searching me, patting me up and down.

In response, I'm shoved hardly in the direction of the hall, as he gestures to me to walk towards the canteen. "It's Mr. Correctional officer for you", he barks out.

I roll my eyes, scoffing "filthy watchdog!", I mutter my voice barely audible so the piece of shit behind me, who constantly pokes me with his stick, can't catch that. As we enter the canteen, a pleasant surprise envelopes me.

Describing the prison canteen and its food is like describing a black graphite pencil. It doesn't matter what you ask for, you always get the same over-cooked grey offering on its grey plate with its grey taste. The round dirty, grey tables and chairs are distributed all over the large room, where guards are usually standing behind every table, watching how inmates bear the mixture of dirt and carbohydrates they call food. There's only one word to describe everything in here. Grey.

But today, it's different. Instead of dozens of guards, there are only two guards standing by the exit. While the prisoners' low chattering echoes in the large area, I grab a tray of food and approach the table, where a figure I recognize is sitting alone

"Hey," I call out as a guy with round glasses turns his attention to me. I slide into the seat next to him, lowering my voice as I still feel the presence of the guard who accompanied me here behind me. "Where are our mastiffs?"

Minho shrugs, shaking his head. "No idea," he says, "Someone said there was an incident in Block B, so everyone was summoned there."

"I wonder what happened if they needed that many of them," I mutter, sticking my steel fork into the meatloaf. Minho just shrugs, lowering his head to mine. "Looks like you have a new

Oh, hell no!

I peer upwards in the direction he's looking, as I spot a guy who's moving ridiculously slowly towards us. I scowl as I recognize the face.

Well, well, well...I guess it's a small world after all. Somehow I'm not even surprised he's here, after all, it is a prison, a place for criminals, or rather a place for people who have annoyed someone really badly.

Tattoos glitter on the vampirically pale skin of his arm, his hair is dark, but his eyes are even darker, like two lumps of coal glaring balefully out from under his thrums, glaring directly at me. He doesn't utter a word as he silently takes a seat in front of us.

The weird day gets weirder and weirder with every minute.

"Can we help you?" Minho asks, putting down his fork and straightening his back, as he watches the newcomer over his round spectacles.

Jungkook smirks as he puts one finger on Minho's tray sliding it towards himself. "How about you give me your food?" He muses.

My hand shoots up on instinct, grabbing his hand before he can even reach the tray. "Hey kiddo, did no one teach you about manners?" I ask, tilting my head, as I raise one eyebrow.

His smile gets wider, "Protecting your little boyfriend, I see?" I bite the inside of my cheek, preventing me from strangling the kid. I look around, no guards. They'll never be there when you fucking need them. The last thing I want right now is to cause any trouble. "Listen, kid, you have a pretty face, I'll give you that. Why don't you add a bit of intelligence to that beauty and get the fuck away from here, before you find yourself in any trouble?"

His face hardens, as suddenly every emotion leaves his features. "Is that a threat?"

"No. That's a fair warning. Leave!" I hiss bringing my face closer to his.

Suddenly, he grabs the tray of food and throws it across the floor. The sound of metal slamming against the floor echoes in the canteen, silencing all the voices in the room as everyone's attention zeros in on us. "Make me!" Jungkook taunts staring into my eyes.

The fucker asked for it.

In the blink of an eye, my fist flies through the air, making contact with his jaw as he stumbles to the floor. He gets up, colliding his fist with the side of my face, as I feel the taste of blood in my mouth. The next second we're on the floor throwing punches at each other until the shout of a guard stops us.

"DOWN ON THE GROUND! NOW!" The guard shouts as I'm violently grabbed from behind and pressed against the cold floor, the tip of a rifle pressed against my temple with painful force. My opponent has the same fate.

He glares at me from his position, lapping at the blood on his lips. A guard's voice rings in my ear, "A few days in solitary confinement ought to teach you how to behave." I'm grabbed by my arm with enough force to bruise. The guard manhandles me into a
standing position and steadily drags me towards the wards, while another one drags Jungkook in front of me as he turns around constantly, throwing threatening looks at me.

What's his problem?

The pungent, malodorous scent that is always lingering in the dark halls of this nightmarish penitentiary embraces us as we walk, or rather jog towards the solitary wards. We come to a halt in front of the cell doors, as the guard holding Jungkook steps forward to unlock the door. In a flash, Jungkook darts forward taking the guard out with a kick to the back of the knee. Once the guard crumples to the ground, he gives another swift kick to the back of his head, for good measure. My eyes widen as I glance at the guard holding me, who remains unfathomably unfazed.

I frown, parting my lips as confusion takes over me. Jungkook doesn't waste time as he quickly unlocks one of the empty cells, dragging the unconscious body in. "What is going on?" I hiss at my guard, who does nothing and guides me into the empty ward. Neither of them speaks a word as said 'guard' unlocks my handcuffs, and my eyes pop out of their sockets as Jungkook starts undressing the unconscious guard.

This day officially can't get any weirder.

"Could someone explain what's going on?" I ask, this time my voice rising slightly as it echoes in the empty space.

"She forced me to dye my hair black for this, if you ruin everything we've done by shouting I'll kill her first, then you." Jungkook spits through gritted teeth.

She? Of course, it's her. Ladies and gentlemen that's Y/N for you. It's been four years since I saw her and I already forgot how her mind worked.

So let me explain. When she's told not to play with matches, she sets your house on fire. When she's told not to run with scissors, she cuts your vocal cords with said scissors. When she's told to get away from people who can potentially endanger her life, she becomes obsessed with them and starts gathering information that she'll never need, and on top of that, as if all this mess isn't enough, she's hiring said people to...what? What are they even doing here? Breaking me out? From this hellhole? Impossible.

I just wonder where the fuck does Daniel look? I clearly told him to keep an eye on her, to watch her, to take care of her, not let her run into a burning building after me. And again, if she's told to leave, she'll come running back the first opportunity she gets. But knowing her, it doesn't even surprise me. The adrenaline of danger is like an aphrodisiac to her, the more extreme the better. That brainless girl doesn't value her life, not even one bit.

A smirk grows over my face like a lazy teacher's checkmark, as I decide to screw with Jungkook a little. I still didn't forget that fistfight. "Kill? Her?" My monotone voice echoes in the empty space, "She'd have your tongue if she heard that, Jungkook." I blow out a puff of air.

"She'd make you sorry to be alive the moment she heard that, and then proceed to hammer you like a doornail." Jungkook's eyes briefly flash towards me in frustration, his reactions making my smirk steadily grow wider.

"And like the pathetic idiot you are," I continue, "you'd correct said inconvenience, apologizing profusely on behalf of your parents, for having that extra martini on that beautiful summer evening."

As a response, Jungkook just rolls his eyes, muttering a string of curses under his breath, as he starts putting on the guard's clothes. "Roll your eyes, maybe one day you'll find a brain back there." I spit out enjoying the mild annoyance showing on Jungkook's face, caused by my words. "Though sometimes, you don't even need a brain. Look at you, you're fully functioning without one."

"Now I get why you're friends." The 'guard' grumbles next to me, whose identity is still a mystery.

"Wait!" Jungkook straightens up. "What did you say?"

"Brain," I elaborate, "it's an amazing organ for the functions of thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision," I put my finger on my temple. "And any other bodily function. I genuinely don't understand how you're even standing here in the flesh without one. You should be more grateful, you're a living miracle."

"No!" He states "you called me by my name," a wrinkle appears between his brows as he glares at me, "how do you know my name?"


I don't let my eyes fall as I nod, reassuring that I indeed used his name (though he doesn't need to know that it was accidental) "I don't." I say as if it's the most logical answer to his question, Jungkook frowns. "But my friend back there," I point my thumb over my shoulder, "whose food you doubtlessly deemed needed to be acquired, seemed to know a lot about that shady face of yours." I tilt my head, "You seem to be famous in Daegu, Jeon."

Jungkook opens his mouth, and if the look on his face is any clue, he's about to say something very nasty, but the gentle vibration of a phone makes him stop. The 'guard' pulls a small black flip phone out of his pocket, answering the call and putting it on the speaker.

"The guards are going to be back from Block B soon, you have 3 minutes, not a second more." A low rumbling comes out of the speaker, as clicking noises echo out in the background.

"I swear I'm going to kill her, she's been disassembling and reassembling her gun for the past hour, nonstop." He speaks as the clicking continues in the background "Leaving me with her, out of all people, was the worst decision you could ever make, Taehyung!"

"Care to repeat the killing part?" A feminine voice mutters threateningly in the background, and my heart sinks as I recognize her honeyed voice.

"Guys chill, do not, I repeat do not kill each other until we arrive," he lowers his voice "if we arrive" the 'guard', who now I know is Taehyung, whines. "How much time do we have, Jimin?"

"About 2 minutes. I'll do my best, but after you pass the inspection it's a matter of seconds till they realize the access card is fake, you have to be quick."

"Alright." Taehyung ends the call, shoving the phone back into his pocket, and turns to me. "We're going to get you out of here. Play along."

"This place has no exit," I explain, as he handcuffs me again, "the only thing you're going to accomplish is a rubber bullet in your body or a real one between your eyes,"

"There's always a way out, you just have to know where to look." Taehyung states as Jungkook secures the helmet and shades on his face before both of them grab me by my arms and start dragging me out.

No one utters a word as we pass through a series of hallways until we come to a halt in front of a door that is being guarded by four men. Taehyung gives them a pass card as the other one turns to him. "Where to?" The guard asks.

"You don't have the clearance to know," Taehyung answers confidently, not even sparing the guard a glance. The guard slowly slides the card through the machine, my heart stammering in my ribcage as I wait. When the light flashes green, I exhale in relief, allowing Jungkook and Taehyung to drag me out. Before I know it, we're outside as I deeply inhale a gulp of fresh air for the first time in years.

Was it really this easy to come out of there?

I look around. High reticulated fences rise up to the sun-less evening sky enhancing the terror that surrounds the prison camp. Guards stand everywhere, in every possible corner and spot, and on all possible sides around the perimeter.

We casually move towards the SUV parked up ahead. Jungkook gets into the back seat as I slide next to him, and Taehyung on the passenger's next to a brown-haired man behind the wheel, who turns around beaming at me.

"Hope Express at your service." I scoff, staring at him in disbelief. Childish.

"Drive lunatic!" Taehyung rumbles as the said lunatic backs up the car, slowly driving towards the central gate, where armed guards are waiting for an access card. Taehyung confidently passes the fake card.

The officer walks to the booth with the card clenched in his hand, as he leans over the computer. But when he looks up from the computer wrinkling his eyebrows, I know they won't let us pass.

"Hoseok," Taehyung murmurs with a dangerously quiet voice, "step on it!"

Hoseok, however, doesn't even flinch at his friend's harsh tone, on the contrary, he fastens his seatbelt in an unbothered manner, before positioning both hands on the steering wheel. "Ladies and gentlemen please fasten your seatbelts, because shit is about to get real very fast," and Hoseok's cheerful beam is the last thing I see before the car goes forward crashing through the prison gate.

🏹 ✫ 🏹 ✫ 🏹

Hey Angel👼
I suggest reading this in light mode, cuz it's really ugly in dark mode.
And also I think from now in I'm going to update once a week on Sunday or on Monday.

Till next time. Purple yaa. . .♡♡

Edited by strongpwrthanku

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