WWE: Ring Around the Love Tri...

By LlamaSuperHero

24.4K 718 39

Jessica wanted nothing more than to finally wrestle in the WWE. But after an unwelcome superstar shows up at... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29

Part 23

460 15 0
By LlamaSuperHero

***My Perspective***

I was trapped in the middle of this iron barred cell. I had nowhere to turn. Everywhere I looked, there was someone who was going to beat me if I came near them. I had nothing. I didn’t have the energy to keep knocking Abram down. He was stuck in this cell with me. But I couldn’t give up. If he were to get his hands on me, I just know that it would be the last of me, and I would NEVER get out of here.

I remained against my part of the stone wall. Abram was over talking with Alexander and a few other guys near the gate. I stayed as close to the wall as possible. I could feel my entire body shaking right now, and I was really scared. I didn’t want them to hurt me, although I knew they would. I knew that if I slipped, they were going to catch me and they were going to hurt me; it’s just what they did.

I wish John would be here, helping me fight through all these guys. I know if I could at least see him, I would be able to fight my way out of here.

They were all eyeing me down; every last one of them. But everything was interrupted when the large basement door opened, letting in a blinding light. I covered my eyes with my hands and I turned towards the wall. When the light finally died, I tried to look and see who was coming down the stairs. It was a very large man. Although all the men down here were all large, this guy was by far the biggest and the buffest looking out of all of them.

He came walking down the middle of all of the men towards Abram at the gate. “Abram,” he said in a very deep voice, “where are the keys to this door?”

Abram turned and looked at me. “The bitch over there took them from me after she knocked me down, smashing my head against the stone wall.”

I stared at the large man on the opposite side of the cell as me. He was staring angrily and intensely back at me. A slight smile came across his face. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a key ring with multiple keys attached to it. He unlocked the gate, allowing Abram to scurry out, and then he proceeded to come into the cell. His pace quickened as he approached me.

I backed up as far as I could, but was stopped by the presence of more iron bars. I pressed myself against the wall as much as I could, but there was nothing I could do that would stop him from getting at me.

He stopped directly in front of me and reached out his arm, cupping his large hand around my throat. He dragged me across to the middle of the cell, still against the stone wall. He spoke out loud to the men in the room, something in a different language that I couldn’t understand, but the men seemed to response with a laugh.

His look turned back towards me, and I could feel the anger through his hand. His fingers released my throat, allowing me to breathe once again. I thought he was going to turn and walk out of the cell, but I was wrong. His large arm thrusted against my throat, pressing me against the wall. His large forearm lifted me up from the ground, choking me against the wall. I couldn’t breathe once again.

He brought his face close to mine. “Listen here; you are our property and shall do as we speak. Rhodes told me you’d be a wild one, which is why I’m in charge.” His accent was strong, and thoroughly detected. I couldn’t focus much on his words; I was slowly running out of breath, losing consciousness as he spoke. “If there will be a continued number of problems from you, I’m going to take you to my special place.” I hinted a smile on his face; an evil smile.

I spat at him. His arm pressed harder against my throat, and I could feel the hardness of the wall caressing my back. “I guess we’ll have to take you to my special place maggot.” His arm fall to his side, and I fell to the ground, gasping for air.

I crawled on my hands and knees away from this man, but he caught me by the leg. “Where do you think you are going maggot? You are coming with me.” With a strong, swift motion, he grabbed me around the waist, hoisted me up in the air, flipped me and threw me over his shoulder. His strong arm around my legs held me in one position, and I honestly couldn’t move. I slumped over his large shoulder, allowing him to carry me wherever he was taking me too, without a struggle.

I didn’t care. I was surprisingly comfortable on his shoulder. Maybe this would be a good small chance for a small nap….

***John’s Perspective***

They had me tied up to a wooden chair. My hands were tied to the arms, and my feet were tied to the legs. I was completely immobilized right now. It wasn’t easy for them to take me down, but after a few cheap shots they got in, I had to give in to them. The two men that Cody had working for him, double-teamed me, and Cody put in a shot every chance he got.

I wasn’t entirely sure where they had dragged me, but I knew I was still inside the arena. Teddy was in the room with us, arguing with Cody.

“Listen Cody, all I’m saying, is that we need Cena tonight for the live event. These people are paying money for these tickets, so we need to give them a show. I don’t care if you don’t want to fight, you still have to. I’m not letting these people get disappointed. We need our ratings to keep going up.”

“Fine Teddy; I’ll release him when it’s time to go. But right after the match, I’m having Ernie and Mac bring him back in here. After that, me and you are gonna have a little chat. You got that?”

“I don’t care what you do after the show, but during the show you will do as I say if you wanna keep your job here. You got that boy?”

Cody nodded at Teddy. “Look, my personal affairs don’t need to be put in the way of the business. I say just forget about Jess and worry about the rest of the industry. She’s one person compared to all of the other superstars that we have.”

“Cody, she was going to make us a lot of money here.”

“How do you figure? So far she hasn’t been giving the business anything.”

“Now that is not true.” Teddy crossed his arms. “When Jessica first arrived here she created the biggest hype with taking down Rosa in less than five seconds. That right there pretty much upped her popularity. Not to mention she’s a beautiful girl. She was going to bring us a lot of attention.”

“Which made her my perfect choice. Her beauty is easily able to satisfy the wants and needs of my men overseas.”

“Cody I disagree with your actions to the highest degree. You better be able to find me someone who’s just as good, and just as beautiful. We need our ratings to go up, and to lose someone who’s gained popularity that fast, is going to kill the show in a month.”

“You need to stop worrying. At least now those men aren’t going to be attacking the industry. If that happened we’d lose more superstars and we would drop more and more. Losing her is saving this industry.”

I was listening to the full story, although I was still lost. I wasn’t sure exactly what Cody was talking about with Jess being able to save this industry with her being kidnapped by those men, but apparently if she didn’t go, they would be after the business. Either way I didn’t care. I would gladly lose my job in the WWE to get her back here with me. I was still going to find her, no matter what it takes.

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