
By daydreamer09

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Everyone wants to be free; Free to follow their dreams and let their hearts and minds lead the way; Free to m... More

Chapter 1: The Big Apple
Chapter 2: The Old Man and The Waiter
Chapter 3: "Almost" there
Chapter 4: The Newcomer
Chapter 5: Sarcasm
Chapter 7: Sun and Rain
Chapter 8: The Act
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 10: Buried Dreams
Chapter 11: Hope Again? (Part One)
Chapter 12: Hope again? (Part two)
Chapter 13: Courtship...?
Chapter 14: Understanding
Chapter 15: A Little Help from Friends
Chapter 16: Together
Chapter 17: The Truth
Chapter 18: A Man's Words
Chapter 19: Loneliness
Chapter 20: To Err is Human
Chapter 21: To Forgive is Divine
Chapter 22: That Girl
Chapter 23: Bad Dreams
Chapter 24: Bitter Irony
Chapter 25: Sweet Yes
Chapter 26: Deeper

Chapter 6: Apologies

81 3 0
By daydreamer09


"Why did you have to do that?" I demanded finally to Atty. Stanley.

Just like every other school day in NYU, I meet up with Atty. Stanley and we talk for a while on how my day went. That kind of formality. But now, I didn't just want to talk about how my day went. I wanted to demand an explanation why he schemed up to get me alone with a woman for more than just an hour.

"What are you talking about, Luke?"

Luke! He calls me Luke again!

"You know what I'm talking about, sir. The newcomer! You asked me to give her an orientation but when in fact, you already gave her a copy of the student manual."

I actually wasn't going to complain anymore but after my little rude deed with her before I left... well, guilt got the better of me. So I'm displacing my frustration at the attorney.

He looked at me and grinned, "Ah that.." he says, "So you mean... you haven't figured it out yet?"

I narrowed my eyes, "I have my suspicions and guesses already but it would help my conscience if you give me the confirmation yourself."

"Ah, so you already KNOW why I did what I did... you just need the  confirmation?"

I nodded, impatient. 

He sighed, and then told me to have a seat. I insisted on standing. And then he started, "I'm just concerned for you, Luke."

Concerned? What's there to be concerned about?

"Yes, you are doing perfectly well with your grades. You're one of the most outstanding students here in NYU, and no one doubts that you'll be graduating with honors next year. But..." he paused for effect. "It's like you're living a dead life."

"A dead life? What does that supposed to mean?" I demanded.

"Tell me, Luke... when was the last time you had fun?"

I had to smirk and then laugh at that, "Fun? Are you serious?"

He gave me a stern look that made me swallow my laughter. 

"I... I don't see your point sir." I admitted.

"I mean... when was the last time you went out to relax, socialize or go out on a date?"

A date? Is he serious? He's starting to sound like one of those concerned parents in tv shows.

"Sir, I don't have time to do any of those things. I'm more focused in..."

"Reaching your destination." he finished for me. "I know that Luke. But still, no man is an island. You need to invest your time in relationships. Go out, make some friends, and have fun for a change."

"And what will that contribute to me reaching my goal, sir?" I challenged.

He smiled at me, "Before reaching your goal, you'll be able to discover one of the most important secrets in life."

Secrets? "Huh. Even more important than my secret?" I challenged again.

I expected him to say "Now I wouldn't go that far. Your secret is far more important than anything else, hands down."

But instead...

"Yes Luke. Even more important than your secret."


What the hell is more important than my secret? That's what I want to know. No way is there any other secret in my life that will surpass the one secret I hold closest to my person. But the look Atty. Stanley gave me... it was serious look. No inside jokes, no sarcasm, and no lies. 

And he says I should have fun to know that secret? Come on. Get real. As if I'll ever think of having fun. I'm close to the finish line and I will not risk tripping before I get there.

And who cares about dating? I don't need a woman in my life, nosiree. I can stand alone and be fine with it. I can achieve my goal without a romantic relationship. I can...


I jumped and turned around to the direction where I heard that loud voice.

Then I saw Rienna.(Stomach Flip. Crap.) 

...with another man.

"Oh Marc, hey. What are you doing here?" she asked, surprised to see that man.

"I was in the neighborhood. About to head to the gym actually. Then I saw you and thought, hey why don't I say hi? So I did." the one called Marc says rather cheerfully.

He's obviously around the same age as Rienna, but he dresses like a fresh grad from High School.  A Nike Shirt and baggy shorts? Come on.

"I see, Well then, hi Marc."

"Hi Rienna."

They laughed. I narrowed my eyes.

I can see why I stopped dating all over again.

"So... want me to accompany you home?" Marc offered.

"Oh, no... I'm on my way to the library actually to make some research on an assignment."

"Assignment on the first day? That sucks."

She just laughed, "Not really. I'm used to it." she said.

"Yeah... glad I only took up a 2 year vocational course in college." he laughed.

Two years of College only? Why does he sound so proud of it?

"Oh, and what's that?"

"You know, just a skill course. Besides, I'm a fast learner and I have connections to get any job I need. I can fix your car, your computer, paint houses, move furniture... you know. Anything that can get food on my table."

"Or fridge." Rienna added.

"Or fridge." Marc agreed.

Rienna laughs, "That's an interesting life you have, Marc. And you seem happy and contented with it."

He shrugs, "I'm a simple guy, with simple needs... but lacking a simple girl to complete the picture."

I noticed that he winked at her and she blushed in response.

Ugh. She's playing it easy for him. 

"I see... well, I hope that simple girl comes knocking in your door soon."

"Maybe she will." he said.

Rienna coughed fakely and said, "Well, I better go work on my assignment now. Catch you later, Marc."

"Yeah, see you soon Rienna." he winked again. Rienna smiled and walked away shyly. 

I wonder if she was aware that Marc was still watching her as she goes. When she was a far distance, the high school wannabe left too.

I sighed and shook my head in disapproval.

That is so High school. And now I realized how young Rienna is for me. If I'll be dating again--which I won't--it would be with someone more mature and not as easy as her. 

"Haha! Someone's turning green with envy..." a familiar--annoying--voice chimed in.

I jumped and turned around. As soon as I saw who it was, I frowned. "Oh great."

It was Harvey Miller-- now here's someone living high school all over again.

"What do you want, Mr. Miller?" I say in the politest way possible.

"First, what I want is for you to quit it with calling me Mr. Miller. Come on dude, you're treating me like I wasn't one of your buddies in highschool."

"Buddies... right, of course we were buddies." I say sarcasticly; if by "buddies" he meant complete strangers because he was in the Popular crowd while I was a member of the Honor Society... then yes, we were "buddies."

 "The second thing 'Mr. Miller' wants is to know who that woman was and why you kept staring at her as she left?"

I groaned. This is really not my kind of day.

"I was not staring." I denied.

"Ah, your pleading innocent, huh? Well, the judge says your guilty."

I rolled my eyes, "Harvey, please..."

He held up his hands to interrupt me. "It's alright man. I completely get the problem."

I raised a brow, doubtful. "Oh, you do?"

"Yeah man..." then he hang an arm over my shoulder, which was somewhat difficult for him since I was a few inches taller. "You've lost your touch in dating and asking women out on dates."

I widened my eyes at that conclusion, "What?"

"That's why I, Harvey Miller, am now offering my services to help you get a date out of that woman you kept staring at a while ago."

And at THAT I just had to gape, "What?! You mean, Rienna?!"

He beamed at me for that, "Aha! So you already know the name! Perfect! I'll take it from here then!" he gave me one strong pat on the back and sprinted away from me.

"Wai--Wait! HARVEY!!!" I hurriedly followed him--which was difficult, because he was also in the Soccer Team for a year back in High school, till he found a different calling.

Ugh! Damn it! What the hell just happened?!

Arriving at the Library, I was too late. He was already inches away from Rienna and I couldn't intervene without looking too suspicious about it. I groaned.

First, Atty. Stanley, then Harvey Miller... Who's next?!

"Looks like someone's flirting again."

I narrowed my eyes at the person addressing me. Of course, who else could it be?

"Olette." I say coldly.

"Mr. Cook. Nice seeing you again." she said sarcasticly.

"Always a pleasure." I retorted.

MY day cannot get any more worse than this.

Then I turned my head back to the direction of Harvey and Rienna...

And I noticed that Rienna was looking at my direction too. Her eyes were wide, her cheeks flushed.

Harvey was doing a thumbs up sign from behind her so that she couldn't see. 

Rienna looked away shyly and after nodding towards Harvey, she quickly left the library.

Oh wait... it just got worst.

"RIENNA! Wait!"

"SHH! No shouting in the Library." Olette scolded.

I ignored that and quickly left the room, cool and calmness just going out the window. Forget professionalism for a while... and leave it, for once, to traditional masculine instinct.

And maybe a little bit of luck. Forget all formalities.

I owe her an Apology...

[End of Chapter 6]

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