Final Footsteps (Running Seri...

By Wingerz17

861 54 0

We were all alive. We were all together again. Until... A knock on the door. "He's gone...He's really gone an... More

Chapter 1: Devastation
Chapter 2: Bueno
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Pierced Flesh
Chapter 5: Superman Squared
Chapter 6: Truth Reunited
Chapter 7: Sleep Interrupted
Chapter 8: Remorseful Error
Chapter 9: Take Me Home
Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun
Chapter 11: Day Over
Chapter 12: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 13: Painful Features
Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues
Chapter 15: More Steps Forwards
Chapter 16: Independence
Chapter 17: Damaged
Chapter 18: Broken Chains
Chapter 19: Hollandaze
Chapter 20: River Cruising
Chapter 21: The Secret Door
Chapter 22: Zoo O'clock
Chapter 23: Rolling Punches
Chapter 24: Past Shadows
Chapter 25: Survival
Chapter 26: Minor Blips
Chapter 27: Those Days
Chapter 28: Suprise
Chapter 29: Faded Sleep
Chapter 30: Late Night Confessions
Chapter 31: New Memories
Chapter 32: Childish Antics
Chapter 33: Those Mini Pizzas
Chapter 34: In The Eye
Chapter 35: Fireworks
Chapter 36: False Start
Chapter 37: Welcome to the world
Chapter 38: Untold Stories
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: More than you realised
Chapter 41: Tearful goodbyes, smiling hello's
Chapter 42: Healed Nightmares
Chapter 43: Past Demons
Chapter 44: Tropical Paradise
Chapter 45: Blissful Times
Chapter 46: Happy Birthday
Chapter 47: Relax and Celebrations
Chapter 48: A Capital Bang
Chapter 49: Last Day Blues
Chapter 51: Gunshots and Loud Bangs
Chapter 52: Running from Demons
Chapter 53: The Best News
Chapter 54: Family Fun
Chapter 55: YES!
Chapter 56: The Big Apple
Chapter 57: Family is Everything

Chapter 50: Tired Eyes and Warm Beds

19 1 0
By Wingerz17

Song for chapter is Home by by Scouting for Girls


My eyes opened around 7am and I wanted to just roll over and go back to sleep. We didn't bed down until around 4am this morning. 3 hours sleep was just not enough, I have no idea how Arlo still functions.

Our flight was 12.39pm today, so we didn't have too long and we wanted to go The Great House for our last breakfast, followed by our final walk before coming back to pack and then head to catch our plane.

"You awake?" Tayte mumbled, making me chuckle,

"More awake than you," I answered, rolling over and kissing him softly. He smiled.

"We should get up shouldn't we," he said,

"Mmm, maybe 10 more minutes," I grinned wickedly and kissed him again.

We were however, up, showered and dressed by 7.30am and headed out of our room. No guesses who were already up. Angelo and Arlo were sat on the sofa, drinking what I assumed was coffee, talking.

"Please tell me you two actually went to bed," I said,

"Truthfully, we've both had around an hour," Arlo answered.

   "Noah crashed at 5.30am and I've left him sleeping," Angelo said,

"How are you both looking awake?" Tayte asked. They smiled,

  "A lot of coffee and also being used to limited sleep," Arlo answered.

"Fresh coffee has just brewed if you want some," Angelo then said,

  "I'll get us some." Tayte told me. So I sat down,

"Where's Mali?"

  "In the shower," Tayte came back and handed me a mug.

"Thanks baby,"

Mali joined us 15 minutes later and made herself a tea. I thought it was funny that the only American here was drinking a cuppa tea and the English were drinking coffee. Angelo went to wake Noah up at 8.15am and then half an hour later we left the villa for breakfast. The Great House was, to our surprise quite busy, but we found a table.

"I'm tired," Noah yawned, resting his head on Angelo's arm,

   "Everyone's tired Bub," I answered,

"You can sleep on the plane baby," Angelo told him,

   "Though you did have the longest lie in," Arlo winked.

"Because I'm favourite," he grinned.

I thought choosing breakfast would be hard for us, because making decisions wasn't our strong suit, but we all chose rather quickly. Arlo, Angelo, Tayte and I opted for the Lobster eggs benedict, Noah the homemade Bahamian French toast and Mali, Michaels special, which was avocado on toast with poached eggs and she chose the addition of bacon. We all then chose coffees, because I had a feeling that's what was going to get us through the day.

"I don't want to leave," Noah announced midway through breakfast,

"Us neither," I told him and I really didn't. It just felt right, the six of us together in our own little slice of paradise.

  "Getting back into work is not going to be fun, or I'm assuming college for you handsome," Angelo said,

"I've done barely any work and I know it's my fault, but I am so screwed,"

   "You'll catch up bub, cram some work in tomorrow," I said.

Breakfast continued in silence.

"You're quiet babe, you okay?" Arlo asked Angelo quietly, but I heard. He smiled at him,

  "I'm fine, just taking in every bit of our last day in," was his response.

We'd finished our delicious breakfast by 10am and then took a leisurely stroll back along the beach. They sky looked ominous, though there was a calm feel about the island this morning. A serene type atmosphere. We packed up our cases and then left them at the bottom of the steps to be picked up and taken to the plane.

Noah then ran around the villa crazily, and I stood leant against the doorway. I was going to miss this.

We then said our final goodbyes to Hummingbird Villa and felt the Bahamian sand for the last time, it just had a different feel to ours back home.

There was a family of 4 and two couples on the flight with us, 14 in total.

We left right on time and gazed out of the window sadly, as we flew away from paradise.

"Wake me when we land," Noah yawned, resting his head on Angelo and taking his hand in his.

   "You should sleep too," Mali said to Arlo,

"I'd prefer not to have an episode on a plane in front of strangers, so I'm going to pass on a little nap," he answered,

   "If you think that way, you will babe, I see I need to change your mentality," Angelo said looking at him,

"Well guess you have your work cut out,"

The flight was only 2 hours and 15 minutes and it went relatively quickly. Noah did sleep the whole time. Tayte and I attempted to rest our eyes with limited success.

What came next however was a 3 hour and 15 minute layover.

We weren't booked into any lounge or anything, so we found the 1897 Market and got ourselves two large pizzas to share and sat down for a while.

  "Is someone picking us up from the airport?" Noah asked,

"Auntie dropped my truck off this afternoon, or is going to, time difference trips me out, but that's there for me to drive back, but it's only a 5 seater,"

   "We'll deal with that later," Angelo said, "Two of us can get a uber or something,"

"Why can't someone come pick us up?" Noah asked,

  "Mum and Auntie booked this spa thing a while back and it's tonight 6pm until 9.30pm, so they're not here, Rory and Piper have started a new themed evening twice a month which happened to fall today," I said,

"You could have just said everyone was busy," Noah grinned cheekily.

   "Whatever," I retorted childishly, "I'm going to the loo," I then said and walked off.

"I didn't mean to piss him off," Noah said.

  "I don't think you did," Tayte said yawning,

"Why aren't you going after him, am I living in some twilight zone?" Noah asked,

   "Because believe it or not, we can function apart," he smiled. I came back a few minute later,

"Sorry if I offended you," Noah told me,

  "You don't have to be, you didn't, I just really needed the loo, that's all. I don't take everything to heart you know," I winked.

So our pizzas were devoured and we chilled for a bit longer before going to look in some of the shops for duty free gifts.

We lost track of time and were almost too late for our flight back home to LAX, but managed to just make it after a mad sprint to the gate.

Thankfully getting on the plane ready for our 5 hour flight back home.

By this point I think most of us were running on empty. The flight was busy, I wouldn't be surprised if it was full, but we were seated and comfortable just before take-off. Noah was even asleep before the plane even moved.

We were flying economy back and Noah, Arlo, Angelo and Mali were all sat next to one another, whilst Tayte and I were across from them, with one sole traveller sat by the window.

  "You know we never talked about you getting upset over the whole England debacle," Tayte said to me quietly,

"There's nothing to talk about," I replied,

   "Baby, I don't want you to feel like you are keeping me here, or that I don't want to be here," he said, "Do I miss my Mum, yes, do I feel like I'm missing out on Torah growing up, yes, but that does not mean in any way that I am unhappy being here with you, with everyone, in no way does that mean I don't want to be in Malibu with you,"

  "I just don't want to be the person who gets in the way of you being happy, really happy. I have my family with me, I took you away from yours,"

"For Christ sake Keane, how many times do I have to tell you that I am happy, with you, and it doesn't matter where the hell we are, as long as I have you I am happy. We could be in the middle of a war zone, but with you at my side, I'd be home. I love you and you know this and you almost must know that you are not holding me back,"

"I just.." I began and he shut me up by kissing me,

"Shut up Keane, just shut up," he mumbled, kissing me again.

We all managed at least a couple of hours on the flight, Arlo included, it helped that he was sat next to Angelo. He was like his safety net.

The fact that there was a 5 hour time difference was a major killer.

We landed at 8.10pm and by time we'd got our bags and gone through security and all the necessary places you need to go through in airports now a days, it was closer to 9pm. We were all knackered.

"Why don't you drive my car back Arlo and me and Tayte will get an uber," I said, as we walked outside of the airport.

"Look, as long as you are all okay with cramming 4 in the back, let's just do that and get home," Noah yawned.

  "Arlo?" a voice then said and we all spun around. This handsome looking guy was stood there,

"Sage," Arlo smiled,

   "Fancy bumping into you again," he looked at us all, "Your beautiful girlfriend and brothers I assume," he then said. I swear Arlo blushed,

"Yes, this is Mali, my best friend Angelo and my three brothers Keane, Tayte and Noah, this is Sage, we met the other week on the beach,"

  "Nice to meet you all,"

"Likewise," Angelo said eyeing him up which made me smile,

  "Do you need a lift?"

We were all watching Arlo,

  "Depends which way you're going,"

"10 minutes from the beach I met you on," Sage smiled. "I've got a uber coming for me, plenty of room,"

My phone then began ringing and I walked a little away and answered it.

"Hi darling,

   Auntie, I thought you were having spa treatments?

They were cancelled last minute so we are just pulling up into the airport, parked in a pickup bay, so we can take some of you back and you can drive whoever

  Great, thank you, we'll see you in a minute. Love you.

Love you too,"

I headed back over to everyone,

"So, can I offer any of you a lift?" Sage said,

"We're good thank you, we have a lift coming," I told him.

"We have?" Noah mouthed, making me smile,

"Well, if you are sure," He said, "I'll see you around Arlo," he smiled with a wink and I swear Angelo was about to punch the smile off his face. Mali was just stood looking confused. He then walked off,

"We have a lift?" Noah then said out loud as Arlo, put his hand on Angelo's arm and squeezed it to say, chill out.

"Auntie and Mum are here, last minute cancellation on their spa treatments, they have just pulled up into a pick up bay," I said as we began to walk there.

"So, who was Sage?" Mali questioned. The answer we all wanted to know.

    "Just some guy who came up to me at the beach the other day," he answered. "We started chatting and I then left,"

"Why did he say beautiful girlfriend and brothers?" Angelo asked,

   "Because I said I needed to get back my girlfriend and brothers,"

"I don't like him," Angelo and Noah said together, making us laugh,

   "Duly noted you two,"

No more questions were asked, but I'm pretty sure Angelo was going to want more details later.

Angelo and Mali went with Auntie and Mum, and Angelo and Noah came with Tayte and I. They beat us back and we got home around 10pm, Noah was so tired he didn't even want to stop for food and you all know how much Noah loves food.

"I'm sure you will tell us all about the wonderful time you had tomorrow," Mum said, hugging us all,

   "But by the looks of it, you are all in need of your bed," Auntie chuckled,

"Definitely," Tayte answered.

  "Well we'll see you at some point tomorrow, pop across for a cuppa and a chat," Mum told us,

"We will," I told them.

Goodnights were then said and we were left alone. Angelo scooped up Noah.

  "Night all, love you," He said,

"Night," Noah mumbled and they disappeared,

The rest of us soon followed after I double checked the house was locked.

We showered pretty quickly and then climbed into bed. It felt so good to be back in our own bed, that's not to say the one in the villa wasn't comfortable, because it was. Extremely. But being home was equally as good.

  "I'm not as tired as I felt before," I said to Tayte, who was cuddled up to me,

"Do you want to watch something?" he asked,

   "Saves us lying here not being able to sleep," I answered,

"Sure I could think of something else to do," he winked and I chuckled,

  "Finding something shitty to watch is just fine,"

Arlo's POV

Mali was already asleep. She also had to be up early to head home and then go into work for her Uncle in the afternoon.

I could hear Keane and Tayte laughing, so I assumed they were up and watching something in bed.

I knew Angelo at some point was going to either knock on my door or text me he wanted a chat.

I watched Mali sleeping peacefully, I didn't want anyone or anything to get in the way of what I had with Mali. I knew I had a long way to go with myself, before I could give her everything she deserved, but I was willing to do it.

She opened her eyes and I looked away.

"I love you Arlo," She said sleepily, "Please don't ever think I don't," and she rolled over into me and closed her eyes again. I kissed her forehead softly,

"I love you more," I whispered, within 15 minutes she was flat out, but I didn't move for a long while. I just lay there, my mind racing here there and everywhere, which was not going to help me sleep one bit.

It was just around midnight when I eventually slipped out of bed. The house seemed peacefully quiet and I assumed everyone was now asleep. I went into the kitchen and was making myself a cuppa when I saw a shadow appear behind me,

"Jesus Angelo, don't sneak up on me," I said, turning around,

  "I thought you were in the SAS," he teased,

"Tea?" I asked not answering him,

  "Yes please," I nodded and pulled out another mug, "Sorry," he then said,

"For what?"

  "You don't seem in the mood for jokes so sorry I said that," I smiled then,

"I'm always in the mood for your jokes babe, I'm just..." I trailed off, making the tea,

  "What's on your mind?"

"What isn't on my mind," I answered and he smiled.

"Do you want to pass on some of your burden?" he asked.

"If you don't mind, I need some of Angelo's advice,"

  "I never mind babe,"

We took our mugs of tea into the conservatory. It was a clear night and millions of stars splattered the dark canvas of the sky.

I took a sip of my tea thoughtfully.

"So, where do you want to start?"

"I don't want to fuck everything up with Mali and I'm scared I'm going too,"

  "Arlo that won't happen,"

"What if I can't give her everything she deserves,"

  "Do you think I can give Noah everything he deserves, because I can't. There isn't a instruction manual that comes with relationships. You learn on the job,"

"You do though. What if I'm not good enough for her,"

  "Seriously, you are more than good enough for Mali, I know it's hard for you, to open up, to let people in, but you've let me in,"

"That's different though," I said,

  "How, you didn't know me until this year, the same as Mali, we both love you and both want the best for you,"

"I don't know, I just trust you just make me feel so, so at ease,"

   "You trust Mali though don't you,"

"Yes, I just, I feel like I shouldn't be broken around her,"

  "You aren't broken babe, trust me on that,"

"I know I am a 30 year old man and I shouldn't be...urgh, forget it, let's talk about something else,"

  "It's okay to feel useless and to feel broken, like you aren't worth it, I've been there Arlo, I know. But let me tell you, you are none of those things. Mali is lucky to have you, we are all lucky to have you,"

"You've felt that way," I said, he rolled his eyes, "Trust you to take that from what I said,"

   "And stop trying to dodge the question,"

"You know I'm always okay,"

  "Exactly my point the other day, you are so selfless,"

"So are you," I looked at him.

  "Promise me something," I said to him,


  "No matter where we are, or what we are doing, if either of us need each other, we'll be there," he smiled at me.

"I promise,"

"I promise too,"


Not yet edited!

Thank you so much for reading!

Love Gx

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing 2020

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