The Spy in the Capital (Akame...

By Littletrouble2k

39.5K 575 139

A young general in charge of protecting the capital is now in questioned by the prime minister as Night raid... More

Bio/ Prologue
Epilogue PT 2
The Awaited Reward/ AU ending

Epilogue PT 1

1.8K 21 9
By Littletrouble2k

"(Y/N) I'm fine I can walk." Akame said with her arms around his neck as he gave her a piggyback ride.

"I know you are but I'd rather you be rested for when I heal you and Tatsumi." (Y/N) said securing her on his back as they walked through the capital enjoying the site of buildings being reconstructed, civilians actually having smiles and hopeful looks on their faces some waving at the couple as they past by.

"Its strange isn't it?"

"What is Akame?"

"My entirely life I couldn't imagine myself like this, living in peace, not having to kill anymore, nevertheless be with the one I love." Akame said kissing (Y/N)'s left cheek before resting her neck on his shoulders.

"Is that so? I don't blame you I often had moments where I thought that as well, however I usually reminded myself to push for a when I could have a moment like this, especially with you Akame." (Y/N) said smiling as the two made it near the central area.

"Speaking of which... H-How long.... Did you.... Liked me?" Akame blushed holding into (Y/N) tighter.

"Let's see... I known you and Kurome ever since I've meet you two from Gozuki which was the day after he took me under his wing... I guess it had to be around there when we all started training together is when I first had feelings for you though it wasn't until a couple years ago til I knew my actual feelings. Of course I would always stick around the Capital just to hang out with you, I guess I was a bit obvious huh?"

"If you were I wouldn't have known because as we got older I developed a small crush on you, remember that festival you took me to two years ago I think it was...."

"Yea I remembered that one of the few times you and Kurome decimated my wallet?" He laughed out loud giving Akame a small smile.

"Ok you remember well those dances we saw.... Well.... I wanted.... You.... To ask me to dance." Akame shyly said as (Y/N) closed his eyes and smiled.

"I was.... Then Kurome showed up, but I promise you when I cure you I'm going to take you dancing."

"Heh thank you (Y/N)... Though I hope your dancing is better than your fighting after all when we were fighting Esdeath you were leaving yourself quite a bit opened." Akame said in a stoic tone with a smile teasing him.

"Aw that's not fair the minute I was fighting Esdeath I was practically running on fumes. Changing the subject after our small errand where do you want to eat tonight?"

"How about you? After all despite you waking up three days ago you couldn't do much besides rest, so how about you choose."

"Yea... Surprised Unknown's Claw took that long... She's usually fine with anything especially- I got it.... How about an all you can eat buffet?"

"R-really?!.... I-I mean is that what you want?!" Akame's eyes started to sparkle as she started to drool a bit after hearing (Y/N)'s suggestion.

"Yep she definitely wants to go.... Of course and after seeing that look on your adorable face I have to follow through!"

"I love you (Y/N)!" Akame said squeezing him as he flinched a bit but ultimately smiled and laugh.

"I love you too.... Hey look we're here and there's Tatsumi and Mine." (Y/N) said as the couple started making their way to the dragon.

"Hey Akame, (Y/N) glad your doing alright." Tatsumi said as he had Mine on his head.

"That same to you Tatsumi and Mine... Shall?" (Y/N) asked setting Akame gently on the grass floor as he walked up to Tatsumi as he let Mine down from his head.

"Ok so what do you need me to do?"

"Just relax I'll be doing all the work after all if I can't cure you then I can't cure Akame." (Y/N) said closing his eyes and rest his forehead on Tatsumi's dragon head as his shield glowed blue.

"Akame do you think this will work?" Mine asked her holding a spare change of close for Tatsumi.

"I think it would.... You see I accidentally stabbed (Y\N) with Murasame but his shield saved him by curing the curse."

"What really?! Then.... Oh my God...." Mine held her mouth as Akame's eye's filled with joy as they both watched the Tyrant Dragon slowly disappear changing Tatsumi back into his human form.

"And.... Done.... Woah a bit revealing there aren't we pal?" (Y/N) said catching his breath as he took off his jacket to cover Tatsumi's lower area as he laid on the floor slowly getting up and looking at his hands.

"Woah this is amazing... Thank you (Y-"

"TATSUMI!" Mine tackled Tatsumi scattering hus clothes while crying into his chest.

"That's sweet... You'll be a bit numb cause you'll have to readjust to your new body again but after some rest you'll be fine..." (Y/N) smiled accepting their thanks as he looked at Akame with tears in her eyes, deciding to sit next to her as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"You ready?"

"Yea.... I'm just happy." Akame said as (Y/N) wiped her tears off her eyes putting his hand and forehead on her head as the shield glowed blue once more getting the scars and curse marks off Akame making her look healthier than before.

"And... All... Done." (Y/N) smiled grabbing a mirror from his pocket as Akame took it inspecting her body as she saw all the curse marks and scars were gone.

"Thank you (Y/N) now I won't be in as much pain as before." Akame said smiling at (Y/N) as he returned it.

"Good it hurt me seeing you in pain."

"Us too Akame." Tatsumi said as he had his clothes on while he and Mine sat next to Akame giving her a group hug.

"You guys... I'm just so happy you guys are alive." Akame said crying in their arms as (Y/N) watched them with a smile knowing this is what they needed after everything they've been through.

"Master there you are.... Tatsumi! Akame you guys are back to normal!" Tsuki said basically tackling the group joining their hug.

"Hey Tsuki." (Y/N) said putting on his (F/C) jacket back on as the group finished their hug.

"Master I've been told to grab you, you've been summoned by the New Kingdom's council."

"What for?"

"I don't know Boss Narjenda told me to grab you."  Tsuki said as the others looked up to the castle.

Later in the Castle.

"(Y/N) please come in Akame I'm sorry but you'll have to wait here." Narjenda said as the couple entered the room holding hands while Akame looked at (Y/N) with a concern look on her face.

"I won't be long." (Y/N) said kissing her forehead as she nodded and left the room.

"Its good to see you two together, I bet it must've been something worth fighting for."

"Indeed Narjenda, Hopefully someday you'll find that lucky someone."

"I did... However I missed my chance."

"I'm sorry to hear that, so why was I summoned here?"

"You heard about the execution of the emperor correct?"

"Yea Tsuki had the honor of beheading him from what I'm told. What about it?"

"Well the council took into account about how you lead and protected your men, helped the revolutionary army and NightRaid, plus along with the many chatter of the people and your men.... Well they'll tell you." Narjenda said opening a door as as (Y/N) saw some familiar faces of defected generals from the empire and others he didn't know of.

"General (Y/N) it's been a while."

"General Pallieon what's the meaning of all this?"

"We all decided (Y/N) we want you to become the New Kingdom's Emperor." Pallieon said as the others smiled at (Y/N) with how dumbstruck he looked.

"Seriously..... Wow this is amazing.... What else could I say but....." (Y/N) paused for a moment before looking at the group taking a deep breath.

"I refuse."

"Wait what?" The group said as Narjenda simplied smiled in the back.

"I know you all must think its a foolish decision however it's the one I'm going to make after I help form the new government and help rebuild I'm retiring. I want to live out my days in peace with the one I love, I would want nothing more than that." (Y/N) said to the others as they stood silent as they understood his decision.

"Young man you could be making a major mistake but to each their own."

"If you want a leader try my successor Tsuki I taught her everything I know."  (Y/N) said exiting the room meeting back with Akame.

"Everything ok?"

"Yea... C'mon you must be hungry." (Y/N) said holding her hand as she hugged his arm resting her head on his shoulder.

"Always especially you I know healing me and Tatsumi took a lot out of you so I'll give you half of what I eat."

"Wait a minute were going to a buffet. There won't be an-"

"Shush lets go food now." Akame said adorably with her famous derp face on.

"Heh ok, hey first one there gets first pi- Hey I didn't say go!" Akame dashed off automatically taking her boyfriends challenge leaving him in the dust.

Later that night.

"I can't believe they kicked us out like that..." Akame said sadly pointing her fingers together making (Y/N) chuckle a bit.

"Well we were there for three hours, I'm surprised they didn't kick us out after the second hour then again Tatsumi, Mine and Tsuki did join us so I guess they saved us an extra hour."

"Yup it's always better to eat with others... And you should eat more meat."

"Hey I had a perfect combination of Meats and Vegetables and I didn't need to eater after that first hour..... I hope when we move I can be able to afford your appetite." (Y/N) joked as Akame hugged his arm.

"We'll never run out of food, after all we are skilled hunters."

"This is true. Hey we're close to home." (Y/N) said as they both made their way out of the capital to the house NightRaid used as their hideout.

"Yep.... I can't wait... Where would you like to live?" Akame asked looking up as (Y/N) held his chin.

"Not sure.... You see the calmness of the ocean crashing into the beaches at the east is something I could live with and then the simplicity of the mountains to the north during winter... Those are something I'm interested in of course I don't want to make that decision without you." He smiled opening the door for her as she sat down on the couch for him to join her.

"How about this place? Everyone of our friends are able to come and go as they please, we won't have to worry about food because there are plenty of danger beast around that are edible along with a river stream that has a good supply of fish of different species and it's not exactly far from the capital as well so if we ever need anything we could go there not only that it does look amazing out here and the sites of the mountains at the distance is breathtaking; kinda fits with how you like admiring the world around you."

"You know you make an excellent point maybe settling down here won't be to bad." (Y/N) yawned as Akame rested her head on his shoulder and hugged his arm with him following suite resting his on her head.

"Tired Akame?"

"Your the one who's yawning!" Akame said smiling at him as he chuckled a bit.

"Hey what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"Other than spend time with you... I definitely want to see Mine and Tatsumi off before they leave to his village in the morning, after all Mine is pregnant and they are both retiring so It'll be a while before I see them again... And... And..." Akame got quiet looking down as images of everyone she lost suddenly appear in her head making her tear up a bit.

"Oh Akame...." (Y/N) thought moving his body to take up space on the couch to pull Akame to him leaning her back on his chest into a loving hug kissing the back of her head.

"Go ahead I'm here for you.." (Y/N) said as Akame looked at him saying nothing before she tighten his arms around her crying into chest embracing in the comfort he was giving her staying there for quite some time til Akame suddenly grew silent making (Y/N) worried.

"Akame?.... Oh..... You fell asleep... I should sleep too after all tomorrow is a big day."

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