Phan: Blurred Admirer - High...

By OMGThePheelsBruh

13.8K 634 1K

*Phan Smut* (Yay) xD Phil was always one for missing things, he was always too late. Leaving things 'till the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

1.2K 58 157
By OMGThePheelsBruh

Sweets and sweethearts


"So...", I mumbled, awkwardly trying to make conversation whilst we walked along in the pitch black darkness.

I always felt bad when I left the other person to make conversation but tbh I can't be bothered most of the time.

But this was Phil.

Daniel, do it for Phil.

Please him.


Everything I say sounds remotely sexual.

"Uhh- What're we gonna do at your friend's?", I murmured, not noticing if he could even hear me.

I looked across at him, his magnificent eyes shone in the glorious moonlight.

He turned to look at me, causing me to turn away in embarrassment.

"Watch a movie, play some games? I don't know but we'll have some fun", he smiled until his eyes opened wider, "oops that sounded uh- dodgy".

I laughed at him and he nudged me gently in return.

We walked in silence for a few minutes until he glanced across at my perplexed expression...

It might've looked like I was constipated but I was actually trying to come up with something to say. Aaaand I was failing.

"Hey, I'm fine with the quiet, it's a comfortable silence", he could sense I was slightly tense.

"Uhm- I-", I stuttered.

No Dan, try harder.

Say something.


"But I hardly know you and I want to get to know you more and I don't know what to say because I'm all shy and flustered because you seem so sweet and amazing and I REAAALLY want to impress you but I'm too big a dork to do or say anything because I'll end up getting tongue tied and I'll mess up all my words simply because I'm speechless whenever I see you. My words seem to fall out of my mouth", I sighed heavily, noticing his concerned expression.

"Wow, I'll take that as a compliment but hey, I can help you talk... That... Sounded weird", he giggled, "Any bands you like?".


Dan, listen here, this is your conscience speaking, whatever you do DON'T let your inner fangirl take over.

DON'T overly enthuse him about Muse

... Or

Fall Out Boy

... Or

Kanye West (and why he's the Kanye best).

Don't Dan.

Bad Daniel.

"Well, I'm glad you asked. Here's my 576 page essay on why 'Bands R me frands'", I started, "heh... Just kidding but I love Muse", I said, noticing his smile widen.

"Well, I've already found my soulmate", he smirked.

"Shut up", I teased in return.

"Make me... Preferably with your mouth", he winked.

"You wish".

"You bet I do", he turned his head to gaze back up at the moon.

We continued to walk on in a comforting and content silence until Phil turned to walk up the drive to a fairly large house.


I bet they're rich.

I feel like a noob.

Phil turned to look at me to check I was following him, "they won't kill you, don't worry".

"How relieving".

Phil knocked on the door only for it to be swung open by one of his friends; Josh.

"Come on in you two!", Josh examined me, unable to put a name to my face, "Sorry, what's your name?", he asked in the politest way possible.

"Dan", I replied, formally shaking his hand.

Why did I do that.

Dan you posh-ass snob, shaking some peasant's hand.

Josh looked at me oddly and shook my hand in a state of confusion.

He beckoned us in, closing the door firmly shut behind us.


I'm not gonna be able to escape, am I?


I cautiously paced towards the living room, following Phil with an utter desperation to escape.

"Hey Phil, sup?", called Toby, who was sat on the floor playing Xbox.

"Hi, what's the plans for tonight?", Phil replied.

"Uh well we were gonna watch a movie and play a few random games I guess... We don't know to be fair", Toby laughed.

"Sounds great", Phil smiled.



Please tell me they have a good movie taste else I swear to god, imma kill a bitch.

"What kind of film?", I asked quietly, trying to not attract too much attention.

Aaaand I did exactly the opposite.

Everyone in the room turned to stare at me as if I were some kind of naked shrimp.

"Well we have the Hunger Games... Or... What was the other one... Oh, Gravity", Josh said, passing me the DVDs.

"Nice", I grinned.



"Should we, like, vote for which one we want to watch or what?", Phil said, intently watching Toby play Call Of Duty on the Xbox.

"Vote", Tom chanted from the corner of the room; his face fully planted into a bowl of crisps.

"OK, who votes for the Hunger Games?", Josh asked.

1 hand went up... And that was my hand.

Oh wait...
There's Phil's.

Yay. ☺️

"That's 2 v 3", Tom laughed.

"Gravity it is then, sorry you two", Josh apologised as he got up and gently kicked Toby in the back, indicating for him to get off his bean bag and stop playing.

He put in the film and it began to play.

Phil was sat really close to me which made me feel extremely happy for some reason.

He gives off them good vibes.


The film was good and I could tell why people loved it so much however the part where one of the astronaut's faces got blown off was pretty disturbing, I may or may not have discretely grabbed Phil's hand at that point...

For moral support of course...


After the film had finished, Toby turned it off and then turned to us all with a sinister smirk.

"Hey guys, who wants to play Truth or Dare?", he laughed, watching all our faces turn pale.

"You're such a 9 year old", Tom bellowed.

"C'mon, we have nothing better to do", he spat.

"I thought you planned this all out?", Josh said to Toby, confused by his actions.

"To be honest, I kinda just wanted to have a little get together and talk about crap but now I want to do something", Toby sighed.

"Anyone want a polo?", Tom asked, offering them around by throwing them at people.

"Tom, you genius", Josh grinned, obviously with an idea, "have you heard of the game where you get a polo and put it on a straw and have to pass it on to the next person by getting it hooked onto their straw?".

Wtf is he on about?

"Oh yeah, I've played that game, it's great fun", Phil cheered.

Oh... Phil knows about it, must be good then.

"I'll grab some straws", Toby leapt up, jumping into the kitchen and returning with 5 straws.

"Everyone sit in a circle", Josh demanded, plonking himself down on the floor.

"OK, who wants to start?", Tom asked.

"I will!", Josh grabbed a polo, placing it gently onto his straw, which was held in his mouth, before turning his head to face Toby.

"Go!", Tom shouted.

The two of them clumsily shoved and poked their straws at each other, attempting to slide the polo onto Toby's straw.

"Wow, mate you're shit", Toby teased, watching Josh fail each time.

"Shut yo ass", Josh retorted.

Miraculously, he managed to do it after about 5 minutes without the polo falling off.

Toby turned to Phil, "Phil, you can do this".

Toby must've been a pro or something because he got the polo onto Phil's straw within seconds.

"Oh my god, have you been practising?", Tom gasped.

"I'm just overall brilliant", Toby smiled obnoxiously.

What a twat.

Phil turned to me, I could see the concentration flickering in his eyes.

Unluckily for me, I'd gathered that Phil was extremely clumsy meaning this might take a while.

But I didn't mind waiting, it was Phil of course.

The straw was shaking in his mouth as he tried to nudge the polo onto my straw.

He was so nervous.


Until suddenly he jerked (Tom had thrown a polo at his ear) and the polo slipped off the end of his straw, falling to the ground.

"Oh crap, we forgot to make up any rules", Toby said, "What's the consequence if the polo falls?".

"Uh", everyone murmured blankly.

"LOL THEY SHOULD KISS AS A PUNISHMENT", Tom screamed, flapping his arms.

He wasn't the brightest bulb in the box...

Not that his idea was bad because fuck, yes please, I would love to kiss my future husband.

I mean...

Oops my homo is showing.

Away flies my heterosexuality.

Won't miss you.


"Really?", Josh frowned.

But without another word, Phil leaned in towards me, dropping the straw, and closing his eyes.

"Uhh dude", Toby said to Phil, concerned.

Phil continued to lean in closer.

Dan... Don't do it...


Daaaan, don't do it


Ah screw it Dan, you horny homo.

I closed my eyes and leaned towards Phil, allowing our lips to meet.

"Holy fuck", Josh squeaked, falling backwards.

The embrace lasted for a few seconds until Phil pulled away.

"I want to be gay now", Tom sighed heavily.

"What the fuck Tom", Toby shouted, brushing off Tom who was stroking his thigh in a possessed manner, "I'm outta here. C'mon Josh, we can play on my Tv in my room... I have a lock on my door to escape these... Um... Gays... I mean guys... Guys, yeah".

Well fine, I didn't like you anyway.

"I'm just gonna go home", Tom groaned.

"Tom, you live 5 miles away", Josh laughed.

"Oh yeah, I'll just camp in the study room then and I can make it into a mini strip club... Anyone wanna join me-",

"NO!", Toby screamed, running upstairs, dragging Josh with him.

Sassy bitch.

Tom went into the Study to do his dirty shit, leaving Phil and I alone in the darkness of the living room.

It was 11:12 pm and we hadn't brought any pyjamas so we decided to sleep in our clothes if we got tired.

"Hey, about the kiss", Phil whispered, "I'm sorry that it felt like I was pressuring you into doing it, I was a bit eager to be fair".

"Shh, it's OK, I would've liked it to be longer though", I replied, bringing my fingers to his lips to silence him, "May I return the favour?".

Phil nodded gently, his stunning eyes melting into mine.

I took my fingers away and cupped his cheek instead, tilting up his head to reach my level.

I leaned in closer, pressing my lips once more against his.

His lips were so soft and smooth, brushing against mine.

Slowly our tongues came together, dancing in sweet symphony with one another, making me tingle pleasurably.

I heard him let out a moan into the kiss, making my heart flip.

Oh my god, this was amazing.

I didn't want this to end.

My stomach was filled with butterflies, all swirling around at incredible speeds, making my heart thump faster and faster whilst our lips moved in time.

This was surely heaven.

As we pulled away, I found myself lying beneath Phil, his hands twisting through my now, even more, scruffy hair.

"Wow", I panted, trying to catch my breath.

"Bloody hell that was fantastic", Phil breathed, nuzzling his head into my shoulder.

"I still can't believe this is happening", I giggled.

"Neither can I", he replied, wrapping his arms around my waist, "and I'm never letting you go".

"That's fine with me".

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