Sixty-four Steps (drarry)

By liamwhatdoyoubring

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A stormy sky, clouds and rain. As Harry looked, truly looked, into Draco's eyes he could begin to see a story... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

698 23 339
By liamwhatdoyoubring

I don't care what people say when we're together
You know I wanna be the one to hold you when you sleep

Draco had sat at Harry's bedside for an hour. He hadn't even realized how much time had passed on. Draco just sat there, holding Harry's hand, telling him to stay here, telling him he loved him, and kissing his forehead. Draco was a complete mess. His eyes were puffy and red. He was more pale than usual, which was saying something considering he was already so light.

Draco had his head laid down on Harry's bed, he was holding Harry's hand against his chest.

"..Draco" Hermione opened the door and walked in with Ron. His head slowly lifted from Harry's bed to turn and look at the two of them. "You need to eat something. Go get some lunch" Ron said.

"No, I will not leave him." Draco said shakily. "We will stay with him, we promise no harm will come." Hermione reached out and placed her hand on Draco's shoulder. He sighed and looked back over to Harry. Harry's vitals had gotten much better, which was a good sign.

Draco took a deep breath and let go of Harry's hand. "If anything happens to him the two of you are dead" Draco stared at them and stood up. "You have our word" Ron said and patted Draco's back.

Draco sniffled and took another look down to Harry. "You really like him don't you?" Hermione said softly as she watched Draco's gaze fall back down to Harry.

"Like him? Merlin I have the biggest knot in my stomach, I've been crying for the last two hours, and I can barely focus on anything. He's the only bloody thing running through my mind." Draco clenched his fist as he slowly got more and more worked up over what his father had done.

Ron and Hermione had completely different looks on their faces. Hermione was smiling and swooning over this new found love between Harry and Draco. Ron was shocked that Draco could care for anyone but himself. Nonetheless they were both thrilled for their best friend.

Draco rubbed his temples. "I'm glad he chose you" Hermione smiled. "Me too mate" Ron said and took a seat by Harry's bed.

Draco smiled a little. "I'm glad he chose me too" Draco stared down at Harry. "If he wakes up come get me. I'm going to eat quick I promise"

"We will, now go eat" Ron said and shooed him away. Draco slowly left and forced himself not to turn his head back around to look at Harry. Draco walked through the halls dragging his fingers along the stone.


Draco turned around to see Ginny Weasley staring at him. Draco narrowed his eyes. "What?" He asked coldly.

"Did you hurt Harry? I swear to god if you touched him even once you will be a dead man. Coming in here covered in blood, and now Harry's in the hospital wing. What did you do?!" Ginny walked towards him and poked his chest.

"I've done nothing of the sort. I haven't laid a finger on him, well a harmful finger at least" Draco smirked and raised his eyebrow. "Why do you care Weaslette?" He stared down at her.

"Harry poo is my soulmate." She smiled and looked off in a daze. "Well 'Harry poo', dumped you. Please stop being such an odd stalker. Goodbye Weaslette" Draco scoffed and turned around. The looks he was receiving on his way to the hall, were disgusting. People were looking at him as if he had murdered someone. Well, not just any someone, Harry. In all honesty he did murder someone but not everyones beloved Harry Potter.

Draco would admit it did look a bit suspicious that he came in with blood soaked into his clothes. He also had quite a reputation for hating Harry.

Draco sighed and walked into the hall. Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall all watched him enter. They hadn't expected him to join the rest of the students this afternoon, considering the events from earlier.

He sat down after getting his food and slowly ate. The food looked completely unappetizing, Draco could barely manage to swallow it.

"What's got you all down in the dumps?" Pansy said taking a seat next to him. Draco chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying to remain calm. "Harry." Draco replied. "Thats it? Harry?" She looked at him.

"Yes that's it, Harry" Draco said as Dumbledore began speaking.

"As most of you have seen or heard, Harry Potter has been wounded deeply. I am telling you all this just to let you know, there is no threat. Do not be afraid of another attack. The person who did this to Harry had been taken care of accordingly" Dumbledore cleared his throat. The students were all staring up at the front of the hall attentively.

Draco was the only one who was not. He was picking at his food.

"We have someone who needs to be thanked for saving our chosen one, for saving all of us" Dumbledore said and smiled warmly. Draco felt his heart stop, he hoped he wouldn't be the one Dumbledore chose to give some long boring speech.

"Draco Malfoy" Dumbledore said. Draco's head shot up and he stared at Dumbledore. The whole hall turned their heads to look at Draco. Looks of confusion and admiration circling him. Draco felt his cheeks heat up. "Draco Malfoy was brave enough to save us all from the threat. To save us all from who hurt Mr. Potter" Dumbledore smiled.

"Draco would you like to come up here and say a few words?" Dumbledore looked down at Draco. Dumbledore winked at Draco, letting him know this was his chance to fix his errors. Draco looked around and gulped. He took a deep breath. Harry would want him to, Harry would encourage him to. Draco nodded and got up. He made his way to the front of the hall looking forwards and standing tall. Once he had arrived at the front Dumbledore moved away and gestured for Draco to step in his place at the podium.

Draco cleared his throat and got up in front of everyone. "I have an image, an image I put up of myself. An image that I'm evil, cold, and heartless. Most of you wouldn't believe me if I told you I was none of those things, but it's true. I'm not any of the things I've made myself out to be. I cannot blame any of you for hating me, I've made it very hard for anyone to like me." Draco took a deep breath.

"When I was made head boy, I first saw Harry in our dormitory and told him to stay out of my way" The whole hall gasped at the fact Draco had called him Harry. The people who lived off of drama were eating up every second of this speech. The proud Gryffindors and Slytherin were utterly disgusted. The fan girls/guys who had made up their own fantasies were thrilled. The closeted students were very excited that this hopefully meant Hogwarts would become a safer place with less judgment. The other students who really didn't care about anything continued to eat.

"I know, odd right? Saying his first name" Draco chuckled at their reactions. "Slowly I let my guard down, Harry had become a very important person in my life. Therefore when I saw him being taken I did what I had to. I gathered professors and took them to where I knew he was being held. While we were all there, the evil man had hurt Harry in such a deep way. Blood was everywhere..." Draco gulped. He didn't enjoy reliving that moment.

He realized he may be over sharing but by this point he didn't really care.

"That's why most of you saw blood in my clothes, it wasn't me. I didn't hurt Harry. I wouldn't hurt him. I did hurt the man who had taken him. If I hadn't he would've become a threat to us all...I know it won't be easy to just believe I've changed. I do hope someday, somehow you all will forgive me for my past ways." Draco smiled slightly and looked out at everyone staring back at him.

"Thank you." Draco stepped down from the podium. There was a slight moment of silence before the hall broke out in applause. Draco smiled sincerely and thought for a second, maybe things would get better.

Once the applause calmed he made his way out of the hall and back to the hospital wing. Draco walked in and saw Hermione as well as Ron, just watching Harry. Draco smiled and let out a breath of relief.

"Looks like you two will be living to see another day." Draco smiled and walked over to them. "We told you nothing would happen" Ron said and got up from the chair. "How is he?" Draco looked down at Harry.

"Better, he seems to be getting stronger by the minute." Hermione smiled.

Harry began to stir. Draco stared at him and sat down, taking Harry's soft small hand in his. "Harry?" Draco mumbled into Harry's ear. Harry's eyes cracked open. Draco was overjoyed when he saw his love's eyes open up. "Thank Merlin" Draco hugged him softly, making sure to not hurt him.

Hermione and Ron smiled. "We'll be on our way" Ron knew when to leave, and now was that time. He took Hermione and left.

Draco pulled away and stared down at Harry, he ran his hand along Harry's cheek. "Thank you...but who are you?" Harry stared up at Draco. Draco's face fell, as did his heart and his hopes.

"I'm just kidding Dray" Harry chuckled. Draco grabbed his heart. "Jesus Harry don't do that." Draco took a deep breath. "You were really worried weren't you?" Harry looked at Draco.

"Of course I was, you twit. I thought I had lost you." Draco held Harry's hand. Harry rubbed the back of Draco's hand with his thumb. "You can't get rid of me that easily" Harry smiled. Draco chuckled and sniffled. "Making jokes at a time like this?" Draco watched Harry's eyes look around the room.

Harry nodded. "Come here" Harry scooted over and patted the spot next to him. Draco took his shoes off and got into the bed. Harry snuggled into Draco's arms. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry. Harry's hand entangled in Draco's silky hair. Draco stroked Harry's back soothingly.

"I love you too" Harry said into Draco's chest. Draco kissed Harry's forehead. "Look you finally got to say it without interruption" Draco chuckled. "I'm sorry my father tried to kill you." Draco twirled a piece of Harry's hair. "It's not your fault darling" Harry traced the outline of Draco's jawline with his finger.

"Harry James Potter" Draco looked down at him. "Full name? Okay what's on your mind?" Harry looked up at Draco.

"I want to properly court you, I want to hold your hand in the hallways, I want to be able to call you love in public, I want to show you that you are worthy of love. I want to show I'm not scared or embarrassed to be with you. After I almost lost you I realized there's not time for all of this hiding. I love you and I'm okay with everyone knowing if you are" Draco said all in one breath.

Harry blushed, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "Darling, I would love that" Harry smiled and kissed Draco. Draco held Harry's face so tenderly. They kissed like old lovers on a patio watching the sunset go down. It was a sweet and warm kiss, it felt so familiar. It warmed both of their hearts.

"But you're aware that we'll probably get more threats right?" Draco ran his hand through Harry's soft raven hair. Harry nodded. "Draco when your by my side none of that matters. It's like I can do or be anything I want and I'm not scared to." Harry smiled and turned his attention up to the ceiling. As if he was caught in a daydream.

"And who cares what anyone thinks?" Harry said softly.

"We are together and I'm sick of hiding it." Draco turned Harry's face towards his own. Draco ran his index finger along Harry's porcelain skin. Harry wrapped his slender hand around Draco's firm arm in which was wrapped around Harry.

"When do I get discarded from this god awful place. Believe it or not I miss the green" Harry smiled and rubbed his tired droopy eyes. "I knew you eventually would appreciate that amazing marvelous exquisite color" Draco smiled and caressed Harry's cheek softly.

The door opened.

Draco's head snapped towards the general direction of the doorway. Draco got out of the bed and stomped over to the person. Harry turned around to see who it was. "What the hell are you doing here? You're lucky I don't rip your face off!" Draco scowled. "I know you should I deserve it..I came here to apologize." Blaise said sincerely. At least he sounded sincere.

"Apologize? You? Blaise Zabini Apologize?" Draco scoffed and crossed his arms. "I feel terribly awful about what I did, it was low and underhanded. I don't even like Harry in that way. I just was so angry you had found someone...I let it overtake me." Blaise kept switching eye contact between Draco and Harry.

"You're lyin-" Harry cut Draco off. "Draco let him speak. Come here both of you" Harry gestured for them to come closer. Draco had this look on his face. A look of 'what the hell are you doing?'

Harry nodded, re-assuring Draco it was okay. "Harry I'm so sorry, what I did was evil and cruel. I'm not like that I promise. I would never do anything to hurt anyone intentionally. I was just so jealous of you" Blaise and Draco were stood right next to each other. "that's a load of bullshit" Draco mumbled.

"What? How?" Blaise turned his attention to Draco. "You outed me to the whole damn school!" Draco slightly raised his voice. "What are you talking about? You sound mad, I didn't out you to anyone!" Blaise raised his voice as well.

Harry just sat back and watched, curious to see how it may play out.

"You're lying!" Draco voice raised a little more. "I'm not. You know who outed you?!" Blaise said back. "Who? Huh Zabini? Who?" Draco re crossed his arms.

"The little red head Weasel girl. She saw us making out. How the hell did you think it was me?!" Blaise said to him. Harry and Draco's faces matched. Both of them were more shocked than they ever had been.

Harry pushed the image of Blaise and Draco making out, very far out of his head.

"Why would she do that?" Harry asked. "I don't know why you're asking me. You dated her Harry you should know" Blaise turned his attention down to Harry. "I didn't really date her..but no I have no idea." Harry fiddled with his fingers.

"Well, that's beside the point. I'm not jealous anymore or angry or anything. I really just wanted to apologize to the both of you." Blaise brought his tone back down. "We accept your apology." Harry smiled.

Draco stared down at Harry, very confused. Draco sat down next to Harry and took his hand. Harry smiled. "Good because Harry I have a favor to ask" Blaise smiled and sat in a chair next to Harry's bed.

"A favor? Are you crazy? You poisoned him pyscho." Draco got defensive once more. He put on a very tough exterior when he got defensive.

"Dray it's alright. What's your favor Blaise?" Harry used Blaise's first name because he trusted him. Harry can read people, Blaise had his guard down. Blaise was being genuine and sensitive. It kind of shocked Harry.

"Okay, well you're a Gryffindor" Blaise said. Draco laid down, his upper half on Harry's legs. He crossed his hands and twiddled his thumbs. "Well yes" Harry chuckled. "Do you know Neville?" Blaise asked sheepishly. Blaise seemed to grow smaller when he mentioned Neville's name.

"Neville's one of my best mates." Harry smiled. Harry could already tell where this conversation was going. Blaise seemed like a good person. Anger overtakes people, it makes them do things they don't want to do. Harry knew Blaise would treat Neville right.

"Is he..well you know.." Blaise was very timid, scared of Harry's answer. "Yes very much he is" Harry held Draco's hand. Harry was excited for Blaise, maybe Blaise would find something like Harry and Draco did.

"Oh good" Blaise let out a sigh of relief. "Could you maybe..oh I don't know put in a good word for me? Maybe? Please?" Blaise smiled a little and adjusted his seating position. "Yes, Neville talked about you quite a bit. He always talks about how amazing you are at potions. He always says he wants to be your 'friend'." Harry chuckled at Blaises reactions throughout his sentence.

Blaise looked red as a tomato. "So you're into him?" Draco sat back up and looked at Blaise. "It's like how you were always into Harry. You know it's just always been there." Blaise smiled wider. Harry smiled as well. "I'm very happy for you" Draco smiled too.

Three smiling gay guys in the hospital wing. Quite an odd scene for a passer-bier.

"Thank you both for forgiving me. I feel terrible about how I acted. Neville seems to be it for me. He's an amazing guy seriously." Blaise was rambling on about Neville. Draco and Harry were both just sitting and listening.

"Well I'm gonna go. I'll let you two get back to being all cute" Blaise smiled and got up. Draco smiled as well. "Thank you for being so mature." Draco smiled.

Blaise bowed his head as a farewell. "I'll see you two around" He exited the hospital.

"Wow that was insane" Harry said after making sure Blaise was really gone. "I know right. I was not expecting that" Draco crawled back into bed, snuggling up next to Harry.

Harry scooted into Draco's arms. The strong scent of Draco once again filled Harry's nose. "We must ask ginny what the hell her problem is." Harry stated into Draco's firm chest.

"Yes love we must. But for now I'm just happy you're alive and well" Draco kissed Harry's temple softly after pushing away a piece of hair that rested upon it. Harry smiled and any remaining pain in his body seemed to dissipate when Draco held him. Draco rested his head atop Harry's. Harry rested his head on Draco's chest and yawned.

Snuggling. Everything about it felt so right. Harry and Draco, Draco and Harry. Their bodies were made for each other. A match truly made in heaven.

"Can I be discharged yet. I feel fine I wanna go lay in your room" Harry whined. Draco chuckled and caressed Harry's hair. "Love, that is not a question for me. I can get Snape if you want?" Draco looked down at Harry.

Harry nodded. "Hurry back." Harry kissed Draco's cheek. Draco got up and put his shoes back on. "I'll be back" He smiled and walked out of the room. Harry laid there in the deafening silence. The silence that let his mind wander. Harry's eyes explored down to his covered wrist.

He took in a deep breath of cool soothing air and rolled up his sleeve. Harry saw the newest one sitting on his wrist so daintily. It hurt his soul, it hurt Harry's soul to know he was weak. No matter how hard Harry had hoped it would've stopped by now it didn't. It hadn't stopped and he didn't know when it would. Once Draco came into his life for real, Harry hoped he could help stop it. Draco did help stop it for a while there, but Harry let his mind become consumed again.

Harry hated everything about the way his wrists looked.


Scars to remind him of how weak he is.

Harry rolled his sleeve back down and huffed. He turned on his side and slowly closed his eyes, trying to silence the rude voices in his head.

Draco returned with Snape. "Eager to get out of here are we?" Snape looked down to Harry and pulled out his wand to begin a proper inspection. Harry laid there impatiently waiting for Snape to finish. "I'm in no more pain, everything is steady. I would really like to get out of here" Harry looked around, this part of Hogwarts brought back bad memories.

It brought back memories of death and sickness. Death from the battle. The battle that Harry unintentionally caused.

Draco stood next to Snape, curiously watching Snape's wand. "Harry you're good to go." Snape said and tucked his wand away. "Thank you sir." Harry stood up a bit too fast. The room became filled with fuzzy dots of random colors. Harry felt Draco's arm reach out to hold him steady. "Are you alright?" Draco asked.

"Yes, just stood up too fast is all." Harry smiled and looked around for his shoes. "Where are my shoes" Harry kneeled down to look under the bed. Draco walked to the opposite side of the bed and picked them up. "Right here" Draco set them down in front of Harry. Harry smiled and slid them on.

"Bed rest. I do not expect to see you at meals tomorrow. Or classes." Snape ordered rather demandingly. "Yes sir" Harry said. "Good, Draco keep an eye on him. We both know he likes trouble. After all he does like you" Snape chuckled and Draco hit his shoulder softly. Harry chuckled as well. Snape left before they did, for the soul purpose of dramatically swishing his robe around as he left.

Draco and Harry both rolled their eyes sarcastically at Snape's dramatic exit. "Ready?" Draco looked down at Harry. "Ready." Harry smiled and they proceeded to walk out of the large room. They walked through the halls. They received a lot of looks, kind looks. People awing and swooning over the two of them. Harry found it odd that people were paying attention to them. They never had before.

Other looks weren't as kind. People looked like they were about to be sick to their stomachs. Mostly Gryffindor and Slytherin were giving those rude looks. Draco knew why they were receiving looks, it had completely slipped his mind to tell Harry of the speech in the Great Hall.

They made it back to the dorm finally after what felt like ages of walking. Harry flopped down onto the soft couch and rubbed his head. "You alright?" Draco toed his shoes off. Harry nodded and held his stomach. Draco furrowed his eyebrows and took Harry's shoes off for him. "What's wrong?" Draco sat on the couch laying Harry's head down in his lap.

"I'm hungry" Harry grumbled and turned on his side. The empty feeling in his stomach had finally hit him. "We can eat dinner in the hall with your friends?" Draco questioned. "Snape said no" Harry looked up at Draco. "Who cares?" Draco chuckled and leaned back into the couch.

Harry smiled and nodded. "By the way I should probably tell you something." Draco looked down at Harry and moved a piece of hair off of his forehead revealing Harry's unique scar. "Alright what?"

"So, while you were still out. I went to go eat lunch because your best friends insisted I do. They promised to watch you." Draco said. Harry was staring at him intently. "While I was eating Dumbledore said someone needed to be thanked for saving the school from an threat. He called me up and I basically told everyone were friends. See that's all" Draco smiled and looked down at Harry.

Harry looked up at him with his head quirked. "That's all? So why is everyone being odd?" Harry asked. "I may have seemed a tad bit in love with you..." Draco smirked.

"I wish I could've heard your magical speech" Harry chuckled and got up. Draco got up and hugged Harry from behind. "It truly was magical, I think even I saw Crabbe and Goyle drooling over it" Draco chuckled and kissed Harry's cheek.

Harry smiled and put his shoes back on. "Let's go eat i'm starved" Harry went into the bathroom to fix his hair. Draco put his shoes on, then followed Harry into the bathroom. "I really missed you." Draco stood next to Harry and leaned against the counter. "I missed you too" Harry turned to face Draco and wrapped his arms around Draco's neck. Harry twirled a piece of Draco's hair. "Did you get hotter? It looks like you did" Harry inspected Draco's face.

Draco felt a slight blush creep up on his face. "Nope always been this attractive." Draco smiled proudly and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. His waist wasn't as unhealthily tiny anymore. Harry had meat on his bones, he felt like he was nourished correctly. It made Draco smile.

Draco placed a soft small kiss on Harry's lips. They pulled away a tiny bit, leaving a few centimeters of space between their faces. Harry and Draco gazed into each other's eyes for a split second before they began kissing each other eagerly. They had both missed each other's touch so very badly.

Draco lifted Harry onto the bathroom counter. Harry moaned slightly and continued to make out with Draco. Draco held Harry's body against his own, Harry's legs were wrapped tightly around Draco's torso. Draco pulled away from Harry's lips and kissed down his neck. Draco held Harry's back and waist tightly.

Harry bit his lip and tilted his head. "God I missed this" Harry said breathily.

Draco pulled away all of a sudden with a smirk .

"What?" Harry looked at him. "That's just a little preview" Draco smirked and released Harry. "More after dinner." Draco licked his bottom lip slowly and wiped his mouth.

"I despise you Draco Malfoy" Harry hopped off of the counter and glided his hand along Draco's pants, along Draco's zipper. Draco bit his lip and scoffed. "this should be fun" he mumbled and followed Harry out into the common room. "Let's go eat" Harry smirked and walked out of the door. "My dinner won't be the only thing getting ate tonight" Draco said into Harry's ear and walked out in front of him.

Harry shivered and followed Draco.

"Oh is that Weaslette?" Draco nudged Harry softly. Harry nodded. "Wanna go ask her?" Harry looked up at Draco. "Yes, most definitely yes" Draco smiled and walked up to her with Harry.

"Weaslette" Draco said coldly. Draco being mean made Harry want to laugh. Harry knew Draco wasn't mean, Harry knew Draco was a big softie.

"Gross. What do you two faggots need?" Ginny crossed her arms and stared at them. Harry clenched his fists, as did Draco. "Watch your mouth 'little sis'" Ron happened to be passing by with Hermione.

Harry and Draco turned around to see Ron standing there with Hermione. "Hey you two" Hermione smiled. Draco and Harry waved at the same time and turned their attention back to the rude red head standing in front of them.

"I'm going to get right to the point. Why did you out me?"


Authors note

Heyyy I ended this chapter here because i'm mentally preparing myself to write smut. next chapter will most likely have some 😏😏 in it. Hope you're enjoying!

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