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By -minitao

82.3K 3K 2.3K

เชœ โ๐—š๐—ข๐—ข๐—— ๐—›๐—˜๐—”๐—ฅ๐—ง ๐— ๐—ฌ ๐—”๐—ฆ๐—ฆ.โž โžณ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐˜„๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐—ต a book shop ... More

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I 00: P R O L O G U E
I 01: B E G I N N I N G
I 02: S A V I N G
I 03: N E W T E A
I 04: H O R R O R
I 05: P L A Y D U M B
I 06: M A N I F E S T
I 07: F I R E W O R K S
I 08: W E I R D
I 09: W A L K H O M E
I 10: I C E C R E A M
I 11: P L A N
I 12: P L U S H
I 13: T E A R S
I 14: E R E N J E A G E R
I 15: B A D V I B E S
I 16: V A C A T I O N
I 17: K I S S
A / N
I 18: W I N N E R
A / N 1 K
I 19: R E J E C T I O N
I 20: B A R B E Q U E
Xx: C H O O S E M E
I 21: R E L A T I O N S H I P
I 22: J E A G E R K I D
I 23: F I R E
I 24: B I R T H D A Y
I 25: N E W Y E A R
A / N
I 26: T A K O Y A K I
I 27: K E I T H S H A D I S
I 28: V A L E N T I N E S
I 29: F I R E D
I 30: P E R I O D
I 31: C A K E
I 32: B E T R A Y A L
๐‚ ๐‡ ๐€ ๐‘ ๐€ ๐‚ ๐“ ๐„ ๐‘ ๐’ ๐ˆ๐ˆ
II 00: P R O L O U G E
II 01: B U L L S H I T
II 02: F I G H T
II 03: R E A C H I N G O U T
II <3 This is it


1.1K 42 43
By -minitao

M Y B I R T H D A Y S P E C I A L !!



ʸ/ⁿ'ˢ ᵖᵒᵛ

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and warm disturbing rays of sun.

I turned around, only to find Levi's side of bed empty. Did he leave already? I think it's Saturday and-


I looked to the door to see my man, shirtless. Carrying a plate of pancakes. Oh I'm so lucky.

"O-oh, Good morning too Levi, what's the occasion? I thought you don't like eating in bed?" Of course Levi being a clean freak, always told me not to eat in bed.

I only do it when I'm alone and watching netflix Though hehe.

"Occasion? Are you getting old that you forget your own birthday?" Birthday?

I took a look at the calendar beside him, seeing that it's November 29.



"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! AHH! OMG!" I stood up, hugging Levi, who's hands are now empty. After putting down the plate ofc.

Hugging me back, he whispered into my ear, "Happy birthday baby~"

Without warning, He pushed me into the bed, hovering over me.

"I love you so much, you know that?" Levi whispered.

"I love you too" I whispered back.

He leaned in, Kissing me. This isn't my first time, but still felt like it, the sparks coursing through my body. Warm, smooth lips against mine. Oh- best gift ever.

I cupped his face, kissing back. It was full of love and passion. My move made Levi a bit more confident than before.

I felt something on my lower lip, only to feel that it was his tongue asking for entrance.

Deciding to tease him a bit, and kept my mouth shut, and moved my hands down to his shoulders and to his chest. He growled, pushing his tongue in my mouth.

After getting what he wanted, his tongue exploring my mouth and I can feel his tongue meet mine. Making my heart race faster than before.

I moaned a bit to let him know I was enjoying it. I can feel him smirking, and made more contact with my tongue which made our kisses sloppy and more heated.

"Happy *kiss* birth *kiss* day *kiss* baby *kiss*" He said between our exchange, thus making my face more redder than before and heart beating much more faster than last time.

My hands stopped moving as we fought for dominance, he still won, of course, but still continued.

Our make-out session continued. But we needed oxygen. So, we pulled back.

Both of us out of breath. Him smirking and my face redder than a tomato.

He moved and layed beside me. Instinctively I layed my head on his chest. "Wow, that was unexpected"

He chuckled, "Wanna go again?" I sat up and said, "No! Later! I want to eat my Pancakes!"

"Who said they were yours?" He joked.


"Ok ok, I'm just joking." He sat up.

"You up for a cinema date?" He asked, fixing the sheets.

"If that's fine with you?" I answered him, gulping down a piece of my pancake.

"Of course not." He smiled at me, then returned to his work.

Not long after, I finished my Pancakes, and Levi was already done fixing the bed, he approached me from behind and said, "wanna shower together?"

I hummed in approval, and heading down to wash the plates.


When I came back, he was already taking off his shirt, and you could hear the tap running.

"Let's go" he moved his head to the showers.

Since the water was hot, there was a little bit of steam, enough to cover our waists down, leaving our upper bodies shown to each other.

"Sit, I'm going to wash your hair" he offered, like he does everytime we shower.

I sat down on the floor, him sitting on the tub. He started to wet my hair, then proceeded to apply shampoo and massaging my scalp with it.

"Ahhh, I wish it was always my birthday" I breathe out.

"What do you mean?" His massages faltering a bit, but getting back again.

"I mean, you doing these things for me, it makes me feel special. I wonder how I could repay you" I confessed.

He chuckled, "You being you and being mine is the best way you could repay me. And, I already feel special just by sharing these moments with you" his little speech made me blush, "T-thank you hun" I replied.

"Your welcome baby, I love you" And he kissed my cheeks, and proceeding with his massage.

"I love you too Levi, Very much"


"So what movie do you wanna watch?" He asked me, looking at the choices.

There was a fair amount of movies to choose from, horror to comedy, and even romance.

"Can we watch that?" I pointed (s/n).

"Alright," and he went to buy the tickets.


"Shhh! You bitch! Talk outside! I don't wanna hear about your fucking break up!" I whisper-shouted to the lady.

A while ago, before the movie started, This Bitch decided to steal my man. We got verbal of course, and she got the warning. Heh.

She looked at me nervously, and ended the call. She looked like she wanted to leave, but didn't want to waste her money.

Levi chuckled softly beside me, and I looked at him.

"What?" I asked, keeping my voice very low.

"I didn't know you could be possesive (y/n)" he teased. My face burned crimson red.

"Well, with a man like you, who wouldn't?" I spat back.

Apparently he got that I was lowkey complimenting him in many ways, he blushed harder than I did, And I chuckled.

"Idiot" he murmured.

"My Idiot though." I murmured to myself.


The movie ended in an hour and a half, and Levi decided to get lunch in a place he reserved for us.

When we arrived there, it wasn't cramped, it was the opposite actually, the place was clean and quiet. Just how Levi likes.

"Hi! Good afternoon! Reservation name?" The person asked.

"Levi Ackerman." He stated, clearly and bluntly. The woman gulped, and looked for his name in the list. Soon after, we're escorted to our table.

"Levi! This place is pretty! I can't afford it though" I said sheepishly. Not that I didn't have any money, I did, but I didn't want to spend in a place like these.

"It's fine, it's your birthday isn't? I'm going to treat you." And he interwined his hands in mine, rubbing his thumb on the back of my palm.

"Oh, Thank you Levi, very much." I kissed him on the lips. It was simple and quick, but he appreciated it nonetheless.

"Let's order now shall we?" He said, and called for the waiter.

We talked shared our past experiences since work was getting in the way of our time, and we were enjoying it.

"So you're telling me, you watched anime to get close to your crush, but then you ended up uncrushing him and simping for a fictional instead?" He laughed.

"Yes! And since I watched anime, Me and my 'crush' got along! But by the end of the year, he confessed and I sadly turned him down because I didn't have a feelings anymore. Sad." I said with fake Sadness.
(Happened to me in elementary hehe)

"Well, if you still had feelings for him, we wouldn't be here hm?" I blushed and laughed at him

"Well, 13 years was worth the wait for you" I said, Looking at his eyes. He smiled.

"I was worth the wait then?" Standing up and getting prepared to leave.

I stood up aswell, "I mean, I got to be with Levi Ackerman! You! You short, handsome, clean freak! I couldn't ask for more!"

He chuckled and blushed, "I'm taller than you brat"

"For a woman I'm an average! For you! I don't know," I laughed.

"Tch, So where do we go next?" He asked me, trying to change the subject.

"Ooooh! Can we go to the arcade?" We've never been to the arcade, not together at least, he just didn't like them since it was always 'packed and stuffy and hot and dirty and noisy and-'

Too engrossed in my thoughts, Levi interwined his hands with mine and dragged me to the said place.

"Wait, we're going?" My eyes lit up, I didn't think we would actually go.

"Well, I'd thought we'd try" and off we go.

We stayed and played there longer than we expected, apparently, we were both enjoying the games this arcade had to offer.

Levi actually enjoyed the basketball game and the one where you have to kill/slice the titans, Levi was a amateur.

Levi got me a Plush out of the tickets we've won. Well, mostly his tickets.

We spent the rest of the afternoon strolling around the mall, taking in the early decorations for Christmas.

While we were walking, I layed my head on his shoulder. He wasn't the person for PDA, but after 3 years together, he didn't mind now.

I sighed, "Thank you Levi, for everything, I couldn't ask for more." I confessed.

"Well, I love you that's why." He looked at his watch, "I have to get something alone, would you mind?" He asked.

"No! It's fine! You can find me here!" I replied cheerfully. He nodded then left.

I checked through my socials, seeing that there were fair amount of people who greeted me today. Taking advantage of the alone time, I replied 'thank yous' to every post and comments.

Levi came back a few minutes later. Not alone. He was carrying something. And it was beautiful.

"Thank you Levi! I told you not to get me anything!" It was a bouquet of my favourite flowers, and it had a smaller box which I think contained chocolates. I kissed him on the cheeks and thanked him multiple times.

"You're welcome y/n, Consider this a part of my gift then" he said, taking my hands and making our way to the parking lot.

"Part? You mean-"

"Yes, There's more y/n, and I hope you'll like it" He interjected, and sticking his hands in his pockets, looking for his keys.

"Well, whatever it is, I can't thank you enough, your birthday is next month, I have half a month to prepare." I teased.

"Tch, you don't have to give me anything, you are enough"

Of course I blushed. Levi was a very straight forward man, and It never fails to amuse or fluster me.

"Eh, So am I! I'm perfectly happy cuddling with you all day and yet we're here and I'm carrying a bouquet and there's more!" .

He chuckled, "Sure brat, now get in" He opened the door for me, and I got in.

After I got in, he came in shortly after, although he didn't start the car yet, he texted someone before going home.

The sun already went down and the streetlights were open, lighting the inside of the car every now and then. Levi had the aux turned on, but it was playing softly.

Looking out through the window, I thought about the day's events, It was fun, I got to spend more time with Levi, but at the same time, It was exhausting.

I felt a hand on my thigh, and I looked down, obviously it was Levi's hand, I looked at him, he's looking at the road, but in his peripheral vision, I know he could see me.

"Did you enjoy today? I'm sorry I couldn't take you to the amusement park" he looked at me for a second, eyes going back to the road.

"Yes, I did enjoy it. It's fine that we can't got to the amusement park, we could always go there sometimes." I smiled at him.

We arrived home 10 minutes later. And I got out of the car, "Y/n! Can you go first? I have to get something!" He threw the house keys at me, and I nodded at him.

As I twist the keys into the hole, and opened it. I was met with darkness, then blinding light.

"Happy birthday Y/n!" They greeted.

I squinted a bit, trying to adjust to the light. It was really thoughtful for them to plan this despite the conditions, and I'm really grateful I can call them not as my friends, but a part of my family. Erwin, Hanji, Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Annie, Mike and the others were here too.

I looked back to see Levi carrying the cake.
I smiled at him and mouthed another thank you at him, and proceeded to go inside.


It was a small get together, but it was fun. Hanji bought wine for us while we talked about ourselves and ate cake.

"So y/n! Presents!" Hanji stood up.

"What! Guys I told you I don't want anything!" I reasoned

"Eh, we want to, now let's open them!"

Each of them got me a present, Hanji got me book about....titans? And a novel from Erwin, and I got a new bag from Mikasa and Eren, and a dress from Annie and Armin.

Levi presented his, It was a small box, but it was pretty.

"Levi! Thank youuu!" I admired the gift he gave me, It was a gold necklace, With my name engraved on it.

"Your welcome, Now turn around, I'm going to put in on you" I turned around, grabbing my hair sideways. His cold hands brushed through my warm neck, clasping the ends of the necklace together.

"There." He said, and leaned in to kiss my neck.

"WOAH! NO! STOP! AS MUCH AS I WANT LEVI AND Y/N BABIES, NOT HERE!" Hanji interrupt playfully. We both rolled our eyes at her.

"Thank you Levi, I really appreciate it" I kissed him on the cheeks.

"Mhm, Your welcome brat."


After a few glasses of wine and laughs, they decided to leave, leaving the mess to the both of us.

"Levi, Thank you again, I really had fun today" I said, as I picked up the bottles on the floor.

"If I had a penny for everytime you said 'thank you', I'll be rich by now" he teased, while he wiped the tables.

I laughed, "Really Levi, I enjoyed every part of it." I said, Throwing the rest of the trash.

"Sure, now can we go to sleep?" He suggested.

I nodded, And headed upstairs so I could change first. I striped out of my clothes, leaving me in my underwear. I didn't notice Levi came in until he slapped my ass.

"Ah! Hey!" I laughed and try to hit him back. But instead, he pulled my arm, and drew me closer to him, his chest meeting mine.

"Are you still up for your last gift I'll give?" He said seductively.

Getting what he meant, I blushed, "yes." With that confirmation, he pushed me into the bed, laying me down. He removed his shirt, showing me his body. My face burned crimson red when he trapped me between his arms, his forearms beside my head.

"Happy. Birthday. Baby" He whispered into my ear.

What happened next,

Is going to be your imagination ;).

Best. Birthday. Ever.

🌿✨ A u t h o r ' s n o t e ✨🌿

After two weeks of blushing, screaming and planning, I was able to finish and publish this for you all.

Happy birthday to the Lazy, Bitchy Author! Me! Lmao.

Just a few more years, and I'm not gonna be a minor anymore! Yey! Let's say I was born between 2002-2005 hehe.

By the next few months, I'll be publishing a 'Birthday boy! Levi x Reader and Christmas special!' and a 'new year special!'

And to think that 2020 is going to end soon. Aot is gonna end soon. Huhu.

Let's hope that 2021 gets better! I have so many plans for the future books!

And for the 'Birthday boy! Levi x Reader and Christmas special!', can you suggest gifts for Levi? I'll credit or mention you if that happens!

Thank you soo much! Those 1.45k reads and the votes are the best birthday gift y'all gave me!

Thank you! See you next chapter!

Keep safe!

I'll try to publish a oneshot book, so you readers won't get confused!

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