Strength to Protect (A BBB AU...

By SorameiTenebris

33.1K 1.9K 348

A BBB AU Fanfiction (Big Brother AU) Everything changed that day, and by that time, Boboiboy's role as a hero... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Journal Log 1
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Journal Log 2
Chapter 18
Journal Log 3
Chapter 19
Birthday Special
Chapter 20
Teaser for the upcoming new arc
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 5

1.4K 87 11
By SorameiTenebris

A/N: It's the septuplets' birthdaaay, and their mother's death anniversary as well QwQ.


It was finally the septuplets' first birthday, and they didn't even try to ruin the day for them. Tok Aba was also able to prepare food for the others, with Boboiboy and Ochobot helping. Luckily, the teen managed to balance helping his grandfather, and tending to his siblings' fuss. They even managed to prepare the cocoa shop for their guest, and some mats on the grass for the babies to lie down or play, along with some toys.

Yet, throughout the preparation, it only lacked something.

"I'm just worried for you, Tok Aba." Boboiboy said, his eyes focused on his siblings, the teen also chose to wear something casual. It consists of an orange hoodie, and without his hat, revealing his brown hair and white strand.

His brown eyes dart at the septuplets, who were busy playing with their toys. Though, Blaze and Ice seemed busy drinking from their milk.

"They're not making any fuss right now, grandson." Tok Aba said, amused by his grandson's worried façade, "Besides, they would be here anytime soon. I won't be alone taking care of them."

Ochobot sighs, "We're just going to get their cake, Boboiboy. It's just a couple of blocks away."

The teen tried to lighten up. He recalled how the cake was a somewhat repayment from an acquaintance of his grandfather. Boboiboy offered since he knew that Tok Aba must have been tired from the work he has done for them. However, the worry still etched inside his system, unable to shake the feeling of uneasiness.

"I'm sure that I can handle this, Boboiboy." Tok Aba assured the teen, patting his head for good measure, "Plus, you need to get out of the house more, stretch your legs."


The old man smiled when he saw Taufan crawling on the grass, calling him. Tok Aba smiled in glee and managed to catch the blue clad infant when he tried to walk.

"Taufan is learning how to walk, huh?" Tok Aba said as he poked the baby's nose.

"B-bah~!" Taufan giggled in glee, especially when those blue orbs gazed towards his big brother, "Abang~!"

The teen eventually gave in with a sigh, "Alright, I'll get the cake. I could maybe try to use my lightning speed, though it's not as fast as before -"

"Just walk, Boboiboy." Tok Aba gently shushed him, "It won't do any harm to get some exercise."

"Alright..." He then looked at his yellow friend, "You coming, Ochobot?"

"Yep! Better get a move on!"

"You two be careful." Tok Aba said as he looked at Taufan, "Try to wave at your brother, like this."

Tok Aba showed the gesture. Yet, Taufan waved his arms excitedly, "Abang~"

Boboiboy slightly took a step back and he suddenly heard a cry from afar.


He suddenly turned to see Solar trying to stand up and walk towards him.

"A-Abang!" The white clad infant sniffed, trying to raise his arms and head towards his brother.

"Oh, Solar." The teen quickly caught the youngest septuplet, "I won't be long, and you'll have fun with your Atok and your siblings."

"Abaaang!" The infant whined, not wanting to let go.

Boboiboy knew how to calm Solar, since this wasn't the first time that one of his siblings cried when he just left for a few moments.

The teen first walks towards the mat and sets Solar down. This made the others also look at their brother with curiosity.

"How about, before I leave for your cake, I'll give your presents now?" Boboiboy said which made the septuplets tilt their heads.

"Eh? You're giving it now?" Ochobot asked.


Tok Aba also watched with curiosity, while he was also carrying Taufan in his arms. He sees the teen going to a nearby seat and rummaging something from the bag.

When he finally saw the gifts, it softens his heart. Tok Aba recalled how Boboiboy was busy watching something on the internet during his free time. The teen even tried to keep it a secret from the two as well, even when the old man would often catch Boboiboy hissing in pain or shaking his hand.

That was because, in the teen's arms, were seven multicolored hats. Tok Aba could see the care the teen did to make it look presentable. It was the same as his, but he could see different symbols and colors from it.

"H-ha!" Blaze was the one who called with glee, the others also followed and squealed at the hat.

Boboiboy would recall how they would always touch and play with his hat. They would even fight over it, which cause the teen to stop wearing it for a while. This made him think of trying to make one... or seven for his siblings. Luckily, he had enough pocket money to get the fabric needed. The symbols though, he decided to make some out of light metals that he had found back in his TAPOPS days.

"So that's why you were trying to hide them?" Tok Aba hummed, "I could have helped, you know?"

"I wanted to try something new." He told his grandfather, "And I know how much they love to play with my hat. Might as well make some for them."

Tok Aba then sets Taufan down, making the blue clad infant join his brothers. Their eyes all glued to the seven hats their brother is holding. Boboiboy laughed at how his brothers all raised their hands, and cooed in interest.


He lets the hat sit on top of their head; it made their heart flutter when they heard their giggles. Boboiboy knew that it's still slightly big for them, and the sight made him almost hug his brothers. It was really loose, yet they laughed and cooed at the hat, which almost look like what their brother wore.

"They love it, Boboiboy!" Ochobot cheered, seeing the septuplets laughing and holding onto the hats.

"It kind of look like mine, they didn't mind if it's a different color." Boboiboy scratched his cheek meekly.

"Well," Tok Aba walked towards him, patting a shoulder towards his grandson, "I'm impressed with your work. They love it because it reminds them of yours."

The teen blushed at the praise, "Thanks, Tok! Ah! I also have it for you, Tok!"

The old man gazed his eyes when the teen rummaged once more in his bag. The moment it got out; Tok Aba noticed that it was a while hat (similar to what he wore in BBB the Movie 2). He didn't hide his impressed smile, and proudly accepted the gift.

"Mom loved to sew, and she learned a lot in here as well." Boboiboy said, "I sometimes remember her doing it, and I was watching... it didn't take a while for me to learn and try it too."

"Well, I love it, Boboiboy. Thank you."

Tok Aba hugged his teenage grandson, smiling at the fact that he seemed to notice the teen's slight change of mood. He's just happy that Boboiboy is beside him, and the gift represents moments of Boboiboy's childhood that he could still try.

"And I just also caught this on camera!"

They suddenly part when they noticed Ochobot holding a camera towards them, "What? Tok Aba wanted some photos for his album. No way I'm also missing this."

"Point taken." Tok Aba sighs, "It's nice to document this so we could recall some memories. I need some new photos, now that you've grown up and we have your siblings."

"Yeah." Boboiboy smiled, "That would be awesome, Tok!"

"Ah, Tok Aba!"

They heard the voices not so far from them, which made the old man smile and wave towards the source.

"Ah, Mr. Kumar!" Then he eyed at the two women with him, "Hello to you too, Mrs. Wawa, Aunty Yang."

"Ah, Tok Aba! Just in time, and we also brought the cake, too!" Aunty Yang exclaimed, "We managed to pass by that cake shop, and the owner said that she owes you this."

"Yes, so we decided to just bring it for you." Mrs. Wawa nods, "We also brought food for the celebration."

As the adults continue on conversing, Boboiboy seemed to notice that their children being carried by them, "Excuse me, but I'll carry these foods for you at the table."

"Oh my! Is this Maya and Amato's son?" Mr. Kumar said as they look at the teen.

"Hello to all of you, uncle, aunties." Boboiboy greeted.

"My, you sure have grown. Boboiboy." Aunty Yang said, smiling at the teen, "And thank you for your assistance."

"It's no pressure." The teen replied, "You're also carrying your child with you."

"Ah yes," Mrs. Yawa giggled, "Since we've heard about your siblings being also near their age, we asked Tok Aba to bring them with us to celebrate. He said yes, and of course, it could be fun too."

"I think so too." The teen nods as he looks at his brothers. Boboiboy seemed to notice their curious eyes, especially when seeing someone that looks their age.

He could also see the girls, and the boy's expression as well, their focus was towards the septuplets.

"It's also nice for Boboiboy to try and relax for the future." Tok Aba suddenly interjects, the moment the teen took the food to a table, and away from their earshot, "That boy takes care of them, even when I want to help, he seems to shoulder most of it."

"Well, he is the eldest of the seven." Aunty Yang pointed out, "Though I could see why, this is seven, and they're septuplets."

"It's not just that too, Yang." Mrs. Wawa interjects, "Tok Aba even told us of the news. We're just shocked when he suddenly looked glum that time."

"Maya passed on so young." Mr. Kumar sighs, looking at the teen with sympathy, "How's Amato?"

"He's grieving too, but he's more focused with his work." Tok Aba sighs, "I just hope they would get better one day."

The adults nod as they look at Boboiboy, who was busy arranging the food, with Ochobot's help. The three adults then sat down towards the mat and set their children down as well.

"Ying, look!"

"Yaya, you now have new friends!"

"Finally, time to have you be close with someone, Gopal!"

Tok Aba then chuckled when he sees the seven suddenly crawling towards him. However, he could see how their eyes are fixated with the newcomers.

"B-Baah~!" It was Duri who baby talked first, his smile wide and seemed to affect the two women in front.

"Bababa~" Taufan giggled as he smiled at the three adults.

Blaze showed his gummy smile, yet waved his arms up and down like he was saying hello to them.


Mr. Kumar's focus was more on the other three, namely Halilintar, Solar, and Ice. The adult seemed to notice a frown from Hali, a sparkling look from Solar, and a sleepy dismissive attitude from Ice. Since the cyan clad baby seemed to be focused on his new hat, rather than them.

Though, he slightly felt a chill when he sees Halilintar's baby glare. Mr. Kumar didn't know why, but he just thinks of it as the baby being irritated by the new people around him.

"Ababababa~!" Mr. Kumar then noticed how the silver clad baby was trying to get their attention, and Tok Aba happily agreed to do so.

"Alright, Solar, I'll carry you." Tok Aba chuckled.


The sound of a baby's prattle made them look, and they saw Gempa crawling towards the three. The brown clad baby struggled to sit on his own, but managed to do so. His golden eyes seemed to remain fixated at the three.

"Kyaaa~!" It was sudden, but Gempa suddenly raised his arms and waved up and down. It made the other infants also smile towards his babble.

"Awww, Gempa is saying hello to them." Boboiboy cooed at the sight, the moment he arrived.

"And another picture to add on my blackmail them in the future." Ochobot chuckled, already prepared to embarrass them someday.

"You know," Boboiboy sat beside his siblings, "All of you can join in, right?"

The teen noticed how Duri, Taufan, and Blaze didn't have any problem from it. Boboiboy even smiled and waved his hand, "Try and join in with Gempa, I'm sure he'll be delighted to see his brothers join in."

Giggles came from the three of them when Boboiboy each gave them a poke on their nose, "Besides, I'm sure that they'll like to meet you three more."

It did ways as the trio then babbled and crawled towards the others. The adults then noticed how the other three of the septuplets were heading towards their children. Gempa even smiled widely to see his three brothers join in.

"And you three?" He grins when he sees the other three also looking at them, "I know you also want to play with them?"

"Aba!" Ice raises his hand and the teen knew what he meant.

"Alright, I'll help you walk." Boboiboy stood up and noticed how Solar and Halilintar seemed to crawl towards his leg, "They're okay, guys. I'm sure that they love to play with you."

"Well, my oh my, you're pretty much good at this, Boboiboy." Mrs. Wawa complimented him.

"Oh..." Boboiboy blushed, "Well, um... I'm also new to this, and I tend to make some mistakes..."

"I could see that your siblings seem to love you." Aunty Yang chuckles, "That doesn't count that you're making a mistake when you're raising them properly."

Boboiboy smiled, feeling a crept of embarrassment entering his cheek. He tried to ignore it as he assists Ice in walking towards the other children, with Halilintar and Solar following him.

"Alright." He sets Ice gently towards them and looks back at the other two, whom he caught immediately before falling, "Nice try, Hali, Solar, you seem to be close in walking on your own."

"Aba~!" The two smiled as they babble and wave their hand towards Boboiboy.

Tok Aba smiled, "He's been doing everything he can. He doesn't even try to ask for help."

Boboiboy grins, "Well, I don't want to make things heavier for you, and I love to take care of them."

Mr. Kumar's face didn't hide the impressed expression on his face, "It doesn't mean that taking care of them is easy, Boboiboy. I'm sure you had some rough patches."

"I guess..." The teen muttered as he sat beside the children, noticing that they seem to pry on the stuff toys that he brought.

"Boboiboy..." Aunty Yang uttered in sympathy, "You poor child."

The teen suddenly looked at the adults, noticing their solemn expression. Boboiboy knew that they're aware of his parents, and how they work. Some people were aware of his father's identity as a hero. It's just that only a few knew he was married and had a family.

"If there's anything you need, you know that you could ask for help." Mr. Kumar said, "Even if you're the eldest, you're also still a teenager. There are things you should enjoy now that you're here."

Mrs. Yawa nods as she pats the teen's shoulder, "Maya was our dear friend, and we also miss her. It's hard to you too as well."

"This could also be a bonding time for them." Aunty Yang interjects, "I know you might not be ready to try and enjoy for yourself, but we just want you to know that we'll help you with raising them too."

Boboiboy's chest seemed to ache towards the adults 'words. True, they knew his parents, and it must have been sad for them when they heard the news. Yet, they're right. There would be instances that his siblings might crave for something as they grow up. He knows that he's no mother or father, and brotherly love may not suffice for them.

He fears if he would not do a good job, and would rebel. At the same time, he doesn't know how he would react. Boboiboy is still a teenager and most teens focus on their peers. Yet, the teen didn't want to focus on that because he has to raise his brothers. Boboiboy didn't need to go back to school, not when his academic skills seem suffice enough.

"Boboiboy." His thoughts snapped when his grandfather called him, "Look at your siblings."

His brown eyes dart towards them, and sees how the seven giggled towards the other three. Boboiboy noticed how Blaze, Duri, and Taufan seemed to enjoy Gopal's company. Then there's Halilintar, Solar, Ice, and Gempa, giggling with Yaya and Ying.

'I really must have been lonely when I was their age...' It was true.

"They're already one.... Time does fly fast."

"Try to also enjoy your teenage years, Boboiboy." Aunty Yang said, "At least it eases you now to know that your siblings will have friends."

He eyed the children, who seemed to suddenly focus on a picture book. It was Boboiboy's old book containing the elements for infants. They seem to giggle at the picture, and the teen could see how his siblings' eyes sparkle at a respective element.

"I could enjoy it... but maybe with my siblings, and with them." Boboiboy replied, "It's okay if I'm not that close with peers of my age. But I'll try I guess... one day."

He will, just not now. Not when his siblings are still young.

His personal time would have to wait.


A/N: Time skips may start in the next chapter. For now, this arc focuses on his siblings growing up, and Boboiboy's challenges as an older brother. He would also explore his powers soon, and see if his siblings would have them as well.

'Till next time OwO)9

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