My yandere best friend

By SashaRobinson1

836 27 4

Very bad grammar:( Lisa dealing with her sadist brother when she got to school she meets Katy the most sweete... More

Chapter 1 (extremely bad grammar)
Chapter 2
Reee read this please
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Short)
Vol 2 new character
Vol 2 Chapter 1
Vol 2 Chapter 2
Vol 2 Chapter 3
Vol 2 chapter 4
Vol 1 Chapter 5
Vol 2 chapter 6
Vol 2 chapter 7
Vol 2 chapter 8
Vol 2 chapter 9
Vol 2 chapter 10
Vol 2 chapter 11
Vol 2 chapter 12
Vol 3 Chapter 1
Vol 3 chapter 2
Vol 3 chapter 3
Vol 3 chapter 4
Vol 3 chapter 5
Vol 3 chapter 6
Vol 3 chapter 7
Vol 3 chapter 8
Vol 3 chapter 9
Vol 3 chapter 10
Vol 3 chapter 11
Vol 3 chapter 12
Vol 4 chapter 1
Vol 4 chapter 2 The last chapter
Info about me short

The characters

106 2 2
By SashaRobinson1

Chapters for chapter 1 only for right now

Lisa- (Main character)- She has brown hair ad brown eyes she has a personality of nice or mean person depending on how you treat her. But she is a loyal friend that helps everyone. But her love interest is Katy the sweetest girl in the world But she has one brother that always bullied her for some weird reason but her brother is the only one taking care of her.
(5'2) Height
(Only has one brother)
Her mother died (will be revealed later in the story.)

Katy- She is the most popular girl that has red hair with green bright eyes her personality is mostly fake she has a horrible side to her. When she was a little girl she was abused by her own father now her father is locked up she's getting care by her aunt but her real personality is mean she has a little of an obsession over Lisa after her long relationship with her.
(5'5) Height
Age- 17
Only her aunt
She was the only child
Her dad in jail and her mom is dead (will be revealed later in the story).

Lois- He is popular secretly likes Katy and Lisa he has black hair with blue eyes always begging Lisa to like him but always get rejected by her. His personality is being the biggest weirdo.
(5'11) Height
Only child
Mom and dad

Kaito- He is Lisa older brother he wants to bully his sister because he likes it he looks like a guy version of Lisa same brown hair and brown eyes, But he is taller than her his personality is mostly like a sadist towards his dear sister Lisa. To everyone else he is like some kind of angel compare to Lisa.
(Only has one sister)
(Her mother died (will be revealed later in the story.)

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