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By volturifreak

475K 10.6K 1.3K

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13.7K 405 53
By volturifreak

Trigger warning
Slight mention of self harm

I'm nothing but a lone wolf; misunderstood and labelled to be dangerous

Anna wanted to die. It wasn't that complicated she was simply exhausted, and she couldn't handle it anymore, she had spent the last few days sleeping, trying to get away from her own mind, but even her sleep was haunted, haunted by images of blood, pain and death, her dreams were lucid, and she had trouble separating dreams from reality was the blood from her vivid imagination or from the new lines on her thighs, was the blood on her hands or in her mind? The one thing she knew for sure was that Anna was alone, if she was to believe her sisters gossip (which wasn't always the most reliable source) Bella, Mike and Jake had had a fiasco of a movie night resulting in Mike getting sick, Jacob getting unreasonably mad and a few awkward rejections, Jessica had talked for hours and Anna still hadn't made out what was up and down in this situation, but she knew for certain that something had happened seeing as both Bella and Jacob had suddenly disappeared on her, leaving her to feel as lonely as ever.

It was a funny thing, depression that is, everytime you have a moments peace from it you think you're going to be okay, but then it comes back ten times harder and you don't understand what happened, that was the worst part, those moments when you thought you were getting better only for reality to slap you right across the face, and that was the part Anna was experiencing in this moment, she had thought it was getting better when she laughed along with Jacob and Bella all those hours in the garage, while fixing the bikes, but once again she had been painfully wrong.

Due to the last few days of total radio silence the last thing Anna expected was a call from the one and only Isabella Swan asking if she had heard anything from Jacob, which sadly she hadn't, Bella had afterwards offered that Anna could join her on a hike, but Anna didn't want to be in the way, she was tired of constantly feeling like she was a burden to everyone, so she kindly thanked Bella for the offer but said she had things to do, then she hung up, you see Anna was a terrible liar and she completely panicked so hanging up the phone seemed like the best option in the moment, of course she was over thinking her rude action now, but that wasn't anything new.



The next morning Anna had a rather rude awakening as someone was banging on the door at 6 am, needless to say Anna was just about ready to rip the head off whoever was at the door, so when she stomped down the stairs in her pyjamas the last person she expected to see was an out of breath Bella "Good morning?" Anna greeted with a hint of a question in her voice, what the hell was Isabella doing at her doorstep so early in the morning? "Hey Anna, I know you said you were busy, but Jake came to see me last night and I'm going over to his place now, I figured maybe you wanted to tag along?" Bella muttered shyly, but Anna was now wide awake, there was nothing she'd rather do than go check up on Jake and make sure he was alright, she had been trying to give him space seeing as he hinted that that's what he wanted, but she had become very worried about the boy, and so she didn't hesitate to put on her slippers over her big fuzzy socks, a light jacket over her baby pink pyjamas, and hurry after Bella to the red beat up truck Bella loved so much.



The girls arrived at the Black house hold in record time, seeing as there was no traffic this early.(and Bella might have slightly broken the speed limit) Neither of the girls wasted any time jumping out of the car at full speed the second Bella had parked it, said girl immediately started walking towards the front door with determined strides, she knocked insitently on the door until Billy Black came and opened the door "Bella" he greeted not noticing Anna standing a bit in the back ground (as always), "I need to see him, we need to see him" Isabella told the man confidently "Hello Anna" he greeted warmly, completely ignoring Bellas demand "Hey Billy" she answered quietly
The man in the wheelchair focused his attention back on the Swan girl before continuing "He's not in" but Bella wouldn't take no for an answer and dint waste any time pushing past Billy and into the Black home "I'm sorry, I really need to see him" "Bella!" Billy called after her before turning to Anna who immediately started apologizing "Billy I'm so sorry, I had no idea she was this-" "It's okay Anna it's not your fault, you can come in if you want" Billy interrupted her, "thank you so much Billy" She answered and walked past him, and after Bella who was now standing in Jake's room watching the boy sleep. There was a short silence before they both heard hollering and fake howling outside, the girls looked out the window before seeing Sam Uley and his 'cult' coming towards the house, Bella's face was covered in a hateful expression while Anna was covered in one of surprise, what the hell were they doing here, she thought Jake hated them, and so she followed Bella (who had stormed out the second she saw the group) curious to see what was going on.

"What did you do?!" Bella yelled after the boys "What did you do? What did you do to him?" she yelled pushing Sam back "hey" one of the boys warned Bella, trying to stand up for Sam but Sam quickly told the boy to watch it, which made him step back at once "He didn't want this" "What did we do? what did he do? what did he tell you?" a boy twice Bellas size asked angrily getting in her face, which made Anna step forward and put her hand on Bellas shoulder "Maybe we should just come back some other time" she said in a small voice, seeing as she was quite frightened by the group in front of her, but Bella ignored her and continued "Nothing, he tells me nothing because he's scared of you" Bella said instantly making the boys laugh at her, Anna could sense Bella getting angrier and stepped forward again "Bella-" but it had already happened before Anna had time to comprehend it, Bella had slapped the guy across the face, and he started shaking in anger, Bella finally got a bit of sense and took a small step back, but it was too late, the boy had turned into a giant wolf right before their eyes.

Anna was in shock, she could faintly her Jacobs voice screaming for Bella, before she saw two wolves fight their way into the forest followed by Sam, she was shaking and crying, completely unable to move, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder but flinched away from it quickly, terrified out of her mind, she just couldn't take it, wolves... they were wolves her friends, Jacob, Embry, the shaking increased was she going crazy, was this just another lucid dream, she had to wake up, she had too, and so she screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping that her mom would come and hug her and tell her that the nightmare was over, but it never happened instead she collapsed on the ground trying, kicking and screaming before she was wrapped in a tight embrace by none other than Embry Call, the boy she had only met very few times (But still saw as a friend), they sat there for a few seconds before she finally stopped screaming, now only shaking and slightly sobbing, Embry carried her bridal style to the truck where she sat squeezed in between him and Bella. "Guess the wolf is out of the bag" he tried to joke, Anna managed a tiny smile, now only having tears streaming down her face, while hugging herself tightly.



Bella, Embry, Anna and a guy Anna learned was named Jared made it to a comfortably looking cottage-like house in the middle of the woods, "Hey, I think we should go back and see if Jacob is okay" Bella yelled out of the car window before opening the door and getting out followed by Anna "wait that other wolf, that was Jacob?" Anna asked, slower than usual due to the uncomfortable amount of new knowledge she had received in such a brutal way in such a short amount of time, Jared chuckled at the girl "yeah, it was. Also I hope Paul sinks some teeth into him, serves him right" "No way, Jacob is a natural, you see him phase on the fly? I got five bucks saying Paul doesn't  touch him" Embry answered, before turning to the girls who were standing completely still (Except for Annas shaking) "Come on in girls, we won't bite" he said with a small smile, Jared scoffed before saying: "speak for yourself" Bella finally went after the boys followed by Anna who was way too scared to go first "Oh hey about Emily, Sams fiancé, don't stare, it bugs Sam" Embry told them, the girls both answered "Why would we stare" and "of course" at the same time before looking at each other. 

They went inside a cosy kitchen and dining room put together, where a girl stood with her back facing them "Are you guys hungry?.. like I have to ask" she added with a second thought, she turned around looking at the girls, she was absolutely stunning even though she had three scares running down the side of her face, "who is this?" she asked glancing over at Jared and Embry, "Bella Swan and Anna Stanley who else?" one of them answered, Emily looked at Annas shaking form before quickly wrapping a blanket, she went up to the girl and wrapped the blanket around her "oh honey you're shaking" she turned to the boys "what happened?" she asked, "Paul got angry" Jared simply answered "ahh" she said, "come along honey" she said following Anna to a chair and helping the girl sit down she muttered a small "thank you" before Emily went on to offer them a muffin to which both girls thanked no, just then the silence that followed Emilys offer was broken, when Sam came in and went up to Emily kissing her all over har face, he turned to Anna "you okay? I thought I heard you scream" Annas face flushed bright red she had forgotten about her little tantrum, "yeah I'm fine" she answered, just then Jacob and Paul came in laughing and playing around, Jacob stopped in the door way looking over at Bella while Paul went in and took a seat, he smirked up at Bella, before saying sorry and digging in to the food Emily had prepared. Bella looked over at Jacob who signaled for her to follow along, and so the two left leaving Anna lonely once more, she got up from her chair "thank you so much for having me, but I better go" she said in a small voice that almost couldn't be heard, "I'll drive you" Sam offered, but Anna kindly rejected the offer saying she was okay to walk, inspite of it taking an hour, but they didn't need to know that, and so Anna walked home felling lonely and terrified, what else was out there in this wonderfully ugly world?

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