The choice I always made

By Nobody_watches

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So this is the first direction that this love could take. I'm not telling anyone who Haylie ends up with at t... More

Chapter 2
New book and insta
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

379 13 7
By Nobody_watches

"Oh Haylie!" I groaned and pulled the cover over my head as I heard Megan's voice bounding up the stairs. I heard the door open and two scoffs. Which told me it wasn't just Megan who came.

"Get your pretty little arse up and out of bed Princess Haylie." Scarlett ordered and I lifted the cover off myself just in time to see both blondes sit on my bed.

"Can't I just stay in bed until Monday?" I groaned and turned on my side.

"No can do. We are going out. Movie, shopping, dinner." Megan grinned and I had to admit it did make me smile. I nodded and they both jumped off my bed.

"So have you spoken to Danny yet?" I shook my head at Scarlett's question.

"Nope, and I'm not going too." Both girls heads snapped to me. "I'm serious."

"Haylie? What does this mean, are you choosing Zach?" Megan asked looking shocked. I shook my head.

"No, I'm giving Daniel what he asked for. Time and space." I shook my head as I looked through the clothes I had brought from his place for something to wear. "I can't be mad at him for breaking up with me. I lied to him and he can't trust me...sound familiar?" Scarlett looked confused while Megan rolled her eyes.

"The same situation but the roles reversed." I nodded.

"Exactly. And while I don't have the luxury of running off to India for three weeks... I can give him space."

"Space until class on Monday obviously." Scarlett pointed out and I groaned before stripping from my pyjamas.

"What about Zach? Are you talking to him?" I shook my head.

"Nope. Daniel wants us to stay away from each other. So I'm not going to spite him and see Zach."

"Do you love Zach?" Scarlett asked and I sighed.

"I don't..." I started but Megan quickly interrupted me.

"Haylie this is us. You don't need to hide anything." I turned to face them and pulled my knees to my chest as I sat on the floor.

"I have unidentified feelings for him." I admitted and both girls chuckled at my choice in words. "Look can we just not talk about them today, I kinda need to forget about stupid werewolf men for a little while."

I got dressed and grabbed my things before making my way down the stairs. All three of us froze when we looked into the living room. "Hey kiddo. They said you came back." Will grinned and stood up. "It's so good to see you." I stayed in my place as he approached and wrapped his arms around me.

"You going out?" My dad asked once Will had let go.

"Um yeah. Just to town." He nodded.

"Alright sweetheart have fun." I knew my dad was trying to be gentle with me. And I was so thankful he hasn't been angry at me for choosing Daniel over them.

"When are you coming back?" Will asked with his hands in his pockets. I glared slightly.


"We need to talk." He whispered so everyone else in the room didn't head. I scoffed.

"Yeah no shit." Megan grabbed my hand and pulled me away from my uncle. We left the house and Megan wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"You don't need to talk to him if you don't want." She reassured as we started our walk.

"Yeah hayls" Scarlett backed up but I just shrugged.

"No I need to. I need to make sure he stops sending these photos. He's ruining everything." We managed to reach different conversation for the rest of our walk.

"Hey! We should go to Scott's party on Friday!" Scarlett suggested as we looked through the clothes in top shop. Megan and I exchanged looks. "What?" Scarlett sighed after seeing our looks.

"Nothing. That's a great idea scar." I said quickly with a smile. She looked over at Megan who nodded.

"Yeah I mean if you want to cheat on Dwane again." Scarlett groaned.

"I slept with Scott one time." I laughed and turned to Megan.

"That's true, and it was before she even met Dwane. If Scott comes after you Scarlett just tell him you have a boyfriend." She nodded.

"Yeah obviously I will." She sounded slightly offended which surprised me and Megan. "What happened with that girl was a one time thing. I love Dwane and I'd never cheat on him. I'm not that much of a slut." As if realising her words she gasped and turned to me. I slowly looked to my feet. Embarrassed that this was what my friends might think of me right now. "Hayls I didn't mean that to you I was just...."

I cut her off by nodding. "I know Scarlett it's okay." I smiled reassuringly and she looked truly apologetic before we continued shopping.

As we walked up the high street Megan suddenly stopped. "Hey look who's over there." We turned and saw Jamie and Ben across the road. I sighed because I remembered Jamie's harsh response to me.

"Haylie you coming?" Scarlett asked when she realised I hadn't followed them across the road. I nodded and caught up.

"Hey guys." Megan greeted and both men turned to us. They smiled but Jamie's faltered a little when he saw me.

"Hey girls." Ben mocked with a chuckle. Jamie quickly spoke up.

"Haylie I'm glad I've seen you. Can we talk?" I was surprised by his sudden urgency but quickly nodded. He moved past my two friends and we started walking up the street. When I turned I saw the other three following us but far enough behind to give us privacy.

"So how are you?" I asked awkwardly. He nodded and shoved his hands into his jean pockets.

"I'm good. How about you? Danny told us you moved out." He said the last part slowly.

"Really?" I whispered with a slight laugh. "I only moved out yesterday, he's already gloating." I shook my head at my lame joke.

"You know he would never gloat." Jamie scoffed. "He's just hurting. He needs his friends." I nodded understanding. "Look I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. I didn't know the situation and I was angry for my friend."

"Jamie it's okay. I get it. You said exactly what you thought, I'm a slut and I'm selfish." Jamie grabbed my arm forcing me to stop.

"No you're not. Neither you or Zach are selfish. You've both been putting Danny before your selfs." I sighed and looked down. "I mean it Haylie. Zach couldn't control falling in love with you, and he's done everything he could to hide that. He's been breaking his own heart to make sure you stay with Danny." I nodded.

"Okay what about me? I should have told Daniel about what was going on." Jamie sighed but nodded.

"Yeah okay maybe you should have. But I think you knew that Danny would be betrayed by Zach. And you didn't want to tear two brothers apart."

"Even though it happened anyway." We stayed silent for a moment before Jamie lent against a wall.

"What are you going to do?" I turned to him confused.

"What can I do? My choices so far have ruined everything." Jamie smirked slightly.

"Haylie. What you need to realise is that it's not just you choosing between Zach and Danny." I folded my arms even more confused. "Zach has to choose between you and Danny. And Danny has to choose between you and Zach."

"Daniels made his choice. I don't think he wants anything to do with either of us." Jamie shook his head.

"You are the love of Daniels life. And Zach has been more of a brother to him then Travis ever was. He hasn't given up on either of you."

"But yesterday,.."

"He was in a fit of rage Haylie." Jamie scoffed. "What did you expect him to do?" I nodded and debated on my next question.

"Have you spoken to Zach?" He nodded.

"Yeah, he's in pretty bad shape too. It's the same for him." I nodded and played with my fingers. "Look, the three of you can't be the three of you anymore. If you choose Daniel and he choose you. Then Zach can't be around. If you choose Zach and Zach choose you. Danny can't be around." He took in a breath before continuing. "And if they choose each other..."

"I can't be around." I finished and he slowly nodded. It broke my heart to think about losing them both. My decision won't just affect us three it will effect Ben and Jamie too. "What if I choose neither?"

"Then you'll be alone. But after time you could be friends." I nodded and Jamie stood up straight. He came over and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled into the warmth of his hug. "You know Cannes changed all of us." He sighed. "It made us a family. And family always find a way back to each other."

Daniel pov

I stared at the door as the knocking continued. I lifted the bottle of jack to my lips and took another swig. Still with my eyes locked on the door in front of me. After placing the bottle back on the floor next to me I crossed my legs and sighed.

"Dano man come on." Zach sighed once he stopped knocking. "I know you're watching the door waiting for me to leave. But I'm not going anywhere till we talk." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"She was my girlfriend Zach." I replied, because of our hearing we didn't even need to yell for us to hear each other.

"I know." My fists clenched together. "I didn't mean for it to happen. It just kinda did." I nodded and clicked my teeth.

"Your lips just accidentally found their way to hers?" I asked sarcastically. "Twice?" His silence made me scoff. "Turns out you are just like my brother Zach. I can't count on either of you." His fist hit the door loudly.

"You can't compare me to Travis! I'm your best friend Danny!"

"Best friends don't fall in love with best friends girlfriends." He was silent and I eventually heard the sound of his forehead hitting the door. We were both silent for a moment before I stood up and slowly walked towards the door. He obviously heard me moving as he lifted himself from my door. I took in a deep breath before opening the door. We both just stared at each other for a moment before I shook my head and turned back to walk inside my apartment. Leaving the door open for him.

"I never meant to fall in love with her, I just did. I tried to hide it and fight it but I couldn't." I nodded but didn't bother to turn and look at him. "Have you spoken to her? Did she come back last night?" I nodded and folded my arms.

"Yeah she came back last night. I broke up with her and she's moved back home." I heard Zachs heart beat change and I instantly chuckled. "Yeah so if you wanted to give it another go then..."

"Come on D." He cut me off. "You know I wouldn't." I finally looked up to him and met the eyes of my familiar friend. I hated to admit it but I did know. And I knew he never wanted to hurt me. Neither did she. But they did.

"Zach.... I can't forgive you." His shoulders dropped instantly. "At least not until I know what's going on with Haylie."

"I thought you said you broke up with her?" I chuckled slightly.

"Yeah but how many times have we broken up in the last 7 months?" He smirked slightly. "I need to figure out if I'm really done with her." Zach shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I doubt you are. I think you and I are the same in that way." I frowned slightly frustrated at his words. "It's like no matter what she does. You just can't imagine life without her." I stared at him for a moment and smirked at the bruising around his face. That was definitely a perk of being an alpha.

"I know she isn't that person." I finally said. "She isn't a cheater, she loves me. But she lied to me for months."

"She was trying to protect me." Zach quickly defended. "She knew it would break us apart." I nodded.

"That's just the thing though. I should have been her main focus. Not protecting you." Zach slowly nodded understanding. "Look, like I said. I need to figure out if I'm really ready to let her go. Then I can figure out where you fit in." Zach let out a breath but then frowned.

"I don't get how your acting so calm. I mean the first time you and Haylie broke up you were a wreck." I chuckled and looked to the floor. "I'm serious. You were basically a teenage girl." I nodded and looked back up.

"Yeah I was. But this time I know we need some separation. I can understand why everything's happened. Sure I'm angry as fuck but I can't take it out on her." He slowly nodded. "She hasn't done anything wrong other than try to keep everyone happy."

"I should go." He spoke up after a few minutes of silence. I nodded and stood up straight too. "I guess you'll come to me when your ready?" I held the door open and nodded.

"Yeah. Don't worry though I doubt you'll be waiting too long." I chuckled and he smiled. "We've been friends a little too long to let a girl come between us." He scoffed and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Even if the girl is the love of your life?" I clicked my teeth but nodded.

"Even if the girl is the love of YOUR life." His smirk slowly dropped and he nodded before walking away. I shut the door and sighed. After standing still for a few moments I walked towards my bedroom. I figure it's probably best to finish packing some of her stuff and take it back.

Haylie pov

"So how was the movie?" My dad asked as he slumped down next to me on the couch. I smiled as he handed me a bowl of ice cream.

"Good I guess. I didn't really understand what was happening since I haven't seen any of the other hunger games." He chuckled and my mum walked in, sitting next to Alex on the other couch while Charlie was sat in Wills lap on the arm chair. Will obviously felt my stare as he turned and locked eyes with me. A frown grew on his face and I suddenly saw the unknown hatred in his eyes. I never realised before but his eyes look older than him. He's carrying a burden. A burden of hunting the werewolves.

"Are you staying?" Charlie's voice broke mine and Wills stares. We all looked to her playing with her fingers. She suddenly looked up to me. "I don't want you to leave again." I smiled at my little sister but didn't have an answer. My dad understood. He placed a hand on my folded knees.

"I think so Charlie." I finally said. "I don't want to leave either." She smiled at my response and my dad gave my knee a squeeze before letting go and eating his ice cream. I played with mine and occasionally took a few spoonfuls but my appetite wasn't really there. When the sound of the doorbell rang through the house I sighed but stood up. "Don't worry I'll get it." I placed my bowl down and walked towards the front door.

When I opened it and saw Daniel stood there I froze for a few seconds. He smiled slightly and i turned my head to make sure my family were still in the living room. "What are you doing here?" I asked and closed the door a little. He looked above me and into the house before meeting my eyes again.

"Are your family all inside?" I nodded and sighed. "I just came to give you this." He turned around and picked up a cardboard box. "I wasn't sure what you would need until we figure things out." I frowned confused.

"Figure things out?" He smiled slightly and nodded. "What are you talking about?" He nodded his head to the house.

"Can I come in?" I was about to reply but another voice did that for me.

"No." I turned and saw Will stood behind me.

"I wasn't asking you. Hunter." I turned back to Daniel and saw his angry expression.

"I was answering. Mutt." Before Daniel could make a comeback my dad entered.

"What are you doing here?" He asked looking angry.

"Dad it's okay, he's just giving me some of my things." My dad and Will both folded their arms. I turned back to Daniel and went to take the box but he pulled it out my reach.

"It's a bit heavy. I can take it to your room?" I sighed but once again Will responded first.

"You can just give it to me." I saw Daniels finger tense around the box.

"I was actually hoping we could have a chat as well?" He said to me and I nodded.

"Yeah sure..."

"I don't think that's a good idea." My dad quickly jumped in. I turned to him and pleaded with my eyes. "At least not upstairs." I bit my lip but nodded.

"Kitchen?" I asked Daniel and he quickly nodded. I let him in and he placed the box down before following me into the kitchen.

"So how are you?" He asked as I lent against the island. I nodded.

"I'm good. You?" He nodded and lent against the wall.

"I've been better," his chuckle made me smile. I suddenly got nervous and started to play with my hands.

"Daniel what did you mean by figuring things out?" He smiled a little wider.

"Haylie I need you in my life." I smiled unknowingly. "Despite what you've done." He paused as if he was reliving a memory. "I just can't imagine my life without you." He smiled and locked eyes with me. "Whether that's as a girlfriend or just a friend. I need you." I laughed a little and looked down to my feet. "So what do you think? Could we be friends?" I jumped up on the island and thought about it. He was obviously confused when I laughed.

"We've never really been friends?" His smile instantly dropped and I quickly explained. "I mean, it's just that since we met we've always kinda been... Together." He seemed to understand as he nodded. "You've always been my boyfriend." Daniel smiled and chuckled.

"Yeah I guess your right. Maybe we should just start over?" I smiled but nodded.

"Friends." He chuckled.

"Friends." We just stared at each other for a moment before I bit my lip and shook my head.

"We aren't you angry? We aren't fighting me? Calling me a bitch or a cheater..." He frowned but I could tell he was searching for an answer.

"You know Zach asked me some thing similar earlier." My eyes widened. Surprised that he had spoken to Zach. "And I think it's because I know it's not my fault." I cocked my head confused, "I know that there's nothing I did or didn't do that pushed you into his arms..."

"I didn't.." He cut me off just as quick as I had cut him off.

"I know Haylie." He moved forward and towards me. "But I think I know that even if I hadn't gone to India it would have happened. He's been in love with you since day one."

"He saw me first." I whispered with a frown as I remembered Zachs words from the other week. I didn't mean to say it out loud but Daniel cocked his head.


"No nothing." I quickly said. "Daniel I'm not this person. I'm not a cheater." He nodded and came closer. Brushing hair out my face. When his fingers touched my cheek I felt my heart pick up.

"I know your not. But you have feelings for him I know you do." I shook my head but he cupped my cheek, stopping me. "It's okay. I knew because you didn't follow me out the garage yesterday. You just watched me leave." I looked down and he sighed before wrapping his arms around me and hugging me. Because I was on the counter it was earlier for me to wrap my arms around his neck. "I don't forgive either of you yet," he whispered into my hair making my eyes shut tightly. "But I can't lose both of you either."

"I'm so sorry Daniel." I whispered as I held him tighter. I felt him nod against my head.

"Me too Haylie."


"So what did the Mutt want?" I turned around from my bed as Wills voice entered my bedroom.

"Excuse me?" I folded my arms and glared at my uncle.

"I said, what did...."

"I heard what you said, he's not a mutt." Will chuckled and took a step further into my room.

"What else would you call him? Puppy? Runt?" He fake gasped. "Maybe even your bitch."

"Get out." I ordered and his chuckled stopped.

"No." He said before closing my door. "We need to talk remember."

"What's there to talk about?" I scoffed, "you sent the photos, not only to my parents...but to Daniel!"

"Oh boo hoo, your doggy boyfriend found out your not as innocent as you play."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as I looked at the man I had known since birth. Yet he wasn't the same man.

"Because your my niece. And I love you more than I love myself." He took another step closer to me. "Because you should never have gotten yourself caught up in this." I shook my head.

"You tried to kill Travis, and you are trying to kill Daniel. You are the only bad guy in this situation."

"They have killed Haylie!" I winced at his yell. "And they would probably do it again." I quickly shook my head. I knew they had both killed people in the past but it was never on purpose. At least for Daniel it wasn't. "What? You think that your little boyfriend is different now? Haylie he tried to kill you!" I frowned confused how he knew about this.

"How do you know about that?" He scoffed.

"You've seen all the photos I have on you. It's rare I take my eyes off you." I took a step closer to him as rage filled my body.

"You were there! In the school!" He nodded.

"Yeah. So don't pretend he's a good guy." I reached over and pushed Will back with both my hands.

"You watched as he chased me round that school! He tried to kill me and you did nothing?!" Will thought for a moment.

"I was proving it too you. I was never going to let him kill you. But I had to make you see that he was dangerous." I shook my head and turned away again.

"You don't know them." He looked amused for a second.

"You know what I do know? That Parker and the rest of his pack trapped me and my men in the woods and slaughtered us like it was a sport." I folded my arms when I turned back to him again.

"You survived."

"The other 19 men weren't so lucky," I took in a sharp breath from shock. I never knew it was that many. "They didn't tell you that part did they?" I shook my head and bit my lip.

"They had to. It was a kill or be killed situation." I tried to defend but I wasn't even convinced by my own voice. "They've never done anything wrong, you kill their kind without reason."

"Without reason?!" Will suddenly took on a furious expression. "You remember Amelia don't you?" I frowned confused at the mention of my aunt. "You still think that was an animal attack?" My lips parted slightly as I remembered my parents sitting me and my sisters down and telling us about how an animal had attacked our dad's sister.

"How..." Will quickly interrupted me as he took another step closer.

"Or maybe, just maybe.... Your buddy Calvin didn't lock himself up in time on the full moon." At the mention of Calvin I froze.

"No." I stated simply. "Calvin wouldn't... I mean he would tell me if...."

"You do known he's the most powerful werewolf in England right?" I shook my head and covered my mouth.

"He's different as a human. He would tell me if he had a connection to my family."

"Would he though? Calvin knows you pretty well. But how well do you know him?" I looked to the floor as I thought about it. "In fact, how well do you know any of them? I bet you don't know what happened to Zachs family? Have you ever met Jamie's daughter? What gym does Ben work at?" With every question he got a little closer. I looked up and met his eyes.

"Don't try and manipulate me Will." He suddenly stopped trying to come closer. "You can't turn me against them. They're my family."

"I'm your family!" Surprisingly I didn't flinch at my uncles anger.

"No. Family protect each other. Not destroy each other's happiness." He scoffed and shook his head.

"You would never live happily ever after with him. Why don't you get that?" I stood up straight and stared at him in the face. "There has never been a surviving human/alpha relationship. It doesn't happen!"

"And thanks to you Daniel and I are just another part of those statistics."

"You may not realise it now kiddo. But I've saved your life. Not ruined it." I shook my head and moved over to my bedroom door.

"We talked. You can leave now." He smirked as I held the door open for him.

"You know, why don't you look up the reports from Amelia's death. Then maybe you'll see I'm not lying." I shut the door the second he left and let out a deep breath. I stood against the door for a moment as I thought about it. I don't remember my aunt that well. I was 12 when she died but I never really knew her. My dad always told me she loved to travel. And so she found a job where she would have to travel all over the world.

I bit my lip but moved over to my laptop. After starting it up, I stared at the search tab debating what to type.

Amelia Smith death.

After looking through a few pages I found a news article about her.

Ripped to pieces.
Left to suffer.
Defensive wounds on her arms and legs.

These words all stuck out too me. She put up a fight whether it was against Calvin or an animal. When I read the name of the woods she was found in my heart picked up. They were the same woods Calvin and I had to travel through to find Travis. I shook my head and went back to the search engine.

Amelia Smith and Calvin Scott

Calvin's website was the first to appear. "Oh my god." I whispered to myself as I read through the memorial speech Calvin gave after his PA, aka my aunt, was killed.

Amelia was not only my employee she was my friend. And it gives me great pain to even think about replacing her. But I know that she was never one to dwell in the past. What's done is done and we must all grieve before returning to work.

It was so heartless. He was basically saying she's dead so let's move on. And there was something in his last sentence that made me know. Will wasn't lying. Calvin killed my aunt.

We can't always control our fate, let alone ourselves.

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