
By lauren_b05

17.8K 670 167

Harry Potter has always hated Draco Malfoy, and all of Hogwarts knows that, but what happens when Harry start... More

chapter 1: Wecome Home
chapter 2: Stalker
chapter 3: Stuck Together
chapter 4: Klutz
chapter 5: 'The Game'
chapter 6: Just That Not Into You
chapter 7: Sweet Poetry
chapter 8: Mistake
chapter 9: Catch Me If I Fall
chapter 10: Rumor
chapter 11: F-Fuck
chapter 12: Broken Whispers
chapter 13: Vibrations
Chapter 14: Undecided
chapter 15: Perfect
chapter 16: Out
chapter 17: Aftermath
chapter 18: Constellations
chapter 19: Brilliant
chapter 21: Nearly
chapter 22: Repeat After Pansy
chapter 23: Phases
chapter 24: Charades
chapter 25: Softly
chapter 26: Brighter
Chapter 27: Quiet
Chapter 28: Promise Me
Chapter 29: Misinterpreted
Chapter 30: Goodbye
Chapter 31: Closure

chapter 20: The Cycle

478 15 2
By lauren_b05

  Last night had been beyond wild, and Blaise and Pansy had demanded to hear every detail from the setting to the look in Harry's eyes when Draco had semi-outed himself.

When the Slytherin awoke, he found himself refreshed. That's when he knew something was insanely wrong. Draco wasn't a morning person, but when he opened his eyes to the blazing sunlight he smiled. That was the first clue that he must be dying.

"Mate... are you feeling alright?" Crabbe asked, frowning a bit at Draco's aura of cheerfulness.

"Never better." He took a deep breath, and inhaled the air, "Does it smell ambrosial to anyone else this morning?"

Goyle blinked, "What did he say?"

"Don't bust his bubble. Let him have his five minutes of morning sunshine." Blaise replied, as he grinned at Draco as if he were Zabini's own child.

Draco threw on his robes, and skipped down to the Dungeons for Potions.

He found Harry, already sitting at his stool, and plopped down beside him, "Morning, Princess."

Harry blushed, "Morning, sunshine."

The two made small talk for a while, and made it through class without drawing too much attention. What was out of place? It was just two students who had despised one another from their first night at Hogwarts hanging out. Nothing was weird about that. Nothing at all.

As everyone left class, and wandered into the the corridors, Draco reached forward, grabbed Harry by his hips and spun him around, pulling him close, "Well, look at that." He whispered, "I caught you."

"I guess you did." Harry murmured back, wrapping his arms around the taller boy.

The two held their embrace for a long while. That was until the school's gossip, Lavender Brown saw the two and rushed up behind Harry, "What is going on here?!"

"Breakfast." Harry mumbled, sarcastically.

Draco shoved the Gryffindor boy away from him, "Nothing! Potter is just being the queer he admits to."

At least, that's how it went down in Harry's head. Rather, Draco rested his head on Potter's and stared at Lavender with calm eyes, "What does it look like?"

Lav was in complete shock, "Y-Y-You're gay?"

The blonde's smile faded a little, "If you want to be a hundred percent honest, yes."

Harry squeezed Draco's arm, gazing up at him with the brightest smile.

Brown smiled widely, "Do you know how much Dayton would pay for this information?"

Malfoy chuckled, mirthlessly, "Oh, no! Whatever shall we do, Potter?"

"I dunno, Malfoy. What do you want to do?" Harry giggled back.

"Hmm... well, Lavender..." He pulled Harry closer, "Go right ahead and tell him."

"I don't think you want that, and I know I don't. I won't be that girl that outed that kid. You come out in your own time." She whipped around and stomped off.

Harry's heart did a warm titter, "Why didn't you pull away?"

"Huh?" The blonde turned his attention back to the little.

"Why didn't you pull away?"

"Oh, Harry. When will you trust me enough to realize I'm not faking anything. If I have feelings for someone- that someone being you- I won't deny them and of myself in indulging in them. Don't you trust me?" His words were soft, and kind.

"I trust you."

The blonde held the Gryffindor in his arms, and kissed his forehead, "Thats my boy."

"I'm hungry." Harry murmured, enjoying the affection on Draco's part.

"Are you? Do you want to go get something? Do you want me to get something? I mean, we have class, but we can skip."

Malfoy was quick in his response, making the smaller boy giggle, "You're being daft, Draco."

The blonde gave him a long Eskimo kiss, "Yes, I am daft."

"Did you say skip class?"

Draco pulled Harry into his chest, and picked him up, so Potter straddled him like a koala bear, "Of course, darling." He carried him back to the Slytherin Dormitory which was desolate.

Bloody hell, they were turning into the annoying PDA couple. And they weren't even a couple yet.

Draco dropped him on his bed, and tucked him in, "You sleepy?"

Harry nodded, tiredly.

Draco's heart about melted, "Sleep, darling."

The Gryffindor pouted, "Wow. No cuddles?"

Draco chuckled, and began spooning the brat, "Sleep, baby boy."


When Harry opened his eyes he froze. He was in a darker room then he was use to, filled with rough exterior of forest green an silvery grey.

He felt strong arms wrapped around him and looked down and noticed the pale forearm, "Draco?"

The Slytherin had been dozing and practically jumped up, "Yes! S-Sorry, I just..." He blinked, "Do you want a snack? Do you want, erm, juice?"

A slow, quizzical smile spread across Harry's face, "Not at the moment. Do you want any juice?"

The Slytherin shrunk back for a moment, "Thought you might be thirsty."

"I know." Harry smiled, climbing up on his man's lap. Suddenly, Harry tensed, "Dray..."

"Yes?" The blonde murmured, into the raven locks he loved.

"W...What are we?"

Draco wanted nothing more than to call Harry his, but he didn't know how to say that, "I...Well, what do you want to be?"

The Gryffindor's eyes trailed down, thinkingly. That's when his brow furrowed. He aggressively grabbed the Slytherin's hand. He examined Malfoy's fair wrists, and gasped at the result. Harry's stomach became a mass of knots, as his eyes snapped up the Slytherin's.

Draco's smile faded as he realized what Harry was looking at. He swallowed, all color draining from his face. There were no words to describe that he was feeling. He'd forgot to put the Glamour spells on them today, "God, don't look at that."

The normally happy boy's voice broke as he whispered out one word, "Why?"

Draco's mouth went dry. His heart screamed words but his brain warned him to keep his mouth shut, like he had for years. 'Don't you tell him. You've made it this far.'

"I trust you... trust me. Draco, why?" Harry had tears in his eyes as he begged for an answer.

"I...I don't feel good about myself... this gives me back some control. I can control this. I'm feeling so much pain on the inside that this feels like it's releasing pain... the pressure decreases..." Despite the bravery it took to finally speak up, and the tears pricking his eyes, his voice remained calm.

Harry weeped, hugging Draco with pure intensity, "We'll get through this. I promise you. We're getting through this. Together."

"Thank you." Draco whispered, holding the Gryffindor closer.

The two fell asleep once more, holding each other in a tight bond of protectiveness.


Draco woke up in a strange place he'd never been before.... or had he? He was lying in the bed of a forest. All around him were thick groves of trees. He seemed to be lying in a circular clearing, like a crop circle. The air was thick and bittersour. The sky was dark and he had the feeling he was being watched, "Hello?"

He waited, but no response came. He put his hands to the edges of his mouth to increase volume, "ANYBODY?!"

The only sign of life he heard was the echo of his voice. Malfoy hugged his shoulders and walked forward, deeper into the wood.

He began to notice that everything seemed to be surreal. There wasn't a hoot of an owl or a chirp of a cricket or anything that indicated that there was any life for miles.

After walking about ten minutes or so and finding himself in the exact same place he'd woken up in, his lips parted.

He tried to calm his breathing but it didn't seem to do much good. He began to freak out. The anxiety attack took him over, and he doubled over at the intensity. He whipped around, and kept spinning in circles as he looked for any other humanity or anything, "H-HELLO?!"

As hard as he tried he couldn't hear anyone's voice. No passerby's, no friend, no one. No one could hear him.

He sprinted through the forest, tripping on roots and vines but kept going. He ran for what seemed like forever and felt terror consume him as he realized he was, once again in the same part of the forest he had been only moments before.

He collapsed to the ground as he felt the tears stream down his face. He hugged his legs as he rocked, "I-It's okay..."

That's when he noticed the blunt of something by his feet. A piece of broken glass. He had so much hurt filling him and he needed to get it out. He felt like he was going to explode. With shaking hands he picked up the glass and raised it to this wrist.

"We'll get through this. Together." A voice whispered.

Draco snapped up, panting in bed. He was drenched in sweat, and came to face with Harry.

"I-I tried to wake you, but you w-wouldn't wake up! Y-You were screaming and I c-couldn't help you!" Harry bawled. He, himself was shaking.

Draco pulled him into a tight embrace, "You got me out of that. I've had that nightmare so many times, and I always do the same thing, but you... Harry you broke that cycle."

What cycle? What was Draco talking about?

"I did?"

He pulled back, slightly, to rest his forehead against the other boy's, "Yes, love."

"D-Draco... I want to be here for you. I don't want you to ever have that dream again."

"Aw, Harry." He held him closer.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

Harry frowned. He started fiddling with his fingers, and a loose string on Draco's hoodie.
His face was red and his eyes were puffy from crying.

"Would you like to go on an official date with me?" The blonde asked, attempting to get the smaller boy's mind off of everything.

"Really? Yes!"


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Just a chapter-ly reminder:

You are loved.

You are valid.

You are worth it.

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