1♡Wonwoo Mina Oneshot✔

By JeonMina_05

31.9K 1K 325

Mina X Wonwoo oneshot stories Have a different genre and long stories. Also Seventeen and Twice will be here... More

(sunset secret)~
~Know it now~
How they act each other
Accept it?
Meet Again
Game And Perfom
Having You Is Heaven
Bad Timing But Worth It
Another Knight
Silent Treatment
Collab Make It Lit
I'm Tired
Wonwoo X Mina Moments
How You Guys Met Each Other?
Accepting Fate
After Variety
I'm Not
Dont leave Me
Welcome Back
Daring Viral
Love You!
Prove It
Sweet Promise
High Fever
Parents Day
Helping You
Busy Time and Love
My Sweet Gangster
Fail Baking
New But Different
Her Last Wish
Love In Death Treat
Chemistry Baby
Take Your Innocence
Long distance
Mafia Need
The Truth Past
Hidden Shot
Bully Love

Arrange Jealous

651 21 46
By JeonMina_05

Wonwoo and Mina once was a friends when higschool. Repeat, once a friends. But all was change when they become enemy at univercity until they work. But still they cant call enemy 100%. It can count as rival.

Its all start with stupid nonsense thing that happend between Jeonghan and Jeaongyeon, Chaeyoung and Dino along with Nayeon and Scoups. They 6 have become enemy since first day in univercity.

All was start with 2 Jeong accident spill the coffee, Dino and Chaeyoung bump and broke her earphone and Scoups and Nayeon cant even silence once.

It make both group had to be enemy each other. Well the other dont have any problem but its just they dont close and doesnt had any chemistry each other. Mina and Wonwoo was friends but had seperate and being rival just because they 6 enemy.

Jun and Sana almost become couple but always get stuck when they know the fight between their friends. Mingyu and Tzuyu just can know as not so close, because Scoups always pull him whenever they hang out.

Dahyun and Vernon? Sorry they are couple but they 6 dont know. What if they know? Must be more mess. Now they all done univercity but what on earth happemd now?

They all work in near place but in one building. One mall that combine with bussiness company. Can image how its more mess when boys gets rest from work come down to mall and see girls work or rest too at same place.

All 13 boys work as bussiness man and you can see girl work different occuption but near each other. Mina, Tzuyu and Sana work as designer at boutique. Momo and Chaeyoung work at Candy shop or like you know sweet things.

Dahyun and Nayeon more choose to work as photographer and open a photo shop so people will come to edit or take a picture. Jihyo and Jeongyeon choose to be a chef and open a fancy restaurant.

Boys know the 9 girls shop was beside each other and sometime 3 guys from will come just to annoy them. The others were fed up and let it be or play along.

Now Mina was sketch a new gown design but was disturb when her mom call. She pick up and see that Tzuyu and Sana was busy packing clothes that people order in online.

"Yes mom?"

"Honey, are you free tonight?"

"Yeah after 7. Why?"

"Great! Make yourself pretty natural and come at this adress at 8.30. We are going to dinner with dad bussiness friends and we had important to discuss with you."

"Okay mom."

They hang up and she get up. She then tell the two girls that she will not join Twice dinner as usual and girls just nod. She feels like something is not right but shake her head.

When she already arrive, she saw her parents and their friends. As she can see their friends look familiar. A man eyes remind her someone. Then Mina mother whispere to her that their son may be late. She thought it was 5 of them but 6?!

"Sorry im late..."

They all look to the voice and Mina get up in shock. So was him. They point ech other in disbelieve

"You?! Mina/Wonwoo?!"

"You guys know each other?"

His mom ask and both was just silence. Then her father clap hand and tell them to sit. Both was just change glare and cant believe they meet in this dinner time.

As always SevenTwice see everyday but not talking eachother. All they heard just their 6 friends fight or bickering after that they had to make all calm.

But what most hurt her is she almost had crush on him and he just give her a simple look like nothing. She always thought that guy like him might hard to deal with.

But at old time, they use to hang out as friends but guess what? His popularity at school make him forget her. And she? She left behind and realize she doesnt suit to had connection with him.

Again he hurt too. By how she ignore him because of his famous school. He know he wrong but how can he do? Nothing and more mess when they same uni and their friends were enemy.

Now all eating peacefully until his father start the conversation. Make all focus to him.

"As we already promise like 5 years ago, Park Joong Ki. The project will be going as well as we promise like other."

"Yeah Jeon Joon Gi. Its fun we have almost same name but as you can see, we need agree from our child."

All eyes was on the young two who suprise by the looking. They two was question why need agreeing from them. What was agree it?

"Honey,Mina. As you have to know, you and Wonwoo will get married."


They both scream in shock. They marry? Not good and will not always not. They look in disbelieve and many question fill in mind.

"Why i need to marry her? Whats with the connection with your bussiness?"

"Son. We already make our promise 5 years ago to cooperate as two bussiness together and your mom friends with Mina mom too. We already make a deal and please, you had to marry Mina."

Mina get up and run away. Her father was about to stop her, but his wife hold his hands.

"Give her time. She need it and please, she still shock with this. Im sure she will accept this."

Wonwoo sigh and tell them that he will agree marry her in 2 years only. If they falling in love each other in that time, they will stay but if its not work, he dint care. They will divorce in no time if they hadnt feeling each other.

Mina at the others was fill in tears. Her old friends who now become her rival had to marry each other?! She hold his chest and feel the pain at her heart. Why must marry? Why not just do the bussiness without making a stupid promise.

Next day~

She told everything to Sana and Tzuyu but she warn them two keep it secret. She dont want others know especially Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon. The two was worried that Mina had to feel this life.

Then they suprise when a bell door shop was ringing. Sana get up and open the door. Sana was more shock when Wonwoo show up. Tzuyu ask him what he doing here. He just coldly told that he want to see Mina.

Mina at the counter chair get up and told the girls that she is okay. She remind them that she will come backafter met Wonwoo. The two was hope she can handle the arrange marriege. Now they on coffee cafe sitting infront face to face.

"Hello Mina."

"Hello old was friends."

"Yeah i forgot that we once friends. Sorry."

"So get to point. What is it suddenly show up?"

"We will married."

"And im not agree it."

"Sorry but all was already arranged. I give 2 years and after that we divorce."

"2 years?! Wonwoo! Im still say no."

"2 years are not long,Mina. After 2 years we divorce, what was difficult?"

"Still im not agree and 2 years with you? Did you ever know me?"

"Yup i know you. And all i can say you are not change at all. Just your style change and i can see that still you not change your personality. Believe me, you still same as we were friends like old time."

She silence. Yeah he got that point. She not change at all but its jusy she got stronger from pain she held over years after he leave her just popularity at highschool.

"So all was settle. You and me married 2 years and no objection. Final. See you."

He leave her and just walk without turn back. She hold the tears and close her eyes. Then she get up and pay the bill then back to boutique. Sana and Tzuyu ask her and she explain all.

The two can just hug her and keep saying that everything will be fine. Mina just tell them to come at her wedding only two. They will do in secret until all was fine. They also had to think how to make the others fine with the boys.

For how long they need to be enemy just because nonsense thing in past. The 6 was too ego and guess what even the oldes Nayeon and Scoups were not matured at all about this.

1 months later~

Sana and Tzuyu help her design and make up her. She just can only silence and her friends also can just exchange look seeing Mina not in the mood.

Then her mother also along with Wonwoo mom get in and see her in wedding dress. Her mom was so happy but still Mina not smile at all. His mother hug her and give her smile showing how the two old lady haply to see beautiful figure infront them.

Mina still not smile and just standing beside her father. Her father know she not happy at all and tell her its okay. But for her how can she okay with this. This marriege are not even she want.

She also not in marriege plan. She more focus on her work and suddenly had to marry just because the stupid promise for bussiness. Wonwoo see her walking with her father and standing straight politely.

He can see her face showing not smile and cold face was all proof she dont want this at all. For him, he dont know. Was once a friends then become a rival aftet that now married? How supposed she accept all the fact and he cant deny it but agree all of this was insane thing they do in all their in whole life.

After they said their vows, its time to kiss. But all she do is turn her head and he know the sign. So he just kiss her cheeks and people might think they really kiss on lips but actually not.

Now for photo, Mina mom push her to smile for a while and she just do it quickly. After 3 or 4 photo now she go to her friends. So was Wonwoo who Mingyu and Jun had come.

"Mina... congrates and i hope you can get through this."

"How Sana...its all too fast to me."

"But Mina, i know you are strong and im sure its all will change wether its going to be more bad or turn to good thing in your marriege."

"Yeah if it will Tzuyu. Well im still hurt by how this happend to my life."

Girls hug her and cheer her. Then after 3 hours of wedding, Wonwoo and Mina back to their new apartment that his father bought for them. Well its just one room but big apartment.

Mina shower first and then go out from room to Wonwoo turn. She then play her phone until she doenst realise that she already fallen sleep. Today was realky exhause her so much. Her mind was heavy beacuse she keep stressing whole day meanwhile her body to weak because wearing the long drees and keep standing with high heels.

Wonwoo who finish his shower out to look Mina. When he lookinh for her everywhere, he found she was sleeping at couch living room with phone at her stomach she hold. He smirk and help her carry to their room.

He blanket her and help her charge her phone. He then stare her face and cared ut. He realize that their friendship were crush by his mistake and what he can do was to fix it.

Fix it but her ego? Well she still cant forget how he leave her and come back with new aura that make her more hurt. Seeing he grow up well but his cold face remind her their past.

Now its over 7 months, slowly they become near. All start with they agree to be friends again. Now all they do just focusing to their enemy friends but without realize they forgot about their status as wife and husband.

They slowly had feeling grow but they just keep deny that its all for a while and its not a love feelings. Mina jeep busying herself with girls boutiqeu and so was him busying himself with work.

Now their plans is to make they 6 hang each other so they can settle all out. Girls tell the 3 girls to join them to go eat dinner together at sea restaurant so was boys. Then all 6 glare each othet meanwhile the others keep throwing glance or hints.

When they in eating, slowly them give excuse nonsense leaving the 6 sit. All was silence and the others watch from far. All they can see first they bickering and fighting. But after 10 minutes its silence. As they wait until the 6 slowly talking calmly.

After that they relieve when they 6 end their fighting with hug and the others back home with glad and happy feelings after all was done. Mina feel her love more grow to him but shake again knowing its not worth it.

2 weeks later~

All was fine and all SevenTwice do their work. Mina and Wonwoo told everyone about their marriege and tell how its start and all slowly accept the fact and happy about it. They secretly pray that WonMina marriege will stand long even after 2 years.

Now she just busying herself with sketching the design. Tzuyu was busy packing and Sana busy with iron the all gown and dress. She then feel thristy and asking girls if they want anything.

All was agree to buy drink at starbuck coffee cafe and Mine go to buy. When she was waiting her order done, she suprise when she spot Wonwoo talking to a girl infront him. The girl was touching his hand and his face was serious. But what more shocking when she hug Wonwoo.

Mina cant process what just she see then startle when a waiter call her. Then she quickly pay and take her drinks. She run fast and when she get in boutique, Sana and Tzuyu was shock when they see tears coming out from Mina eyes.

"Mina! What happend?!"-Sana

"Whats wrong with you?!"-Tzuyu

"Guys.... i see him with other girl. She touch his hand even hug him....."

She cry and girls helping her sit at the couch. Mina sob and cant accept what just she see and feels more pain when he remember the time a girl hug her husband.

"I admitted that i fallind in love with Wonwoo. But after all, he never jad same way to me....Am i just a friend to him?"

"Mina... what if you see just all lied? Maybe she hug him but he not hug her back."-Sana

"Also maybe they relatives or you know maybe cousin old friends?"-Tzuyu

"What kind if friends hugging with that in public? And if they relatives why he never told me? If cousin, she mist be know that he already married!"

Girls can just console her until she calm down. Then she choose do her work until night. When she back, she found he in living room playing phone. He was about to call her but she just walk to room.

He feel weird becuase she ignore him. Then he join her in. When she done shower, she straight sleep leaving him question why suddenly she behavior change.

Its been a week and she still cold to him. He cant hold this ignorence and its time to end all of cold wall between them. Now Mina back from home again in 7 still for Wonwoo its not usual she back home late.

Usualy she come back in 5 or 6 but now always 7 p.m. When she done put her shoes, she was about to go kitchen but Wonwoo get up pull her to go their room. He lock and she groan in a bit pain when he pull he wrist like that.

"What is wrong with you?!"

"Me?! You the one who what is wrong? Is something wrong or bother you?"

"I dont! And why you bother with it?!"

"Excuse me! You dont usualy like this. Its been a week you back home late and whats the matter of you ignore?"

"So what? Its not your problem!"

"Not my problem! Mina, im your husband! I should know!"

"If you know that you are married, you must know the forbidden as husband!"

"What are you talking about? Whats got into you?"

"Now im asking you, Jeon Wonwoo! Is that true you meet your cousin who is girl at Starbuck Coffee?"

He silence for a while and remind himself then he nod. He confuse how she know and why she too mad.

"Yeah so? Is something wrong?"

"Well so go to your cousin! Why need to be with me!"

"Hey hey! What is this?! Are you seeing us?"

"Of course!! I see all of it with my own eyes!! Now happy?!"

He ruffle his hair and silence for while. But if she said she see all, must be she must know that time he push his cousin because hugging him on public. He even warn his cousin that his already married.

"If you see all, must be you knoe that i push her away."

She look at him with still angry face. Inside her, she think what is he talking about. He smirk and walking near her.

"Looks like you are not see it all. Tup she hug me but i push her and warn her that im married man. She then go away. Are you still gonna say that its true that you see all?"

"Whatever still you didnt tell me and i dont ever bother with it!"

"Are you jealous?"

"Huh jealous? If im jealous still its not matter. You married me 2 years and its still worth to jealous about that? You dont have any feelings to me.and your rules just 2 years. So whats matter of my jealous to you?"

She was about to go but he pin her at wall. She fluster and try to push him. But he just standing and lock her with his arm at wall. He just admire her flustered face with small smile and keep feel the she hit him to go away from him.

"What if i say that im break the rules 2 years?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well im admit right know that im inlove with you and about rules for 2 years, i already told our patents that im break it and we will stay as wife and husband forever."

"Cant you make this joke for fun? If im admite that i love you too still you gonna tell thats its all prank?"

"When did i say its prank? Haha now i know why you behavior this a week.
Its showing that you are jealous and you admit you love me."

"Whatever. Now let me go im sleepy."

She was about to go when he hug her waist. She keep pushing him but all he do was laugh.

"Well why dont we do something that we miss after married?"

"Wh-what something?! Let me g-go! Or-"

"Or what? We didnt even do our first night. So why not we start now?"

"No way!"

But all was late. He start kiss her and all was happend tonight its a finale of their problem of jealousy and even the start of their next level life.

~I can tell that you start to be weird and i figure out that all was sign that you falling in love to me~

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