The Teasing Games

By asiahidek

225K 1.8K 480

"You run around in those short shorts and fucking knee socks and you expect me not to care?" "Maybe I like to... More

I'll Mac and Punch You
Do I Turn You On?
Now We're Even, Babe
Get It Up Baby Boy
If This Is The Game We're Playing
I Just Want Coffee, Not Your Bullshit.
A Stone Cold, Iron-Hearted Bitch.
Sorry For My Son
Listen Here Wyboi
The Hell Is Wrong With You
His Friend Had Lost His Fucking Mind Today
You Must Be Mack
You Ever Fix Your Waffle Iron?
It Was No Mack.
He Just Wasn't You, Ash.
Act Like It
Where. Is. Issac?
Aw, My Poor Baby
Okay Fuck
A Million Fucking Pieces
You've Been Served
This Was Hell
Calsia's Home Renovations
That's What Family Does
Did You Just Quote Fucking Jet At Me?!
There's No Better Name
You Don't Waste Time, Do You?
*Always* (28.5)
The Whole Fucking Time?
She's A Shit Mother
The Rose Venice

Error 3004

1.3K 21 8
By asiahidek

//SOTC: Back and Forth - Mightbeleo\\

Mack waved bye to Ashton and watched him drive away. She sat in her car for a few moments, honestly just processing the last few minutes of her life.

"He just wasn't you Ash." Mack smiled softly. Ashton searched her eyes for some form of lie or ruse and found nothing.

"What?" He dropped his hands from her shoulder to her hands and she looked from the newfound contact into his eyes.

"After that whole night, and then helping me get ready, when I was out with him it just didn't feel right. I just wanted to be curled up with you watching Regular Show. I didn't wanna be out on a date with Jai. That's why I swore off dating. I didn't want to break your heart and I didn't want you to break mine and I knew dating would change our friendship and honestly I just needed to have you in my life. I needed to know that you'd stick by my side and I was terrified dating would change that. No one was gonna be you, and I couldn't have you so why would I waste my time Irwin?" She shrugged and gave a sad laugh.

Ashton on the other hand felt his heart inflate and deflate like his lungs should have been doing, but he had no air. Everything around him faded. There was no sound. He was no longer on Calum's porch. He was in space, he was whole and he had his Mack. He could see her lips moving, but he couldn't hear her at all. He let go of one of his hands to lift her chin.

"Ash what are you-"

"I adore you Mac'Kenara Davis."

And he kissed her. He kissed her. It was years of emotions pent up in that kiss. They had kissed before but it was nothing like this. He held her waist in one hand and gently pressed her against one of Cal's pillars with the other. She wrapped both hands around his neck and jumped, allowing him to catch and hold her.

He felt like he was spinning. His head was dizzy. He couldn't think about anything other than their lips colliding. He did it. He finally got his girl.

They couldn't have stayed pressed against that pillar for more than a few minutes but it had felt like hours. Tentatively Mack reached up and gently touched her lips. She felt like she had been electrocuted in the best way. Looking down she saw she had a voicemail and reached over to listen to it.

Leslie? Why was she callin- oh, right. Called her a bad friend. Oops.

Wincing, she hit play. "Hey so clearly my relationship is causing an issue between us but I'm not going to put my happiness behind so you feel comfortable. Tell the boys I love them, but our friendship is over."

She rolled her eyes. Leslie had a lot going on, she was a pretty shitty friend, and Mack didn't wanna be maid of honor in a nursing home. Good riddance.

Finally starting her car, she typed her address into the gps and started for home. It was weird driving without her boys in the backseat, but guiltily she'd later admit she enjoyed the silence and the ability to fill her mind with Ashton Irwin instead of Camden and Coastas for once. She had a random rnb station playing quietly on her radio, completely unaware of the marriage being destroyed a few miles away from her.

By the time she made it home, she was dog tired but on cloud nine. She knew logically she should feel guilty about kissing Ashton knowing damn well he was married, but she couldn't bring herself to. He had been hers since they had been kids, she had been his for the same amount of time.

Walking into her apartment she immediately felt a sense of unwell. Someone was in her apartment, she couldn't explain how she knew - nothing was out of place, but sometimes you just know these things. Before she could make a decision on fight or flight, her door swung open and a familiar face appeared in front of her.

"Hello lovely! I'm home!"

Mack grabbed her chest, attempting to recover from the sheer panic that had filled her before hugging her sister. "Isabel what the fuck man! You cannot break into my apartment like that!"

Isabel laughed and held up the spare key Mack had stupidly given her before she moved out of the country. "I didn't break in at all bitch, you just have an awful memory."

Rolling her eyes, Mack walked into her kitchen, setting her keys down and pulling off her shoes. "It's late and I had a long night but we can go get coffee in the morning, deal?" She raised her eyebrow at her sister who gave a thumbs up and walked to the guest room where Mack assumed she had already put her stuff and gotten comfortable.

Shaking her head, Mack made her way into her room. Her lips were still buzzing. She showered and got ready for bed with thoughts of Ashton dancing through her head. She kept replaying the kiss in her mind and even though she knew it was a bad idea, she unlocked her phone to send him a text.

Hey Ash, I had a great time tonight. thanks for inviting me. missed you lot.

She reread it. That's so dumb.

heyyy, had a great time. missed you. lets hang again soon.

She physically gagged looking at that one. She groaned and covered her face with her pillow. It had never been this hard to text a guy she was into. You've never been into a married man before either. She shook the thought off and deleted the text again,

it was nice seeing you. <3

That was better, she was getting somewhere.

it was nice seeing you and the boys, we had a blast <3

She hit send before she could overthink it. That doesn't read like it was sent from a woman who made out with your husband like they were still teenagers with no responsibility right? Nah, it doesn't.... She closed her eyes and allowed her mind to drift to sleep before she could focus in on it.

She had all but fallen asleep when her phone buzzed again and despite herself, her eyes sprung open to answer him.

Error 3004: The recipient has chosen not to receive messages from this number. Please contact your service provider if you believe there has been a mistake.



anyway ya bitch has her own place, we love that for me

also yall dont kill me a bitch works full time and is unmotivated often but im writing im trying i swear 18 is literally done and 19 is half written theyll both be up by monday i promise lmaoooo (<this was a lie but yknow oops its going up soon tho lmaoo)

okay, leave me any and all questions for the characters for me idk just ask something

love yalllllllllllllllll


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