Forget-Me Not

By KoolKat9696

756 49 53

After Arthur gets into an accident, he wakes up in a hospital room with no memories and a worried blond man w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

84 5 5
By KoolKat9696

   " are you feeling Mr. Kirkland?" a nurse asked me after checking my bandages and vitals.

     "Other than feeling like I've been hit by a bus, I feel fine." This earned another small smile from the man from earlier, but at the same time, he looked somewhat sad. I tore myself away from the man and looked back at the nurse. "What exactly happened?" I finally asked.

     "Well," the nurse sighed, "You were walking home a few nights ago when a car swerved and hit you. Most likely a drunk driver." I saw the man grit his teeth slightly as the nurse went on with his explanation. "Due to the way you landed you ended up fracturing your arm and severely injuring your head. Other than that, there are just some pretty bad bruises. But going back to the head injury, do you recall your name? Where you live? What year it is?"

     I thought for a moment. Yes, I knew my name, but I couldn't think of where I lived. I recalled England, but that didn't seem right. And the year, nothing came up. "I'm Arthur Kirkland and I came from London England. I don't think that's where I am now though."

     "You would be right about that. You're in America, specifically New Jersey. Remember anything else? Family? Occupation? Any other personal information?"

     I tried to think once more, but my head began to hurt even more. "Not really. At least not at the moment."

     The nurse gave me a small smile, "I'm sure you have so many questions, but I don't want to overwhelm you too much." Well not knowing was overwhelming in itself. The nurse turned to the blond man, "I'm sorry Ludwig. I was really hoping for the best, but I guess Dr. Jenkins' prediction was right. " The man he addressed as Ludwig gave a small smile most likely trying to brush off the nurse's concerns. "I will let Dr. Jenkins know about everything and we'll go from there. Please get some rest in the meantime, Mr. Kirkland." The nurse left the room leaving behind myself and a very awkward Ludwig.

     The well-built man stood at the foot of my bed stiff as a board with a distant looking on his face. "You can sit, you know," I finally told him. He seemed to jump slightly at my words, but complied. Then silence. Ludwig continued to look uncomfortable, refusing to look at me and instead focusing on his hands. "So...what are you to me?"

     His attention snapped back to me. "What?"

     "Like are you my friend? My brother?"

     "Definitely not your brother."

     "O-Okay." A little defensive, but I just shrugged it off. "So..." I prodded, "what are you to me?"His cheeks went red and he mumbled something.

     "I didn't catch that."

     "I was your boyfriend," Ludwig said quickly. Despite the speed, I was able to catch it. My cheeks heated up to match Ludwig's. He and I were lovers? I guess that would explain why he was here. Sure he was attractive and seemed to be a decent person, but could I really have such a relationship in the state I am now? Was he expecting that kind of relationship?

     Ludwig's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, "I'm sorry. I didn't want to pressure you or overwhelm you." He rose from his chair. "I'll just call Alfred and ask him to come over early and I can go."

     "Wait!" I reached out to him with my good hand. "You didn't even let me say anything. Unfortunately, I do not remember you or what we have, but I don't want you to leave. I actually...I think I would...I would feel better if you stayed."     My words made him freeze. For a while, he didn't turn around making me feel as though I made everything worse. But I was wrong as he turned back to me with an endearing  smile on his face. "Okay...if that's what you want."

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