darksiders 3 x male reader

By Icedemon34

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you are the son of Dante you and your father were having a normal day hanging out along with Nero, your uncle... More

Chapter 1: the horsewoman meets the grandson of Sparda
Chapter 2: heading to Haven
Chapter 4: Lord of Hollows and new powers

Chapter 3: encountering Wrath

1.7K 54 32
By Icedemon34

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now if anyone is curious on where Dante, Vergil and Nero are the way I have it is this Nero is with Death helping hi, clear War's innocence and bringing back humanity. Dante is with Strife cause I thought those two would get along also I am not sure what Strife was up to and Vergil is with War that's how I put it. now let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

after obtaining the bridge me and Fury head towards the elevator to head down to the lower parts of the city to continue the search for the Sins. but before heading down Ulthane stops me just before I could get on.

Ulthane: before you go Y/n. take this.

he then tosses me a gun as I catch it with no problem once it was in my hands I got a good look at the gun as I notice Fury took a glance, but is surprised seeing the weapon.

A/n: not mine

Fury: Mercy?

Y/n: you know this weapon?

Fury: it's one of the weapons my brother Strife uses.

Ulthane: aye, but it's not the real one. it more so a replica made by Strife.

Y/n: but why give it to me?

Ulthane: you'll need as much fire power you can get. the Sins are not going to go easy on you.

I nod to him as I placed the gun in an extra holster in between my usual pistols and got on the elevator heading down. as he head down the Watcher speaks to us without manifesting herself in front of us.

Watcher: he is certainly committed to his cause.

Fury: Ulthane? he is blind to what truly matters.

Y/n: and what does "truly matters?"

Fury: taking out the Sins.

Y/n: your too simple minded. there are other things than what you have to do.

Fury: whatever, but he does love the sound of his own voice.

Y/n\Watcher: *mutters* unlike a certain red head next to me/not like anyone I know.

Fury: you two say something?

Y/n: oh nothing red head beauty.~

she then rolls her eyes at my comment as I just chuckle once we reached the bottom we leave the elevator to see another plate to summon Vulgrim. we then went up the hill, but where being charged by lesser ghoul like demons which me and Fury make quick work of themsince they were the weakest alone, but annoying in numbers. along the way we grabbed some kind of shards which I grew curious about.

Y/n: what's this?

Fury: looks like materials that can be used to enhance our weapons. make sure you can grab as many as possible you may never know when they could come in handy.

I nod to her and pocketed the shard and continue exploring around the area and killing lesser ghoul demons. once done we head towards a tunnel that leads underneath the building which we jump down only to hear the whimpers of a woman. we turn to see a human woman survivor scared out of her mind.

woman: please... no just, just, just. just. just kill me I-

Fury: oh stop your blubbering human! come to me.

she shakes her head in a no motion meaning that she's too frighten to come near her making me let out a sigh.

Y/n: that is no how to do it Fury.

Fury: think you can do better?

Y/n: of course. *to the woman* easy, miss we're not here to hurt you. rather we're here to get you to a safer place than here.

woman: h how can I know you won't trick me?

Y/n: have you heard of the Dark Knight Sparda?

woman: yes.

Y/n: he's my grandfather. I'm one of the Grandsons of Sparda you can trust me.

Fury then approaches the woman in a non threatening matter and bring out the Bridge towards the woman who hesitated for a moment, but I nod to her ushering her that it's safe. the woman then touches the Bridge as a bright white light appears around the woman then she disappears meaning that she was transported to Haven.

Fury: idiots, it's a miracle they ruled the Earth for so long as they did.

Y/n: there are more to humans that meet's the eye Fury. you just got to look at the right angle.

we then look around to see a odd orange wall that we can't go through, but we then see a vent large enough for us to fit. Fury was first to enter as I follow after her which smelled a bit, but it didn't bothered me, but Fury said something that made me laughed.

Fury: *grunts* it smells like Death in here. 

Y/n: how would you know that?

Fury: Trust me. We shared a room a thousand years ago.     

A/n: honestly this made me laugh and made me imagine the two sharing a room.

I chuckled a bit as we exit the vent to see we entered an underground sewer, but with a bunch of bug demons below us as we were on the platform above then. on our left we see another plate to summon Vulgrim which we activate for future use and jumped across another platform the had eggs which burst revealing smaller demon bugs.

Y/n: let's rock.

I pulled out my pistols and fired at the bugs on our left while Fury took out the ones on our right and proceeded on while taking out the eggs that block our path along with any smaller demon bugs that hatch from said eggs. we then jump down as we see two larger bug demons I put away my pistols and bring out my red rebellion and take on one of the demon bugs while Fury took on the other, I started with the stinger move stabbing my sword into the bug and followed up by launching it in the air followed with slashing it a couple time and finish it off by slamming it down back to the ground cutting it in half. I turn to see Fury finish her's off by slamming her whip down on the bug killing it.

Y/n: these things are just too easy.

Fury: you can say that again. a bug will always be a bug no matter the size.

we then jump back up the platform we were on and see a pipe that Fury can swing us across which I wrapped my arms around her as she swings us across to the platform on the other end. we then enter a large room with two large pips for Fury to swing across one end of the room, but we look down to see more bug demons below us.

Y/n: so how do you want to do this? just get across to by using the pipes or do you want to take these things on and grab anything to help us on our journey?

Fury: the second one.

Y/n: got it. plus I want to test these babies out.

I bring out my Gilgamesh gauntlets and then jump down I start to attack the one closest to me by using full house at the bug instantly killing it. then one bug demon on my right was going to attack me, but I quickly evade out of the way and did a quick jab at the followed up with two punches and finish it off with a charged axe kick killing the bug. I turn to see Fury just about to finish off one of the bugs as one was trying to sneak up on her, but I pulled out the replica of Strife's pistol and fired a barrage of bullets killing the bug demon just as Fury killed hers.

Y/n: well that was fun.

Fury: yeah, but the gauntlets are pretty hard hitters.

Y/n: you don't know the half of it.

we then grabbed any items in the room we were in for use then jump to where we were before jumping down in the room. I then did the same thing with the last pipe to swing us across only this time I had to let go of her so that we both could air jump to stay in the air, then wrap my arms back around her. we then manage to use the second pipe to swing us closer to the ledge where we both could land on, we then entered another wide open room but with only a few eggs and two demons. I pulled out my blue flame yamato and send a flaming demon energy made sword resembling that of my rebellion sword at the demon across the room making me teleport to it. 

once I was close enough I start hitting the demon with my sword making it stagger back, but it then tries to swing at me with it's arm, but I used trickster style to teleport behind it and used flame judgement cut on the demon killing it by cutting it in half as the rest of the body burst into flames. I then turn to see Fury killing the second demon by jumping in the air spinning her whip around her then slamming down with her whip. once they were taken care of we grabbed any more items and killing some smaller bug demons that hatch from the eggs, we walk through the hall going down a set a stairs to the next room that had some odd statues.

Fury: be careful with these statues. demons have been known to disguise themselves.

Y/n: got it.

we then go down to be met with another set of stairs, but before we go up them I am aware of a demon behind us going for me. but once it got close I point my hand at the demon shaped into a gun making it jump back thinking it was an actual one.

Y/n: *chuckles waves his gun shaped hand*

I then pulled out the replica of Strife's gun and blast the demon's head off instantly. I turn to see Fury looking at me with a slight smirk on her face.

Fury: having fun are we?

Y/n: well when your father is Dante. he'll tend to rub off on ya.

3rd pov

the two went up the stairs seeing webs around the walls, a hole in the ground and an odd orange substance on the ground.

Y/n: *sees the orange substance* that is an odd placement.

Fury: don't worry it won't harm you.

then a small bug demon comes out of a small hive and flies to the orange substance and starts eating it slowly glowing orange. Y/n getting an idea pulls out one of his pistols and shoots the bug demon killing it in one shot, but the bug then explodes spreading small bits of fire that burns away the webs.

Y/n: going to make a mental note of that one.

Fury: same could prove useful in the future.

the two then jumped down the hole entering a subway like area, but with webs and other things taking it over. the two took a few steps and see a giant spider like demon creature going to another area freaking the Watcher out.

Watcher: what the hell is that?!

Y/n: *sarcastic tone* oh I don't know it could be a giant spider demon.

Fury: being observant is literally in your name, Watcher.

the two then went down another set of stairs seeing more demons ahead of them. one tries to attack Y/n, but he dodged thanks to the use of his trickster style by dashing to the left while Fury cartwheel dodge a second demon trying to attack her. Y/n then pulled out his Cerberus nunchucks sending a barrage of strikes at the demon then slams his weapon down making large ice spikes impale the demons killing it. while Fury dodged another strike from the demon she's fighting and counters by attacking with her whip and using the range of it to her advantage then makes the demon come to her and jump spin with the whip slamming it down on demon killing it. as the two continue on killing more demons in their way they seeing a large throne looking chair with something sitting in it.

Watcher: Sloth... I heard tales, but truly he is a terrible sight to behold... I I think I'm going to be sick.

Y/n: you and me both sister *waves his hand in front of his face* no cologne in the world could cover up that smell. if we have to fight him first I'm going devil trigger off the bat.

Fury: can't wait to see what it looks like.

the two then went to the left activating another plate to summon Vulgrim then continue on seeing what's left of other parts of the subway with more bug demons. for the two the demon bugs were nothing but push overs, they then go through a hole in the wall hearing the sounds of a fight going on in the distance. they then knock down the same orange substance they saw before and fight a demon with glowing eyes that proved to be a bit more of a challenge for them, but Y/n and Fury killed it with them working together. Y/n then started to hear whimpering and head towards it with Fury following behind him going through a small hole seeing another human survivor. Fury then brings out the Bridge making the woman confused.

woman: what's that?

Y/n: something that can send you to a much safer place than here.

with those words in mind the woman touches the Bridge sending her to Haven away from any other demon. the two got back to where they were and Y/n brought the bug to the orange substance as the said bug eats it and glows orange. repeating the same process, but this time Fury grabs the bug and throws it at the webs making the bug explode and burn the webs away. once the webs were out of the way the two then walk through the tunnel entering a wide open area with some rocks or statues. the two jump down, but as soon as they did a large demon bug comes out from behind making both Y/n and Fury turn to face it, as the large bug demon charges towards them.

Y/n then brings out his Gilgamesh gauntlets going into a rising dragon stance charging his attack. once the bug demon was close enough and Y/n's attack fully charged he unleashed a devastating uppercut punch to the demon doing large damage to it. Fury then jumps in the air attacking with her whip at the bug demon then finished it off by slamming it down to the ground. once the two killed the demon saving time Y/n pulls out his blue flame yamato using it's flames on the webs burning them away.

Fury: well that saves time.

Y/n: yeah. but let's keep moving.

Y/n and Fury keep on moving on to see an orange colored web and seeing a bug demon eating the orange substance in front of them. Fury knowing what to do threw the bug demon at the orange webs making it explode and burn away the webs. they enter to see that they were back where they started Y/n then used his blue flame yamato to burn the normal webs away allowing the two to head where they wanted to go. they proceeded on and Y/n wrapped his arms around Fury as they swing across and head towards the sounds of fighting to see a large armored being fighting angels.

Fury: ah~ music to my ears.

they watch as one by one the large armored being killed each angel it was fighting with it's weapon or smashing them to the ground.

Y/n: yeah I'm just going to guess that's Wrath.

Watcher: he does enjoy dismembering angels.

Fury: we all need a hobby.

Y/n: so true love.

Fury: *small blush* I thought I told you to stop calling me that.

the two then dropped down as the armored being known as Wrath was finishing off two more angels.

Fury: I hope you left something for me? I'll try not to enjoy this too much *laughs*

Y/n: You hear the lady armored nobody?!

Wrath: fight or crawl! Witch and Sparda!

Watcher: oh... that is unfortunate.

the Watcher then hides back in the gauntlet as both Fury and Y/n both get ready to fight Wrath while Y/n does some practice punches and get's into a fighting stance mocking Wrath. as the said Sin was the first to attack Fury dodged out of the way while Y/n used his royal guard style to block an attack from Wrath. he then used the absorbed the power of the attack and send it back at Wrath while Fury attack once Wrath was wide open. Wrath then let out a battle cry as parts of his armor let out some fire and charged at Fury, but she dodged at the right time and Y/n used his Red Rebellion and preformed the stinger move doing some damage to Wrath and followed up with a million stabs. Wrath being a waking battle tank he wasn't faced to much and swings one of his weapons at Y/n, but he switched to trickster style and teleport away from the attack and next to Fury.

Wrath: you call this a fight? I thought you were the top Horsemen. *to Y/n* and I expected more from a member of the Sparda bloodline.

Y/n: please. I've fought demons that were bigger than you. your not that threatening bucket head.

Wrath: WHAT?!

then the angered Wrath charges Y/n who dodges to the right with the help of trickster style while Fury circled around since Wrath was targeting Y/n from his taunting. once Fury got behind Wrath she attacked with her whip from behind doing some damage to Wrath, as he turns to face Fury and swings one of his weapons again, but Fury dodged out of the way while Y/n brings out his Ebony and Ivory and shoots at Wrath, but the bullets proved ineffective. Wrath then turns to Y/n as he goes for another stinger move at Wrath, but the Sin surprised the Grandson of Sparda by swinging his weapon making Y/n stop his attack and block with his sword. once the weapons collided Y/n was knocked into a wall making him go on his knees while Fury used the distraction and attacked Wrath from behind doing some damaged, but Wrath turns to her and swings his weapon making Fury dodged, but cuts her arm a bit making her bleed. while Wrath dropped his weapon and fall to his knees.

Fury: Rampage! your master summons you! my ride!

she calls to her steed seeing blue flames coming up from the ground, but instead of a healthy horse Rampage come to Fury wounded with angelic weapons stabbed into him. shocking Fury while Y/n slowly get's back to his feet and sees the wounded horse.

Fury: nooooo!

the horse falls to the ground dead as Fury runs to her steed worried that her trusted companion seeing him in this state.

Fury: Rampage... Get up! *worried tone*

Watcher: mistress!

Fury turns to see Wrath taking one of the angelic weapons and stabbed her with it, Y/n seeing this angered him making him activated his devil trigger and charged at Wrath breaking the angelic weapon and grabbed Fury to Watcher's side.

Wrath: it's funny what you remember in between screams.

Y/n: *devil trigger voice* shut the Hell up!

Y/n then puts Fury gently on the ground and remove the weapon from her body then turns to Wrath and charged at him with his sword. Wrath then grabs his weapon to block Y/n's sword making both weapons make sparks as Wrath can see and feel the anger from Y/n.

Wrath: yes! Grandson of Sparda let your hate fuel you!

Wrath then breaks the clash and sends a punch to Y/n who blocks with his sword to block the attack, but not at a cost.

A/n: skip to the part where Urizen breaks Rebellion and replace dante with you and Urizen with Wrath. also I don't own this.

Y/n falls on his back out of his devil trigger state and next to Fury while the weaken Wrath just laughs as he destroyed one of Y/n's weapons.

Wrath: *laughs* not even a member of Sparda's bloodline with a horsemen can beat me!

Y/n: *summons blue flame yamato* just... shut... up!

Y/n then sends a wave slash with his sword that was imbued with blue flames knocking Wrath back, but Y/n tries his best to stay on his feet since the force of Wrath's punch was quite strong. as the said Sin walks back a bit and falls to the ground losing his glow "dead" y/n then puts his sword in it's sheath and use it as a walking stick to keep him on his feet and goes to Fury's side.

Y/n: you alright Fury?

Fury: *soft tone* we were set up...

Y/n: what?

Fury: *puts her hand on her wound* War... the others... there are... greater forces at work here...

Y/n: easy Fury save your strength.

Fury: Watcher... help...

Watcher: *sees a circle under Y/n and Fury* Mistress! milord!

to be continued

A/nm and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. now red rebellion is broken, but don't worry he'll get a new one. also I want to know if the reader should get a hollow form like Fury if so what should it be? please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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